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Jan. 27, 2022

05: "Harry's Junk

05: "Harry's Junk

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Curry & The Keeper

Curry & The Keeper - January 26th 2022 Episode 6 - "Harry's Junk;/strong>

Is this a show? Wine included

1 00:00:00,659 --> 00:00:08,339 She can keep them. Everything's fine. You got all that you need. 2 00:00:08,969 --> 00:00:10,439 The Karianna keeper 3 00:00:15,420 --> 00:00:23,520 carrying the keeper for January 26 2022. It's episode five. Now 4 00:00:23,520 --> 00:00:27,660 when it gets above 10 into the teens it won't fit on to talk 5 00:00:27,660 --> 00:00:30,810 faster and won't fit won't fit in the little donut hole. 6 00:00:30,810 --> 00:00:34,770 They're fit before. Before Jeff sings again. Oh, 7 00:00:34,800 --> 00:00:37,380 okay, well, first things first. Let me tell you what we're 8 00:00:37,380 --> 00:00:37,680 drinking. 9 00:00:37,710 --> 00:00:41,520 No First things first. First things first. Hello, my queen. 10 00:00:41,520 --> 00:00:45,090 Hello. How are you? Doing? Well, no, let's choose me. What do we 11 00:00:45,090 --> 00:00:46,800 wait before? Yes, you're correct. We're 12 00:00:46,800 --> 00:00:51,480 drinking a 2019 Pinot Noir Argyle, and it's from 13 00:00:51,480 --> 00:00:55,860 Willamette, which is one of our favorite regions for wine. For 14 00:00:55,860 --> 00:00:57,420 Pino Pino Yes. 15 00:00:57,450 --> 00:01:02,310 And I think we started drinking it in 2019. And we were told 16 00:01:02,310 --> 00:01:05,700 then that you really want the 2016 I think the three year rule 17 00:01:05,700 --> 00:01:11,850 holds. Yeah, so this should be a perfect cheers. Cheers. Perfect 18 00:01:11,850 --> 00:01:12,720 Pino. There we go. 19 00:01:16,020 --> 00:01:16,740 Very good. 20 00:01:16,890 --> 00:01:19,590 It's so hard. On show days. 21 00:01:19,620 --> 00:01:20,640 I know you are Jones. And 22 00:01:21,960 --> 00:01:26,430 at the end of every day, I have a glass of wine. Like a glass of 23 00:01:26,430 --> 00:01:29,250 wine and maybe a refill for dude, typically a refill for 24 00:01:29,250 --> 00:01:33,450 dinner. And then if and then if I finish it, it's a final gulp. 25 00:01:33,600 --> 00:01:38,250 Yes. So when I was waiting for you to come home, I just 26 00:01:38,250 --> 00:01:41,040 finished doing more facts. Let me just show 27 00:01:41,070 --> 00:01:44,250 you real quick before you go into that. Talk yourself. You're 28 00:01:44,250 --> 00:01:48,480 a marvel. Yes. You did a three hour podcast earlier today. And 29 00:01:48,480 --> 00:01:50,820 here we are again. So Oh, no, 30 00:01:50,820 --> 00:01:58,470 but this is this is actually I mean, no agenda is work. Mo 31 00:01:58,470 --> 00:02:02,970 facts is for the future of all children. And this baby this is 32 00:02:02,970 --> 00:02:05,670 fun. I'm here for the laughs and the dream 33 00:02:05,700 --> 00:02:09,150 and the story. Anyway, so yes, you were jonesing for your glass 34 00:02:09,150 --> 00:02:12,360 of wine you you withheld although you tried to talk me 35 00:02:12,360 --> 00:02:14,730 into having a glass with dinner and I well, you would have you 36 00:02:14,730 --> 00:02:15,540 said no, you would 37 00:02:15,540 --> 00:02:18,330 decanted it. You'd like already putting your like Okay, here I 38 00:02:18,330 --> 00:02:22,230 gotta do a video. Miss social media. I like all of a sudden on 39 00:02:22,230 --> 00:02:26,550 show day, all of a sudden, a new album art shows up. Okay. Okay, 40 00:02:26,580 --> 00:02:28,380 not busy at the store today, I guess. 41 00:02:30,030 --> 00:02:30,990 My creative skills. 42 00:02:33,720 --> 00:02:37,560 And I'm mostly going to say 43 00:02:37,560 --> 00:02:41,430 jonesing for the wine and I said emphatically no, wait until 44 00:02:41,430 --> 00:02:44,100 right. They'll be Yeah, right. But you may you may be video it 45 00:02:44,100 --> 00:02:47,580 decanting it or pouring, pouring it into the decanter. Let's put 46 00:02:47,580 --> 00:02:50,280 it that way. Yeah. And then it's just there was just ready. It 47 00:02:50,280 --> 00:02:51,810 was just wanting to be drunk. 48 00:02:53,370 --> 00:02:56,220 Well, here you go. You have your your liquidity. Yeah, there you 49 00:02:56,220 --> 00:02:58,650 go. And it's very good. Ah, yeah. 50 00:02:59,009 --> 00:03:02,009 So have you gotten any feedback about the show? 51 00:03:02,340 --> 00:03:06,480 i Yes, I've gotten. I've gotten a few emails where people have 52 00:03:06,480 --> 00:03:10,830 enjoyed it. I got one from my friend, Julie, who lives in 53 00:03:10,830 --> 00:03:14,520 Austin. And I thought this is really funny. She had actually 54 00:03:14,520 --> 00:03:21,390 shared the show with one of her friends and she sent me. Let me 55 00:03:21,390 --> 00:03:23,880 see if I can find it. I'm sorry. I'm not prepared. I don't have 56 00:03:23,880 --> 00:03:26,520 it in front of me. But she she shared it with one of her 57 00:03:26,520 --> 00:03:31,710 friends and her friend was saying how she loved the show. 58 00:03:31,950 --> 00:03:36,840 And then she commented on my Midwestern accent. And I and I 59 00:03:36,840 --> 00:03:39,780 have to tell you, that happens a lot to me, especially at the 60 00:03:39,780 --> 00:03:45,450 store. People always ask where I'm from. And I don't even 61 00:03:45,450 --> 00:03:47,610 realize that I have this Midwestern accent but if 62 00:03:47,610 --> 00:03:51,330 you do, it's not it's not super. I mean, yeah, I guess you do. 63 00:03:52,680 --> 00:03:54,450 But I but it was funny. I can't find that. 64 00:03:54,659 --> 00:03:58,469 I prefer just to call it all American. All American. You are 65 00:03:58,499 --> 00:04:00,179 100% All American. Yeah. 66 00:04:00,209 --> 00:04:02,879 So anyway, I thought that was pretty funny when she says she 67 00:04:02,879 --> 00:04:05,849 had sent the the message from her friend and her friend said, 68 00:04:05,879 --> 00:04:08,669 Oh, I could be friends with her. And she reminds me her accent 69 00:04:08,669 --> 00:04:09,599 reminds me oh, 70 00:04:09,659 --> 00:04:13,619 this is this is what I'm hearing from from my acquaintances. You 71 00:04:13,619 --> 00:04:19,619 know, truck drivers and stuff like they. Ooh, sure. You're the 72 00:04:19,619 --> 00:04:23,999 breakout podcast star. Oh, no. Yeah. Cina so much fun to listen 73 00:04:23,999 --> 00:04:28,319 to. So we went to Dallas, I think I think that's what we 74 00:04:28,319 --> 00:04:31,559 need to do. Cuz that was two weeks ago. Right, right after we 75 00:04:31,559 --> 00:04:35,009 did the show. Or two days after we did the show. Yeah. 76 00:04:35,160 --> 00:04:37,710 And we took the backroads up there. Yeah, we are driving to 77 00:04:37,710 --> 00:04:38,340 Murca 78 00:04:38,430 --> 00:04:41,640 that was pretty cool. From from Fredericksburg. You can drive 79 00:04:41,640 --> 00:04:44,460 right up. What is it? 1616 80 00:04:44,460 --> 00:04:48,660 To 67 Yeah, until we got to the spaghetti bowl of Dallas. And 81 00:04:48,660 --> 00:04:49,140 typically, 82 00:04:49,140 --> 00:04:51,810 you know, from Austin, you take 35 And it's just just the 83 00:04:51,810 --> 00:04:56,400 thought of driving on 35 is like a you don't want to do it. Yeah. 84 00:04:56,550 --> 00:04:59,490 And this is like you could pretty much go at the whole way. 85 00:04:59,520 --> 00:05:01,980 You know, there's a couple of spots where you have to wait two 86 00:05:01,980 --> 00:05:06,600 miles until you can pass on one. It's two lanes on each side and 87 00:05:06,630 --> 00:05:10,200 nice road just straight shot, right. I mean it was it was 88 00:05:10,350 --> 00:05:13,680 quite incredibly fun to drive and went 89 00:05:13,680 --> 00:05:16,530 through a lot of small towns. So I mean, we were definitely in 90 00:05:16,530 --> 00:05:20,700 the thick of America. It was it was a very, very enjoyable until 91 00:05:20,700 --> 00:05:24,000 of course we got to downtown Dallas. I do not like driving 92 00:05:24,000 --> 00:05:26,640 into Dallas. Once you get on those expressways it is a 93 00:05:26,640 --> 00:05:30,120 spaghetti bowl and it just it just causes me 94 00:05:30,150 --> 00:05:34,020 you even you leave I even it was it got to the point where I was 95 00:05:34,020 --> 00:05:36,360 doing better with the directions and you were and you were just 96 00:05:36,360 --> 00:05:39,120 like get off here right now. I don't think so stay on this 97 00:05:39,120 --> 00:05:40,650 road. Oh, they 98 00:05:40,649 --> 00:05:42,779 didn't get off on the frontage road. We had to get back out. 99 00:05:42,809 --> 00:05:43,109 Oh, well. 100 00:05:43,110 --> 00:05:47,520 That's a minor detail. zip off. Do an add on to the frontage 101 00:05:47,520 --> 00:05:50,490 road. Oh, I guess we are in the frontage road. Slow down. Okay. 102 00:05:50,520 --> 00:05:53,100 Yeah, well, but that was earlier that wasn't in Dallas. Once we 103 00:05:53,100 --> 00:05:57,930 got to Dallas. I was okay. Yeah, I just Yeah. But Dallas is just 104 00:05:59,370 --> 00:06:02,220 it's like the whole downtown area where we were in a really 105 00:06:02,220 --> 00:06:06,690 nice hotel. Yeah. THOMPSON. There was a built as a luxury 106 00:06:06,690 --> 00:06:07,110 hotel. 107 00:06:07,140 --> 00:06:10,320 Well, it used to be a bank. And so now that I think back on it, 108 00:06:10,350 --> 00:06:13,080 yeah, it definitely is a corporate type building that 109 00:06:13,080 --> 00:06:16,410 they been remodeled into a hotel. 110 00:06:16,440 --> 00:06:19,050 Yeah, but the whole all of downtown just feels like you're 111 00:06:19,050 --> 00:06:21,090 living in one big W Hotel. 112 00:06:21,300 --> 00:06:26,670 Yeah, no. But our room. We walk into this room if they big coin 113 00:06:26,670 --> 00:06:33,270 it as luxury. No table. No desk, no chairs. No chair. No coffee. 114 00:06:33,300 --> 00:06:36,750 Like what? No coffee. Like usually people have coffee. 115 00:06:36,750 --> 00:06:37,320 There's there's 116 00:06:37,380 --> 00:06:39,750 at least two pots to decaf. 117 00:06:40,050 --> 00:06:42,810 We're talking bare bones. We're talking toilet paper that felt 118 00:06:42,810 --> 00:06:44,340 like craft paper. 119 00:06:44,399 --> 00:06:48,899 Yeah, yeah. That was it. That was not fun. 120 00:06:48,899 --> 00:06:51,269 Yeah. I mean, the wedding was there. And it was absolutely 121 00:06:51,269 --> 00:06:54,479 beautiful. But the room was yeah, no. 122 00:06:54,630 --> 00:06:56,460 I mean, it was it was just surprising. They just didn't 123 00:06:56,460 --> 00:07:00,060 have some some basic amenities that you'd expect. 124 00:07:00,090 --> 00:07:01,950 Well, especially if you're ordering room service, you're 125 00:07:01,950 --> 00:07:03,840 ordering breakfast, and you have no place to eat it because 126 00:07:03,840 --> 00:07:04,830 there's no rival. 127 00:07:05,220 --> 00:07:08,190 But I think that's kind of what this is. These are party hotels, 128 00:07:08,220 --> 00:07:11,220 and you're supposed to go there. You're supposed to go to the 129 00:07:11,220 --> 00:07:15,060 restaurant, the the expensive restaurant up on top, and you're 130 00:07:15,060 --> 00:07:18,000 supposed to drink and have a good time and go to the bar and 131 00:07:18,000 --> 00:07:21,330 hang out. And then you know, the room is for having sex and doing 132 00:07:21,330 --> 00:07:24,660 drugs and then go back up and party again. It's like Vegas 133 00:07:24,660 --> 00:07:26,490 without the gambling. Yeah, something like 134 00:07:26,490 --> 00:07:29,640 that. Yeah. And we were up late the night before the show. 135 00:07:30,090 --> 00:07:30,810 Because of the party. 136 00:07:30,810 --> 00:07:33,570 We you and I were dancing. We were dancing fools. Although 137 00:07:33,570 --> 00:07:37,800 I think was it right. When we woke up on Saturday morning, 138 00:07:37,980 --> 00:07:40,710 where we played I can't remember but one morning we woke up and 139 00:07:40,710 --> 00:07:43,980 Adam was trying to order breakfast and he was dialing. 140 00:07:45,600 --> 00:07:50,700 Sunday morning you were dialing on the remote control television 141 00:07:50,700 --> 00:07:55,200 on a second. So this this luxury hotel room had like a bargain. 142 00:07:55,200 --> 00:07:59,970 Olafson Yeah, it's one of those long metal patio metal remote 143 00:07:59,970 --> 00:08:03,720 controls the thin ones, and the phone was also a cordless and 144 00:08:03,720 --> 00:08:05,730 you have to admit it had a similar structure. 145 00:08:07,290 --> 00:08:10,470 But it wasn't until he realized nobody was picking up that he 146 00:08:10,470 --> 00:08:10,980 had the rug. 147 00:08:12,060 --> 00:08:15,090 Yeah, that was Sunday morning after we went to bed late and 148 00:08:15,090 --> 00:08:18,780 somewhat abbreviated night to get up to do the show. Yeah, 149 00:08:18,810 --> 00:08:21,450 yeah. But back there. She's, 150 00:08:22,649 --> 00:08:27,179 um, by the Catholic Church. So the wedding was it was a it was 151 00:08:27,209 --> 00:08:30,419 all Catholic ceremony. Oh, yeah. And was that your first 152 00:08:30,419 --> 00:08:31,499 experience with uh, 153 00:08:31,560 --> 00:08:37,140 I didn't Catholic church, but, and I. I'm sure I've been to a 154 00:08:37,140 --> 00:08:46,350 Catholic wedding. But well, Hello, Miss Phoebe. Um, was it 155 00:08:46,350 --> 00:08:49,290 you knew all the callbacks? You know, I was raised Catholic. The 156 00:08:49,290 --> 00:08:53,610 priest says, you know, Hussam Alaikum do your thing. Like a 157 00:08:53,610 --> 00:09:01,740 year like So say we all Hallelujah Hallelujah. I'm like, 158 00:09:01,800 --> 00:09:04,920 oh, wait a minute, you know all the all the inside dope, man. 159 00:09:04,920 --> 00:09:05,160 You were 160 00:09:05,160 --> 00:09:07,800 raised. I was I was raised Catholic. I made my Communion 161 00:09:07,800 --> 00:09:12,540 but never made my confirmation. And no one had even mean I don't 162 00:09:12,570 --> 00:09:16,200 you know, I I don't even know. But here's what I do know, is 163 00:09:16,200 --> 00:09:20,640 when we were we were growing up. My parents forced us to go to 164 00:09:20,640 --> 00:09:24,690 church every Sunday while they slept in. Oh, man. If we didn't 165 00:09:24,690 --> 00:09:28,440 go to church, we are grounded for a week that they slept in 166 00:09:28,440 --> 00:09:32,340 and we had to go to this and listen to this hour long maths. 167 00:09:32,490 --> 00:09:35,430 We had to go to confession. Listen to the hour long did 168 00:09:35,430 --> 00:09:39,000 you Did you confess stuff? Oh, it's like goofy stuff. 169 00:09:39,030 --> 00:09:43,710 You're a little kid. You know, like, Oh, I hit my sister. First 170 00:09:43,710 --> 00:09:44,220 thing that comes 171 00:09:44,220 --> 00:09:46,380 to mind. I threaten my sister with a knife. 172 00:09:46,890 --> 00:09:51,030 Second thing that comes to mind, the bathroom. Yeah. The third 173 00:09:51,030 --> 00:09:54,870 thing that comes to mind. It's interesting. Yes, these are the 174 00:09:54,870 --> 00:09:55,470 stories 175 00:09:55,500 --> 00:09:59,460 right Lisa? Lisa knows she knows all those stories. 176 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:01,770 Did you chase her she 177 00:10:01,890 --> 00:10:05,040 chased my oldest sister Laura. Lisa was there to witness it. 178 00:10:05,040 --> 00:10:09,570 Yeah. Lori's to beat up on us all the time and I had had it 179 00:10:09,780 --> 00:10:13,260 and I pulled out a serrated bread knife and I was sweet 180 00:10:13,260 --> 00:10:13,590 baby. 181 00:10:15,210 --> 00:10:17,130 I really wasn't gonna do anything I just wanted to 182 00:10:17,790 --> 00:10:20,400 say like this but did you say I'll cut you bitch because that 183 00:10:20,400 --> 00:10:21,030 would be cool. 184 00:10:21,030 --> 00:10:23,100 You know what I chased her she went into the bathroom and 185 00:10:23,100 --> 00:10:25,320 closed the door and I took the knife and I was underneath the 186 00:10:25,320 --> 00:10:26,190 door with the knife. 187 00:10:26,970 --> 00:10:31,020 Like the shining like Jack Nicholson with the axe nice she 188 00:10:31,020 --> 00:10:33,420 never came after me again after that. And so that 189 00:10:33,420 --> 00:10:36,960 goes to show yes, if you stand the bully up that's right with a 190 00:10:36,960 --> 00:10:42,060 serrated knife. You can cut you can cut Yeah. 191 00:10:42,390 --> 00:10:45,270 LISA remember that? Because she said I think she was you had on 192 00:10:45,270 --> 00:10:50,010 your exercise clothes. Your Jane Fonda. I don't know something. I 193 00:10:50,010 --> 00:10:53,250 don't remember what I had on but Lisa remembers it. So yeah, fond 194 00:10:53,250 --> 00:10:56,310 memories. Anyway, I was raised Catholic, so I knew all the 195 00:10:56,310 --> 00:10:57,060 callbacks. 196 00:10:57,150 --> 00:11:00,210 Yeah, that was interesting. And it immediately made me think 197 00:11:00,210 --> 00:11:02,700 like, oh, that's a club I'd like to be in which of course is how 198 00:11:02,700 --> 00:11:05,160 these things work. You know, you get to have the secret 199 00:11:05,160 --> 00:11:08,130 handshake. You know what to do. You get the, you get the 200 00:11:08,130 --> 00:11:09,630 tiddlywinks wafer. 201 00:11:11,670 --> 00:11:13,980 And the little simple Why did tiddlywinks still 202 00:11:13,980 --> 00:11:19,740 exist as anyone play tiddlywinks? No, I mean, it's 203 00:11:19,740 --> 00:11:24,090 tiddlywinks.com. Available. I'm sure now. I'm sure it has you 204 00:11:24,090 --> 00:11:27,270 think they still exist tiddlywinks? How do you spell 205 00:11:27,270 --> 00:11:34,110 it? tidily? winx.com. Let's just go for it. tiddlywinks. 206 00:11:34,950 --> 00:11:36,570 Miss VB is sitting right here by me. 207 00:11:37,860 --> 00:11:40,680 tiddlywinks, nevermind, to delete 208 00:11:40,740 --> 00:11:44,850 wing anyway, those wafers it actually tastes like paper. I'm 209 00:11:44,850 --> 00:11:47,460 sure it's crap. So, anyway, 210 00:11:47,489 --> 00:11:51,809 this is tiddlywinks still still for sale. I know I'm obsessed 211 00:11:51,809 --> 00:11:58,229 with it. We hear it. We used to play tiddlywinks. tiddly ti DD L 212 00:11:58,229 --> 00:12:01,679 Y. Winx. tiddlywinks? 213 00:12:01,710 --> 00:12:06,150 Okay. Anyway, the wedding was a lot a lot of fun. And the really 214 00:12:06,150 --> 00:12:10,500 cool thing about it is they had an 11 piece live band, which was 215 00:12:10,530 --> 00:12:14,220 which is unheard of these days, because it's usually a DJ. And 216 00:12:14,250 --> 00:12:15,510 they were phenomenal. And 217 00:12:16,140 --> 00:12:19,740 thorns and everything. Yeah, so good. It was that was quite 218 00:12:19,740 --> 00:12:23,880 spectacular. Yeah. It was really big father of the bride who was 219 00:12:23,880 --> 00:12:27,840 my friend who invited us. He was just beaming. Yeah, it was cool. 220 00:12:27,840 --> 00:12:37,680 And that was his name. Uncle. Oh my gosh, I don't know uncle. If 221 00:12:37,680 --> 00:12:41,340 I get it wrong, and they'll he'll kill me. Uncle chippy. I 222 00:12:41,340 --> 00:12:43,980 can't remember. Is that something? This guy is from New 223 00:12:43,980 --> 00:12:47,820 Jersey Toms River. 80 years old. He walks around he talks to you 224 00:12:47,820 --> 00:12:52,020 and you're like, he's a good fella. He's obviously mob. He's 225 00:12:52,020 --> 00:12:55,980 in the mafia. It's like no, no doubt about it. And Vic even had 226 00:12:55,980 --> 00:12:59,580 to say, just for everybody why? No, this was on my uncle. He's 227 00:12:59,580 --> 00:13:06,720 not in the mafia. But it was so. Yeah. Oh my goodness. I feel 228 00:13:06,720 --> 00:13:09,120 stupid that I can't remember his name. I know. I have it wrong. 229 00:13:09,360 --> 00:13:11,250 It's not Chicky Chicky Chicky 230 00:13:11,430 --> 00:13:14,010 Chicky. You got it? Um, yeah, big wedding. No 231 00:13:14,010 --> 00:13:19,170 through both people. We were all kind of get Adam and I were kind 232 00:13:19,170 --> 00:13:20,550 of trying to get a wedding. 233 00:13:20,940 --> 00:13:24,660 When he calls me in two months after he's come down from from 234 00:13:24,660 --> 00:13:27,240 the party. I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna get the number. Okay, 235 00:13:27,270 --> 00:13:28,590 we have we have our ideas. 236 00:13:28,620 --> 00:13:31,590 Yeah. That was our big excursion. 237 00:13:31,920 --> 00:13:35,820 That was really fun. Although, yeah, you had the I noticed you 238 00:13:35,820 --> 00:13:40,080 had a little bit of a just navigational difficulties. What 239 00:13:40,080 --> 00:13:43,140 not? Oh, so we're driving. We're driving back this different day, 240 00:13:43,140 --> 00:13:47,100 and we're driving to our house. And we're listening to the radio 241 00:13:47,100 --> 00:13:52,710 and when it's my favorite station, 94.3 Rod Courville K. K 242 00:13:52,710 --> 00:13:57,990 IV. And, and, you know, and we're in this one of the streets 243 00:13:57,990 --> 00:14:05,280 we get to two on our way to our house is called Bowie and and so 244 00:14:05,280 --> 00:14:07,650 we're listening to this radio and we're chatting a little bit 245 00:14:07,650 --> 00:14:09,930 and I said, Is this Bowie because I couldn't tell if that 246 00:14:09,930 --> 00:14:13,470 was a sign. And you said no, it's Motley Crue. What's wrong 247 00:14:13,470 --> 00:14:20,190 with you? On the radio I know is this the boat? Is this a street 248 00:14:20,190 --> 00:14:24,150 buoy Bowie. You know is that the street? No, it's probably can 249 00:14:24,150 --> 00:14:27,000 you but you said it to me like oh my god, my husband is gone 250 00:14:27,000 --> 00:14:32,970 crazy. He thinks Motley Crue is is David Bowie. It was that 251 00:14:32,970 --> 00:14:36,930 shock and horror that probably probably hurt me the most. 252 00:14:37,290 --> 00:14:41,100 He's like I know who Motley Fool I should know David Bowie is a 253 00:14:41,100 --> 00:14:44,880 Motley Crue like I don't know sometimes your DJ skills. Oh, 254 00:14:44,880 --> 00:14:45,360 no, 255 00:14:45,690 --> 00:14:49,800 no, definitely losing it. Definitely. It's very sad. Oh, 256 00:14:50,250 --> 00:14:53,940 it's all in there. I mean, I have my MTV stories that I can 257 00:14:53,940 --> 00:14:57,090 recall pretty quickly but all the all the music stuff is kind 258 00:14:57,090 --> 00:15:00,570 of gone a little bit. Okay, not quite there anymore. More take 259 00:15:00,570 --> 00:15:06,900 your gingko biloba I have other stuff on my list. But I, in 260 00:15:06,900 --> 00:15:09,240 fact, let's just talk about you and your list. 261 00:15:09,330 --> 00:15:13,920 Oh, yeah, big news. You do? Yeah, we got the results back 262 00:15:13,920 --> 00:15:14,280 from 263 00:15:14,910 --> 00:15:18,000 DNA tests from both of our DNA tested two 264 00:15:18,000 --> 00:15:23,100 tests, because I had a, I read reviews all the time. And if the 265 00:15:23,100 --> 00:15:25,950 reviews don't jive with me, I won't order the things. So I 266 00:15:25,950 --> 00:15:27,840 ended up ordering a kit and read the review 267 00:15:27,840 --> 00:15:31,470 leaving reviews, which is the interesting thing. If I read 268 00:15:31,470 --> 00:15:31,560 them, 269 00:15:31,620 --> 00:15:33,750 I ordered one kit read the reviews, and they're like, this 270 00:15:33,750 --> 00:15:37,680 kid is a piece of crap. So Mike. Oh, great. So we ordered another 271 00:15:37,680 --> 00:15:42,600 one. And so the first one we got back said that she's 100% Great 272 00:15:42,600 --> 00:15:46,380 Pyrenees, yeah, like purebred. Yes. And then the other one said 273 00:15:46,380 --> 00:15:52,350 she was 77% great peonies, super mutt. And whatever the hell is 274 00:15:52,350 --> 00:15:54,960 super mutt is an A mountain curd dog. 275 00:15:55,470 --> 00:16:00,930 I'm like, no, no, I don't care. But my dog has no super mutt 276 00:16:00,930 --> 00:16:04,590 anything in her. That's, that's just an insult. So we have two 277 00:16:04,590 --> 00:16:07,710 different results. I mean, what good is this DNA stuff? Well, 278 00:16:07,770 --> 00:16:10,440 here's the thing. I don't think she's a Great Pyrenees because 279 00:16:10,440 --> 00:16:14,400 they have an extra dewclaw. That's what the vet everybody 280 00:16:14,400 --> 00:16:17,850 says she doesn't possess that and she's not as furry so she 281 00:16:17,850 --> 00:16:21,810 looks like an Akbar. She looks like. So people who have had 282 00:16:21,810 --> 00:16:24,570 akbash coming and say, Oh, you got an akbash No, I'm sorry to 283 00:16:24,660 --> 00:16:27,600 inform you. That is a Great Pyrenees 284 00:16:27,630 --> 00:16:29,790 and a mountain curl and a mountain 285 00:16:29,790 --> 00:16:34,470 current. Don't let her hear that. It'll hurt her feelings. 286 00:16:35,220 --> 00:16:38,160 She's fine. She was a real asshole. Today. When I took her 287 00:16:38,160 --> 00:16:42,180 on a walk. She's she's got trauma with trucks with trailers 288 00:16:42,420 --> 00:16:45,720 and trucks. She listens to Adam way more than I do because he's 289 00:16:45,720 --> 00:16:49,260 definitely the alpha dog. She listens to me but I could not 290 00:16:49,260 --> 00:16:51,870 control her I was about ready to strangle her because she was 291 00:16:51,900 --> 00:16:56,430 going crazy. Crazy. She was an asshole. Totally. So I still 292 00:16:56,430 --> 00:16:57,000 love her though. 293 00:16:57,630 --> 00:17:03,150 And I'm in what I think is that she's with you. She's super 294 00:17:03,150 --> 00:17:06,480 protective. That's her entire job. You know Mike came over the 295 00:17:06,480 --> 00:17:10,020 other day when when I wasn't here. She goes crazy wants to 296 00:17:10,020 --> 00:17:14,490 kill Mike. Of course he's he's not he's a police ex police 297 00:17:14,490 --> 00:17:18,300 officer so yeah, I mean she's well trained but but when when 298 00:17:18,300 --> 00:17:23,400 I'm here and he came over even with a couple couple other guys 299 00:17:23,430 --> 00:17:26,700 you know to look at our railing it was like you know she was 300 00:17:26,700 --> 00:17:29,550 perfectly perfectly fine after a couple of barks and then she 301 00:17:29,550 --> 00:17:32,430 calmed down so it must be that she's protecting you that she 302 00:17:32,430 --> 00:17:35,310 wants to make sure that you're protected from the evil pickup 303 00:17:35,310 --> 00:17:38,550 truck with trailer the trailer because pickup truck without 304 00:17:38,550 --> 00:17:39,660 trailers not evil. Yeah. 305 00:17:40,410 --> 00:17:43,440 She's got some trauma. Yeah, yeah, but we have somebody 306 00:17:43,440 --> 00:17:45,960 coming in who's doing a little bit of work to our house and he 307 00:17:45,960 --> 00:17:48,240 was the one that saw her and said oh yeah, she's definitely 308 00:17:48,240 --> 00:17:50,220 and he has what four 309 00:17:50,220 --> 00:17:53,700 dogs now but he's had 30 or something and 310 00:17:53,700 --> 00:17:57,000 so he was talking about what he feeds his dogs and he makes a 311 00:17:57,000 --> 00:18:02,820 whole concoction of rice he in there big dogs too and he's he 312 00:18:02,820 --> 00:18:05,970 told Adam and I that he was trying to look to see if he 313 00:18:05,970 --> 00:18:11,850 could buy a donkey donkey 314 00:18:13,829 --> 00:18:16,739 Yeah, I'm looking to buy a donkey got any leads. 315 00:18:17,280 --> 00:18:18,780 Like Flint you got a meth lab 316 00:18:22,230 --> 00:18:25,110 so that was pretty funny. But yeah, so we're we're we're 317 00:18:25,110 --> 00:18:27,420 trying to think about what we're gonna do with her food wise we 318 00:18:27,420 --> 00:18:28,830 don't know so well she 319 00:18:28,859 --> 00:18:33,449 she has some perhaps symptoms of some skin allergies which could 320 00:18:33,449 --> 00:18:34,739 also be food related. 321 00:18:37,109 --> 00:18:40,379 So any suggestions for good dog food that isn't so expensive 322 00:18:40,379 --> 00:18:44,369 like that one? I don't know what it's called dog farmer fresh or 323 00:18:44,369 --> 00:18:46,139 something like that it's expensive Yeah, 324 00:18:46,140 --> 00:18:51,330 but that's all that's all that anyway question all that but now 325 00:18:51,330 --> 00:18:56,280 that we have gotten our first quarter cow Oh yes. I think that 326 00:18:56,280 --> 00:18:59,880 you know it we should at least evaluate what we're putting into 327 00:18:59,880 --> 00:19:03,540 our our best friend our dog yes you know we're not eating 328 00:19:03,540 --> 00:19:09,360 process beef and holy crap. Is this is this some fantastic beef 329 00:19:09,360 --> 00:19:09,900 that we have? 330 00:19:09,930 --> 00:19:13,440 Yeah, Adam picked up a quarter cow from KMC cattle who is 331 00:19:13,770 --> 00:19:17,400 located just outside of Austin. They're right next door to Tesla 332 00:19:17,490 --> 00:19:23,490 and oh and so it doesn't have any any GMO GMO products or 333 00:19:23,520 --> 00:19:29,040 it's a rich there they graze on original Texas grass. Never know 334 00:19:29,040 --> 00:19:32,940 Monsanto and stuff like that has ever been in there. They rotate 335 00:19:32,940 --> 00:19:39,570 from field to field. They are just free to roam all day long 336 00:19:39,570 --> 00:19:43,050 the way it used to be. And after 16 months they become our 337 00:19:43,050 --> 00:19:44,070 burger. Yeah. 338 00:19:44,069 --> 00:19:48,869 So burgers tonight and we get done eating and Adam goes just 339 00:19:48,869 --> 00:19:50,579 think 16 months ago 340 00:19:50,580 --> 00:19:53,910 I go stuff I can't think about the cow 341 00:19:53,940 --> 00:19:57,690 was was deep respect. It was with love that I'm like this is 342 00:19:57,690 --> 00:20:01,500 such a beautiful cycle of life that This beautiful cow comes 343 00:20:01,500 --> 00:20:06,450 into my life and was taken care of by by Cole and Michael 344 00:20:06,510 --> 00:20:11,280 themselves and then processed and everything all done by them 345 00:20:11,280 --> 00:20:14,910 and then you know, I don't know that's something and do How does 346 00:20:14,910 --> 00:20:15,540 it taste? 347 00:20:15,690 --> 00:20:17,310 Oh, it's fantastic. Exactly. 348 00:20:17,369 --> 00:20:20,639 Yeah, it's fantastic. But we haven't we if we ever had a 349 00:20:20,639 --> 00:20:24,239 zombie attack we ran out of ammo. We could still use our 350 00:20:24,239 --> 00:20:28,559 frozen beef to kill them. We have so much just gonna 351 00:20:28,559 --> 00:20:29,759 slingshot donkey 352 00:20:29,760 --> 00:20:32,220 me for CBT we'll be all set 353 00:20:34,770 --> 00:20:37,920 I wonder what it tastes like Donkey. Oh, I try. I try 354 00:20:42,090 --> 00:20:44,040 probably just like horse like 355 00:20:44,040 --> 00:20:46,260 rabbits. Donkey or zebra. 356 00:20:46,770 --> 00:20:52,530 Zebra, zebra. Zebra to your dog we're at kind of elitist here 357 00:20:52,530 --> 00:21:00,300 and yes, I only give a zebra zebra. After I've done a film 358 00:21:00,300 --> 00:21:02,520 for the cinema I only give my dogs have 359 00:21:02,520 --> 00:21:05,130 brought to you this would 360 00:21:05,130 --> 00:21:10,830 be a great product name, but we spell it differently like ZHBR 361 00:21:10,860 --> 00:21:13,500 Ah is that bra Okay? Where's that bro? 362 00:21:13,530 --> 00:21:14,580 I'll get on that. 363 00:21:16,260 --> 00:21:18,840 Do you have the recipe yet? Come on. I'm always I'm an 364 00:21:18,840 --> 00:21:23,310 entrepreneur, baby. There's a new idea every day. And 365 00:21:23,310 --> 00:21:27,750 eventually what is the strategy? This is the excuse me? This is 366 00:21:27,750 --> 00:21:30,930 the exit strategy in case you didn't notice this show is 367 00:21:30,930 --> 00:21:32,880 supposed to take us to the Promised Land. 368 00:21:32,970 --> 00:21:34,920 Lovely. What do you have on your list? 369 00:21:35,099 --> 00:21:37,949 I got a couple of things. I dropped my vape in the toilet 370 00:21:37,949 --> 00:21:40,469 that I don't know I put that on my list I said 371 00:21:41,880 --> 00:21:44,370 if you put your mouth on vape 372 00:21:46,079 --> 00:21:48,719 go ahead this is what you thought No go ahead and your 373 00:21:48,719 --> 00:21:49,469 first question 374 00:21:52,200 --> 00:21:56,550 Wait a minute. What do you do? You're holding your vape while 375 00:21:56,550 --> 00:22:00,330 you're trying to go to the bathroom like unzipping your 376 00:22:00,330 --> 00:22:03,720 book what explain it to me 377 00:22:03,720 --> 00:22:07,050 I happen to have it in my hands in transit and then I put it 378 00:22:07,050 --> 00:22:11,490 down next to the sink and I fumbled it and it put a boo boo 379 00:22:11,550 --> 00:22:14,190 into the now this thing is is acting weird again 380 00:22:14,220 --> 00:22:17,280 and he's still using it ladies and gentlemen it was 381 00:22:17,279 --> 00:22:20,819 a clean it was a clean bowl it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't 382 00:22:21,030 --> 00:22:24,870 a particle so like fly around though so like she brushed her 383 00:22:24,870 --> 00:22:28,800 teeth anyway, 384 00:22:29,010 --> 00:22:42,150 let's Texas Slim is launching the beef initiative app. And I 385 00:22:42,150 --> 00:22:44,520 think we should probably have them dial into our next show in 386 00:22:44,520 --> 00:22:47,940 two weeks just for a quickie just Yeah, sure talk about it. 387 00:22:48,480 --> 00:22:50,640 Because I think there's a lot of a lot of people who listen to 388 00:22:50,640 --> 00:22:54,150 this particular show who are interested in that because so 389 00:22:54,150 --> 00:22:58,830 many people after Rogan and after the dividing of the bits I 390 00:22:58,830 --> 00:23:02,010 know agenda have starting to order they're not asking 391 00:23:02,010 --> 00:23:04,980 questions and trying to understand it's just it just 392 00:23:04,980 --> 00:23:08,010 feels like we can make people healthier. Seriously. 393 00:23:09,180 --> 00:23:13,230 When you taste this beef too, you can immediately see the 394 00:23:13,230 --> 00:23:16,980 difference from what you buy in the store versus what is raised 395 00:23:16,980 --> 00:23:22,050 on this particular ranch. It is unbelievable. Yeah. Oh, I think 396 00:23:22,050 --> 00:23:22,620 that's a good idea. 397 00:23:22,650 --> 00:23:24,060 Okay and see Katelyn yeah 398 00:23:24,119 --> 00:23:24,509 yeah 399 00:23:24,660 --> 00:23:27,600 and and then they do it all with Bitcoin which is the beautiful 400 00:23:27,600 --> 00:23:30,870 thing Yeah, alternative network so they cannot be shut down. 401 00:23:32,340 --> 00:23:35,460 They speak to keep keeping people healthy on my on my way 402 00:23:35,460 --> 00:23:39,750 that I did a whole thing with my buddy Tim and, and I. The next 403 00:23:39,810 --> 00:23:43,170 day I stayed overnight at his place. I did an interview with 404 00:23:43,200 --> 00:23:49,860 Mackenzie Kelly for her podcasts. And, and then I also 405 00:23:49,860 --> 00:23:53,460 dropped off a blister pack of ivermectin for Gene who, who 406 00:23:53,460 --> 00:23:56,910 caught the Rona. It's got the poof and you know, so he it's 407 00:23:56,910 --> 00:24:00,750 the same day he had scheduled a monoclonal antibody treatment 408 00:24:00,750 --> 00:24:02,970 because he's like, Yeah, I just wanted this is what everyone 409 00:24:02,970 --> 00:24:07,530 says works and canceled. canceled his appointment. Yeah, 410 00:24:07,650 --> 00:24:11,400 yeah. Because Biden, yeah, the FDA should say bye. Yeah, no 411 00:24:11,400 --> 00:24:11,700 more 412 00:24:11,700 --> 00:24:15,600 emergency use. And just forget about just go home and die 413 00:24:15,600 --> 00:24:19,500 slave. So unbelievable. If I mean, he's, he said two days of 414 00:24:19,500 --> 00:24:22,230 the ivermectin, he says he's feeling better. He says the fog 415 00:24:22,230 --> 00:24:25,170 is starting to lift. Oh, good. Yeah, I'm very happy about that. 416 00:24:25,200 --> 00:24:25,530 Yeah, 417 00:24:25,590 --> 00:24:27,510 that's crazy. Several people that 418 00:24:27,540 --> 00:24:34,170 I'm like, I'm running illegal drugs, like, like drugs from 419 00:24:34,170 --> 00:24:37,200 India, that I imported illegally from India. Yeah, we 420 00:24:37,200 --> 00:24:39,570 have. Yeah, we've given out so many of those packets, and they 421 00:24:39,570 --> 00:24:42,660 seem to really help. So that's good. That's really good. 422 00:24:43,559 --> 00:24:47,009 Yeah, and even if it's just a placebo effect, who cares if 423 00:24:47,009 --> 00:24:50,189 people are feeling good, then I'm happy with that. Yeah, yeah. 424 00:24:53,280 --> 00:24:56,220 Yes, okay. What do you have any I have lots 425 00:24:56,220 --> 00:24:59,340 more but no, it's your turn. No. I've talked about a lot of 426 00:24:59,340 --> 00:25:03,210 things. Everything that I've told you to talk about my ideas 427 00:25:03,240 --> 00:25:06,420 well, so I don't, I'm sure people saw this. I posted it on 428 00:25:06,420 --> 00:25:11,790 Instagram and on Twitter, but I finally hung up Adams wallet. 429 00:25:13,200 --> 00:25:17,010 These are all of his pictures and his albums that he got and 430 00:25:17,040 --> 00:25:21,720 art news articles and just memorabilia, that memorabilia 431 00:25:21,720 --> 00:25:25,170 that he wanted hung up. And he asked me to put it in the 432 00:25:25,170 --> 00:25:29,010 garage. Now we have, I don't like I don't like stuff. I don't 433 00:25:29,010 --> 00:25:33,180 like clutter. So our garage is very clean. And I The floor is 434 00:25:33,180 --> 00:25:36,180 clean in there. And so he he asked me to put him in the 435 00:25:36,180 --> 00:25:40,200 garage and actually it's the biggest wall. He didn't want. He 436 00:25:40,200 --> 00:25:41,610 didn't want the stuff in the house. 437 00:25:41,670 --> 00:25:46,890 Well, let me explain why. Okay, because now these are pictures, 438 00:25:46,890 --> 00:25:49,950 gold records, certificates, you know, like a letter from the 439 00:25:49,950 --> 00:25:52,260 queen, you know, stuff like that. It's just fun to look at. 440 00:25:52,770 --> 00:25:57,780 And I've had that in my multiple houses, in my bathroom in my 441 00:25:57,780 --> 00:26:01,740 studio in my office, you know, if they've been around, and I'm 442 00:26:01,740 --> 00:26:05,310 like, you know, that's really nice. That's cool. Adam curry, 443 00:26:05,310 --> 00:26:08,490 but for me, it's like Paul Newman. And now let's put all 444 00:26:08,490 --> 00:26:11,970 that in the garage. You hang it up with like the pens oil and 445 00:26:11,970 --> 00:26:15,390 your trophy and the and the pen, the you know, the flat the 446 00:26:15,390 --> 00:26:18,750 checkered flag all that stuff goes in there. And then it's 447 00:26:18,750 --> 00:26:21,600 just that's it looks like an American garage only I don't 448 00:26:21,600 --> 00:26:28,110 have racing trophies. You maybe throw those out. My motorcross 449 00:26:28,110 --> 00:26:28,770 trophies 450 00:26:28,770 --> 00:26:30,330 first moved in together, 451 00:26:30,540 --> 00:26:33,330 you wouldn't believe the stuff that Adam had? I mean, he was a 452 00:26:33,330 --> 00:26:38,490 hoarder, for sure. And so he pulls out these trophies from 453 00:26:38,520 --> 00:26:39,930 school, high school. 454 00:26:39,960 --> 00:26:43,500 No, no, no, they weren't in my in my 20s but they were 455 00:26:43,860 --> 00:26:45,120 motorcycle trophies. 456 00:26:45,119 --> 00:26:48,299 So what are you gonna do with those? He's like, I'm gonna give 457 00:26:48,299 --> 00:26:51,839 them to Christina, his daughter, Mike. Really? She'll be so good. 458 00:26:53,819 --> 00:26:58,379 So we took pictures of it promptly. Away. Anyway, getting 459 00:26:58,379 --> 00:27:01,589 back to the picture. So so many people commented to me, like why 460 00:27:01,589 --> 00:27:05,489 the garage like thinking that I banished them to the garage? And 461 00:27:05,489 --> 00:27:09,209 I'm like, No, he wanted them up there. Yes. So and I have to say 462 00:27:09,239 --> 00:27:15,119 on both ends of this montage of Wall of Fame are both of Adams 463 00:27:15,119 --> 00:27:15,629 wives. 464 00:27:17,250 --> 00:27:19,950 Both of the three, two of my three two sorry, 465 00:27:20,760 --> 00:27:24,690 ex wives. Excuse me. Yes, right. So Patricia's on one hand. It's 466 00:27:24,690 --> 00:27:28,320 a photo and then the the second wife's name is just on something 467 00:27:28,320 --> 00:27:32,220 that was hung. But I it's part of your history. So I appreciate 468 00:27:32,220 --> 00:27:32,490 it. 469 00:27:32,640 --> 00:27:36,060 Thank you for bringing it up. And again, as part of the tour, 470 00:27:36,090 --> 00:27:39,840 let me show you Adams Wall of Fame. And notice his ex wives 471 00:27:39,840 --> 00:27:46,200 are here too. Well, you're not in the garage either. That's 472 00:27:46,200 --> 00:27:52,200 where they belong. Tidy, neat. And all stored away. Yes, 473 00:27:52,200 --> 00:27:52,950 exactly. 474 00:27:53,010 --> 00:27:56,430 Anyway, so yeah, I got I got a little bit of flack for putting 475 00:27:56,460 --> 00:27:58,890 it in the garage. And that was not my decision. That was your 476 00:27:58,890 --> 00:27:59,430 decision. 477 00:27:59,460 --> 00:28:01,920 And then meanwhile, the same people look at pictures of 478 00:28:01,920 --> 00:28:06,720 Anthony Fauci in his office with his paintings of himself and his 479 00:28:06,720 --> 00:28:10,200 prayer candle and they all think it's creepy. Yeah, because it is 480 00:28:10,230 --> 00:28:13,830 yeah, you know, and I wanted my you infected me I want it are 481 00:28:13,830 --> 00:28:17,040 you texting with someone now? I'm looking at my notes. It 482 00:28:17,040 --> 00:28:18,990 looks like you're texting you're texting your sister. 483 00:28:21,569 --> 00:28:22,889 Lisa check your phone 484 00:28:25,050 --> 00:28:28,920 you infected me I want everything clean and I know you 485 00:28:29,850 --> 00:28:34,590 joy bless clutter I really do you know and I like my studio is 486 00:28:34,590 --> 00:28:37,440 my studio. And I mean there's a little bit of mess there but 487 00:28:37,440 --> 00:28:41,790 it's from the PO box but that's in the cleanup pile yeah come on 488 00:28:41,790 --> 00:28:43,920 man. Look at someone come on come on give me give me a little 489 00:28:43,920 --> 00:28:44,400 bit of sugar 490 00:28:46,410 --> 00:28:48,600 Adams good he's he's pretty good. Yeah, 491 00:28:48,629 --> 00:28:52,109 and and studio is not a you know I finally got you to stop seeing 492 00:28:52,109 --> 00:28:57,149 this your man cave like no, this is always used to say man cave. 493 00:28:57,179 --> 00:29:00,659 Like I said, you go to you man cave. No, it's a studio where I 494 00:29:00,659 --> 00:29:05,489 work is my office. Man Cave. If I had a man cave, you'd know 495 00:29:05,489 --> 00:29:09,239 about it because it will be a grotto. Like, like, like the 496 00:29:09,239 --> 00:29:10,289 Playboy Mansion. 497 00:29:11,099 --> 00:29:12,419 It's a pretty cool room though. 498 00:29:12,569 --> 00:29:16,319 This is this is my my favorite studio I've ever worked in, 499 00:29:16,439 --> 00:29:19,679 especially with what I see across from I've never worked 500 00:29:19,679 --> 00:29:24,209 with someone as beautiful as you. Usually usually. Radio 501 00:29:24,209 --> 00:29:28,589 girls are not pretty get you later, baby. I know. Radio girls 502 00:29:28,589 --> 00:29:30,509 are always they have squared away. They're on 503 00:29:30,510 --> 00:29:33,600 the radio. Perfect. Perfect look for radio. 504 00:29:33,629 --> 00:29:37,769 You're hired. Thank you. So you have Yeah, you have multiple 505 00:29:37,769 --> 00:29:41,399 facets there. Yeah. Then people want to be a comic strip blogger 506 00:29:41,399 --> 00:29:45,209 will have Hey, you should put up a webcam so we can see. Oh, no, 507 00:29:45,209 --> 00:29:51,569 that's not gonna happen. Yeah. Oh, I broke this down because it 508 00:29:51,569 --> 00:29:54,929 was something that I thought would be helpful. You were 509 00:29:54,929 --> 00:30:01,739 helping my stepdaughter with no way to know who or who are you 510 00:30:01,739 --> 00:30:06,359 helping was with interviewing? The interview tips you? Oh, 511 00:30:06,419 --> 00:30:09,959 yeah. My daughter Elise was Alicia, my stepdaughter Elise. 512 00:30:09,959 --> 00:30:12,629 Yes, yeah. And I thought the things you said about 513 00:30:14,249 --> 00:30:17,279 interviewing for a job was something that was kind of 514 00:30:17,279 --> 00:30:23,249 helpful. Yeah, yeah. And because you, really, because I've seen 515 00:30:23,249 --> 00:30:26,549 you coach multiple peoples through this process. I've seen 516 00:30:26,549 --> 00:30:30,359 you help people, right. In fact, you could be a resume Job, Job 517 00:30:30,359 --> 00:30:32,759 consultant, I've written a lot of resumes, you could help 518 00:30:32,759 --> 00:30:34,379 people get hired for money. 519 00:30:34,410 --> 00:30:37,830 Well, and I helped my sister Tony, too, with some of her, her 520 00:30:37,830 --> 00:30:39,270 marketing stuff at work as well. 521 00:30:39,510 --> 00:30:41,880 No, you basically help people get the job, and then you help 522 00:30:41,880 --> 00:30:45,330 them with the job. But I thought you're some of those 523 00:30:45,330 --> 00:30:48,120 interviewing tips about you know, when you're going to be 524 00:30:48,120 --> 00:30:50,160 interviewed, where you were telling, at least I thought was 525 00:30:50,160 --> 00:30:50,610 really good. 526 00:30:50,639 --> 00:30:53,549 Yeah, yeah, for sure. Well, the one thing that I know is that 527 00:30:53,549 --> 00:30:56,969 people love to talk about themselves, they just love to, 528 00:30:57,209 --> 00:31:00,089 and the, the one thing that I coached her on, because she was 529 00:31:00,089 --> 00:31:03,509 going to talk to like the, like the head of the department where 530 00:31:03,509 --> 00:31:07,409 she was gonna, that were the place she was interviewing for. 531 00:31:07,439 --> 00:31:10,859 And I told her to ask the person like, about her achievements 532 00:31:10,859 --> 00:31:14,579 about who mentored her who, you know, what was what was her best 533 00:31:14,579 --> 00:31:18,569 accomplishment in her career, because people love to talk 534 00:31:18,569 --> 00:31:21,779 about themselves. And guess what, she got the job? I'm not 535 00:31:21,779 --> 00:31:24,209 saying that it was because of my questions. She certainly 536 00:31:24,209 --> 00:31:26,999 presented herself like, obviously beautifully, and she 537 00:31:26,999 --> 00:31:30,359 had to do a case study and she did really, really well. But I 538 00:31:30,359 --> 00:31:33,419 think that yeah, I hope that those questions helped her but 539 00:31:33,419 --> 00:31:33,599 it's 540 00:31:33,599 --> 00:31:36,599 but it's really the whole concept of you asking that 541 00:31:36,599 --> 00:31:40,379 person about their shifts your interview, you turn it around, 542 00:31:40,379 --> 00:31:44,039 turn it around. Yeah, for sure. And it's so easy to do. And it's 543 00:31:44,039 --> 00:31:48,509 so subtle. It's really I like it so much. It's it's a handy tip 544 00:31:48,869 --> 00:31:51,719 from your Korean the keeper. Yeah, there you go. Let's think. 545 00:31:51,989 --> 00:31:54,989 Let's think a couple of okay, who supported us. That was 546 00:31:54,989 --> 00:31:57,959 really nice. We finally got some people to use the QR codes of 547 00:31:57,959 --> 00:32:02,969 Korea to keep her calm. And the first one the word Justin and 548 00:32:02,969 --> 00:32:10,709 Megan, and they sent us 27,485 SATs. So that's, that's like $15 549 00:32:11,249 --> 00:32:14,309 Hey, Adam finally figured out this damn Cash App. So with cash 550 00:32:14,309 --> 00:32:18,389 app now you can send you can send Satoshis and Bitcoin to 551 00:32:18,389 --> 00:32:21,869 lightning and so they took the went to the trouble to figure it 552 00:32:21,869 --> 00:32:25,559 out. And I've now onboard them into the world of Bitcoin. 553 00:32:26,519 --> 00:32:29,159 Anyway, my wife Megan and I really enjoyed the new podcast. 554 00:32:29,909 --> 00:32:33,479 Then we have the Lotus podcast with Phoenix and phone boy here 555 00:32:33,479 --> 00:32:38,549 we love you both keep up the great work 11,810 SATs so that 556 00:32:39,629 --> 00:32:42,599 $5 I think more or less all right, we can buy your next 557 00:32:42,599 --> 00:32:46,169 bottle Yeah, with the wine is in the pocket. Nice. Now let's look 558 00:32:46,169 --> 00:32:49,079 at our booster grams. These are people using a modern podcast 559 00:32:49,079 --> 00:32:52,859 app, it's really the only way to to interact with this show. And 560 00:32:52,889 --> 00:32:55,769 and to do to interact you have to show value by sending us 561 00:32:55,769 --> 00:33:00,599 something fun to do or to read or sending us some talent, some 562 00:33:00,599 --> 00:33:04,319 treasure? Yeah, we just immerse we need. You're gonna keep 563 00:33:04,319 --> 00:33:06,449 asking for your merch, artwork to 564 00:33:06,450 --> 00:33:09,720 please send us your artwork. I'm creating it in Canva I'm not a 565 00:33:09,720 --> 00:33:11,970 graphic designer, as you will see. 566 00:33:12,000 --> 00:33:17,700 So I think that yeah, the this booster gram technology, which 567 00:33:17,730 --> 00:33:21,480 you can use in these new apps is pretty new. All the stuff is you 568 00:33:21,480 --> 00:33:24,720 know, we think it all works, you know, stuff may be dropping off. 569 00:33:24,720 --> 00:33:28,290 So if we miss you somehow I'm sorry. I don't quite have that. 570 00:33:28,290 --> 00:33:31,980 We don't have an Excel export yet. So I'm copy pasting and all 571 00:33:31,980 --> 00:33:35,880 I know is when I get to another comics for Blogger donation for 572 00:33:35,880 --> 00:33:41,850 10,000. I know that I've reached the previous episode saturation 573 00:33:41,880 --> 00:33:45,150 point. So again, he sends greetings to Tina the keeper and 574 00:33:45,150 --> 00:33:45,840 her husband. 575 00:33:48,119 --> 00:33:50,609 I like to keep her and her husband. 576 00:33:51,780 --> 00:33:55,440 Yes, and this is 10,033 sets you're welcome to listen to our 577 00:33:55,440 --> 00:33:59,160 podcast about artificial intelligence entitled AI cooking 578 00:33:59,370 --> 00:34:03,450 read by former BBC actor Gregory William Forsythe Foreman from 579 00:34:03,450 --> 00:34:08,580 Kent. Gregory William Forsythe Foreman from Kent 580 00:34:08,609 --> 00:34:10,649 that is a prestigious name. 581 00:34:11,009 --> 00:34:15,059 I mean, it must be a hit podcasts. Just search in any 582 00:34:15,059 --> 00:34:19,439 podcast app any modern one do podcast apps comm for AI 583 00:34:19,529 --> 00:34:23,879 cooking. Nice. Thank you comics for Blogger. We have dank 584 00:34:23,879 --> 00:34:30,449 steady, who sent us 19,000 sets. No that's 10 bucks. You two are 585 00:34:30,449 --> 00:34:34,559 like peas and carrots. You just go together. We are really 586 00:34:34,559 --> 00:34:39,389 enjoying your shows sign dank stank. Dank steady and Mrs dank 587 00:34:39,389 --> 00:34:43,559 steady nice from Dodi Island Wisconsin. 588 00:34:44,700 --> 00:34:46,830 Oh that is I don't know. 589 00:34:48,240 --> 00:34:53,400 We got 3330 from horn loaded horn loaded in a lot of 590 00:34:53,400 --> 00:34:59,310 different similar booster grams also we we got a whole bunch of 591 00:34:59,370 --> 00:35:03,630 1111 from somebody who just has one to the instead of putting a 592 00:35:03,630 --> 00:35:06,480 name, it just sends one so I'm not sure if someone did 593 00:35:06,480 --> 00:35:11,010 something wrong there. Brian of London, our buddy there who 594 00:35:11,160 --> 00:35:16,200 works hard on podcasting 2.0 He says 1984 stats from buying of 595 00:35:16,200 --> 00:35:20,160 London working on getting the vaccine crap canceled so you can 596 00:35:20,160 --> 00:35:25,140 come visit Israel. Oh, thank you. Definitely. I think you 597 00:35:25,140 --> 00:35:29,670 know, Brian, I think he married into money. He doesn't seem to 598 00:35:29,670 --> 00:35:32,850 have any other way of generating money. He's doing podcasting. 599 00:35:32,850 --> 00:35:36,720 2.0 on hive all day is like clearly he married into money. 600 00:35:36,720 --> 00:35:38,880 So he probably has a huge pad. We can stay up 601 00:35:38,910 --> 00:35:41,430 Adam married into money to hell yes. 602 00:35:43,170 --> 00:35:50,490 With a dowry. Yes, you did. Um, 2080 from Ville, little April 603 00:35:50,490 --> 00:35:53,790 regarding the show three in the sauna thing as a fin. There we 604 00:35:53,790 --> 00:35:57,540 go. We got filmed on the line. Maybe. I feel I need to bring to 605 00:35:57,540 --> 00:36:01,230 your attention. That infrared thing is not a sauna. Oh, 606 00:36:01,290 --> 00:36:06,960 frankly, it's pretty much blast for me. This is not a sauna. 607 00:36:08,250 --> 00:36:13,860 Sauna. It is pretty much blast blast for me to call that 608 00:36:13,860 --> 00:36:18,600 contraption a sauna. It should be illegal if you asked me this 609 00:36:18,600 --> 00:36:24,510 is a pistol from now on. This is vil the pistol Finn and 170 610 00:36:24,510 --> 00:36:29,670 degrees Fahrenheit? That's like 55 degrees Celsius. No NEW NEW 611 00:36:29,700 --> 00:36:35,400 NEW NEW. Use the word sauna. There better not be under 70 612 00:36:35,400 --> 00:36:40,470 Celsius around 160 Fahrenheit. And that's if you bring the kids 613 00:36:40,500 --> 00:36:45,120 oh my gosh, around 80 to 175 Fahrenheit. And you really need 614 00:36:45,120 --> 00:36:48,840 the room with chaos. That's the fireplace with the rocks and you 615 00:36:48,840 --> 00:36:52,290 put the water on top of it to get the steam. That's the way to 616 00:36:52,290 --> 00:36:56,790 go. We do that. Yeah. Oh my god. I have an actual song. 617 00:36:56,790 --> 00:37:00,540 I will be like a a popcorn kernel. 618 00:37:01,830 --> 00:37:06,750 I will. 70 degrees. I will pop. 619 00:37:06,930 --> 00:37:11,040 I had a small two person sauna in my house in Amsterdam. Oh, he 620 00:37:11,040 --> 00:37:11,370 did. 621 00:37:11,760 --> 00:37:14,970 And it's the first I'm hearing about tough. No, 622 00:37:15,000 --> 00:37:20,250 it was pretty cool. It was it was the real deal was wood and 623 00:37:20,250 --> 00:37:23,400 you had the little rocks and you poured the water over it. And I 624 00:37:23,400 --> 00:37:27,060 would sit in there and I'd smoke a joint and and pour water over 625 00:37:27,060 --> 00:37:27,810 the rocks. 626 00:37:28,529 --> 00:37:33,719 I just got a little big potato thing in here is like a big 627 00:37:33,719 --> 00:37:34,289 potato 628 00:37:36,420 --> 00:37:39,750 in your aluminum. It's like yeah, it's like an aluminum 629 00:37:39,990 --> 00:37:43,320 but my Mr. Robot like, Dude, we've 630 00:37:43,320 --> 00:37:47,190 got to take a picture of this is too good. Can you put a funny 631 00:37:47,190 --> 00:37:47,970 hat on to 632 00:37:48,480 --> 00:37:51,150 wrap my head in foil foil? tinfoil hat? 633 00:37:51,720 --> 00:37:55,950 Um, you know, I mean, if you want a real sauna then we have 634 00:37:55,950 --> 00:37:58,590 to put in a real sauna but that's fine. This is just is 635 00:37:58,590 --> 00:38:00,780 just the this is basically a hot box. 636 00:38:01,590 --> 00:38:04,980 Pretty much I should smart just smoking joining with a hot box 637 00:38:04,980 --> 00:38:06,630 and let's see what happens. Let me 638 00:38:06,630 --> 00:38:10,140 tell you your life will never be the same. Now check it out. 639 00:38:10,140 --> 00:38:15,090 25,000 SATs from aerostatic up sending you this early to 640 00:38:15,090 --> 00:38:18,450 congratulate you both on the fifth episode of your fantastic 641 00:38:18,450 --> 00:38:23,370 show. Booster grams will change the world go Phoebe I mean go 642 00:38:23,370 --> 00:38:34,620 podcasting dB. Go Phoebe statica Thank you 333 See who's that 643 00:38:34,620 --> 00:38:40,620 from? Oh, love the show sir Addison CEO shitpost always want 644 00:38:40,620 --> 00:38:43,920 to have the shitpost CEO on your side. Nice. There's horn loaded 645 00:38:43,920 --> 00:38:48,300 again. He says great show Kyle Herbert. Best podcast hosted by 646 00:38:48,300 --> 00:38:50,730 a couple a couple couple couple. Like 647 00:38:51,090 --> 00:38:51,960 drinking a little. 648 00:38:53,670 --> 00:38:59,820 Oh, Dr. Dave That's the problem right there. Oh, my mouth was a 649 00:38:59,820 --> 00:39:01,470 little sore today. Regardless. 650 00:39:02,370 --> 00:39:03,330 I don't want to know why. 651 00:39:06,810 --> 00:39:11,640 Best podcast hosted by a couple couple. The chemistry the 652 00:39:11,640 --> 00:39:15,840 personality the stories live it all keep it up. Thank you, Kyle. 653 00:39:16,230 --> 00:39:21,600 Thanks, Kyle. Got the 5000 from someone who's not identified 654 00:39:21,660 --> 00:39:30,090 42,069 Hello. Wow. $25 from Sir Spencer. Oh, hopefully this one 655 00:39:30,090 --> 00:39:31,140 is big enough to get 656 00:39:31,140 --> 00:39:34,050 through. Oh, Spencer. Yeah, Spencer had emailed me. No, no, 657 00:39:34,320 --> 00:39:37,860 let me try it again. Hopefully this one is big enough to get 658 00:39:37,860 --> 00:39:44,760 through. Boost. That's what she said was what I was expecting 659 00:39:44,760 --> 00:39:53,340 but I like a boost. Boost, baby. Oh man, unexpected. I like that 660 00:39:53,340 --> 00:39:55,860 a lot. That's right. You know, that is you know, podcasting. 661 00:39:55,860 --> 00:39:58,860 2.0 it's now people are using that out in the wild. 662 00:39:59,609 --> 00:40:02,969 Yeah. Don't just stand there post. 663 00:40:03,960 --> 00:40:08,940 I like the French one do the French. Oh, that's Benjamin and 664 00:40:08,940 --> 00:40:18,000 now as the French say it is timeful loosed streamer, said 665 00:40:18,000 --> 00:40:22,320 streamer, said spam hopefully this one's big enough to get 666 00:40:22,320 --> 00:40:25,440 through. I'd lost my booster gram. Oh, it might last booster 667 00:40:25,440 --> 00:40:29,070 gram which Yeah, somehow that got I mean again. We probably 668 00:40:29,070 --> 00:40:34,740 got the SATs but the booster gram got lost. Oh, the Umbro ate 669 00:40:34,740 --> 00:40:39,330 my booster. Greg. I had mentioned we love the husband 670 00:40:39,330 --> 00:40:42,360 and wife podcasting dynamic. Maybe we're biased, but we think 671 00:40:42,360 --> 00:40:45,600 it makes for naturally good chemistry on a show. Also want 672 00:40:45,600 --> 00:40:47,820 to let you guys know, we'll be joining you at the Valentine's 673 00:40:47,820 --> 00:40:51,660 Day meetup in Nashville. Oh, cool. Sir Spencer and Dave 674 00:40:51,660 --> 00:40:55,440 DeLorean. Oh, lovely. I'm excited. I agree. I think and 675 00:40:55,440 --> 00:40:58,440 this is why I want to do this because I always knew that if 676 00:40:58,440 --> 00:41:02,100 you could be completely honest with each other in general in a 677 00:41:02,100 --> 00:41:05,700 marriage, but on a show that is going to be great. Yeah, that's 678 00:41:05,730 --> 00:41:08,310 that's what people like they want to hear honesty, even if 679 00:41:08,340 --> 00:41:10,980 you know the husband looks stupid. 680 00:41:12,240 --> 00:41:16,020 Well, and how we are on the show is how we are in real life. Oh, 681 00:41:16,260 --> 00:41:17,130 they're always 682 00:41:17,220 --> 00:41:18,480 exactly the same. 683 00:41:18,660 --> 00:41:21,060 I have an email to that I wanted to read are you Yeah, 684 00:41:21,060 --> 00:41:32,280 I'm almost Shogun Chow notes. Yes, HTS ch Aug. Nn. E. Okay. 685 00:41:32,880 --> 00:41:42,000 Call me John. 500 sets Burberry at blueberry 3333 says antiquing 686 00:41:42,000 --> 00:41:47,070 is the best. Scott says love the show. Thank you Scott. More from 687 00:41:47,850 --> 00:41:51,510 noon to six in the city review sounds very similar to how I 688 00:41:51,510 --> 00:41:56,310 view the new Star Wars movie. Oh, yes. I can understand the 689 00:41:56,310 --> 00:41:59,670 issue though. I'm not a Star Wars guy. But I get you over 690 00:41:59,670 --> 00:42:03,840 leaving 22,000 SATs thank you and then more from child new 691 00:42:04,620 --> 00:42:10,410 cheers to the next boosting, I'll read I'll read your booster 692 00:42:10,410 --> 00:42:13,800 grams. You know, you were gonna say but no happy, please. Well, 693 00:42:13,860 --> 00:42:14,250 no, no, 694 00:42:14,250 --> 00:42:19,170 I was gonna say Sunday the phonetic spelling? Yes. Oh, 695 00:42:19,170 --> 00:42:22,380 please name I mean, so. So Adam doesn't push. 696 00:42:23,910 --> 00:42:28,140 Cheers to the next healthy 40 plus years. Ah, US listeners and 697 00:42:28,140 --> 00:42:31,230 producers gladly fill the role of the grandkids you can teach 698 00:42:31,230 --> 00:42:35,580 something to then give back. Personally, I want to 699 00:42:35,580 --> 00:42:38,730 incorporate the OTG life into my home and then be able to share 700 00:42:38,730 --> 00:42:42,600 that with others. Oh, Shawn, old listen to that he has a name. 701 00:42:42,630 --> 00:42:45,870 That's just a username, I guess. Oh, Shawn. Oh, listen. Okay. 702 00:42:45,930 --> 00:42:51,270 Okay, Shawn, thanks. Well. Okay. I don't know. I don't know if I 703 00:42:51,270 --> 00:42:56,940 feel about that. But I appreciate the thought. Yeah. 704 00:42:58,260 --> 00:43:01,560 And Shawn, again, the boost. This was very fun. Great 705 00:43:01,560 --> 00:43:04,980 stories. Thank you. Thank you, everybody who was boosted us and 706 00:43:05,040 --> 00:43:09,060 it that's the motivation really to do this. And the question. 707 00:43:09,060 --> 00:43:12,510 The first question is, Can we can we buy our wine? Can we 708 00:43:12,510 --> 00:43:15,720 afford the wine? And then can we start putting away a little bit 709 00:43:15,720 --> 00:43:19,170 of Bitcoin to retire on as this is the exit strategy? 710 00:43:19,560 --> 00:43:21,030 This is Oh, pressure, Tina. 711 00:43:21,960 --> 00:43:25,230 Hey, baby. I think you should maybe wear some sexy clothes for 712 00:43:25,230 --> 00:43:31,380 your Instagram to promote the show. All the Instagram models 713 00:43:31,380 --> 00:43:31,950 do that. 714 00:43:32,640 --> 00:43:33,960 I am not an Instagram. 715 00:43:34,110 --> 00:43:39,660 Well, we can put you in your box. In buying my potato a 716 00:43:39,660 --> 00:43:40,590 potato box. 717 00:43:40,650 --> 00:43:44,370 I'll do that. I'll do that. I wanted to read this email from 718 00:43:44,370 --> 00:43:49,710 Robert. So school, Nikki school Nikki. He said I enjoy your 719 00:43:49,710 --> 00:43:52,980 podcast with Adam. He is never going to write a book about 720 00:43:52,980 --> 00:43:57,930 himself. So the discussion to be his audio. So use the discussion 721 00:43:57,930 --> 00:44:02,220 to be his audio biography. Maybe just one question a week, as it 722 00:44:02,220 --> 00:44:04,920 is fun to hear your current stories. Best wishes from 723 00:44:04,920 --> 00:44:08,550 Winnipeg, Canada, it is minus 13 degrees cellulous. 724 00:44:10,770 --> 00:44:12,120 Celsius. Oh, you light. 725 00:44:13,110 --> 00:44:16,560 Too much wine at the moment and the snow will not melt for a few 726 00:44:16,560 --> 00:44:19,470 more months, Bert. But thank you, Robert. Yeah, I like that 727 00:44:19,530 --> 00:44:23,310 one question a week. So okay, I have to think about that. I do 728 00:44:23,310 --> 00:44:23,850 like that. 729 00:44:25,290 --> 00:44:29,010 You can do. For me personally, I want people to ask you 730 00:44:29,010 --> 00:44:31,320 questions, because yeah, that's what I want to hear. 731 00:44:31,350 --> 00:44:36,240 tina@cre.com people could hear my crap all day long on multiple 732 00:44:36,270 --> 00:44:41,130 podcasts. Yeah, yeah. But for me, these people just say, name 733 00:44:41,130 --> 00:44:44,850 an artist and then tell tell the story. And I pretty much any 734 00:44:44,850 --> 00:44:49,680 artists from the 80s and 90s. A mid 80s to mid 90s. Yeah, pretty 735 00:44:49,680 --> 00:44:53,190 much. Yeah. All right. If that's what people want to hear, yeah. 736 00:44:53,610 --> 00:44:59,100 Maybe I or maybe they want questions about us. Well, you 737 00:44:59,100 --> 00:45:00,570 know about how when you can Petri 738 00:45:01,890 --> 00:45:06,150 chose to keep the true story. True story. 739 00:45:06,180 --> 00:45:09,690 I think we are dating about a year. We were dating about a 740 00:45:09,690 --> 00:45:13,140 year and we were at this birthday party. It was 741 00:45:13,140 --> 00:45:17,520 a boat and I were pretty mellow guy. Yeah. But Adam is very, 742 00:45:17,550 --> 00:45:20,820 he has a lot of charisma. He's very charismatic and it can come 743 00:45:20,820 --> 00:45:24,660 off as being kind of flirtatious sometimes, um, 744 00:45:24,930 --> 00:45:29,250 but ages people, and I'm nice and I'm friendly. And I, I, 745 00:45:29,550 --> 00:45:33,300 anyone is a fan. I have to treat everybody as a fan. 746 00:45:33,779 --> 00:45:36,989 So we were at this birthday. This is we're a year I think, 747 00:45:37,139 --> 00:45:39,689 just one year into our relationship. And we were at 748 00:45:40,079 --> 00:45:43,439 ladies were living together. No, we're at Lady's birthday party 749 00:45:43,439 --> 00:45:46,829 and there was a young woman there who I thought was kind of 750 00:45:47,759 --> 00:45:52,169 kind of being a little fan girl ish. And I got jealous. I did I 751 00:45:52,169 --> 00:45:57,449 got jealous. And Adam. I felt like Adam stuck up for her. 752 00:45:57,689 --> 00:46:00,479 Instead of me, which I was probably not right there was 753 00:46:00,479 --> 00:46:03,569 alcohol involved too. And anyway, we got into huge fight. 754 00:46:03,569 --> 00:46:07,319 We were on Second Avenue in Austin street Second Street in 755 00:46:07,319 --> 00:46:11,219 Austin and we're arguing in Adam turned around and kicked a tree 756 00:46:15,180 --> 00:46:19,530 like Bruce Lee that shit. No, you didn't really hurt myself. 757 00:46:21,090 --> 00:46:28,320 It was like Hey, not in mind. That's not how it played in my 758 00:46:28,320 --> 00:46:28,830 mind. 759 00:46:29,910 --> 00:46:31,890 I saw with my own eyes 760 00:46:31,890 --> 00:46:34,890 that why you look so shocked. Like, oh my god, this guy. He 761 00:46:34,890 --> 00:46:39,120 looked like Elaine. from Seinfeld. And he's flirting with 762 00:46:39,120 --> 00:46:43,800 this other chick. Oh my god. Oh, anyway, that was it. Then I 763 00:46:43,800 --> 00:46:44,430 said. 764 00:46:45,690 --> 00:46:48,390 He said I don't remember. 765 00:46:49,980 --> 00:46:52,770 Two Hey, man. Just not gonna work. 766 00:46:52,830 --> 00:46:55,110 Yes, she said he said this. If you're gonna be this jealous. 767 00:46:55,110 --> 00:46:56,070 It's not gonna work. 768 00:46:56,100 --> 00:46:59,820 Yeah, cuz I'm just a nice guy. But I only have eyes for you. 769 00:46:59,820 --> 00:47:00,180 And 770 00:47:00,240 --> 00:47:03,000 and the rest is history. Here we are. 17 years later. 771 00:47:04,530 --> 00:47:08,070 Drinking wine. How are we doing? I'm good. Do we have more? Is 772 00:47:08,070 --> 00:47:12,060 that Is it more in the canter? The show is not done until we're 773 00:47:12,060 --> 00:47:12,480 done with it. 774 00:47:12,509 --> 00:47:15,239 Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Let me see if I have anything else on 775 00:47:15,239 --> 00:47:17,249 my list here. Do you have anything else? 776 00:47:17,339 --> 00:47:23,279 Um, just had maybe just talk about where we're at right now, 777 00:47:23,459 --> 00:47:31,289 in general in the world, how you're feeling about? I mean, 778 00:47:31,379 --> 00:47:34,859 let's try and keep it not to try and make it political. But just 779 00:47:34,859 --> 00:47:39,449 in general. You know, we have different countries, apparently 780 00:47:39,449 --> 00:47:43,499 opening up dropping mandates we have. You know, we have trucker 781 00:47:43,499 --> 00:47:46,649 protests in Canada. I don't know what the hell is happening in 782 00:47:46,649 --> 00:47:51,839 Australia. You know, Christina still has some restrictions. At 783 00:47:51,839 --> 00:47:54,839 New York. We can't visit we live unless we don't want to eat or 784 00:47:54,839 --> 00:47:59,939 sleep anywhere. You know, here we notice none of that. I mean, 785 00:47:59,939 --> 00:48:02,519 what's your what you just think of the world in general, just 786 00:48:02,519 --> 00:48:03,419 where we're going. 787 00:48:03,449 --> 00:48:06,479 I really feel like we're on this little island here in 788 00:48:06,509 --> 00:48:10,199 Fredericksburg for sure because people are not wearing masks. 789 00:48:10,199 --> 00:48:12,629 People are not freaked out. People are going out 790 00:48:13,169 --> 00:48:17,639 wearing masks around heb and but not a lot. I 791 00:48:17,640 --> 00:48:18,870 mean, I don't but it's 792 00:48:18,870 --> 00:48:21,030 not a thing. It's like it's like a you want to wear a hat. You 793 00:48:21,030 --> 00:48:23,670 put it in your head if you want. I don't care. 794 00:48:23,699 --> 00:48:27,869 And so it feels like it feels like the world is on fire. 795 00:48:27,869 --> 00:48:31,079 Sometimes if I really stopped to think about it like up, it's 796 00:48:31,079 --> 00:48:34,469 completely upside down. There's things that just don't make any 797 00:48:34,469 --> 00:48:39,539 sense to me at all. Like the huge math debate like it's been 798 00:48:40,049 --> 00:48:43,679 there's been study after study to say that they're they don't 799 00:48:43,679 --> 00:48:46,649 make a difference at all. But yet there's these mask mandates. 800 00:48:47,039 --> 00:48:50,579 There's where the mass mandates so there's like people who are I 801 00:48:50,579 --> 00:48:54,029 mean, I don't know specifically, but I just hear like people are 802 00:48:54,029 --> 00:48:57,599 just wear your masks. The number of cities that we can't go to 803 00:48:57,599 --> 00:49:01,349 now are increasing, because we don't have a VAX passport and 804 00:49:01,620 --> 00:49:05,520 Moe just got fired today. Yeah, from his job because he refuses 805 00:49:05,520 --> 00:49:09,360 to accept the vaccine in his life. And most not anti vaccine 806 00:49:09,360 --> 00:49:14,310 either. He's just like, No, it's a little bit deeper for him. But 807 00:49:16,200 --> 00:49:19,740 yeah, it's it's hard because you have I mean, this to me is so 808 00:49:19,740 --> 00:49:22,440 many different factions, you still have the meta the medical 809 00:49:22,500 --> 00:49:25,920 community who are just they're not stopping. They just keep 810 00:49:25,920 --> 00:49:28,740 going. I don't want them to Omicron backs and we'll do this 811 00:49:28,740 --> 00:49:32,520 and screw you as you monoclonal antibodies, you know, take the 812 00:49:32,520 --> 00:49:35,490 Pfizer pill, they just moving ahead like they're going to fix 813 00:49:35,490 --> 00:49:38,730 it all down the road again and again and again, half of the 814 00:49:38,730 --> 00:49:43,110 political structures completely fallen apart over it. 815 00:49:44,160 --> 00:49:47,220 Well, I have just lost my faith and a lot of things had lost my 816 00:49:47,220 --> 00:49:51,780 faith and I in our government, and the agencies, the CDC, the 817 00:49:51,780 --> 00:49:55,260 FDA have lost faith in the education system and my heart 818 00:49:55,260 --> 00:49:57,660 goes out to those people that are fighting for their children. 819 00:49:58,350 --> 00:50:02,280 I've lost faith, big time. In western medicine, for sure, I 820 00:50:02,280 --> 00:50:02,610 mean, my 821 00:50:02,610 --> 00:50:06,540 heart goes out to nurses in particular, but also doctors who 822 00:50:06,540 --> 00:50:10,590 have just been kowtow into this system of not practicing 823 00:50:10,590 --> 00:50:15,330 medicine with people, but just following protocols. And you're 824 00:50:15,330 --> 00:50:18,630 just one step away from a robotic dispenser. 825 00:50:18,660 --> 00:50:23,790 Mm hmm. I, today, I finally got to the point, I was not very 826 00:50:23,790 --> 00:50:26,280 busy at work at all today. So I was basically on social media 827 00:50:26,280 --> 00:50:30,870 all day. And I got to the point that I was just sick of the 828 00:50:30,870 --> 00:50:35,460 outrage on Twitter. I'm just just do it done with it. I'm 829 00:50:35,460 --> 00:50:38,580 just done with it. And I'm, I need to detox I need to just 830 00:50:38,580 --> 00:50:39,810 step away from Have you tried 831 00:50:39,810 --> 00:50:44,100 porn? It's so no, I'm gonna do that right after we're done. So 832 00:50:44,159 --> 00:50:45,239 what do you do after the 833 00:50:45,240 --> 00:50:49,410 show much more fun than social media? When I was a kid we just 834 00:50:49,410 --> 00:50:52,680 watched used to watch porn or we were bored. Now they gotta 835 00:50:52,680 --> 00:50:56,040 scroll on social media. Anyway, I'm 836 00:50:56,040 --> 00:50:58,950 just, I'm just trying to focus on the goodness, you know, the 837 00:50:58,950 --> 00:51:01,620 goodness that we have in our lives that we're healthy, and 838 00:51:01,620 --> 00:51:03,870 we're happy. And then we have friends that are healthy and 839 00:51:03,870 --> 00:51:07,590 happy. And we can help our friends like Gene sir gene, and 840 00:51:07,920 --> 00:51:10,620 so I just yeah, anyway, it just feels like Oh, 841 00:51:11,850 --> 00:51:15,330 I'm firing Dwight. Oh, douchebag. 842 00:51:15,390 --> 00:51:17,190 You haven't heard from him? No, I 843 00:51:17,190 --> 00:51:19,920 asked him today. I've already all done all this work. I've 844 00:51:19,920 --> 00:51:22,320 completely forgot to tell you how. Yeah, this for our 845 00:51:22,320 --> 00:51:24,870 generator, which has been sitting out in front of our yard 846 00:51:24,870 --> 00:51:28,650 for a week. And I'm like, Dude, you know, is your crew better? 847 00:51:28,650 --> 00:51:31,470 You said you're gonna do it this week. Well, I was thinking to do 848 00:51:31,470 --> 00:51:36,270 it before. February 15. Really? And then I'm like, Well, how 849 00:51:36,270 --> 00:51:39,420 about the tank? Oh, no, you got to do the tank. And I'm not a 850 00:51:39,420 --> 00:51:42,150 plumber. I'm a man. I'm like, You know what? I got it, 851 00:51:42,150 --> 00:51:46,800 brother. I called Mike right away. I said, Mike. You know, 852 00:51:46,830 --> 00:51:50,100 I'm G You're now my GC you got to get my you got to get your 853 00:51:50,100 --> 00:51:53,460 guys in here says no problem. We'll take care of right away. 854 00:51:53,550 --> 00:51:58,410 We love Mike. Yeah, but I was like, and I know and people had 855 00:51:58,410 --> 00:52:01,320 told me like and this guy, but he'd come recommended from the 856 00:52:01,320 --> 00:52:04,260 propane guy. Hmm. So I'm like, I thought that would be good. 857 00:52:04,260 --> 00:52:06,960 That's my first bad experience. Here was someone who just 858 00:52:06,990 --> 00:52:08,250 disappointed me. That's gonna 859 00:52:08,250 --> 00:52:12,570 happen. But you know what Mike is so great to Mike. Actually, I 860 00:52:12,570 --> 00:52:16,140 had sent him a picture about when I put up all of Adam's 861 00:52:16,140 --> 00:52:21,510 pictures. In the garage, because we had originally asked him to 862 00:52:21,510 --> 00:52:23,940 do it. I was like, You know what, I can do it. It's fine. 863 00:52:23,940 --> 00:52:27,420 And so he said, he sent me a text and he said, tell Adam, I 864 00:52:27,420 --> 00:52:30,510 said he owes you big time for a great job on his wall. I told 865 00:52:30,510 --> 00:52:34,260 Sarah that's Mike's girlfriend. I want one also. But the only 866 00:52:34,260 --> 00:52:37,290 thing I have to hang up is an old picture of me with a gopher 867 00:52:37,290 --> 00:52:38,370 I killed with the stick 868 00:52:45,330 --> 00:52:47,850 likes a good guy. He's really good guy 869 00:52:47,850 --> 00:52:48,570 to save people. 870 00:52:49,049 --> 00:52:51,809 And he's turned into a really good friend, which I'm really 871 00:52:51,809 --> 00:52:55,769 happy about. So he's very funny. Yeah, but we have this 872 00:52:55,769 --> 00:52:57,929 generator. We have this whole house generator that's been 873 00:52:57,929 --> 00:53:00,419 sitting in our yard for two weeks now. 874 00:53:00,479 --> 00:53:06,119 And so today on the news, like the comment, boy, I if I could 875 00:53:06,119 --> 00:53:08,339 find that let me see if I can find this clip. Because it was 876 00:53:08,339 --> 00:53:13,199 just it was surreal. Wetlands not just the storm. No, if only 877 00:53:13,199 --> 00:53:19,199 that was the problem. No. So you know, we have first for two days 878 00:53:19,199 --> 00:53:22,619 now they've been talking about oh, Russian cyber attacks. Oh, 879 00:53:22,619 --> 00:53:26,489 yeah. You know, Ukraine, Russia. We're all angry. Pissed off and 880 00:53:26,489 --> 00:53:29,519 everything. Yes, cyber attacks. And then all of a sudden they 881 00:53:29,519 --> 00:53:34,379 you sent me that clip, I think. Although I want to play the one 882 00:53:34,379 --> 00:53:39,239 that was sent to me from CBS Radio, because it sounded like 883 00:53:39,239 --> 00:53:44,489 we were in a movie. Oh, yeah. It had this it was as crazy as the 884 00:53:44,489 --> 00:53:48,479 guy recorded from his AM. car radio, I think Oh, 885 00:53:49,860 --> 00:53:53,940 sound is speaking of which sound I wanted to tell you. So at work 886 00:53:53,940 --> 00:53:56,190 today, because it was so boring. I was trying to listen to other 887 00:53:56,190 --> 00:54:01,920 podcasts. Oh, my God, you have ruined me. In terms of sound 888 00:54:01,920 --> 00:54:06,120 with other podcasts, because no agenda and the sound just is 889 00:54:06,120 --> 00:54:10,200 amazing that the podcast that Adam produces, like I love 890 00:54:10,200 --> 00:54:13,710 Victor Davis Hanson but oh my gosh, I mean, pick I needs help 891 00:54:13,710 --> 00:54:17,340 with his sound. It's almost unbearable. And then I started 892 00:54:17,340 --> 00:54:20,520 listening to Jesse Kelly to who I really like on Twitter because 893 00:54:20,520 --> 00:54:24,480 he's so snarky. But he's yelling during the whole freaking 894 00:54:24,480 --> 00:54:28,110 podcast and I just yelling and I just Yeah, 895 00:54:28,860 --> 00:54:32,370 tactics from right wing extremists. against us. 896 00:54:32,370 --> 00:54:35,550 Catherine herridge reports the power grid could be a target. 897 00:54:35,610 --> 00:54:38,280 That report warns extremists adhering to a range of 898 00:54:38,280 --> 00:54:42,180 ideologies will likely continue to plot and encourage a physical 899 00:54:42,180 --> 00:54:45,930 attacks against power networks, which include more than 6500 900 00:54:45,930 --> 00:54:50,070 plants and nearly a half million miles of high voltage line may 901 00:54:50,070 --> 00:54:53,370 cause disruption to critical infrastructure like hospitals 902 00:54:53,370 --> 00:54:54,360 and police departments. 903 00:54:54,810 --> 00:54:58,680 I love this sound isn't just like some kind of horror movie 904 00:54:58,710 --> 00:55:02,310 Disaster Movie You're driving trying to drive away from the 905 00:55:02,310 --> 00:55:04,890 Armageddon. And you hear that, you know, it's like Katherine 906 00:55:04,890 --> 00:55:06,030 Harris, CBS News, 907 00:55:06,030 --> 00:55:08,460 it looks like the right wing extremists are going to bring 908 00:55:08,550 --> 00:55:12,450 the power grid, please call the sources and confirm or deny. 909 00:55:16,199 --> 00:55:19,499 And you know that so to me, that just means, you know, just to 910 00:55:19,499 --> 00:55:22,469 prove a political point, the government is probably willing 911 00:55:22,469 --> 00:55:25,379 to switch off the power somewhere, and I want my damn 912 00:55:25,379 --> 00:55:29,129 generator hooked up when it happens. And that's what I 913 00:55:29,159 --> 00:55:33,629 texted Dwight today. He said, anything. I said, Do you think 914 00:55:33,629 --> 00:55:37,469 my generator will be connected before the right wing extremists 915 00:55:37,469 --> 00:55:41,159 turn off the grid? And he says, No, I don't think it'll be 916 00:55:41,159 --> 00:55:44,429 before February 25. And like, Okay, I know enough, brother. 917 00:55:44,429 --> 00:55:48,779 Thank you. So his crew didn't have the Rona. That was a lie. 918 00:55:49,199 --> 00:55:52,829 No, or or I'm not priority, or I got pushed to the back of the 919 00:55:52,829 --> 00:55:53,819 line or whatever. 920 00:55:54,989 --> 00:55:57,119 Yeah, we're trying to really go off the grid here. 921 00:55:57,120 --> 00:56:00,270 So yeah, but that's just just I know it's dishonest. 922 00:56:01,020 --> 00:56:04,080 Mike didn't like him to begin with. We should listen to Mike. 923 00:56:05,070 --> 00:56:07,620 Oh, we'll get it done. Yeah. 924 00:56:08,460 --> 00:56:11,340 Hey, man, you could listen to Mike. Hey, man, this is gonna be 925 00:56:12,990 --> 00:56:17,700 like, he's like, narc. What are you doing here? 926 00:56:18,690 --> 00:56:22,380 I want to say that I switching topics completely. So many 927 00:56:22,380 --> 00:56:25,170 people reached out to me and said the same thing about the 928 00:56:25,170 --> 00:56:26,460 laundry. We were talking. 929 00:56:27,299 --> 00:56:31,079 Oh, yes. Turns out we've we've hit we've struck on something. 930 00:56:31,079 --> 00:56:31,529 Yes. 931 00:56:31,530 --> 00:56:35,310 I guess it's a common issue among other couples. Men have 932 00:56:35,310 --> 00:56:38,970 more use more socks in their spouses. And this is an 933 00:56:38,970 --> 00:56:40,020 irritant? Yeah. 934 00:56:42,270 --> 00:56:45,330 I did not count the socks in this last laundry batch those. 935 00:56:45,810 --> 00:56:50,250 You may find that I've that I've it's it's no it's fucking sad. 936 00:56:50,430 --> 00:56:53,970 I'm actually wearing socks longer because I'm not conscious 937 00:56:53,970 --> 00:56:57,090 of it. I'm like, Well, I don't want the poor woman to have to 938 00:56:57,090 --> 00:56:57,660 carry more. 939 00:56:58,590 --> 00:57:00,540 So you're wearing dirty socks? Yes. 940 00:57:01,560 --> 00:57:04,830 Yeah. Or I stepped in some water. Okay. Just dry it off 941 00:57:04,830 --> 00:57:08,760 with a hairdryer. Just not it's not the Ugh, stop it. But that 942 00:57:08,760 --> 00:57:13,170 happened. You know, it's fine. You Trump it you traumatize me. 943 00:57:13,560 --> 00:57:17,370 And I'm sure we together traumatized many men like oh 944 00:57:17,370 --> 00:57:20,040 crap, this this thing I got I want I want I want to make sure 945 00:57:20,040 --> 00:57:23,310 I treat my queen right. So let me wear those socks a little 946 00:57:23,310 --> 00:57:25,860 longer. I appreciate this 947 00:57:25,860 --> 00:57:26,610 trick is 948 00:57:27,239 --> 00:57:31,019 just you wear your underwear longer. we're golden. Yeah, 949 00:57:31,050 --> 00:57:34,980 see, this is this is where I think you're wrong. Male 950 00:57:34,980 --> 00:57:37,650 underwear should just be a time clock. 951 00:57:37,680 --> 00:57:38,490 It should be turning 952 00:57:38,489 --> 00:57:40,409 inside out. You could get two days out. 953 00:57:42,030 --> 00:57:47,850 Alright, Indiana. We know we know yet. Okay. CB It's okay. 954 00:57:47,850 --> 00:57:50,940 Mommy's nuts. Yeah, she's it. She's over here. Over here like 955 00:57:50,940 --> 00:57:56,280 protecting me literally. Good girl. Kitty. Kitty. She's over 956 00:57:56,280 --> 00:57:59,100 on my side. Like what? Oh, she's she's cackling 957 00:57:59,160 --> 00:58:00,780 speaking of underwear. I have a 958 00:58:02,969 --> 00:58:04,349 trend. Alright, segue. 959 00:58:04,380 --> 00:58:09,990 I was thinking about oh, my gosh, this is 2011 Oh my god. 11 960 00:58:09,990 --> 00:58:13,440 years ago, I was working for the community. This community 961 00:58:13,440 --> 00:58:18,420 foundation. It's a it's a it's a nonprofit, but they open up 962 00:58:18,420 --> 00:58:21,420 charitable funds for rich people. Trust Funds and stuff. 963 00:58:21,420 --> 00:58:27,450 And so I was working and the CEO Leslie Lilly is her name an 964 00:58:27,510 --> 00:58:33,480 older woman. And one day she forgot to lock the bathroom door 965 00:58:33,480 --> 00:58:36,570 and I opened up the door and there she is with her skirt over 966 00:58:36,570 --> 00:58:38,370 her head overhead me 967 00:58:38,370 --> 00:58:42,270 in front of the mirror with her granny panties. I looked at her 968 00:58:42,270 --> 00:58:46,230 I go lock the door or what is well with you. 969 00:58:46,770 --> 00:58:50,700 Okay, just want understand the skirt overhead. What was she 970 00:58:50,700 --> 00:58:53,610 doing? She was trying to tuck her blouse in or something. But 971 00:58:53,610 --> 00:58:57,000 I was like, Dad, goodness, we're into my eyeballs. Nobody wants 972 00:58:57,000 --> 00:58:59,400 to sit next to her at lunch because she would I think I 973 00:58:59,400 --> 00:59:02,310 shared this story with you. She'd have the balsamic vinegar, 974 00:59:02,490 --> 00:59:05,430 and she would pour it on her salad and she would stab it with 975 00:59:05,430 --> 00:59:08,400 her fork and the balsamic vinegar would go flying across 976 00:59:08,400 --> 00:59:11,820 the table. And it actually got all over my clothes during the 977 00:59:11,820 --> 00:59:12,150 lunch. 978 00:59:12,180 --> 00:59:14,640 What was her position to see? 979 00:59:14,670 --> 00:59:17,100 Oh, she got canned, but I was 980 00:59:17,100 --> 00:59:22,770 gonna say how she was donors. Come into my special office. Let 981 00:59:22,770 --> 00:59:25,530 me show you my granny Danny's wait until I get my skirt over 982 00:59:25,530 --> 00:59:27,180 my head. they'll donate that was 983 00:59:27,180 --> 00:59:30,870 traumatic for me. I'll bet traumatic I was like, ah, things 984 00:59:30,870 --> 00:59:35,190 you don't ever need to see. Seriously. Anyway. Oh my nice 985 00:59:35,190 --> 00:59:35,970 segue into 986 00:59:35,969 --> 00:59:40,019 things. Yeah, I think I just don't have an underwear story. 987 00:59:40,019 --> 00:59:45,209 I'm sorry. I can't top your your panty raid there. Can't do it. 988 00:59:46,380 --> 00:59:48,660 Anyway, that's all I have on my list. Yeah, 989 00:59:48,660 --> 00:59:51,810 I don't have anything else other than I love you. I adore you. 990 00:59:52,680 --> 00:59:54,930 You crack me up every single day. 991 00:59:55,260 --> 00:59:56,910 You have a good time. Yeah, 992 00:59:56,940 --> 00:59:59,370 definitely. What what do you have coming up in the next few 993 00:59:59,370 --> 01:00:01,950 weeks and we have We have Nashville we're gonna travel 994 01:00:01,980 --> 01:00:05,100 your friends coming on Wednesday we've we've been entertaining a 995 01:00:05,100 --> 01:00:06,060 lot, which I 996 01:00:06,060 --> 01:00:10,050 know right you know why? Because we have a great house for 997 01:00:10,050 --> 01:00:13,590 entertaining or cool. That's not what the agent always says. This 998 01:00:13,590 --> 01:00:15,660 is a great house for entertaining. These are your 999 01:00:15,660 --> 01:00:16,740 stuff will look great. 1000 01:00:17,550 --> 01:00:21,570 We these are new friends. This is a woman that I met in 1001 01:00:21,570 --> 01:00:26,190 November when I went away for a retreat and we just we we really 1002 01:00:26,250 --> 01:00:29,100 I really love her. Katherine. Yeah, Catherine and her husband, 1003 01:00:29,100 --> 01:00:31,800 Brian. So they're coming on Friday, which I'm really excited 1004 01:00:31,800 --> 01:00:35,400 about. Very cool. Everybody's younger than us, though. But you 1005 01:00:35,400 --> 01:00:37,650 know, pretty young at heart, right? We're young at heart. 1006 01:00:37,830 --> 01:00:41,460 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, the people who are our age are kind 1007 01:00:41,460 --> 01:00:45,660 of boring. How about that? Well, we have new knit we have a 1008 01:00:45,660 --> 01:00:48,870 couple of new neighbors who have moved in into the into the 1009 01:00:48,870 --> 01:00:52,530 subdivision. They're a little bit older now and Kate Yeah, 1010 01:00:52,560 --> 01:00:56,790 building Katie. Yeah. Katie, he's like could not be more 1011 01:00:56,820 --> 01:00:57,990 American by 1012 01:00:57,990 --> 01:01:02,310 Hey. We're downsizing 1013 01:01:05,370 --> 01:01:07,080 from 14 to seven. 1014 01:01:07,140 --> 01:01:11,070 Oh my god. Yes. Yeah, a ton of work on that house to 1015 01:01:11,730 --> 01:01:15,120 the thing is, that's a mausoleum. Yes. I can't wait to 1016 01:01:15,120 --> 01:01:18,720 see it. Yeah, I can't wait. But we have. He seems like a nice 1017 01:01:18,720 --> 01:01:20,100 guy. Yeah, totally cool. Yeah. I 1018 01:01:20,100 --> 01:01:22,770 told him when things settle down. We'll have more for you. 1019 01:01:22,770 --> 01:01:23,670 No, sir. No, I 1020 01:01:23,670 --> 01:01:26,850 want to go over there and see this. This mansion with this. 1021 01:01:26,880 --> 01:01:29,310 This thing? What's got this to people? 1022 01:01:29,400 --> 01:01:30,480 I know. You could. 1023 01:01:30,540 --> 01:01:34,860 I mean, you could have a whole like have a football team. Yeah, 1024 01:01:34,920 --> 01:01:37,260 easily you town easily. Yeah. 1025 01:01:37,589 --> 01:01:40,799 So we have friends come in this weekend. And the February is 1026 01:01:40,859 --> 01:01:43,769 kind of quiet. We're going to meet for Nashville. Yeah, we're 1027 01:01:43,769 --> 01:01:46,079 going to Nashville. Just overnight. We're going for that 1028 01:01:46,079 --> 01:01:50,399 Valentine's Day. Meet up for the no agenda, skating rink meetup. 1029 01:01:50,399 --> 01:01:51,419 I am not skating. 1030 01:01:52,199 --> 01:01:54,359 I don't question goodness. 1031 01:01:54,420 --> 01:01:59,550 What did you say? I have never I did. We talked about this last 1032 01:01:59,550 --> 01:02:01,590 show. I'm not gonna break a hip. I'm not gonna break your 1033 01:02:01,590 --> 01:02:04,440 head. No, I'm not going to either. But I will skate. 1034 01:02:04,560 --> 01:02:08,310 No. I think it's hard to talk to people in skate. But anyway, 1035 01:02:08,549 --> 01:02:13,469 skating so I don't have to talk to people. Sorry. Sir Patrick 1036 01:02:13,469 --> 01:02:15,389 Koh talk to Tina. She's over there. 1037 01:02:16,620 --> 01:02:19,380 So we have that coming up. And we're trying to figure out where 1038 01:02:19,380 --> 01:02:21,660 we can go on vacation. I want to go somewhere and 1039 01:02:21,660 --> 01:02:26,790 yeah, now you said Hawaii is is can't go. Do now. I think that 1040 01:02:26,790 --> 01:02:29,730 America was up or that? Well, they're an island. I guess they 1041 01:02:29,730 --> 01:02:33,060 have their Yeah, their rules. Yeah, did we Why do we want to 1042 01:02:33,060 --> 01:02:36,000 go Hawaii? Why do we want to travel seven hours to get to 1043 01:02:36,060 --> 01:02:36,720 Hawaii? 1044 01:02:36,779 --> 01:02:38,339 I guess we'll just go to Florida. 1045 01:02:39,390 --> 01:02:43,860 Florida Mexico, although Mexico like start uh, just. 1046 01:02:44,759 --> 01:02:46,289 I don't want to go back to Mexico. I 1047 01:02:46,289 --> 01:02:48,869 don't either. Really? I'm not I'm not sure. Why is that 1048 01:02:49,349 --> 01:02:49,739 because we've 1049 01:02:49,740 --> 01:02:52,020 been there. We've been there to Cabo twice. 1050 01:02:52,050 --> 01:02:54,450 Been there done that. I'm sorry. 1051 01:02:55,890 --> 01:02:58,860 Brady wants us to come to our to Aspen though. She's like come to 1052 01:02:58,860 --> 01:02:59,490 Aspen. 1053 01:03:00,210 --> 01:03:03,630 Yeah. Used to be jabbed to go to Aspen. It's like one of those 1054 01:03:03,630 --> 01:03:04,560 places, but I 1055 01:03:04,560 --> 01:03:07,140 don't Yeah, I guess we could ski. 1056 01:03:08,850 --> 01:03:11,310 When's the last time you skied? And I'm not talking about 1057 01:03:11,310 --> 01:03:11,790 cocaine. 1058 01:03:11,819 --> 01:03:19,769 I see in 1984 Oh, goodness. And yeah, we did a lot of cocaine on 1059 01:03:19,769 --> 01:03:20,639 that ski trip. 1060 01:03:24,030 --> 01:03:29,190 I, you know, I was never it was never really my drug. But I just 1061 01:03:29,190 --> 01:03:31,710 It's just I have to admit if you're going to go skiing to 1062 01:03:31,710 --> 01:03:36,720 take a whole powder of snow to the snow is pretty fun. Just as 1063 01:03:36,720 --> 01:03:36,930 pretty 1064 01:03:36,930 --> 01:03:40,920 Yeah, we're both Oh, yeah. In my 20s I was gonna say, I'm not 1065 01:03:40,920 --> 01:03:42,810 into it anymore. I did it all. 1066 01:03:43,200 --> 01:03:48,030 Yeah, we even tried the damn. Oh, we did the I gotta I gotta 1067 01:03:48,030 --> 01:03:51,300 talk to Justin the drug dealer because he that was his sample. 1068 01:03:51,300 --> 01:03:53,580 He's like, Hey, I got something new for you. Yeah, 1069 01:03:53,580 --> 01:03:57,420 we tried it with gummies Yeah, so basically magic mushroom 1070 01:03:57,420 --> 01:04:01,410 gummies and nothing. Zippo didn't feel a thing. I've 1071 01:04:01,410 --> 01:04:04,590 never done mushrooms in my life. Tom like I take one I'm like 1072 01:04:04,590 --> 01:04:07,620 okay, that's nice gummy. I took two nothing 1073 01:04:07,830 --> 01:04:11,130 here. Here's the guy that takes 50 milligram 1074 01:04:11,580 --> 01:04:15,000 for breakfast. Hey, my cornflakes. 1075 01:04:17,219 --> 01:04:21,059 Anyway, so yeah, but no, that's we don't have too much coming 1076 01:04:21,059 --> 01:04:24,269 up. So spring will be kind of quiet. And we'll see what 1077 01:04:24,269 --> 01:04:24,689 happens. 1078 01:04:24,780 --> 01:04:29,910 Yeah, well, um, it will be interesting to see I still 1079 01:04:29,910 --> 01:04:33,270 desperately want to get Christina. Really I desperately 1080 01:04:33,270 --> 01:04:36,030 want I desperately want to take Christina and Kevin to the 1081 01:04:36,030 --> 01:04:40,800 cinema if they can get here soon as they can. Oh, I have a jingle 1082 01:04:40,950 --> 01:04:46,230 Oh, yeah. Wait, why did my jingle not play? No. Oh, that's 1083 01:04:46,260 --> 01:04:47,910 that was not professional strike again. 1084 01:04:47,940 --> 01:04:53,100 There's there's just no other there's no Megyn Kelly. 1085 01:04:53,190 --> 01:04:54,690 So when I sewed it. There's 1086 01:04:54,720 --> 01:04:58,290 there's just no other there's no. Oh, when she said about Tina 1087 01:04:58,290 --> 01:04:59,070 Turner. So 1088 01:04:59,070 --> 01:05:02,730 yeah, it's you are There is no other there's Tina. Oh, just so 1089 01:05:02,730 --> 01:05:05,940 you know, that's nice. So when I showed that as ammo oh no when 1090 01:05:05,940 --> 01:05:08,460 she gets on your shit again about whatever you did wrong 1091 01:05:11,309 --> 01:05:11,699 yeah 1092 01:05:13,230 --> 01:05:16,110 I think that's it. Phoebe's good. The kids are good. 1093 01:05:16,110 --> 01:05:20,490 Everybody's good. We're happy to hear everybody is. is tuning in 1094 01:05:20,490 --> 01:05:22,500 with Are we done we have a little bit more can we just 1095 01:05:22,500 --> 01:05:26,550 finish that off? Just just yeah, you need to drink that too. 1096 01:05:27,300 --> 01:05:29,010 Okay, a little bit behind I don't 1097 01:05:29,010 --> 01:05:32,550 drink that as nearly as much as you do. I'm filling up my glass. 1098 01:05:32,580 --> 01:05:35,970 Yeah, you're you're a you're a newbie podcaster you'll learn 1099 01:05:35,970 --> 01:05:40,560 how to drink Don't worry. Comes with the territory. There we go. 1100 01:05:40,950 --> 01:05:42,180 Baby. So nice. 1101 01:05:42,630 --> 01:05:46,950 Every time we cheers classes we always hit at the stem. You 1102 01:05:46,950 --> 01:05:50,640 know? Why do we do that? I just we just started. Just do it. 1103 01:05:50,640 --> 01:05:51,030 Yeah, 1104 01:05:51,180 --> 01:05:55,920 just a thing. Um, let's wrap it up then with what we've been 1105 01:05:55,920 --> 01:05:59,430 watching. Oh, Sex in the City. I think we should should we should 1106 01:05:59,430 --> 01:06:03,150 just catch up on that. Let's be honest about it. Because I am 1107 01:06:03,150 --> 01:06:05,160 still all in. I like it. 1108 01:06:05,370 --> 01:06:07,770 The last episode was funny, I think is 1109 01:06:07,770 --> 01:06:12,420 it making fun of woke culture in a very slick way? Hmm. I think 1110 01:06:12,420 --> 01:06:15,360 for people on the inside like myself, you know, people from 1111 01:06:15,360 --> 01:06:16,980 showbusiness I disagree 1112 01:06:16,980 --> 01:06:20,670 because I follow the inside scoop on Instagram and people 1113 01:06:20,700 --> 01:06:22,200 are don't like 1114 01:06:22,920 --> 01:06:26,790 they don't like you. But who are these people? Woke people people 1115 01:06:26,790 --> 01:06:27,390 who are 1116 01:06:27,390 --> 01:06:30,990 Sex in the City like fish like those? Yeah, 1117 01:06:31,170 --> 01:06:35,010 come on. We got Miranda do having lesbian sex. Always a 1118 01:06:35,010 --> 01:06:39,210 winner? We have. CARRIE What about 1119 01:06:39,210 --> 01:06:44,100 the frontal there a lot of front men frontal. Nudity is 1120 01:06:44,100 --> 01:06:47,670 about that's fine. Yeah, I personally, personally don't 1121 01:06:47,670 --> 01:06:48,060 think 1122 01:06:48,240 --> 01:06:49,770 Harry's Wellington old man. 1123 01:06:51,510 --> 01:06:54,750 I personally don't think that's interesting, because I wonder if 1124 01:06:54,750 --> 01:06:58,710 it's a prosthetic though. Might have been but I just find the 1125 01:06:58,710 --> 01:07:03,510 flashing member not really to look at 1126 01:07:03,540 --> 01:07:06,570 well here. He wasn't he was kind of like he was halfway there. It 1127 01:07:06,570 --> 01:07:07,590 looked like okay, now you're 1128 01:07:07,590 --> 01:07:11,280 doing that shoulder headshake thing? No, let me ask to be 1129 01:07:11,280 --> 01:07:14,610 honest. Did you look at that and go no, nice member. 1130 01:07:14,670 --> 01:07:17,790 I was like, No, I was more shocked. Like holy shit. They're 1131 01:07:17,790 --> 01:07:20,430 showing they're showing his junk. 1132 01:07:22,020 --> 01:07:26,610 And you no need to disparage the male genitalia is John. 1133 01:07:28,260 --> 01:07:29,520 Anyway, I 1134 01:07:29,520 --> 01:07:32,070 obviously have no problem with showing it but it's interesting 1135 01:07:32,070 --> 01:07:34,890 that that was kind of like shocking. I 1136 01:07:34,890 --> 01:07:37,680 was I was just surprised. Surprising. Yeah, I am. It was 1137 01:07:37,710 --> 01:07:40,890 this last episode was funny, but I still I feel like it's still 1138 01:07:40,890 --> 01:07:43,620 so contrived. And I think they've got renewed for they 1139 01:07:43,650 --> 01:07:46,230 were renewed for a second. Really? Yes. Where there was a 1140 01:07:46,230 --> 01:07:50,370 lot of speculation because maybe it's the echo chamber I'm in it 1141 01:07:50,370 --> 01:07:54,240 probably is where people were are just not happy with what 1142 01:07:54,390 --> 01:07:55,170 what's being 1143 01:07:56,010 --> 01:08:00,870 Yeah, but okay. Just as the as as the mindless kind of 1144 01:08:00,870 --> 01:08:03,570 entertainment news. I think it's pretty, pretty funny. Well, I 1145 01:08:03,570 --> 01:08:06,180 mean, do it I mean, to the stories I can get into it, and 1146 01:08:06,570 --> 01:08:11,220 and we're also watching season six of billions, which Yeah, 1147 01:08:11,250 --> 01:08:17,070 ace, our x is gone. Yeah, he's gone. Yeah. And he made the show 1148 01:08:17,070 --> 01:08:18,690 and now it's Prince who's in there. 1149 01:08:18,719 --> 01:08:20,339 I disagree. I didn't 1150 01:08:20,340 --> 01:08:21,030 think he made the 1151 01:08:21,030 --> 01:08:24,540 show. I think WAGs was a big part of the show. I think Mason 1152 01:08:24,540 --> 01:08:29,250 is still a Impaler Taylor whatever them is a part of the 1153 01:08:29,250 --> 01:08:34,920 show. Some of the traders I think are interesting characters 1154 01:08:34,920 --> 01:08:35,100 what 1155 01:08:35,100 --> 01:08:38,370 I thought was interesting was flying sky the creepy compliance 1156 01:08:38,370 --> 01:08:41,640 Guy Yeah, but what I thought was interesting was when WAGs is on 1157 01:08:41,640 --> 01:08:45,690 the peloton, and then he made reference to he didn't die like 1158 01:08:45,690 --> 01:08:48,630 big peloton that was like 1159 01:08:48,629 --> 01:08:52,919 peloton shock peloton stock is kicking out the CEO right now 1160 01:08:53,189 --> 01:08:56,819 the stock is down I mean all NASDAQ has been destroyed but 1161 01:08:56,879 --> 01:09:01,499 the peloton stock is down 45% of some crazy amount is don't look 1162 01:09:01,499 --> 01:09:03,809 at the bitcoin price I'm talking about NASDAQ 1163 01:09:04,020 --> 01:09:06,480 money printer go burn Exactly. 1164 01:09:07,560 --> 01:09:10,560 But also there seem to be a little bit of hidden promotion 1165 01:09:10,560 --> 01:09:15,390 in there as in both billions and insects in the city they were 1166 01:09:15,930 --> 01:09:20,010 promoting the attractive aura ring is it your ring is the 1167 01:09:20,010 --> 01:09:24,090 tracking ring? Yeah, yeah, that was just coincidence or perhaps 1168 01:09:24,090 --> 01:09:27,300 Yeah, yeah, so billions we'd like that we're also what we're 1169 01:09:27,300 --> 01:09:27,870 watching something 1170 01:09:28,860 --> 01:09:30,480 a new show called pivoting 1171 01:09:31,650 --> 01:09:32,760 Yeah, what's that about? 1172 01:09:33,000 --> 01:09:35,280 It's about the three women that friend died 1173 01:09:35,339 --> 01:09:39,389 chicks we don't get and we never watched Lost in Space. Oh, what 1174 01:09:39,389 --> 01:09:41,969 do we watch? Yeah, I wonder what 1175 01:09:42,060 --> 01:09:43,380 was the logic garbage 1176 01:09:44,669 --> 01:09:50,669 watching shake shit. You're like Robinson danger will 1177 01:09:51,540 --> 01:09:56,310 always win these like sci fi shows commodities war shows like 1178 01:09:56,310 --> 01:09:57,750 I'll watch that. Yeah here. 1179 01:09:58,079 --> 01:10:03,059 And then I realized you never You're never 1180 01:10:03,659 --> 01:10:08,249 I don't want to be stressed out. It stresses me out Lost in 1181 01:10:08,250 --> 01:10:13,350 Space was like oh no man. What's your faces in it this she's 1182 01:10:13,350 --> 01:10:14,070 great actress 1183 01:10:14,070 --> 01:10:15,600 what's her face? What's your face? The 1184 01:10:15,600 --> 01:10:18,270 great actress? Sigourney Weaver. No, 1185 01:10:18,270 --> 01:10:22,380 no, no, no, no, no no no. I'm Parker Posey 1186 01:10:23,670 --> 01:10:25,020 yeah I don't care 1187 01:10:28,290 --> 01:10:32,490 I did watch I do while I want to see is Harry's John. Okay, we 1188 01:10:32,490 --> 01:10:37,170 got you watching her robot a robot in space. No, Harry's 1189 01:10:37,170 --> 01:10:42,900 junk. And we get a head and shoulder junkies well. Could 1190 01:10:42,900 --> 01:10:45,120 have been couldn't print a prosthetic but I don't know 1191 01:10:45,120 --> 01:10:51,360 doesn't matter. I saw it it was oh, I'm sorry. I must have 1192 01:10:51,360 --> 01:10:51,990 interpreted it. 1193 01:10:52,560 --> 01:10:56,940 I am watching this show called made me ID on I think it's 1194 01:10:57,420 --> 01:11:00,270 by the way that's Adam has something to do. I'm just 1195 01:11:00,270 --> 01:11:05,880 gonna watch my own show now I need to see this show. 1196 01:11:07,320 --> 01:11:13,020 But of all like baby I'm gonna watch Lost in Space this is good 1197 01:11:13,020 --> 01:11:15,870 effect. It sounds just like you. 1198 01:11:16,680 --> 01:11:19,140 Sounds like comic strip. Blogger. 1199 01:11:22,440 --> 01:11:26,520 Baby I love watching these shows with you. I grew up on chick 1200 01:11:26,520 --> 01:11:30,840 stuff. Six man. Yes. It's what I'm used to. So it's fine. I 1201 01:11:30,840 --> 01:11:34,290 like it though. I do and I like sharing it with you. That's the 1202 01:11:34,290 --> 01:11:37,530 most important thing and that I like sex and City Year Old 1203 01:11:37,560 --> 01:11:39,390 troubled by it. It's kind of funny. 1204 01:11:40,230 --> 01:11:43,680 And but there's that legacy people. And then 1205 01:11:43,740 --> 01:11:47,160 and then we were watching the first episode of Samantha show, 1206 01:11:47,160 --> 01:11:50,400 which is the oh, I met your father. Yeah, 1207 01:11:50,430 --> 01:11:53,040 yeah, we should resurrect How I Met Your Mother. That's a good 1208 01:11:53,040 --> 01:11:55,740 show. Yeah. Oh, 1209 01:11:55,800 --> 01:11:57,120 I don't like Doogie Howser, 1210 01:11:57,630 --> 01:12:00,390 too. Oh, Neil Patrick Harris, a completely different character 1211 01:12:00,390 --> 01:12:02,040 than Doogie Howser. 1212 01:12:02,070 --> 01:12:04,740 I just looked at him like, Dougie. I can't. It's hard for 1213 01:12:04,740 --> 01:12:04,950 me. 1214 01:12:04,980 --> 01:12:08,550 But Adam and I we watched all of our parks and rec which we 1215 01:12:08,550 --> 01:12:12,060 really liked. We watched all of the office which we really Yeah. 1216 01:12:12,120 --> 01:12:16,230 Oh, Sex in the City. Yeah, and all a friend almost all a friend 1217 01:12:16,260 --> 01:12:20,040 Gilmore Girls. Gilmore Girls. Yeah, access six man. 1218 01:12:20,100 --> 01:12:22,620 Although sometimes if you're if you if you're just on the 1219 01:12:22,620 --> 01:12:26,040 couches, gonna go to sleep. You're so tired. You're like, 1220 01:12:26,520 --> 01:12:31,290 Oh, honey. Ah, okay, let's watch. Let's watch. Rust Belt 1221 01:12:31,290 --> 01:12:40,080 restoration that's the show. Hey, like you'll see it up 1222 01:12:40,080 --> 01:12:42,870 there. Because I have watched that one a half hours I could 1223 01:12:42,870 --> 01:12:46,080 sneak it in before she comes home. Quick a quick Rust Belt 1224 01:12:46,080 --> 01:12:50,640 restoration. This is a dude's a Canada rebuild restoring cars. 1225 01:12:52,560 --> 01:12:56,460 And but when you're like, Oh, it's okay honey. Let's watch 1226 01:12:56,460 --> 01:12:57,570 rust smell dressed. 1227 01:12:59,610 --> 01:13:02,880 You know we do watch fast cars though. I watched that with you 1228 01:13:03,180 --> 01:13:04,320 so fast. Yes. Watch 1229 01:13:04,320 --> 01:13:08,850 fast cars. Yes. Yeah. You actually are kind of a car 1230 01:13:08,850 --> 01:13:12,150 chick. You're You're a bit of a metal head you'd like you like 1231 01:13:12,150 --> 01:13:13,650 cars. i You're a 1232 01:13:13,650 --> 01:13:19,080 car guy read the owner's manual front to back. Yeah, every car 1233 01:13:19,080 --> 01:13:19,650 that I've owned 1234 01:13:19,680 --> 01:13:23,010 I friend. But you also really care about your rims? 1235 01:13:23,100 --> 01:13:27,480 Oh, yeah. Yeah. And I wash my hand wash my car. Yes. Yeah, I 1236 01:13:27,480 --> 01:13:31,110 take care of my cars. Thank you, man. Yeah, wipe it down. Right. 1237 01:13:31,110 --> 01:13:34,140 The seats down. Get the dog hair out. Well, the dogs not allowed 1238 01:13:34,140 --> 01:13:35,220 in my car. Exactly. 1239 01:13:35,970 --> 01:13:38,310 Like, well, I'll have to wait until you come home to take 1240 01:13:38,310 --> 01:13:41,370 Phoebe to the vet. Why? Well, I'm not gonna put her in my car. 1241 01:13:43,500 --> 01:13:47,580 No, she can't hop up into my car cuz I have an SUV. 1242 01:13:50,220 --> 01:13:57,360 Remember? Oh, yeah, remember? Sure. Oops, that's the one of 1243 01:13:57,360 --> 01:13:58,140 these days I'll get a 1244 01:13:58,140 --> 01:13:59,430 ride premature. 1245 01:14:01,230 --> 01:14:04,230 It used to be my middle name until I met you back. And that's 1246 01:14:04,230 --> 01:14:09,630 when I gained control. I said everybody carrying the keyboard. 1247 01:14:09,810 --> 01:14:13,050 support this work. It's important. Because it gives you 1248 01:14:13,050 --> 01:14:16,560 sanity makes you feel like you too are part of the human race. 1249 01:14:17,010 --> 01:14:20,760 Get a new podcast app a new podcast apps.com Go to curry the 1250 01:14:20,760 --> 01:14:25,200 keeper.com Boost away. We'll talk to you in two weeks. Take 1251 01:14:25,200 --> 01:14:25,920 care everybody 1252 01:14:40,320 --> 01:14:46,650 everything is fine. Yeah, all that you need. Karianna keeper 1253 01:14:49,650 --> 01:14:50,190 Yeah,