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March 10, 2022

08: "Girlfriend Wanted"


08: "Girlfriend Wanted"

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Curry & The Keeper

Curry & The Keeper - March 9th 2022 Episode 8 - "Girlfriend Wanted"


Vic's wine



All that I love Gerda Weissman Klein

Evidence That Demands a Verdict: Life-Changing Truth for a Skeptical World

Dog hair (brush)

Movies to watch

Navigation voice scam

How i got hearing aids

Older body

1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:06,900 And she can keep in mind. Everything's fine. You got all 2 00:00:06,900 --> 00:00:10,380 that you need the periodic heater 3 00:00:15,330 --> 00:00:18,720 great to keep our March 9, episode number ace 4 00:00:22,350 --> 00:00:23,940 Hello, my queen. 5 00:00:24,600 --> 00:00:28,860 Hello, my love. How are you today? Haven't seen y'all day. 6 00:00:28,890 --> 00:00:32,730 I know. We're cool. We're cool survivors. We survived the crew 7 00:00:32,730 --> 00:00:34,140 survived the coop everybody 8 00:00:34,140 --> 00:00:36,720 think the brain fog is finally behind me. 9 00:00:36,750 --> 00:00:41,010 Oh no, don't worry, it'll it'll pop up all of a sudden. No, it's 10 00:00:41,010 --> 00:00:44,280 just, I'm just being truthful. Okay, because every single time 11 00:00:44,280 --> 00:00:46,320 I say I have a little bit of brain fog. Here's what you say. 12 00:00:46,350 --> 00:00:50,790 No, you don't. Yeah, I actually do. I can tell because I've been 13 00:00:50,790 --> 00:00:53,550 through this and I realize it and yeah, and so now when I say 14 00:00:53,550 --> 00:00:55,770 don't worry, you'll get some you will just a little bit 15 00:00:55,800 --> 00:00:58,320 but hey, yay, antibodies. Yay. 16 00:01:00,090 --> 00:01:02,400 Yay. I forgot to celebrate my antibodies today. 17 00:01:02,460 --> 00:01:05,700 Well, before we go further, yes, yes. Are we drinking? We 18 00:01:05,700 --> 00:01:08,760 are drinking and let me see here. Can you I can be here. 19 00:01:09,060 --> 00:01:16,680 This is a Rodney strong, huh? 2015. Reserve resurvey it is 20 00:01:16,680 --> 00:01:20,970 from Sonoma County. I'm reading the label. Yes. It's a Cabernet 21 00:01:20,970 --> 00:01:26,100 and this comes from Vic Pepys. bottom shelf is bottom shelf. A 22 00:01:26,400 --> 00:01:32,280 good shelf. Yes. Invicta Vegas. Vegas, my my friend. He's. He 23 00:01:32,280 --> 00:01:37,530 lives in Dallas. I known him for 3132 years before Christina was 24 00:01:39,540 --> 00:01:42,870 from South Jersey. And so I visited him when I stayed with 25 00:01:42,870 --> 00:01:45,840 him when I went up to do the Glenn Beck show. And he said 26 00:01:45,840 --> 00:01:49,530 Adam, and I've never seen his house. And he has a great house 27 00:01:49,530 --> 00:01:52,650 on the golf course. And he has they renovated I don't know, 28 00:01:52,650 --> 00:01:55,110 maybe five, six years ago, maybe maybe 100 years ago. I don't 29 00:01:55,110 --> 00:01:59,880 know when they renovated but he's got the full on fridge. Oh, 30 00:01:59,880 --> 00:02:04,980 he's got a full fridge. But he's got the big dual doors and a 31 00:02:04,980 --> 00:02:09,240 whole like a full length. Wow. Yeah. completely packed, 32 00:02:09,240 --> 00:02:12,630 completely stacked. And I think what he's done is he's put the 33 00:02:13,260 --> 00:02:14,940 he's put the good wine at the bottom. 34 00:02:15,930 --> 00:02:17,100 So he got a good bottle. 35 00:02:18,870 --> 00:02:19,980 Yeah, very good bottle. 36 00:02:19,980 --> 00:02:21,180 That's what let's try it. 37 00:02:21,240 --> 00:02:26,640 Yes. Now I have to say that. He opened this up as a special 38 00:02:26,640 --> 00:02:36,120 bottle when we already had it. I had yes. No I'm not. I'm sharing 39 00:02:36,120 --> 00:02:39,810 the good news with you. I cheated and brought one home for 40 00:02:39,810 --> 00:02:40,080 you 41 00:02:40,140 --> 00:02:45,030 a new rules. New Korean keeper roles. We have to try the wine 42 00:02:45,270 --> 00:02:45,870 together. 43 00:02:45,960 --> 00:02:49,440 Okay, I'm sorry. Vic gave this to me said this is for curry in 44 00:02:49,440 --> 00:02:52,350 the keyboard say sorry, man. I can't drink that. Because you 45 00:02:52,350 --> 00:02:53,040 know, new rules. 46 00:02:53,070 --> 00:02:55,740 No, you should have said Could you Could I get pick another 47 00:02:55,740 --> 00:02:59,100 bottle? That I could try it for the first time with my wife. so 48 00:02:59,100 --> 00:02:59,760 ungrateful. 49 00:03:00,780 --> 00:03:01,680 Thank you, Vic. 50 00:03:02,160 --> 00:03:06,450 Yeah, it's I think he I think he puts it in the bottom because I 51 00:03:06,450 --> 00:03:11,430 know that we came back from lunch or something. And Chris, 52 00:03:11,910 --> 00:03:14,670 his wife had had opened one up with her friends. I could see 53 00:03:14,670 --> 00:03:15,510 Vic's face like 54 00:03:18,420 --> 00:03:20,550 the neighbors are here and you're open up that kind of 55 00:03:20,550 --> 00:03:20,970 wine. 56 00:03:22,440 --> 00:03:24,330 Cheers. Cheers me. Cheers to you. 57 00:03:24,420 --> 00:03:27,900 Look at how dark this is. This is fantastic. Cheers. Cheers. 58 00:03:30,750 --> 00:03:33,780 Whoo. That's, of course you already know. 59 00:03:33,990 --> 00:03:36,690 Well, I'm just I'm just I'm just like experiencing it for the 60 00:03:36,690 --> 00:03:39,120 first time with you. Really? 61 00:03:39,420 --> 00:03:44,250 back pedal back pedal. It's very good. Thank you. Thank you. 62 00:03:44,850 --> 00:03:49,560 Very, very, really cool. I had a good time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it 63 00:03:49,560 --> 00:03:51,630 was really nice. Because you know, I do the Glenn Beck show. 64 00:03:52,170 --> 00:03:55,320 I hope everybody had a chance to see Adam and Glenn Beck he was 65 00:03:55,410 --> 00:03:58,320 absolutely amazing. And I'm not just saying that because he's my 66 00:03:58,320 --> 00:04:01,590 husband, but it was one of your best interviews. 67 00:04:01,860 --> 00:04:04,380 My pitch is getting better my rap is getting 68 00:04:05,460 --> 00:04:07,050 a little bit of responsibility for that. 69 00:04:07,560 --> 00:04:09,600 You're the one that's always you're the only one that I will 70 00:04:09,600 --> 00:04:14,520 accept pure shit from like really shit. Because 71 00:04:14,700 --> 00:04:16,230 constructive criticism No, no 72 00:04:16,260 --> 00:04:19,080 it but your your your profession. First of all you my 73 00:04:19,080 --> 00:04:22,350 wife so you can say whatever you want. Second of all, I trust 74 00:04:22,350 --> 00:04:25,290 you. Third, you're an actual communications professional who 75 00:04:25,320 --> 00:04:28,560 needs to be listened to so thank you. Yeah, appreciate him. This 76 00:04:28,560 --> 00:04:32,550 is really this is so down easy. So we were up there and and Vic 77 00:04:32,550 --> 00:04:34,950 and Eileen. You know, they were he and his wife were coming in 78 00:04:34,950 --> 00:04:38,310 from Costa Rica. I think they're in a business thing. So I was 79 00:04:38,310 --> 00:04:42,540 hanging out with these kids who hadn't seen counseling, because 80 00:04:43,620 --> 00:04:46,740 well for the wedding. No, I knew I know, I know from the but and 81 00:04:46,740 --> 00:04:50,040 Alex I saw them number of years ago anyway. So we're hanging 82 00:04:50,040 --> 00:04:53,340 out. And then Vic and Chris come home and then bakes like at 83 00:04:53,340 --> 00:04:56,610 around 1130 Or maybe it was midnight and I opened this one 84 00:04:56,610 --> 00:04:59,970 up. And and then Chris, like, Oh, I'm gonna do SHA coutries. 85 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:05,550 board, like without point. Oh, very much. Yeah, no, she makes a 86 00:05:05,550 --> 00:05:07,920 good good your code your board. And then it was two in the 87 00:05:07,920 --> 00:05:11,100 morning. Like, holy crap, man I got to get up and we got to go 88 00:05:11,100 --> 00:05:13,590 do back tomorrow and everything is I was a little worried like 89 00:05:13,590 --> 00:05:17,640 we've been drinking. But I got up it was great. Bitcoin with me 90 00:05:17,640 --> 00:05:20,940 went to the you know, I had a really good time. Yeah, yeah, it 91 00:05:20,940 --> 00:05:23,490 was almost like being in an old school television studio again. 92 00:05:23,520 --> 00:05:25,200 They really have it set up profession. Tell 93 00:05:25,200 --> 00:05:28,530 them tell everybody about the museum that Glenn Beck has and 94 00:05:28,530 --> 00:05:29,490 what's in the museum? 95 00:05:29,550 --> 00:05:34,080 Yeah, so this this museum was a huge building next door this I 96 00:05:34,080 --> 00:05:37,440 think it's the same size like if you ever been to Burbank studios 97 00:05:37,770 --> 00:05:42,990 were universal. Have you been to Universal Studios? I've seen the 98 00:05:42,990 --> 00:05:46,350 Universal Studios backlog. Have you done the tour on the stupid 99 00:05:46,350 --> 00:05:46,740 train? 100 00:05:47,070 --> 00:05:54,450 We're actually Jaws Yeah. Watch out. Everybody. The show is 101 00:05:54,450 --> 00:05:55,470 coming out of the water. 102 00:05:56,880 --> 00:06:01,050 Exactly. This phrase the half of the cars. Yes. So those studio 103 00:06:01,050 --> 00:06:03,780 buildings that look kind of like a hangar? Yes. Like this. So 104 00:06:03,780 --> 00:06:08,100 that's what he has. And he said Museum and it basically said, 105 00:06:08,130 --> 00:06:10,710 Well, we think it's tax strategy, which would make a lot 106 00:06:10,710 --> 00:06:13,350 of sense. He's making a lot of money over there. And he's just 107 00:06:13,350 --> 00:06:18,210 collecting stuff. And he has all kinds of massive memories, movie 108 00:06:18,210 --> 00:06:22,830 memorabilia, a lot of Disney stuff and a lot of paperwork, 109 00:06:22,830 --> 00:06:26,820 the first draft for Disney World that that actually was the first 110 00:06:27,060 --> 00:06:30,420 investors perspective for Disneyland that they rejected. 111 00:06:30,750 --> 00:06:33,870 Ah, the guy said now this will be nothing and so it's open to 112 00:06:33,870 --> 00:06:36,510 the public. No, it's I think that's the intent may be 113 00:06:36,510 --> 00:06:39,600 eventually there's some war memorabilia 114 00:06:39,630 --> 00:06:42,540 and they have the he has the ruby slippers from Ruby 115 00:06:42,540 --> 00:06:43,350 Slippers. He's 116 00:06:43,350 --> 00:06:47,370 got Rush Limbaugh's golden microphone, say some of that 117 00:06:47,370 --> 00:06:54,300 broadcast. But he has full size. R two d two c three Po. I think 118 00:06:54,570 --> 00:06:57,570 one of three made or whatever for the movies. Oh, there's 119 00:06:57,570 --> 00:07:01,020 Christopher Reeve Superman suit. Oh, there's Mary Todd Lincoln's 120 00:07:01,020 --> 00:07:04,020 dress that she wore when she buried a by the way Hold on to 121 00:07:04,020 --> 00:07:06,600 this door knob. That's Abe Lincoln's doorknob that was on 122 00:07:06,600 --> 00:07:08,610 the front of his house. You were now touching something he 123 00:07:08,610 --> 00:07:11,160 touched 1000s Maybe 10s of 1000s of times. 124 00:07:11,250 --> 00:07:13,170 Oh my goodness. And then 125 00:07:13,170 --> 00:07:16,500 he had this compass. You know, like with a two point 126 00:07:16,710 --> 00:07:21,270 directional compass with the two points for what do you use that 127 00:07:21,270 --> 00:07:25,320 for with the two points? Like geometry stuff? I 128 00:07:25,320 --> 00:07:26,670 have no idea. I would 129 00:07:26,670 --> 00:07:30,000 use these in schools were poking girls butts from behind. Like 130 00:07:30,030 --> 00:07:34,290 point. Two points on it. Right. And he's telling this whole 131 00:07:34,290 --> 00:07:34,770 story. He's, 132 00:07:35,130 --> 00:07:36,060 it was a company it was. 133 00:07:36,510 --> 00:07:39,750 I think it's called a company that like Protractor approach. 134 00:07:40,050 --> 00:07:42,990 different atoms are used for math ones used in the woods 135 00:07:43,020 --> 00:07:48,810 in Holland. I think it's called a compass. It's a protractor. I 136 00:07:48,810 --> 00:07:51,450 think you're right. Why they call it a compass. Hmm. 137 00:07:51,900 --> 00:07:52,500 protractor. 138 00:07:52,530 --> 00:07:55,260 Have you been a Boy Scout? Oh, you were I was like a little 139 00:07:55,440 --> 00:07:59,640 cub scout a Cub Scout? Excuse me? See, Scout? Yeah, 140 00:07:59,730 --> 00:08:01,140 I was a brownie. I'm assuming 141 00:08:02,760 --> 00:08:04,650 you were a brownie brownie. Yeah, 142 00:08:04,680 --> 00:08:10,050 I bet you when it was a Brownie troop leader to Ellen was in 143 00:08:10,050 --> 00:08:12,330 kindergarten. And I'll tell you by the end, it couldn't stand 144 00:08:12,330 --> 00:08:13,140 those kids. 145 00:08:14,760 --> 00:08:17,640 I always liked it, I thought was cool. It always taught me to 146 00:08:17,640 --> 00:08:21,000 have five cents on me. You know, you have all this stuff yet to 147 00:08:21,000 --> 00:08:24,120 have a match. You know, like all these different be prepared, 148 00:08:24,120 --> 00:08:25,830 right? That's the Boy Scouts marching song. 149 00:08:25,860 --> 00:08:28,290 It was more fun to be a participant than it was for a 150 00:08:28,290 --> 00:08:31,770 leader because no doubt, gosh, it was such work. And then they 151 00:08:31,770 --> 00:08:34,530 wouldn't listen to you. And I'm screaming at him. And I was 152 00:08:34,530 --> 00:08:37,860 like, It's time for me to retire. I was like, I like I 153 00:08:37,860 --> 00:08:38,040 like 154 00:08:38,040 --> 00:08:39,810 you were screaming at the children. 155 00:08:41,190 --> 00:08:47,370 I like my own kids. I didn't really like hey, I'm just not 156 00:08:47,370 --> 00:08:50,430 one of those macaroni necklace Moms. I'm just not I thought it 157 00:08:50,430 --> 00:08:51,240 was but I'm not 158 00:08:51,390 --> 00:08:52,170 macaroni. 159 00:08:52,470 --> 00:08:54,270 Anyway, back to one point. I 160 00:08:54,270 --> 00:08:58,110 was like, the only thing I did with my dad when I was six I 161 00:08:58,110 --> 00:09:00,150 think was why Indian guides. 162 00:09:00,300 --> 00:09:01,080 Mm hmm. 163 00:09:01,320 --> 00:09:05,640 I think was through the YMCA. And it was just dads and sons 164 00:09:05,640 --> 00:09:09,540 and I don't know we we literally make shit with beads. You know, 165 00:09:09,540 --> 00:09:12,660 I can't believe my dad that had that patient. I don't think we 166 00:09:12,660 --> 00:09:13,800 went to a lot of meetings. 167 00:09:13,830 --> 00:09:16,410 Oh, I was so involved with my girls when they were little. 168 00:09:16,440 --> 00:09:19,920 Yeah, I mean, they did everything basketball and karate 169 00:09:19,920 --> 00:09:23,010 and gymnastics. And we just threw pasta again. It was like 170 00:09:23,010 --> 00:09:24,780 throwing a noodle against the wall to see what was gonna 171 00:09:24,780 --> 00:09:25,170 stick. 172 00:09:25,170 --> 00:09:29,010 So I was getting beat up at the bus stop. Oh, yeah, I was I was 173 00:09:29,010 --> 00:09:32,640 being bullied and look at you know. And my dad said, Well, you 174 00:09:32,640 --> 00:09:37,260 need to go to judo. Oh, but now it's in a foreign country and I 175 00:09:37,260 --> 00:09:41,520 barely spoke any Dutch and I was in the judo class and I get 176 00:09:41,550 --> 00:09:44,970 dumped in just like school like in the middle of the class and I 177 00:09:44,970 --> 00:09:48,150 didn't know anything and these guys are falling and diving. And 178 00:09:48,450 --> 00:09:53,430 actually, I will say the the they embraced me very quickly 179 00:09:53,430 --> 00:09:56,700 and I did learn I could dive headfirst over like eight kids 180 00:09:56,700 --> 00:10:01,560 and then roll and stand up. But I remember I was so I got a lot 181 00:10:01,590 --> 00:10:03,930 of trauma from this and I'll tell you and it fits in with 182 00:10:03,930 --> 00:10:08,070 something that is works with you. So this after the first 183 00:10:08,070 --> 00:10:12,000 lesson the the master comes over to me and he's very strict. 184 00:10:12,000 --> 00:10:17,370 You're like I'm done like I don't know I'm tan I don't know 185 00:10:17,370 --> 00:10:21,810 how old I am. Tyra any he says what is this with your your 186 00:10:21,870 --> 00:10:26,220 nails your toenails? Oh, yeah, he says you have them cut next 187 00:10:26,220 --> 00:10:29,280 time all right, cut them here. And he only Gosh, me right in 188 00:10:29,280 --> 00:10:33,780 the middle of my toe. Believe me. Oh, my toenails have been 189 00:10:33,780 --> 00:10:34,260 pretty good. 190 00:10:34,260 --> 00:10:37,260 Yeah, I'm big on anime nails seem to be short. I 191 00:10:37,290 --> 00:10:40,560 know. I keep my nails you die. Do you really? Really tell me? 192 00:10:40,590 --> 00:10:44,010 No, no, no, I take them. You sound like a wild man. Dude, 193 00:10:44,250 --> 00:10:45,450 those claws Thank you. 194 00:10:46,770 --> 00:10:50,160 He's very good. I don't like a man. No, your nails. I just 195 00:10:50,160 --> 00:10:53,700 don't I think of like the the guys who snort coke with a long 196 00:10:53,700 --> 00:10:55,140 Pinkie nail. 197 00:10:55,439 --> 00:11:03,779 It is good enough about your job? No, but let me do let me do 198 00:11:03,779 --> 00:11:06,539 the protractor story then we're okay. Okay. Okay. So he's 199 00:11:06,539 --> 00:11:09,989 holding this. It's close. So he has, you know, any any kind of 200 00:11:09,989 --> 00:11:13,169 holding it in his hand. And he's telling the story about how he 201 00:11:13,169 --> 00:11:15,449 was worried one time and he happened to have this piece in 202 00:11:15,449 --> 00:11:17,789 his hand. And he was rubbing it. He says Now hold on to this. And 203 00:11:17,849 --> 00:11:20,549 it's George Washington's protract Oh, so I'm holding it 204 00:11:20,549 --> 00:11:22,619 in my hand. This is no rub where I was just rubbing. And this is 205 00:11:22,619 --> 00:11:26,609 whole rub down piece. And he says I have a feeling that 206 00:11:26,609 --> 00:11:31,019 George Washington was rubbing this while he was thinking about 207 00:11:31,019 --> 00:11:34,469 you know, being president or whatever. He has all these, like 208 00:11:34,469 --> 00:11:35,819 the first electric chair 209 00:11:35,850 --> 00:11:38,280 or maybe he didn't let a lot of geometry because 210 00:11:40,260 --> 00:11:43,200 he was a Freemason. Right. So yeah, of course, it's a total 211 00:11:43,200 --> 00:11:47,820 Freemason article. Yeah. It's just really interesting. But it 212 00:11:47,820 --> 00:11:50,880 was kind of funny because you know, because my boy right? So 213 00:11:50,910 --> 00:11:55,350 do and this is their kind of mean by my boy, like when I go 214 00:11:55,350 --> 00:11:58,140 Vic goes, Oh, Vic's with me. And we're hanging out. We're at the 215 00:11:58,140 --> 00:12:02,310 studio, and then visit let's go take a look at the at the museum 216 00:12:02,310 --> 00:12:06,690 which is across the way. And Cesar I think is like Glenn's 217 00:12:06,690 --> 00:12:10,920 body guard. And he was kind of like pushing Vic off to the side 218 00:12:10,920 --> 00:12:13,920 a little bit. And we're going we're all going in together. 219 00:12:14,550 --> 00:12:17,340 Because he didn't know who he was, or whatever it was. It was 220 00:12:17,340 --> 00:12:17,550 just 221 00:12:17,580 --> 00:12:22,320 it was kind of cute. I'm like, no, no, no. Don't be like, well, 222 00:12:22,620 --> 00:12:26,910 Vic looks cool as a guy was going along with you. Yeah. He's 223 00:12:26,910 --> 00:12:30,030 a great guy. But it was it was had a good time. 224 00:12:30,060 --> 00:12:33,120 Yeah. And like I said, if you have not seen that, that 225 00:12:33,120 --> 00:12:36,300 interview, I encourage everybody to go see it. It was one of one 226 00:12:36,300 --> 00:12:37,050 of your best. 227 00:12:37,170 --> 00:12:41,040 And it was it was it was fun to be there with with Dick. That 228 00:12:41,040 --> 00:12:45,510 was super fun. Nice. We have so many male friends. Yeah. 229 00:12:45,840 --> 00:12:49,470 Yeah. Speaking of. I was I was in bed one night, and I 230 00:12:49,980 --> 00:12:54,000 think you're my male friends, apparently. Oh, bring your mind 231 00:12:54,000 --> 00:12:54,990 from the bottom show. 232 00:12:56,550 --> 00:13:00,060 Could it be one that you and Adam did not drink? No, I think 233 00:13:00,060 --> 00:13:03,720 that's everything. No, but speaking of friends, we were 234 00:13:03,720 --> 00:13:06,030 laying in bed the other night and we were talking and I said, 235 00:13:06,630 --> 00:13:08,730 Man, I need a girlfriend out here. I don't have any 236 00:13:08,730 --> 00:13:12,930 girlfriends. I have no friends out here. I have lots of friends 237 00:13:12,930 --> 00:13:17,400 that I keep in touch with, you know, on texting and in Chicago 238 00:13:17,400 --> 00:13:20,730 and in Florida. And of course I have my amazing sisters and my 239 00:13:20,730 --> 00:13:24,540 daughters but I don't have a girlfriend, girlfriend for you. 240 00:13:24,570 --> 00:13:26,460 Well, you know, sometimes you just need a girlfriend, 241 00:13:26,490 --> 00:13:28,830 you know? Well, you can talk to me about everything. So you 242 00:13:28,830 --> 00:13:30,180 know. So yes. 243 00:13:31,050 --> 00:13:35,160 So lo and behold so we this was this was this is good. Yeah. So 244 00:13:35,160 --> 00:13:39,630 we went to see our friends Julie and Ben in Austin last Friday 245 00:13:39,630 --> 00:13:43,890 night. Let me just tell you, her charcuterie board has blown 246 00:13:44,190 --> 00:13:46,110 anything away that I've ever done nothing. 247 00:13:46,170 --> 00:13:50,490 And I think that Shelby Pearson i She might have purchased this 248 00:13:50,490 --> 00:13:51,210 do you think she know? 249 00:13:52,320 --> 00:13:55,050 She will leave did you buy that premium 250 00:13:55,050 --> 00:14:00,270 was so it was expansive, it had all kinds of meats it had she 251 00:14:00,270 --> 00:14:03,510 even had you know French bread and then with the cheese in the 252 00:14:03,510 --> 00:14:04,680 jar with the oil. 253 00:14:05,130 --> 00:14:07,680 Oh my God, it was like amazing and and 254 00:14:07,710 --> 00:14:11,700 olives and nuts and just in multiple cheeses. And I'm like, 255 00:14:11,730 --> 00:14:15,300 Who needs dinner? Just this shove this into my face. It was 256 00:14:15,720 --> 00:14:18,420 we drove it for an hour and a half. You know, so it was got 257 00:14:18,420 --> 00:14:20,760 that I was thinking, Gosh, when we get there I can't wait for 258 00:14:20,760 --> 00:14:25,350 some wine and Chicago guys and there it was God answered my 259 00:14:25,350 --> 00:14:26,850 prayer. It was like a light show. 260 00:14:29,730 --> 00:14:31,200 reboard this way. Just a little 261 00:14:31,200 --> 00:14:34,500 background. I met Julie in 2015 When I worked at Ronald McDonald 262 00:14:34,500 --> 00:14:39,240 House Charities and she actually volunteered to help us produce a 263 00:14:39,240 --> 00:14:42,840 series of video now a major video mission journalist. Yes, 264 00:14:42,840 --> 00:14:45,960 yeah. And I think I believe she's in PR now. And so I had 265 00:14:45,960 --> 00:14:50,040 gotten to know her and I thoroughly enjoyed her. And we 266 00:14:50,040 --> 00:14:53,400 had gone out to dinner with them what? Lunch or dinner, it was 267 00:14:53,400 --> 00:14:56,130 dinner with our sushi. We really didn't know we went out for 268 00:14:56,130 --> 00:14:59,520 sushi at that sushi place. It was early and she ordered 269 00:14:59,520 --> 00:15:02,430 everything They had been there so many times. And it was so 270 00:15:02,430 --> 00:15:05,190 interesting because she said after she had met Adam that 271 00:15:05,190 --> 00:15:09,240 time, she thought it was just a typical Hollywood type. And I'm 272 00:15:09,240 --> 00:15:09,450 like, 273 00:15:10,769 --> 00:15:15,209 what she told you that after? Oh, yeah, she's like, talking 274 00:15:15,209 --> 00:15:18,899 douchebag Yeah, really? Does that who you're with Tina? How 275 00:15:18,899 --> 00:15:19,949 disappointing. 276 00:15:19,980 --> 00:15:23,100 Well, well, we we lost touch. I mean, we would keep in touch 277 00:15:23,160 --> 00:15:24,330 just here and there. She 278 00:15:24,330 --> 00:15:27,090 has, she had two boys at the time. And a third one she was 279 00:15:27,090 --> 00:15:32,670 expecting. She was a terror anti terrorism mode. I understood 280 00:15:32,670 --> 00:15:36,480 that I like I'd like I understand. contact you for 10 281 00:15:36,480 --> 00:15:39,870 years, those beautiful boys by the well, they're one of them 282 00:15:39,870 --> 00:15:44,700 apparently is ours. Like two of the kids, just like, in the 283 00:15:44,700 --> 00:15:50,550 middle one is like, oh, it looks like my my nephew. Yeah. This is 284 00:15:50,550 --> 00:15:52,350 your child. Yeah. 285 00:15:52,560 --> 00:15:55,620 So I mean, life goes on. She you know, she had her baby. She's, 286 00:15:55,650 --> 00:15:57,630 you know, they're working. They're doing their thing. And 287 00:15:57,630 --> 00:15:57,900 Adam, 288 00:15:57,959 --> 00:16:01,019 remember, they came out when they came out here when you were 289 00:16:01,019 --> 00:16:02,789 working? Remember that one time? Well, yes. 290 00:16:02,790 --> 00:16:06,450 And so all of a sudden, know her husband started listening to no 291 00:16:06,450 --> 00:16:09,510 agenda, right? And he told her, you know, they're married now, 292 00:16:09,540 --> 00:16:12,810 because I had just started dating you and was talking about 293 00:16:12,810 --> 00:16:17,370 you? Yeah, when we were doing the video and. And she was 294 00:16:17,370 --> 00:16:20,280 surprised. And then she out of the blue she sent. She sent me a 295 00:16:20,280 --> 00:16:24,000 text. And I think it was August or September. And so they came 296 00:16:24,000 --> 00:16:26,550 out to Fredericksburg. And they were just kind of toying with 297 00:16:26,550 --> 00:16:27,570 the idea of the 298 00:16:27,570 --> 00:16:31,920 way they were. Sorry, I gotta remember recall the history 299 00:16:31,920 --> 00:16:35,190 here. They also just want to chat about the crazy shit going 300 00:16:35,190 --> 00:16:39,930 on the world because they live in, in kind of weird Austin like 301 00:16:39,960 --> 00:16:43,800 weird, like, everyone's still kind of nuts about COVID stuff 302 00:16:43,800 --> 00:16:46,530 and other things going on. It's not quite fitting with their, 303 00:16:47,130 --> 00:16:50,850 with their thinking and Life Outlook. And because of the 304 00:16:50,850 --> 00:16:53,880 shows, you know, and I could tell Ben or husband Ben was 305 00:16:53,880 --> 00:16:57,450 really like, his head's on fire. You know, this is a smart guy. 306 00:16:57,450 --> 00:17:00,540 He's like, What the hell is going on? And the first thing I 307 00:17:00,540 --> 00:17:06,630 did is, you know, you guys need gummies Well, I was in Chicago. 308 00:17:06,630 --> 00:17:07,110 That's right. So 309 00:17:07,110 --> 00:17:11,370 I hadn't seen her probably five plus years. And they saw you 310 00:17:11,370 --> 00:17:15,030 before. Yeah. Um, anyway, long story short, so they came out. 311 00:17:15,030 --> 00:17:17,790 And so we started, they loved Fredericksburg, they loved our 312 00:17:17,790 --> 00:17:21,000 neighborhood. And they were contemplating moving out of 313 00:17:21,030 --> 00:17:24,300 Austin and couldn't really couldn't find a place in 314 00:17:24,300 --> 00:17:27,150 Fredericksburg and looked at a couple lots that are in our in 315 00:17:27,150 --> 00:17:30,540 our neighborhood, and nothing was really available. And so 316 00:17:30,540 --> 00:17:33,270 we're at dinner with them. And we have this fabulous dinner and 317 00:17:33,270 --> 00:17:33,870 we're sitting there 318 00:17:33,870 --> 00:17:39,240 after the coterie board there was salmon. And what's the 319 00:17:39,240 --> 00:17:43,620 yellow rice? The Oh with a turmeric? Rice and it 320 00:17:43,620 --> 00:17:47,790 was amazing. Yeah. Can you tell we love the meal, Julie. I'm so. 321 00:17:48,060 --> 00:17:50,700 So more towards the end of the evening, her boys come out and 322 00:17:50,700 --> 00:17:53,190 they said okay, they made something for you. And they 323 00:17:53,190 --> 00:17:56,520 handed both of us an envelope. And they wanted us to open at 324 00:17:56,520 --> 00:17:59,310 the same time. So when we opened it, it said howdy neighbor, and 325 00:17:59,310 --> 00:18:02,820 they actually bought the lot like right down the street from 326 00:18:02,820 --> 00:18:08,220 us. And for me, just jumping girl up jumping up, and I love 327 00:18:08,220 --> 00:18:11,760 surprises like that. And it made me so happy. I'm like, Oh my 328 00:18:11,760 --> 00:18:16,170 gosh, I'm gonna have a girlfriend. One that I just 329 00:18:16,170 --> 00:18:17,430 adore. So 330 00:18:17,460 --> 00:18:19,680 I'm immediately making sure they're like their properties. 331 00:18:19,680 --> 00:18:23,010 Say I'm sending pictures like okay, only two trade trees died 332 00:18:23,010 --> 00:18:26,280 during the Snowmageddon so you're good here? Yeah, yeah. 333 00:18:26,280 --> 00:18:29,310 But also she got it through. Mike Starr, could you get 334 00:18:29,310 --> 00:18:30,120 through my store the 335 00:18:30,120 --> 00:18:34,140 same realtor that we work? Well, he was a realtor for this house 336 00:18:34,140 --> 00:18:34,590 and didn't have 337 00:18:34,590 --> 00:18:37,410 that. But what's cool about star because he's connected because 338 00:18:37,410 --> 00:18:39,660 that's how we know everybody else. Yeah. So when these guys 339 00:18:39,660 --> 00:18:42,060 move out here, they start building. We're gonna have all 340 00:18:42,060 --> 00:18:46,200 the nut jobs working for him. My mic working for him. We have 341 00:18:46,200 --> 00:18:52,050 Chris Gray. No, no, I say that was super love. You know that? 342 00:18:52,080 --> 00:18:56,070 You know that? Yeah, no, they're great AR generators installed 343 00:18:56,070 --> 00:18:57,570 and works. Hello? Yeah. Oh, 344 00:18:57,570 --> 00:18:59,820 can I see just one thing though. So Julius, you 345 00:18:59,820 --> 00:19:02,370 may say it's your show. Oh, you're half a second over. 346 00:19:03,930 --> 00:19:07,800 Julie gave me this book that her grandmother wrote is called all 347 00:19:07,800 --> 00:19:15,000 but my life and it's her memoir about about her Holocaust 348 00:19:15,030 --> 00:19:20,100 Holocaust experience. And I'm halfway through this book. It's 349 00:19:20,100 --> 00:19:25,530 called all but my life by Gerda Weissmann Klein. It this book is 350 00:19:26,190 --> 00:19:30,960 I it's riveting. I cannot put it down and I'm reading it and I 351 00:19:30,960 --> 00:19:33,720 have to remind myself that this is a true story that this 352 00:19:33,720 --> 00:19:38,100 happened to this woman as a young girl and I think about 353 00:19:38,100 --> 00:19:40,860 some of the terms that are thrown around today when people 354 00:19:40,860 --> 00:19:46,290 call somebody a Nazi or drawn to constant concentration camps and 355 00:19:46,290 --> 00:19:52,710 they have no freaking idea. So I if you get a chance and I would 356 00:19:52,740 --> 00:19:55,770 highly recommend that book. It is it's amazing. It is it's 357 00:19:56,190 --> 00:19:59,910 gonna put it into the show notes. A it's available, isn't 358 00:19:59,910 --> 00:20:00,840 it? audiobook to 359 00:20:00,870 --> 00:20:04,200 Yeah, it's it's amazing. And again, I have to stop and say, 360 00:20:04,380 --> 00:20:08,820 oh my gosh, this is a true story. This is a true story. So 361 00:20:08,910 --> 00:20:09,420 anyway, 362 00:20:09,450 --> 00:20:10,620 Didn't your mom also 363 00:20:10,620 --> 00:20:12,810 get the grant is a grandma 364 00:20:12,810 --> 00:20:15,420 grandmother? I'm sorry. Yeah. National Medal from Obama. Yes. 365 00:20:16,290 --> 00:20:19,830 Was that a Congressional Medal of Freedom? 366 00:20:19,860 --> 00:20:21,570 I think so presidential 367 00:20:21,570 --> 00:20:22,770 maybe presidential now 368 00:20:22,800 --> 00:20:25,770 metal and there's a picture of her and Obama in in the book, 369 00:20:25,770 --> 00:20:29,760 but it's it's an amazing story. I'm halfway through it. And I'm 370 00:20:29,760 --> 00:20:33,060 just, I can't I can't put it down. I can't put so anyway. 371 00:20:33,180 --> 00:20:36,300 Thank you, Julie. I just so I so appreciate you sharing that with 372 00:20:36,330 --> 00:20:40,380 with me. And I'm so happy we're gonna be neighbors. girlfriend 373 00:20:40,410 --> 00:20:42,150 might might be a few years, but 374 00:20:43,410 --> 00:20:49,320 that's okay. And well, I can build pretty fast. Besides that. 375 00:20:50,970 --> 00:20:54,120 Julie also sent me a really nice note, because she had heard 376 00:20:54,120 --> 00:20:56,610 about did she send you a note as well? 377 00:20:56,640 --> 00:20:58,890 No, you copied Ben Do you want to go into that? Because I have 378 00:20:58,890 --> 00:21:02,490 a whole list of things for you. I talk about your generator or 379 00:21:02,490 --> 00:21:03,120 our Hold 380 00:21:03,120 --> 00:21:07,860 on a second God God generator. I gotta start with a G the E 381 00:21:07,860 --> 00:21:11,250 before the O generator first first. Sorry, God, hold on a 382 00:21:11,250 --> 00:21:13,050 sec. I got you bro. Whoa, 383 00:21:13,050 --> 00:21:15,600 wait a minute. Wait a minute, a guest fire comes before 384 00:21:15,600 --> 00:21:16,440 generator 385 00:21:17,400 --> 00:21:21,900 not in the sequence of what's being built. Okay. So Chris came 386 00:21:21,900 --> 00:21:25,140 over and we finalized everything and I fired that puppy up and 387 00:21:25,140 --> 00:21:29,220 ran the whole house on it for 1520 minutes. We check the 388 00:21:29,250 --> 00:21:32,820 turning the power off turning it on. I'm so excited. i And now of 389 00:21:32,820 --> 00:21:35,550 course we know that the power will never go out ever again. 390 00:21:36,270 --> 00:21:41,010 But I feel I feel so good about our fortress. Yes. And then the 391 00:21:41,010 --> 00:21:43,830 gasifiers the next step. That's great that explain what 392 00:21:43,830 --> 00:21:45,120 that is? Well, 393 00:21:45,750 --> 00:21:48,870 I'll put a link in the show notes. You can look it up in the 394 00:21:49,530 --> 00:21:52,020 during the Great Depression, people figured out a way to 395 00:21:52,020 --> 00:21:55,440 build furnaces where you burn wood and then out the other end 396 00:21:55,470 --> 00:21:59,400 through a series of tubes comes with a call sin gas, which is 397 00:21:59,430 --> 00:22:02,250 you can stick right into a carburetor of an engine and it 398 00:22:02,250 --> 00:22:05,880 will run and there's many pictures of trucks pickup trucks 399 00:22:05,880 --> 00:22:09,420 running on this and it cost about today's price is a penny a 400 00:22:09,420 --> 00:22:13,380 mile which is a heck of a lot cheaper than your than your gas. 401 00:22:13,620 --> 00:22:16,890 But the point is to have that as a backup to the backup because 402 00:22:17,160 --> 00:22:21,030 now that we're paying 290 per gallon of fuel. Oh 403 00:22:21,030 --> 00:22:22,860 yeah. For propane. 404 00:22:24,120 --> 00:22:27,690 You can always you know, if you run out or whatever whatever's 405 00:22:27,690 --> 00:22:31,500 going on, we can just roll the gasifier out of the garage, hook 406 00:22:31,500 --> 00:22:36,150 it up to the generator and put wood dead cats zombies, anything 407 00:22:36,150 --> 00:22:39,240 will burn and nothing. Yeah, yeah, a lot of wood. from 408 00:22:39,240 --> 00:22:42,270 Julie's land actually, I'm gonna I'm gonna take her wood and put 409 00:22:42,270 --> 00:22:43,560 in our gasifier. 410 00:22:43,860 --> 00:22:47,550 So on the no agenda show, John made a joke like oh, yeah, I can 411 00:22:47,550 --> 00:22:49,440 see Tina in the back of the truck 412 00:22:49,500 --> 00:22:54,030 row. I have different ideas about the vehicle part. But But 413 00:22:54,060 --> 00:22:57,660 But for us, and then we are 100% self sustaining. Yeah, but 414 00:22:57,660 --> 00:23:00,450 if we're driving down the street, maybe we need those 415 00:23:00,450 --> 00:23:03,060 sticks. Can you run out and pick them up on the side of the road? 416 00:23:03,060 --> 00:23:03,150 What 417 00:23:03,150 --> 00:23:05,310 do you mean? What do I mean you're already in the back? I'm 418 00:23:05,310 --> 00:23:08,550 just saying more sticks. Were late more fire? 419 00:23:10,170 --> 00:23:14,370 I don't think so do anyway. So then. 420 00:23:17,160 --> 00:23:21,120 And she had she listens to Corinne the keeper and she had 421 00:23:21,210 --> 00:23:24,600 heard you know, you talking about me being nudged and how we 422 00:23:24,600 --> 00:23:29,340 both felt about God, universe etc. And she sent me a beautiful 423 00:23:29,340 --> 00:23:35,010 note to fall off in that because she became believer I think six 424 00:23:35,010 --> 00:23:39,750 years ago. Very interesting for her because you know, coming 425 00:23:39,750 --> 00:23:43,830 from a this is her grandma, she's because she was raised 426 00:23:43,830 --> 00:23:47,700 Jewish, raised Jewish. And she just sent me a beautiful note. 427 00:23:48,120 --> 00:23:50,730 Do you have anything you want it? You have a whole bunch about 428 00:23:50,730 --> 00:23:50,790 it? 429 00:23:51,480 --> 00:23:54,750 On my phone, but no, but what she had specifically suggested 430 00:23:54,750 --> 00:24:00,030 was to watch some videos by a New York City pastor Keller 431 00:24:00,060 --> 00:24:05,310 named Tim Keller so we did watch one of them and I'm eager to 432 00:24:05,310 --> 00:24:08,040 watch more of them. But let me before we even get into that 433 00:24:08,040 --> 00:24:08,400 hold on I 434 00:24:08,399 --> 00:24:12,659 gotta just put it I literally put it right up there on the 435 00:24:12,659 --> 00:24:15,539 desk and Tina is like, Oh, hold on stop the show. He needs more 436 00:24:15,539 --> 00:24:17,519 wine. Yes, I do. 437 00:24:17,610 --> 00:24:22,500 But the the amazing number of emails that we have received 438 00:24:22,500 --> 00:24:26,520 from everybody on our on our quest to build our faith has 439 00:24:26,520 --> 00:24:31,110 been some of them just brought me to tears. I mean, just 440 00:24:31,680 --> 00:24:32,610 touched my heart. I'm 441 00:24:32,610 --> 00:24:34,500 not talking about one or two. I mean 10 442 00:24:34,530 --> 00:24:39,960 Oh my gosh, my heart completely from so anyway. So Julie 443 00:24:39,960 --> 00:24:44,190 recommended Tim Keller and then also the chosen app. And so we 444 00:24:44,190 --> 00:24:46,320 have yet we have yet to experience 445 00:24:46,410 --> 00:24:49,020 we watched we watched one two we watched one together that I had 446 00:24:49,020 --> 00:24:53,400 watched almost all of myself and that was him at a Google talks 447 00:24:53,400 --> 00:24:57,000 in 2008. It was a little better when I watched it the first time 448 00:24:57,000 --> 00:24:59,520 I don't know why or maybe it was the sound or something who's 449 00:24:59,520 --> 00:25:03,810 watching it TV. But he was, what I liked about him is he was 450 00:25:03,810 --> 00:25:07,110 approaching it from well, it actually takes a much bigger 451 00:25:07,110 --> 00:25:11,190 leap of faith to not believe in God. If you believe in human 452 00:25:11,220 --> 00:25:16,590 humanism, or morals, you know, define all that. How can you 453 00:25:16,590 --> 00:25:19,650 prove that? You know, it's like, it's much it's much easier 454 00:25:19,650 --> 00:25:24,480 actually, to believe in God than to show all these reasons why he 455 00:25:24,480 --> 00:25:27,960 don't believe in it takes a much bigger leap of faith. It was it 456 00:25:27,960 --> 00:25:31,140 to me it was like, Ah, okay. I like the intellectual argument 457 00:25:31,140 --> 00:25:33,780 because that, of course, is the issue. Like, how can I 458 00:25:33,780 --> 00:25:35,340 intellectually believe in this? 459 00:25:35,580 --> 00:25:38,940 I liked also that Julie said, Don't get bogged down in the 460 00:25:38,940 --> 00:25:43,590 church dogma, right. I like that. Um, but I heard I actually 461 00:25:43,590 --> 00:25:47,460 have a friend on Instagram. Her name is Sarah and she. We've 462 00:25:47,460 --> 00:25:47,790 been 463 00:25:48,870 --> 00:25:51,930 Insta friend. Yeah. And I think it came through 464 00:25:52,590 --> 00:25:55,830 saddle tramp brand. I don't know her. I think her first name is. 465 00:25:56,370 --> 00:25:58,170 I don't think it's I'm not sure if 466 00:25:58,469 --> 00:26:02,399 she's the she listened to us. She. Sarah, she makes the 467 00:26:02,429 --> 00:26:03,149 leather stuff. 468 00:26:03,960 --> 00:26:08,220 Saddle transit. Yeah, brand. Yeah. But Sarah, I think that's 469 00:26:08,220 --> 00:26:13,800 how we got connected. And it's interesting she was, we were 470 00:26:13,800 --> 00:26:16,320 corresponding back and forth. And she was going to recommend a 471 00:26:16,320 --> 00:26:20,160 book. And there's no such thing as a coincidence. And in somehow 472 00:26:20,160 --> 00:26:24,330 somebody she knows who is affiliated with this book had 473 00:26:24,330 --> 00:26:28,200 contacted her right before she recommended it to me, and it's 474 00:26:28,200 --> 00:26:32,310 called Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell. So I 475 00:26:32,310 --> 00:26:36,210 want to I want to look into that. And then we also have 476 00:26:37,350 --> 00:26:42,150 Rachel McMahon had suggested the case for Christ by Lee Strobel. 477 00:26:42,270 --> 00:26:43,080 Hold on a second. 478 00:26:43,500 --> 00:26:46,500 There's so many there's there's so much that 479 00:26:47,370 --> 00:26:52,320 okay. Right. And anything else that she said about this? 480 00:26:52,380 --> 00:26:55,710 I just have my eye. Yeah, I mean, she just recommended she 481 00:26:55,710 --> 00:26:58,590 just recommended that bat book that was from an email Rachel 482 00:26:58,590 --> 00:27:02,670 had sent to both of us. And then Steve Webb, the god caster, 483 00:27:02,700 --> 00:27:06,180 the OG God cast, the original God casts are known him for 484 00:27:06,180 --> 00:27:06,990 almost 20 years. 485 00:27:07,020 --> 00:27:09,030 Now. He reached out to us and said, Hey, if you have any 486 00:27:09,030 --> 00:27:11,610 questions, I would love to have them over for dinner. They 487 00:27:11,610 --> 00:27:16,320 were going to come by. They were coming back from from they went 488 00:27:16,320 --> 00:27:18,540 on vacation in Florida. And they were coming in, they were coming 489 00:27:18,540 --> 00:27:22,410 back through Fred. And he said, Dude, we both got the coup fear. 490 00:27:22,410 --> 00:27:25,890 You don't want us. We're just gonna go straight home. They're 491 00:27:25,890 --> 00:27:29,490 lovely people I've met I've corresponded with him for 1516 492 00:27:29,490 --> 00:27:32,250 years. Yeah, that'd be cool. And he's a pastor. 493 00:27:32,460 --> 00:27:35,850 And David Foley had recommended Jordan Peterson's biblical 494 00:27:35,850 --> 00:27:38,730 series. So we have a lot. I'd forgotten 495 00:27:38,730 --> 00:27:41,820 that the David and his family pray before dinner, if you 496 00:27:41,820 --> 00:27:46,770 remember that. We stayed at their house. And when he says, 497 00:27:46,770 --> 00:27:47,010 I'm like 498 00:27:47,190 --> 00:27:51,360 this, right, yeah, yeah. And so we've just been surrounded. I 499 00:27:51,360 --> 00:27:56,310 mean, we are just being we are being, like, enveloped in love 500 00:27:56,400 --> 00:28:00,030 with this. And I am I'm so touched by it. It brings tears 501 00:28:00,030 --> 00:28:03,630 to my eyes. I'm so touched, and I can feel the presence of God 502 00:28:03,660 --> 00:28:07,980 around us. All the time. I just, I can feel it. 503 00:28:08,010 --> 00:28:10,260 Well, a number of things have happened to me that I literally 504 00:28:10,260 --> 00:28:14,190 texted you at work and said, Dude, what is this? Huh? And you 505 00:28:14,190 --> 00:28:16,350 said universe I said or God? 506 00:28:16,380 --> 00:28:19,530 Yes. One of the same. I mean, my MO Of course, 507 00:28:19,560 --> 00:28:21,960 of course is like Holy moly. 508 00:28:22,440 --> 00:28:25,230 So we are so appreciative of all your note but God 509 00:28:25,230 --> 00:28:28,680 is not sending us enough booster grams photoshoots I don't know. 510 00:28:28,920 --> 00:28:32,010 Somehow. Thank you. Thanks for all the book recommendations. 511 00:28:32,940 --> 00:28:38,610 Thank God Vixen, thank God some wine because you gotta get up 512 00:28:38,610 --> 00:28:39,870 the ante a little bit people 513 00:28:39,899 --> 00:28:43,379 but I mean, we definitely feel the love for sure. And so many 514 00:28:43,379 --> 00:28:47,099 people reaching out so thank you and we will we are definitely 515 00:28:47,099 --> 00:28:48,359 getting into a lot of this. 516 00:28:48,510 --> 00:28:52,980 And I like that so many couples listen together. Yes. Here's me. 517 00:28:53,040 --> 00:28:57,060 Here's to that. There you go. Because what's our slogan again? 518 00:28:57,060 --> 00:28:58,020 You made up a slogan. 519 00:28:59,520 --> 00:29:02,400 You mean oh, that's on the artwork yourself a glass. 520 00:29:03,150 --> 00:29:05,730 Ready to laugh? Yeah, I like this. I like this. 521 00:29:06,120 --> 00:29:07,290 Now brand baby. 522 00:29:07,320 --> 00:29:11,880 Okay, now to the bad stuff. Oh, yep. Down to the bad stuff. And 523 00:29:11,880 --> 00:29:15,270 I'm hoping that the Korean the keeper clan, 524 00:29:16,440 --> 00:29:17,580 the clan but we have 525 00:29:17,580 --> 00:29:20,940 a clan this fan club. Not quite a turret tribe. We're in clan 526 00:29:23,070 --> 00:29:26,340 we're having Well, some of us are having a big problem with 527 00:29:26,340 --> 00:29:32,550 Phoebe's hair. Some of us or I have a lot of issues with 528 00:29:32,550 --> 00:29:37,170 Phoebe's TV is just an update on Phoebe. We love this dog to 529 00:29:37,170 --> 00:29:39,810 death. She's the best she's fantastic. I 530 00:29:39,810 --> 00:29:40,680 want to shave her. 531 00:29:41,340 --> 00:29:45,000 Can't shave the dog. You know you can't shave the dog. The 532 00:29:45,000 --> 00:29:49,980 problem is okay, so we knew that she would shed we knew this. Now 533 00:29:49,980 --> 00:29:54,750 the fact that she has apparently straw instead of hair that is 534 00:29:55,050 --> 00:29:58,230 very white and shows up on everything. Okay, we can still 535 00:29:58,230 --> 00:30:01,410 live with that. It's the removed tools that we're having a 536 00:30:01,410 --> 00:30:05,940 problem with and I put in hope that someone has the ultimate 537 00:30:05,940 --> 00:30:09,480 dog hair removal brush. Cuz I think if you had something that 538 00:30:09,480 --> 00:30:11,220 works you'd feel a little less 539 00:30:16,680 --> 00:30:17,880 okay, I do I 540 00:30:17,910 --> 00:30:21,540 yell at you are a mad, you are mad. 541 00:30:22,140 --> 00:30:26,940 He gets all over my clothes. And I have I'm not kidding you for 542 00:30:27,120 --> 00:30:30,600 three different kinds of lint brushes that do not wear their 543 00:30:30,600 --> 00:30:33,180 hair. None of them work. They don't. And I even tried 544 00:30:33,180 --> 00:30:37,290 vacuuming my leggings to get the hair off and it would not. I 545 00:30:37,290 --> 00:30:39,840 don't know what it is, but it's driving me crazy. And I said to 546 00:30:39,840 --> 00:30:43,590 Adam, I go it's a matter of time before her hair ends up in our 547 00:30:43,590 --> 00:30:45,660 food, because it's everywhere else 548 00:30:45,690 --> 00:30:47,370 i everywhere you do. 549 00:30:47,850 --> 00:30:50,520 I'm picking food out. I'm taking hair out of my mouth all the 550 00:30:50,520 --> 00:30:53,490 time with her. I mean, oh, are you serious? Yeah, I didn't want 551 00:30:53,490 --> 00:30:56,250 to say it because your food, it's already in raw food. I know 552 00:30:56,250 --> 00:31:00,420 where it is with you. So we have the hate. I hate that we have to 553 00:31:00,420 --> 00:31:03,090 use it. But I did put it on the segregated network. We have the 554 00:31:03,300 --> 00:31:07,770 shark robot, which runs at night. Without that it would be 555 00:31:07,890 --> 00:31:10,830 you'd wake up and you'd be upset right there would be there would 556 00:31:10,830 --> 00:31:14,670 be hair that day runs it and it has to go back to the dock three 557 00:31:14,670 --> 00:31:20,610 times to blow its wad into receptacle. It has to recharge 558 00:31:20,610 --> 00:31:23,100 before the third one like Dude, I'm really tired from picking up 559 00:31:23,100 --> 00:31:27,060 the dog's hair. And it gets a lot but it doesn't just floating 560 00:31:27,060 --> 00:31:29,100 in the air. I mean, it's just all around us. 561 00:31:29,130 --> 00:31:35,700 So anybody who's got any firmer Raider comb, so I comb her and 562 00:31:35,700 --> 00:31:38,910 she loves it. She acts like she's at the spa. She just put 563 00:31:38,910 --> 00:31:44,280 it some cucumbers on her eyes. Oh, but the dog here. Oh my 564 00:31:44,280 --> 00:31:48,570 gosh, it is. It's out. It's out of control out of control. So 565 00:31:48,870 --> 00:31:55,020 any suggestions? tina@curry.com, please. Yes, yeah, my goodness. 566 00:31:55,020 --> 00:31:58,590 Yeah. Thanks for bringing. I was a little I was a little crazy 567 00:31:58,590 --> 00:32:02,100 this morning about it. I like a clean house. I'm kind of a 568 00:32:02,100 --> 00:32:04,890 control freak that way. I'm a minimalist. 569 00:32:05,070 --> 00:32:08,070 And, and I thought that this morning I did pretty well with 570 00:32:08,070 --> 00:32:09,330 that. You didn't say a word. 571 00:32:09,960 --> 00:32:13,020 You're just like I'm shutting up. And I'm just gonna keep do 572 00:32:13,020 --> 00:32:13,800 my email. 573 00:32:13,860 --> 00:32:16,050 Didn't know I look, I would look at you and go 574 00:32:18,330 --> 00:32:23,040 look at his face like sad puppy. Like, sorry, I did. What was the 575 00:32:23,040 --> 00:32:25,200 thing when we first started talking about a dog? I said, I 576 00:32:25,200 --> 00:32:25,560 don't want to 577 00:32:26,520 --> 00:32:30,660 know. But we knew this when we when Phoebe came into our life. 578 00:32:31,170 --> 00:32:35,640 We knew it was the right thing to do. Mm hmm. We knew I kept 579 00:32:35,639 --> 00:32:38,609 looking I kept looking at the dog as I'm vacuuming trying to 580 00:32:38,609 --> 00:32:41,369 back them all the hair up and I said You're lucky I love you. 581 00:32:41,669 --> 00:32:43,469 Because you wouldn't be out of here so 582 00:32:43,470 --> 00:32:48,120 damn cute dog. Hey, she's getting real. I know. She still 583 00:32:48,120 --> 00:32:51,900 can be weird with you when you're walking. But she's gotten 584 00:32:51,900 --> 00:32:54,420 really good. I mean, I've got her to a point where 585 00:32:54,420 --> 00:32:58,740 she listens to you no problem at all. No problem. Yeah, she does. 586 00:32:58,770 --> 00:33:01,530 And she does dance for me every morning with her bone. She gives 587 00:33:01,530 --> 00:33:05,250 me that dances for you. She listens to me, but this dog does 588 00:33:05,250 --> 00:33:08,970 not play she does not fetch anything she doesn't play so 589 00:33:08,970 --> 00:33:11,460 she's excited in the morning when she sees us because she's 590 00:33:11,460 --> 00:33:13,260 let out of jail. So because 591 00:33:13,830 --> 00:33:18,180 she's sitting here in the studio she loves it in here yes studio 592 00:33:18,180 --> 00:33:18,600 Yes. He's 593 00:33:18,600 --> 00:33:21,600 got the disco lights going on here. And she's like, Yeah, 594 00:33:21,600 --> 00:33:26,490 like Yeah, Potty. Potty in the studio. But that's not her this 595 00:33:26,490 --> 00:33:29,910 is not That's not her. Her culture that's not what she is 596 00:33:29,910 --> 00:33:33,690 she her job is to hang out with the flock. And she does just 597 00:33:33,690 --> 00:33:36,990 what we do sit around yeah be honest about it watches us she's 598 00:33:36,990 --> 00:33:40,680 watching me she's one I always open when I open if there's 599 00:33:40,740 --> 00:33:45,270 anything afoot she's up an atom and she's ready to go kill Yeah, 600 00:33:45,360 --> 00:33:46,380 that's her choice although 601 00:33:46,409 --> 00:33:48,719 interestingly enough we walk through the door we'll go out 602 00:33:48,719 --> 00:33:51,959 for lunch or dinner whatever we walk through the door no dog 603 00:33:51,989 --> 00:33:54,389 like where she then all of a sudden five minutes later she's 604 00:33:54,389 --> 00:33:57,479 sleepily comes out of the bedroom. Your home 605 00:33:58,139 --> 00:34:03,419 believe me like me she's the walk the dog you want anyway, so 606 00:34:03,419 --> 00:34:07,469 it's just the hair it's the hair sich hair is indeed a sham 607 00:34:07,500 --> 00:34:10,950 Yeah, so anything what else you got? 608 00:34:10,980 --> 00:34:13,020 No, I got lots of stuff What else you got on your list? Well, 609 00:34:13,020 --> 00:34:16,560 I just we just blew past God in three minutes thanks God 610 00:34:17,730 --> 00:34:22,050 no, we're no it we're still thing Yeah, it really 611 00:34:22,050 --> 00:34:26,850 is. It really feels like you know what keeps popping up in my 612 00:34:26,850 --> 00:34:30,240 head? Hmm. Hold on a second. I got to play this song for you. 613 00:34:31,260 --> 00:34:32,550 Gonna get a song everybody? 614 00:34:32,580 --> 00:34:35,310 Yeah, completely. I'm going to go breaking the rules breaking 615 00:34:35,310 --> 00:34:38,580 the rule is going to play a song in the podcast. I don't know 616 00:34:38,580 --> 00:34:44,220 why. But Cloud God, Spotify decides to install a new 617 00:34:44,220 --> 00:34:45,030 version. Okay, 618 00:34:45,060 --> 00:34:46,230 I guess we'll come back to it. 619 00:34:46,260 --> 00:34:50,310 We will come back to it. Yeah, I may not take that long. But when 620 00:34:50,310 --> 00:34:55,170 I walk in, and that's another thing that Julie said. She said 621 00:34:55,170 --> 00:35:02,160 that she would Google anything by Tim Keller and then she she 622 00:35:02,160 --> 00:35:06,660 listened to it on her walks. And she's she's Oh, I started to 623 00:35:06,660 --> 00:35:09,990 look forward to my walks Oh my let me hear this I got it 624 00:35:13,590 --> 00:35:15,540 this is our DJ for you everybody 625 00:35:15,720 --> 00:35:18,390 well I wasn't prepared for this it just it just came up all of a 626 00:35:18,390 --> 00:35:25,830 sudden Oh that's funny. I spelled God do G I don't know 627 00:35:25,830 --> 00:35:29,940 what's going on yo G I know it came out dog instead of God. I 628 00:35:29,940 --> 00:35:31,350 did not just talking 629 00:35:31,350 --> 00:35:34,350 about Phoebe. That's that's what happened. Okay, so 630 00:35:34,440 --> 00:35:37,290 well I really believe that God brought Phoebe into her life. 631 00:35:37,470 --> 00:35:40,470 Oh, I mean that was a 100% Yeah, because we were just talking 632 00:35:40,470 --> 00:35:43,080 about getting a dog and then all of a sudden this precious, 633 00:35:43,380 --> 00:35:46,680 precious sweet dog you know what we were talking about? Like I 634 00:35:46,680 --> 00:35:49,020 wonder what her dead name is? Here we go 635 00:35:54,300 --> 00:35:55,350 get your get your glasses 636 00:35:55,710 --> 00:36:02,400 to sound like it here it is. This is the song I keep hearing 637 00:36:02,400 --> 00:36:08,280 in my head. What are these all fake songs are these are fake 638 00:36:08,280 --> 00:36:08,640 verse. 639 00:36:08,700 --> 00:36:10,470 I'm not sure where you're going with this. 640 00:36:10,950 --> 00:36:15,570 Okay, this is this I finally found it. Do you recognize this 641 00:36:15,570 --> 00:36:18,510 song? Not at all. So the musical genius baby Stevie Wonder from 642 00:36:18,510 --> 00:36:27,060 Songs in the Key life go have a talk with God. Oh problems. This 643 00:36:27,060 --> 00:36:28,950 is what plays in my head gun. 644 00:36:30,390 --> 00:36:36,510 Life is not the way wait for the chorus and that will stop and if 645 00:36:36,510 --> 00:36:46,830 your CEO cannot find you to talk to you. Then you fill your last 646 00:36:46,830 --> 00:36:47,130 two 647 00:36:53,400 --> 00:36:57,600 I look at part ways things it talk to God he cares. You know, 648 00:36:58,110 --> 00:37:02,550 this is what he was worth. Wait. I love that. Yeah. And that's 649 00:37:02,550 --> 00:37:05,250 just like that's that's what comes up in my head. And I'm not 650 00:37:05,250 --> 00:37:07,740 like I'm having a talk with God at that moment. But I'm just 651 00:37:07,740 --> 00:37:08,460 like, Ah, 652 00:37:09,360 --> 00:37:11,220 you're so you're getting nudged everywhere, baby. 653 00:37:12,690 --> 00:37:14,460 I need more projects. Thanks, God. 654 00:37:15,390 --> 00:37:18,990 Going back to Phoebe. Yeah. I wonder what her. It's like got 655 00:37:18,990 --> 00:37:24,390 the dog. Got the dog. It's just wishing two letters. I wonder 656 00:37:24,390 --> 00:37:26,070 what her dead name is. 657 00:37:26,490 --> 00:37:29,730 You already already told me. It's Becky. It's Becky. Becky 658 00:37:29,730 --> 00:37:29,910 this 659 00:37:30,509 --> 00:37:35,909 tricky? Because Phoebe was found in the tree line with her 660 00:37:35,909 --> 00:37:38,909 puppies. So she obviously got knocked up. She was living on 661 00:37:38,909 --> 00:37:39,719 the street. 662 00:37:39,840 --> 00:37:43,980 Not? Could you could you think that she got raped? I think 663 00:37:45,840 --> 00:37:49,080 you're right. She didn't get right now she was head off. 664 00:37:49,680 --> 00:37:50,130 Right, 665 00:37:50,160 --> 00:37:54,900 exactly. So I'm just the thing is, and I'm sorry for this 666 00:37:54,900 --> 00:37:59,790 strange, strange transition, but she is the sweetest, sweetest 667 00:37:59,790 --> 00:38:04,170 dog and it's hard for me to imagine that anybody would let 668 00:38:04,170 --> 00:38:08,460 her go. So but anyway, her backstory is Becky. Becky living 669 00:38:08,460 --> 00:38:12,360 in the woods hanging out on the streets digging all the male 670 00:38:12,360 --> 00:38:19,110 dogs and then she had some pups and then and then she found us 671 00:38:20,069 --> 00:38:22,019 pretty much Oh, 672 00:38:22,050 --> 00:38:23,610 pretty much it anyway. 673 00:38:24,840 --> 00:38:27,270 All right, what else what else she got on your list there? No 674 00:38:27,330 --> 00:38:28,230 Oh stuff for 675 00:38:28,230 --> 00:38:32,280 us. So Adam and I like going to this local restaurant here. 676 00:38:32,280 --> 00:38:34,620 There's there's a few local restaurants we like here in 677 00:38:34,620 --> 00:38:38,070 Fredericksburg, but one of our favorite is the hitching post 678 00:38:40,800 --> 00:38:44,610 it's a it's a it's a Texas steakhouse comfort 679 00:38:44,610 --> 00:38:49,140 food. Texas comfort food with usually one guy on a little 680 00:38:49,230 --> 00:38:53,670 little riser stage. Yeah, play songs. Yes. Plays cover cover 681 00:38:53,670 --> 00:38:56,340 songs. We haven't seen Mike the bartender for a couple of weeks 682 00:38:56,340 --> 00:38:57,750 now. And every time 683 00:38:57,750 --> 00:39:00,390 we would go in there, he would look at me he'd go Anthony 684 00:39:00,390 --> 00:39:00,930 Bourdain. 685 00:39:02,400 --> 00:39:04,500 Like Anthony Bourdain is in the House, everybody. 686 00:39:04,620 --> 00:39:08,190 Finally I was like, Dude, this is you know, this is Adam curry. 687 00:39:08,190 --> 00:39:10,110 Do you know this is not Anthony Bernie. 688 00:39:10,590 --> 00:39:14,550 No, I don't know who that is. Good. And it seems like no, you 689 00:39:14,550 --> 00:39:17,910 need to see this. Look at his hair hairs. Pear picture. Oh, 690 00:39:17,910 --> 00:39:19,920 that's Oh, but anyway, 691 00:39:19,920 --> 00:39:22,770 so we went to dinner there a couple nights ago. And we always 692 00:39:22,770 --> 00:39:26,340 sit at the bar. We just like sitting at the bar and all of a 693 00:39:26,340 --> 00:39:29,610 sudden this woman starts Why did she say oh, you asked her about 694 00:39:29,610 --> 00:39:33,930 her coffee. No, no, no. She ordered a No What's it called? 695 00:39:34,020 --> 00:39:37,950 Did she she ordered something nice? Oh, nice Irish coffee. And 696 00:39:37,950 --> 00:39:42,090 she had cocoa cocoa coffee. Q Kyoko. 697 00:39:42,750 --> 00:39:43,620 I don't know what it was like, 698 00:39:43,620 --> 00:39:48,840 no, no, this is pure coffee. Like, Oh, that's interesting. My 699 00:39:48,840 --> 00:39:49,770 mistake. Yes, 700 00:39:49,800 --> 00:39:53,760 Your mistake because she was not shot. And I was 701 00:39:53,820 --> 00:39:59,250 you were in the middle of us. And she told me but she was it 702 00:39:59,250 --> 00:40:02,460 was it was Interesting. I mean, it was too bad that you didn't 703 00:40:02,460 --> 00:40:02,640 mean 704 00:40:02,640 --> 00:40:06,630 you go I'm sorry for starting that didn't mean to file 705 00:40:06,630 --> 00:40:10,170 everything to life when she got married how old her husband is 706 00:40:10,170 --> 00:40:15,240 how old she is her daughter who she dated her sister her mom. I 707 00:40:15,240 --> 00:40:19,440 mean this is the span of I'm like, I just want to eat my my 708 00:40:19,440 --> 00:40:20,460 my my 709 00:40:22,350 --> 00:40:24,540 thought about it though. She was she was nice. She had a good 710 00:40:24,540 --> 00:40:27,810 story. Yeah, I think she was rich and that guy was married to 711 00:40:27,810 --> 00:40:33,030 her for money like me he looked a little bit younger he looked a 712 00:40:33,030 --> 00:40:35,880 little bit younger. She's story she looked a little bit younger 713 00:40:35,880 --> 00:40:36,150 than he 714 00:40:36,150 --> 00:40:39,510 didn't know why am I noticing post? What kind of chicken? What 715 00:40:39,630 --> 00:40:42,420 I have on my notes hitching post? What kind of chicken I 716 00:40:42,420 --> 00:40:44,700 don't know. Where are we talking about chicken itching? 717 00:40:44,700 --> 00:40:47,640 Oh, I can't remember anything about Chan. Remember? They're 718 00:40:47,670 --> 00:40:48,360 interesting. 719 00:40:48,390 --> 00:40:51,000 Anyway, but yeah, it's interesting. So be careful who 720 00:40:51,000 --> 00:40:52,170 you strike conversation. 721 00:40:52,590 --> 00:40:53,700 Oh, please. 722 00:40:55,980 --> 00:40:56,970 finished my meal. 723 00:40:57,600 --> 00:41:00,210 Meanwhile, the guy who was playing was doing all kinds of 724 00:41:00,210 --> 00:41:03,840 cool cover songs. I dug him a lot. He was good. Yeah, people 725 00:41:03,840 --> 00:41:06,510 you come out to Fredericksburg. I was just gonna say you guys 726 00:41:06,510 --> 00:41:09,990 got a pose. Yeah, this is this is a cool place. It's 727 00:41:09,990 --> 00:41:12,030 totally our vibe. And there's another restaurant called 728 00:41:12,030 --> 00:41:13,410 martinis where they have 729 00:41:14,490 --> 00:41:18,540 a little bit more of hitching post is like it's we don't want 730 00:41:18,540 --> 00:41:21,870 to cook let's just go let's get some taxes. And the Martini Bar 731 00:41:21,870 --> 00:41:24,840 is like let's go be Frank Sinatra in Texas. 732 00:41:24,870 --> 00:41:28,470 Oh, yeah. And they have all kinds of martinis martinis 733 00:41:28,470 --> 00:41:31,230 and they got to get good usually crooner yeah, sometimes it's 734 00:41:31,230 --> 00:41:33,780 some young guy. There's no half the the lyrics. Yeah, 735 00:41:33,810 --> 00:41:36,270 we love the vibe there too. There's a lot of cool places 736 00:41:36,270 --> 00:41:37,830 here. Yeah, yeah, hopefully. 737 00:41:38,189 --> 00:41:40,409 It's pretty damn good out here. Yeah, 738 00:41:40,529 --> 00:41:45,539 no complaints, no complaints. We did go. Our friends Haley and 739 00:41:45,539 --> 00:41:50,309 Ryan came from they live in closer to Austin and they came 740 00:41:50,309 --> 00:41:54,509 here for the day. And we went to a new place called the salvation 741 00:41:54,509 --> 00:41:58,559 speakeasy. That was very cool. It was and they took this it was 742 00:41:58,589 --> 00:42:02,609 its house behind a gate. So you needed the code to get in. And 743 00:42:02,609 --> 00:42:03,029 we got 744 00:42:03,450 --> 00:42:07,350 of course 1776 Yeah, very, very hill country. 745 00:42:07,379 --> 00:42:11,639 And and so we ended up meeting them there. And I didn't realize 746 00:42:11,639 --> 00:42:15,389 that speakeasy Well, it's a gin distilleries, crazies 747 00:42:15,390 --> 00:42:17,940 where the legal places where you're hung out to drink 748 00:42:17,970 --> 00:42:21,870 Yeah. And so why only gin they only had gin during their gin 749 00:42:21,870 --> 00:42:25,260 distillery. That's what they do. Oh, yeah, they sell Did you not 750 00:42:25,260 --> 00:42:26,430 notice they sell gin? 751 00:42:26,640 --> 00:42:28,710 Yes, yeah, yeah, all the drinks on the menu. 752 00:42:29,129 --> 00:42:31,979 They are a gin distillery in the bay. We basically went to the 753 00:42:31,979 --> 00:42:37,259 gift shop of the gin distillery. It was so cool. And the owner 754 00:42:37,259 --> 00:42:39,239 was really super nice. Yes, he 755 00:42:39,240 --> 00:42:42,690 caught on to who you were and he was in your grill. 756 00:42:42,720 --> 00:42:44,820 Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, I didn't know that's it. Haley 757 00:42:44,820 --> 00:42:47,310 said yeah. Oh, I don't know about that. But but they had 758 00:42:47,310 --> 00:42:49,860 some really cool I thought he was just like me for who I am. 759 00:42:49,860 --> 00:42:55,770 But no horses because I'm washed up DJ didn't know me from 760 00:42:55,770 --> 00:43:00,840 podcasting. 2.0 or 1.00, baby. Okay. 761 00:43:02,190 --> 00:43:05,160 Nobody was really cool. I mean, you sucked down the cocktails 762 00:43:05,160 --> 00:43:07,320 there, dude. So 763 00:43:09,240 --> 00:43:12,180 did I get you home? You did. This is another great thing 764 00:43:12,180 --> 00:43:14,820 about Fredericksburg. You can kind of just put it on 30 miles 765 00:43:14,820 --> 00:43:18,120 an hour on the cruise control you'll be fine. Just go straight 766 00:43:18,120 --> 00:43:22,680 I mean that's true. That's true don't advocate for any kind of 767 00:43:23,400 --> 00:43:24,960 drunk driving and I never have 768 00:43:24,990 --> 00:43:30,720 Yeah, no no no and I'm no we don't want to mess up our lives 769 00:43:30,720 --> 00:43:32,250 that way or mess up somebody else 770 00:43:32,250 --> 00:43:35,280 don't mess up anyone's life. But I did have a couple of cocktails 771 00:43:35,310 --> 00:43:39,360 you get three I'm good though. You're tall Yeah, 772 00:43:39,420 --> 00:43:40,800 it spreads out Yeah, I 773 00:43:40,800 --> 00:43:42,570 played like a my hollow tooth 774 00:43:44,850 --> 00:43:46,680 that was yeah, it was fun wasn't it 775 00:43:46,680 --> 00:43:50,160 bring that up? Yeah that that was I am these cool place I am 776 00:43:50,160 --> 00:43:54,540 Julie the social director. I am the one that plans careful dude. 777 00:43:54,690 --> 00:43:55,950 Fuck I did it again. 778 00:43:55,980 --> 00:43:59,520 He just oh, I mean we call Adam sponsor spot. 779 00:43:59,970 --> 00:44:05,310 dribble dribble my sequel kill me. You're wearing my wife. I 780 00:44:05,310 --> 00:44:05,610 got it. 781 00:44:06,210 --> 00:44:09,930 He was so excited. But yes, I'm Julie the social director and I 782 00:44:09,930 --> 00:44:13,260 find these crews direct crews direct direct but it wasn't she 783 00:44:13,260 --> 00:44:16,110 the cruise social director. No, she was just the cruise child. 784 00:44:16,140 --> 00:44:18,300 Okay, but yeah, it was really fun. So if you come to 785 00:44:18,300 --> 00:44:20,970 Fredericksburg hit us up. We'll take you to the speakeasy. 786 00:44:21,480 --> 00:44:24,480 Definitely for sure. That was a lot of fun. We had a really nice 787 00:44:24,480 --> 00:44:24,660 time 788 00:44:24,660 --> 00:44:27,210 and the weather's getting a little nicer so things are 789 00:44:27,210 --> 00:44:27,540 starting 790 00:44:27,690 --> 00:44:28,830 to get a winery though. 791 00:44:28,860 --> 00:44:33,150 Yeah, we do. Do you did you dude make dude yeah, we're gonna have 792 00:44:33,150 --> 00:44:35,490 to do we do have to hit some wineries and get back into the 793 00:44:35,490 --> 00:44:37,410 swing of things. I'm very excited. We're also going on 794 00:44:37,410 --> 00:44:40,530 vacation, which has not been announced publicly but we are 795 00:44:40,530 --> 00:44:43,200 going on probably knows if he listens to Korea. He does not 796 00:44:43,200 --> 00:44:45,330 listen to Korea and he doesn't even listen to my Glenn Beck 797 00:44:45,330 --> 00:44:50,820 interview. Oh. We're going to the only country that would let 798 00:44:50,820 --> 00:44:54,000 us in without vaccination is Aruba. We did talk about it. 799 00:44:54,090 --> 00:44:56,640 Okay. But you know what I'm hoping now that everything you 800 00:44:56,640 --> 00:44:58,650 know, because COVID is gone because now we're focused on 801 00:44:58,650 --> 00:45:03,750 Ukraine. Russia, we're canceling Ukraine actually cured COVID for 802 00:45:03,750 --> 00:45:04,200 us. 803 00:45:04,230 --> 00:45:05,880 So think Putin did that. 804 00:45:05,910 --> 00:45:09,630 Oh, yeah. So hopefully by the time we go there, we're not even 805 00:45:09,630 --> 00:45:12,240 going to need a test. That's and then we're going to New York, 806 00:45:12,270 --> 00:45:14,940 but we both had coop the coop that we have the antibodies. 807 00:45:14,970 --> 00:45:15,900 Yeah, we have antibodies, 808 00:45:15,900 --> 00:45:21,480 but we don't have any proof. And we have, and we have to go to we 809 00:45:21,480 --> 00:45:24,120 have to go to New York. Oh, yes. Yeah. Well, I'm 810 00:45:24,120 --> 00:45:25,050 excited about this. 811 00:45:25,080 --> 00:45:27,750 Yeah. So my aunt Meg passed away. We didn't talk about that. 812 00:45:27,750 --> 00:45:32,430 Because it was two weeks ago, mom, Meg passed away. Um, I'm 813 00:45:32,430 --> 00:45:35,520 bummed that I didn't see her. You know, we have a great 814 00:45:35,520 --> 00:45:37,920 picture. We have a great picture. Oh my God, that's 815 00:45:37,950 --> 00:45:41,160 the best picture ever from a wedding in 20. 816 00:45:41,160 --> 00:45:44,070 I really want to post that somewhere. But I didn't want to 817 00:45:44,070 --> 00:45:48,480 do it without talking to my cousin's. But she was such a 818 00:45:48,480 --> 00:45:53,370 fantastic lady. Now. I will always remember. I did a show 819 00:45:53,370 --> 00:45:57,180 from their driveway once you did. Yeah. It came through. I 820 00:45:57,630 --> 00:46:02,430 can't remember. Exactly. And Mr. Monk, yeah. And this is this is 821 00:46:02,430 --> 00:46:06,060 going back. This is probably the first Hot Pocket tour, which was 822 00:46:06,240 --> 00:46:17,880 with Yeah, yes. But it was 2012 Oh, I think 12 or 11. And he or 823 00:46:17,880 --> 00:46:22,770 she was she ran the Russia desk at at the CIA. In fact, 824 00:46:22,920 --> 00:46:25,560 something I read from her obituary, which I did not know 825 00:46:25,560 --> 00:46:29,940 that she outranked my uncle Don. Yeah, yeah. That's not surprised 826 00:46:29,940 --> 00:46:35,520 me. Yeah. And I, after the show, she said, I really liked your 827 00:46:35,520 --> 00:46:39,570 program. I listened to all of it. I have some notes. Oh, and 828 00:46:39,570 --> 00:46:42,990 she had taken notes. And she said, You're a patriot. And I 829 00:46:42,990 --> 00:46:45,780 really appreciate and I don't remember much of her notes. But 830 00:46:45,780 --> 00:46:48,510 I remember her saying that she says, I really appreciate what 831 00:46:48,510 --> 00:46:50,790 you're doing. And it meant so much to me. They were kind of 832 00:46:50,790 --> 00:46:56,100 like, lots of people have kind of older role models, parents 833 00:46:56,100 --> 00:46:59,040 who are a little bit more like parents to you in some way you 834 00:46:59,040 --> 00:47:01,560 can talk to about other things than your actual parents and my 835 00:47:01,560 --> 00:47:05,940 cousin Lucy had that actually, with my parents. And they were 836 00:47:05,940 --> 00:47:09,360 like that, you know, and Donna's still with us. And so hopefully, 837 00:47:09,360 --> 00:47:14,610 we'll be he'll be there in April. And Christina is coming 838 00:47:14,610 --> 00:47:14,880 in 839 00:47:15,090 --> 00:47:18,060 first. So excited about that. So we're flying into New York, and 840 00:47:18,060 --> 00:47:21,570 then we're gonna, Christina is gonna fly into New York and meet 841 00:47:21,570 --> 00:47:24,270 us and then we're gonna drive up to Armonk. And then after that, 842 00:47:24,270 --> 00:47:26,100 we're gonna go into this city, and then we're gonna have dinner 843 00:47:26,100 --> 00:47:29,370 with my daughter. Yeah. Who I haven't seen for 844 00:47:30,420 --> 00:47:35,220 nine months. Yeah, she might have a child. A child who nine 845 00:47:35,220 --> 00:47:39,090 months? I don't know. No, I don't think so. Yeah. And 846 00:47:39,090 --> 00:47:42,630 Christina and and, and at least love each other. So that'll be 847 00:47:42,630 --> 00:47:45,930 fine. And then she's going to come back with us for for a 848 00:47:45,930 --> 00:47:46,500 couple days. 849 00:47:46,529 --> 00:47:49,529 Yeah, I hope longer than a couple of days. So 850 00:47:49,590 --> 00:47:53,760 so too, it's been so hard for her. I know, Holland and the 851 00:47:53,760 --> 00:47:57,600 lock downs, and the restrictions. And you know, I 852 00:47:57,600 --> 00:48:00,480 can I can say she had real anxiety of going back into 853 00:48:00,480 --> 00:48:04,170 society. You know, it's a mess. They've screwed with the kids so 854 00:48:04,170 --> 00:48:04,680 much. 855 00:48:04,980 --> 00:48:07,380 Yeah, she's doing better though. Yes, she 856 00:48:07,380 --> 00:48:08,520 is. That's good news. 857 00:48:08,549 --> 00:48:11,639 So yeah, so we have a Roomba then we're going to New York and 858 00:48:11,639 --> 00:48:14,189 then we're going to Charleston for a no agenda beat up. 859 00:48:14,250 --> 00:48:18,060 Oh, when is that? That's basically they want to 860 00:48:18,060 --> 00:48:19,470 say we're doing that. 861 00:48:19,770 --> 00:48:24,060 Yeah. Which will be our also our kind of honeymoon. Anniversary. 862 00:48:24,330 --> 00:48:28,470 Yeah, no, we're not doing listen. on our honeymoon. And we 863 00:48:28,470 --> 00:48:32,160 did a no agenda meetup in London. Okay, I'm not do this is 864 00:48:32,160 --> 00:48:35,640 not a substitute for anniversary celebration. No, 865 00:48:35,670 --> 00:48:40,290 it does a Roomba cow. No, no, that doesn't count. It's too 866 00:48:40,290 --> 00:48:42,780 early to Portugal. Talking about 867 00:48:43,020 --> 00:48:45,900 but remember, we were in London and we did a meet up 868 00:48:45,930 --> 00:48:47,340 was fun. Did you have a good time? 869 00:48:47,370 --> 00:48:49,500 I did. But hey, like, come on. 870 00:48:51,570 --> 00:48:55,680 That's right. I didn't propose right to you. Beautiful wedding. 871 00:48:56,220 --> 00:48:59,190 I gotta tell the proposal story. This is such a fantastic we've 872 00:48:59,190 --> 00:49:01,800 not talked about on the show. I don't think we talked about how 873 00:49:01,800 --> 00:49:03,870 we met but we talked about proposals. 874 00:49:04,890 --> 00:49:11,730 By the way, dude. This was a good one. Deuce this. I nailed 875 00:49:11,730 --> 00:49:14,610 this. I think I nailed it. Go ahead. Yes. Yeah. Great. Third 876 00:49:14,610 --> 00:49:15,390 time's a charm. 877 00:49:16,530 --> 00:49:19,680 Last time is the last thing that third time we're saying we're 878 00:49:19,680 --> 00:49:25,650 saying last time. Yes. So Adam and I moved in together in 2017. 879 00:49:25,650 --> 00:49:30,000 And are obviously very much in love and oh, I got to Philip 880 00:49:30,000 --> 00:49:30,870 Glass again. 881 00:49:30,870 --> 00:49:35,070 I'm sorry. It's the story. It's the story. We had a big lunch. 882 00:49:35,310 --> 00:49:38,790 We did. We went out for lunch. I love I love our midweek lunches. 883 00:49:38,820 --> 00:49:41,430 Well, you know, I had all of a sudden a hole dropped in my 884 00:49:41,430 --> 00:49:45,300 calendar. I'm like, dude, let's go out for lunch. And you went 885 00:49:45,750 --> 00:49:51,660 out? Did you just do me? I do. Did you? Vic. Shit is working 886 00:49:51,660 --> 00:49:52,200 bro. Yeah, 887 00:49:52,230 --> 00:49:54,930 we're just sucking it down, sucking in like 888 00:49:55,770 --> 00:49:58,590 it'd be better with one of Chris's charcuterie boards, or 889 00:49:58,590 --> 00:50:01,080 Julie's for that matter and Is your cooter but do you have a 890 00:50:01,080 --> 00:50:06,690 piece of cheese? Anything? No rind, so I can scrape the rind. 891 00:50:07,020 --> 00:50:07,500 So, 892 00:50:07,920 --> 00:50:12,300 anyway, so we moved in in 2017 After dating for two years, and 893 00:50:13,290 --> 00:50:16,560 Adam kept saying to people when I asked her to marry me when I 894 00:50:16,560 --> 00:50:18,930 asked her to marry me, and we finally had a conversation I 895 00:50:18,930 --> 00:50:19,800 said to him, I said, Look, 896 00:50:19,830 --> 00:50:23,040 no, that's not there was no conversation. You went, dude. 897 00:50:25,950 --> 00:50:27,870 Either asked me to marry you or shut up. 898 00:50:27,899 --> 00:50:31,289 I did not. That is not Hello, though. That's 899 00:50:31,290 --> 00:50:32,580 correct. But it wasn't a message. 900 00:50:32,609 --> 00:50:38,339 Okay, that how you were right. I said, Look, you don't need to 901 00:50:38,339 --> 00:50:41,909 ask me to marry you. I'm committed to you. I love you. I 902 00:50:41,909 --> 00:50:44,909 don't we don't need to be married but you need to stop 903 00:50:44,999 --> 00:50:48,179 saying that in front of me because you're setting an 904 00:50:48,179 --> 00:50:52,349 expectation and because one Christmas I got my nails done I 905 00:50:52,349 --> 00:50:56,039 got the ring finger like all fancy thinking that maybe? 906 00:50:56,370 --> 00:50:59,340 Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, I didn't know this. Yeah, 907 00:50:59,370 --> 00:51:06,630 yeah. Christmas 2017 Oh, baby went to Chicago. Yeah, that was 908 00:51:06,630 --> 00:51:07,950 like won't wall. 909 00:51:08,490 --> 00:51:10,980 Really? I know that. Yeah. 910 00:51:11,010 --> 00:51:14,310 Because you had asked my sister will kind of ring a line. 911 00:51:14,460 --> 00:51:19,680 I had asked myself may I say I asked your sisters and your 912 00:51:19,680 --> 00:51:24,630 mother for permission to marry. Like a proper gentleman does 913 00:51:25,560 --> 00:51:29,820 doesn't mean that it's next week, but okay, anyway. Stop 914 00:51:29,820 --> 00:51:33,360 stop. I need some more information. did Lisa tell you 915 00:51:33,360 --> 00:51:38,940 that I asked her that. She rat bastard. You rat bastard. Lisa. 916 00:51:38,940 --> 00:51:45,540 Oh, Lisa said what kind of ring that bastard. So anyway, so I 917 00:51:45,540 --> 00:51:48,630 asked your daughter's Oh, I asked him personally. Wait a 918 00:51:48,630 --> 00:51:53,550 minute backup backup. So Christmas 2017. get my nails 919 00:51:53,550 --> 00:51:56,670 done and little like nice, like on the ring fingers thinking oh, 920 00:51:56,670 --> 00:52:00,600 you know, I don't know. So anyway, that's when I was like, 921 00:52:01,170 --> 00:52:10,920 It's okay. Maybe it's a good story video on the show. We do. 922 00:52:11,550 --> 00:52:14,550 So So I had asked him I'm like, you know, you stop saying that 923 00:52:14,550 --> 00:52:16,470 because you're setting up an expectation because I was 924 00:52:16,470 --> 00:52:17,730 disappointed over Christmas. 925 00:52:18,810 --> 00:52:21,900 This is the first I'm hearing of the Christmas. The big Christmas 926 00:52:21,900 --> 00:52:24,720 disappointment. I'm so sorry. 927 00:52:24,779 --> 00:52:26,249 Okay, is it Hey, 928 00:52:26,279 --> 00:52:27,809 it turned out beautiful. Okay, now. 929 00:52:29,040 --> 00:52:32,340 Oh, well, I do so fast forward. We're going to go 930 00:52:36,240 --> 00:52:39,390 Why is good with podcasting? That works. 931 00:52:39,990 --> 00:52:44,100 So, we end up we're going to Italy went to Italy and 932 00:52:44,100 --> 00:52:48,720 September 2018 For Willow and Alessandro his 25th wedding 933 00:52:48,720 --> 00:52:52,170 anniversary. My sister and my brother, sister and his brother 934 00:52:52,170 --> 00:52:57,600 and they live in forenza right in Florence. Yes. Beautiful. So 935 00:52:57,600 --> 00:53:01,890 they had this huge party in this beautiful castle I mean, it's 936 00:53:01,890 --> 00:53:05,460 like it's like storybook it's like tough It's like that movie 937 00:53:05,670 --> 00:53:06,060 under the 938 00:53:06,060 --> 00:53:09,570 test. It was also the family and everything. Yeah, was there it 939 00:53:09,570 --> 00:53:10,050 was nice. 940 00:53:10,080 --> 00:53:16,200 And so um, then Adam and I drove up to Lake Como and we stayed at 941 00:53:16,200 --> 00:53:23,850 this George Clooney place no really beautiful Airbnb like 942 00:53:23,880 --> 00:53:27,600 right on the lake. It was absolutely stunning and, and you 943 00:53:27,600 --> 00:53:29,160 know, we're doing our thing Adams do. 944 00:53:29,490 --> 00:53:33,270 That place was sick by oh my god was a badass. It was it was it 945 00:53:33,270 --> 00:53:34,980 was it was modern, but on the lake. 946 00:53:35,010 --> 00:53:38,130 So Adam goes, Let's go someplace really nice for dinner. Like 947 00:53:38,130 --> 00:53:39,930 really nice. I'm like, Okay, so we're looking 948 00:53:39,930 --> 00:53:43,740 at attention, pay attention. I let her choose the restaurant. 949 00:53:44,520 --> 00:53:45,060 He is that 950 00:53:45,090 --> 00:53:48,450 and I make the reservation. He's like, let's do something nice. 951 00:53:48,450 --> 00:53:52,050 And I'm like, okay, so I make the reservation. So I'm not 952 00:53:52,050 --> 00:53:54,300 thinking anything of it. So I'm getting Justin like, should I 953 00:53:54,300 --> 00:53:56,760 wear casual shoes or nice shoes? He's like, You should wear the 954 00:53:56,760 --> 00:54:01,110 nice shoes. Like okay, I didn't think anything of it. And so we 955 00:54:01,110 --> 00:54:03,810 go to this restaurant. It was oh my gosh, what was the name of 956 00:54:03,810 --> 00:54:07,230 the restaurant? I can't even freaking remember. Oh, gosh, you 957 00:54:07,260 --> 00:54:11,310 realize it was in Bellagio but I don't remember the mistral Mr. 958 00:54:11,310 --> 00:54:15,900 Oscar you go. And so we're seated at this unbelievable 959 00:54:15,900 --> 00:54:19,230 table like right on the water right on the water. And then 960 00:54:19,230 --> 00:54:22,740 Adam, you know, in his typical self is just this evening, he's, 961 00:54:22,920 --> 00:54:26,730 he's a waiter about the wine and he's having 962 00:54:27,690 --> 00:54:30,780 we're serving as toilet one. Made by prisoners. We had a 963 00:54:30,780 --> 00:54:34,140 whole story about it. I'm like, This is fucking cool. This is 964 00:54:34,140 --> 00:54:37,080 made by prisoners in their toilet bowls. Yes, yes. Yes. 965 00:54:37,110 --> 00:54:37,740 Okay. 966 00:54:37,800 --> 00:54:42,510 And so, uh, so they, you know, they bring us our first course 967 00:54:42,510 --> 00:54:45,120 they bring us the wine and I turn around and I look and I see 968 00:54:45,120 --> 00:54:48,810 them bringing two bottles of champagne and two glass glasses. 969 00:54:48,810 --> 00:54:51,480 I'm sorry. And I'm thinking, Oh my God, these people was really 970 00:54:51,480 --> 00:54:54,510 like us because they must like Adam and they set the wind down 971 00:54:54,510 --> 00:54:57,630 and then Adam puts his napkin on the table and I'm like, what is 972 00:54:57,630 --> 00:55:01,860 happening here? And Adam got down on one Knee and proposed an 973 00:55:01,890 --> 00:55:04,290 I was shocked and 974 00:55:04,290 --> 00:55:10,950 then she played the live band five piece band played the love 975 00:55:10,950 --> 00:55:12,630 story scene from love stories. 976 00:55:13,560 --> 00:55:19,080 And you can somebody on their iPhone video I was I love 977 00:55:19,080 --> 00:55:22,320 surprises like that I was completely taken by surprise. 978 00:55:22,500 --> 00:55:24,570 You did really really really well. 979 00:55:24,600 --> 00:55:28,050 Yes. So from my side that went 980 00:55:29,220 --> 00:55:32,310 well wait one minute though. So we were we were exploring like 981 00:55:32,310 --> 00:55:36,330 como remember and you were talking to Nico and he was 982 00:55:36,360 --> 00:55:40,140 talking in Dutch and they were in una ko actually knew somebody 983 00:55:40,140 --> 00:55:41,130 from the restaurant. 984 00:55:41,160 --> 00:55:45,210 No, no, no, no, no, he didn't. He said, what restaurant? 985 00:55:45,870 --> 00:55:48,720 Because I said look, I'm going to propose to her and we got the 986 00:55:48,720 --> 00:55:52,290 restaurant. He says which restaurant and I said Misra says 987 00:55:52,650 --> 00:55:57,780 a call you right back and, and he said, Okay, I'm gonna I'm 988 00:55:57,780 --> 00:56:01,020 gonna take care. I got this. I got him. I had to pay for it. 989 00:56:01,020 --> 00:56:06,870 But he said, I got this. And because he's from, he was from 990 00:56:06,870 --> 00:56:09,180 the restaurant, he was a chef back in the day. So he knows how 991 00:56:09,180 --> 00:56:14,160 to talk to these people. And it's, uh, he got everything all 992 00:56:14,160 --> 00:56:16,560 hooked up. And we were talking in Dutch, which was great. And 993 00:56:16,560 --> 00:56:16,650 you 994 00:56:16,650 --> 00:56:19,620 kept throwing in a Chris Brown because you were worried. 995 00:56:20,400 --> 00:56:23,220 That's Chris Brown. The restaurant doing Chris Brown. 996 00:56:25,620 --> 00:56:28,380 And that so then I had I had a ring, which we'll talk about in 997 00:56:28,380 --> 00:56:34,110 a moment. I had a ring for quite quite a few weeks. I had it for 998 00:56:34,110 --> 00:56:38,280 two weeks or something like that. Yeah. And in this bring 999 00:56:38,280 --> 00:56:41,520 box like How the hell am I getting so I had it in my back 1000 00:56:41,520 --> 00:56:43,770 pocket. And as we're going to the car I was kind of like 1001 00:56:43,770 --> 00:56:47,190 getting into the car crooked. You didn't You didn't pay me but 1002 00:56:47,190 --> 00:56:50,040 I was sitting kind of weird because this big bump in my back 1003 00:56:50,040 --> 00:56:57,000 pocket. And I would say and by the way after that the proposal 1004 00:56:57,000 --> 00:57:00,060 everything we got the song with the whole thing and then 1005 00:57:00,060 --> 00:57:04,770 fireworks went off over the lake. Which I take total credit 1006 00:57:04,770 --> 00:57:12,750 for. Fireworks for you, baby. What a great man. What a great 1007 00:57:12,750 --> 00:57:13,140 man. 1008 00:57:13,680 --> 00:57:18,180 For her. That was by far the most romantic thing. 1009 00:57:18,870 --> 00:57:20,430 I nailed nailed it. 1010 00:57:20,430 --> 00:57:21,450 It was Unbeliev 1011 00:57:21,450 --> 00:57:25,800 now the ring I did not nail because Tina's like I had 1012 00:57:25,800 --> 00:57:28,710 listened very carefully. She's like, I want a yellow something 1013 00:57:28,710 --> 00:57:31,080 fucking whatever. What was the cushion, 1014 00:57:31,110 --> 00:57:34,170 yellow cushion cut diamond. He couldn't find it 1015 00:57:34,200 --> 00:57:36,930 impossible to find impossible. 1016 00:57:36,930 --> 00:57:38,970 I would have killed you if you spent a lot of money on 1017 00:57:39,180 --> 00:57:42,780 one of the seminal moments of our relationship I thought and I 1018 00:57:42,780 --> 00:57:47,340 thought it was really, really, really big. Is you said, 1019 00:57:47,370 --> 00:57:50,640 Well, wait a minute. I had to fly home early because Angie was 1020 00:57:50,640 --> 00:57:53,220 sick, remember? So you were still in you're still in 1021 00:57:53,220 --> 00:57:57,480 Holland. I flew home I got home. I was home and then you came 1022 00:57:57,480 --> 00:57:57,780 home. 1023 00:57:58,920 --> 00:58:01,920 And in a certain point you said I need to talk to you about 1024 00:58:01,920 --> 00:58:03,360 somebody need to talk to you about something. 1025 00:58:05,250 --> 00:58:06,450 Ring is no good. 1026 00:58:10,230 --> 00:58:14,670 Ladies, ladies if you cannot be honest with your future 1027 00:58:16,290 --> 00:58:19,170 now first of all I'm going through my head is going Sex in 1028 00:58:19,170 --> 00:58:22,290 the City wrong ring. I'm the wrong guy. I'm no good. I'm 1029 00:58:22,290 --> 00:58:24,390 gonna see no, I've read all the books. So you 1030 00:58:25,020 --> 00:58:28,110 go. Are you serious? I'm so tired. 1031 00:58:29,640 --> 00:58:30,660 I'm so tired. 1032 00:58:32,310 --> 00:58:34,980 But I thought it was really great. And I think I did say 1033 00:58:34,980 --> 00:58:37,650 that that you were beat you said you know, I just want a 1034 00:58:37,650 --> 00:58:40,320 different ring. It doesn't have to be expensive, right this 1035 00:58:40,710 --> 00:58:43,350 this one I ended up saving you money. Right? Yep, 1036 00:58:43,350 --> 00:58:47,220 that's not the point. Yeah. And I think I think I pretty quickly 1037 00:58:47,220 --> 00:58:49,830 said I really appreciate that and we just did it we just your 1038 00:58:49,830 --> 00:58:50,190 first 1039 00:58:50,190 --> 00:58:53,220 reaction was like this kind of selfish of you. That was your 1040 00:58:53,220 --> 00:58:58,080 first self I think because I said this is really really hard 1041 00:58:58,080 --> 00:59:02,730 for me. I Selfoss I called you I don't remember you. You didn't 1042 00:59:02,790 --> 00:59:07,620 initially you heard and then then you were like I am so 1043 00:59:07,620 --> 00:59:11,700 grateful that you feel open and honest. To tell me that yeah, so 1044 00:59:12,030 --> 00:59:16,320 So and I said let's talk about this. Let's let's take this back 1045 00:59:16,320 --> 00:59:20,100 and I'm gonna save you a little money had nothing to do with 1046 00:59:20,100 --> 00:59:21,150 the money. No, I know it did. 1047 00:59:21,180 --> 00:59:22,140 Are you happy with your ring? 1048 00:59:22,140 --> 00:59:25,710 I love I love love love love my ring. So and we picked it out 1049 00:59:25,710 --> 00:59:30,270 together and yeah, so much better. You did you did so well. 1050 00:59:30,270 --> 00:59:33,570 The budget really did. It was the it was by far the most 1051 00:59:33,570 --> 00:59:35,820 romantic experience you had 1052 00:59:35,820 --> 00:59:37,080 in all of your proposals. 1053 00:59:38,700 --> 00:59:45,240 Have you ever proposed like no. Oh, no, it does not. This your 1054 00:59:45,240 --> 00:59:50,040 proposal doesn't compare at all at all. I mean, hands down most 1055 00:59:50,040 --> 00:59:52,320 romantic so I love you. 1056 00:59:52,380 --> 00:59:56,430 I love you too, baby. Anyway, we got on that subtitle I don't get 1057 00:59:56,430 --> 00:59:59,970 everything right but I should apply right damn hard. You 1058 01:00:01,469 --> 01:00:06,389 He is the most attentive husband ever, ever. Anyway. So should we 1059 01:00:06,389 --> 01:00:07,349 do some booster grams? 1060 01:00:07,379 --> 01:00:15,989 Yeah, that's probably a good idea. We actually have a wow. 1061 01:00:15,989 --> 01:00:19,229 Yeah, I know we get all kinds of boosts and all kinds of boosts. 1062 01:00:19,619 --> 01:00:21,899 You got massive. So these are this is how you support us, 1063 01:00:21,899 --> 01:00:27,119 everybody. And we've done better. We've had better, better 1064 01:00:27,119 --> 01:00:29,669 weeks. Nobody's listening. No people are listening. They're 1065 01:00:29,669 --> 01:00:32,669 not supporting. And if we can't afford the one this is an 1066 01:00:32,669 --> 01:00:34,709 expensive bottle of wine. Now we got that for free. 1067 01:00:34,710 --> 01:00:37,620 But it took you a little bit to get Julie set up. So it takes a 1068 01:00:37,620 --> 01:00:39,150 little bit to get your wallet and 1069 01:00:39,180 --> 01:00:42,690 and and, and I'll get there. So first we started you can also go 1070 01:00:42,690 --> 01:00:46,770 to Korean the keeper.com. And there's a there's a whole thing 1071 01:00:46,770 --> 01:00:49,590 there that if you if you don't want to use a different podcast 1072 01:00:49,590 --> 01:00:53,400 app, you can just support us with Bitcoin or with lightning 1073 01:00:53,400 --> 01:00:56,820 Bitcoin. And people are using it. We have one anonymous who 1074 01:00:56,820 --> 01:01:03,990 sent us 28,035 SATs. Appreciate that. Justin who sent us 25,720. 1075 01:01:04,620 --> 01:01:07,980 We appreciate I wonder what that number means. 25,000 1076 01:01:08,160 --> 01:01:11,250 Well, in this case, they're probably because that has dollar 1077 01:01:11,250 --> 01:01:14,160 amounts. They're probably selecting like $15 and 1078 01:01:14,490 --> 01:01:18,420 translated to whatever it is at that moment. But comic strip 1079 01:01:18,420 --> 01:01:23,850 blogger again, always a big booster with us. And he sent 1080 01:01:23,850 --> 01:01:28,410 10,033 sets 10,033 which is the magic number. I'm 1081 01:01:28,410 --> 01:01:29,070 gonna meet him. 1082 01:01:30,330 --> 01:01:32,130 Okay, comic strip blogger. 1083 01:01:32,580 --> 01:01:34,230 We talked a lot on the left. She 1084 01:01:34,230 --> 01:01:39,480 ever comes to America. Yes, you must meet him. He is one of the 1085 01:01:39,480 --> 01:01:41,670 people that brings colors in my life. I know he's been in my 1086 01:01:41,670 --> 01:01:45,780 life for a long, long time. Yes. Howdy, tiene and Adam, are you? 1087 01:01:46,320 --> 01:01:50,400 Are you full of love? Still? Yes, yes. If your listeners want 1088 01:01:50,400 --> 01:01:53,700 to learn about artificial intelligence, they are invited 1089 01:01:53,700 --> 01:01:57,330 to listen to AI cooking podcast spoken by Gregory William 1090 01:01:57,330 --> 01:02:01,050 Forsythe Foreman from Kent. Yo, thank you comics for Blogger. 1091 01:02:01,410 --> 01:02:04,680 And did that through pod the pod friend app cast ematic app we 1092 01:02:04,680 --> 01:02:13,560 got now this is Dred Scott. Oh, Dred Scott the Bruce Wayne of 1093 01:02:13,560 --> 01:02:17,820 podcasting. 2.0 comes in with multiple donations the first 1094 01:02:17,820 --> 01:02:23,670 110 1000 Satoshis love you guys. music note emoji music note 1095 01:02:23,670 --> 01:02:28,740 emoji Korean the keeper. Guitar emoji music got emoji emojis 1096 01:02:28,740 --> 01:02:34,950 come through and he did a second one. Love you guys boost in the 1097 01:02:34,950 --> 01:02:37,260 keeper. I think what he's referring to is boost boost 1098 01:02:37,260 --> 01:02:41,910 boost. No that's not the one where's yours? You have a that's 1099 01:02:41,910 --> 01:02:50,760 me. That's you all are living to sent us 10,000 SATs. Oh, decent 1100 01:02:50,760 --> 01:02:55,560 show this. He says this a decent show. This must be Brett. Brian 1101 01:02:55,560 --> 01:03:00,660 Massey. 5000 SATs and he says ooh, can Dame Jennifer please do 1102 01:03:00,660 --> 01:03:04,860 an animated Korean the keeper episode for she's fine the game. 1103 01:03:04,980 --> 01:03:08,310 Oh, Jennifer you listening that will be 1104 01:03:10,350 --> 01:03:15,570 we've we did have a few fine moments yesterday. What were you 1105 01:03:15,570 --> 01:03:18,300 talking about? And I go oh, it's fine. And you were you knew 1106 01:03:18,300 --> 01:03:19,230 exactly how 1107 01:03:19,290 --> 01:03:24,450 if I could just say men of the world. Thank you for your 1108 01:03:24,450 --> 01:03:27,600 feedback. I know I'm on the cutting edge I'm on the tip of 1109 01:03:27,600 --> 01:03:31,620 the tip of the spear cutting through the it's fine that your 1110 01:03:31,620 --> 01:03:36,150 wives your women your Queens say to you and it's been very 1111 01:03:36,150 --> 01:03:39,630 helpful for us personally because Tina will say it's fine. 1112 01:03:39,630 --> 01:03:44,490 I'm like ah, I think I know what time that is. And it completely 1113 01:03:45,360 --> 01:03:48,120 neutralizes the whole heaviness of it 1114 01:03:48,150 --> 01:03:49,470 it's better now I 1115 01:03:49,470 --> 01:03:53,070 feel so much better now. You've learned and the and I've even 1116 01:03:53,070 --> 01:03:55,590 thrown on fines at you and you're like oh I think that I 1117 01:03:55,590 --> 01:03:56,310 think I know that. 1118 01:03:56,970 --> 01:03:59,070 As long as it uptycs It's like it's good 1119 01:03:59,430 --> 01:04:05,580 sir dogs and two booster grams 4400 SATs settings in value for 1120 01:04:05,580 --> 01:04:08,580 value add another 4400 with Get well soon. 1121 01:04:09,180 --> 01:04:10,080 Oh thank you. 1122 01:04:10,170 --> 01:04:16,590 And then let's see we have Chad Pharaoh. Oh Chad Chad F three 1123 01:04:16,590 --> 01:04:20,940 333 33 Adam is more like the podcasting. 2.0 mascot I'm not 1124 01:04:20,940 --> 01:04:25,800 quite sure what he means by that. Cast. peatland has a 1125 01:04:25,800 --> 01:04:30,030 number of booster grams 3000 SATs thanks for the show. Then 1126 01:04:30,030 --> 01:04:35,760 we have bill now view we know and he says oh well with his 1127 01:04:35,760 --> 01:04:41,460 2103 SATs. The insults keep coming. The insults well he's 1128 01:04:41,460 --> 01:04:45,540 the guy that told us that you don't have a real sauna ah, 1129 01:04:45,870 --> 01:04:48,690 and free to send one and then 1130 01:04:50,040 --> 01:04:53,670 and then I think we discussed about how the Swedes will be mad 1131 01:04:53,670 --> 01:05:00,000 at calling the Hotbox the sauna and he says sauna is from 1132 01:05:00,000 --> 01:05:01,560 Finland 1133 01:05:03,959 --> 01:05:06,239 she's keeping a straight TV 1134 01:05:06,240 --> 01:05:10,470 series please. He says the insults keep coming Swedes will 1135 01:05:10,470 --> 01:05:15,480 be mad at calling the hot box on Finnish. So what is it Finnish 1136 01:05:15,480 --> 01:05:19,410 or Swedish? Your show was good and entertaining. Go podcasting. 1137 01:05:19,410 --> 01:05:23,430 Thank you and he sent several booster grams with this you sent 1138 01:05:24,660 --> 01:05:34,890 20 1033 times actually Oh, then we have Chow goon Chauvin, TSC. 1139 01:05:34,890 --> 01:05:39,870 H Aug nn e en unpronounceable Adam, you're the champion men 1140 01:05:39,870 --> 01:05:43,020 need for the I'm fine interpretation. Good effort. 1141 01:05:43,560 --> 01:05:49,560 Good effort. Good effort. Good effort. Then we have 500 SATs. I 1142 01:05:49,560 --> 01:05:53,130 think this is from Julie. Oh, love you so much. Love the show. 1143 01:05:53,130 --> 01:05:57,180 We had a fun night. Oh, I said Robin on the fountain app. And 1144 01:05:57,180 --> 01:05:57,990 she got that running. 1145 01:05:57,990 --> 01:06:00,240 Yes, Adam hadn't Yes. Adam helped her with that 1146 01:06:00,270 --> 01:06:06,450 she actually sent number one. Okay. Let's see we have 500 1147 01:06:06,450 --> 01:06:12,510 bots, bots says from anonymous boosts from a display citizen. 1148 01:06:13,050 --> 01:06:17,910 We have another Chad Ferro. 330 Stan, thank you and some more 1149 01:06:17,910 --> 01:06:22,380 cost peatlands. Let me see Do I have your consent? I'm fine. 1150 01:06:22,380 --> 01:06:26,550 He's still on panting I'm sorry. I'm so rough. Thanks God for all 1151 01:06:26,550 --> 01:06:30,090 the pod fathers doing I never was into real life soaps, but 1152 01:06:30,090 --> 01:06:33,000 you got me hooked. I guess we're kind of like a reality show now. 1153 01:06:35,190 --> 01:06:37,290 We're just talking life and we're laughing because this 1154 01:06:37,290 --> 01:06:38,790 world's on fire heartless? 1155 01:06:38,820 --> 01:06:42,360 Yes, regardless, we need your SATs. We need your support for 1156 01:06:42,360 --> 01:06:44,220 wine. Sure. coutry. 1157 01:06:45,000 --> 01:06:46,710 No, we can't even talk 1158 01:06:46,740 --> 01:06:50,970 and the gas we need outside the gasifier? The gasifier, and 1159 01:06:51,270 --> 01:06:54,450 I can't be picking up wood on the side of the road. So we 1160 01:06:54,450 --> 01:06:59,490 do need your support. This is this is our long term retirement 1161 01:06:59,490 --> 01:07:02,610 plan. We're going to be podcasting to the grave. Please 1162 01:07:02,610 --> 01:07:07,110 go to Korean the keeper.com You can do it there or and we're 1163 01:07:07,110 --> 01:07:09,960 totally podcasting. 2.0 You can't even I don't think you can 1164 01:07:09,960 --> 01:07:14,670 get us on Apple podcasts unless you add it manually. But get a 1165 01:07:14,670 --> 01:07:18,240 new podcast. Yes. Get a modern podcast app, a new podcast apps 1166 01:07:18,270 --> 01:07:21,960 calm fountain is a great one breeze is a great one cheerio 1167 01:07:21,960 --> 01:07:23,910 casts or pod friend pod 1168 01:07:23,910 --> 01:07:28,350 verse off of apple and get off of get off the legacy apps they 1169 01:07:28,350 --> 01:07:32,310 ship the ship. They have not invested in them at all. Oh, 1170 01:07:32,520 --> 01:07:35,850 no. We're investing in that future. And we appreciate what 1171 01:07:35,850 --> 01:07:38,580 everyone has done. Thank you so much for sending us all of these 1172 01:07:45,300 --> 01:07:46,620 people love the concept. 1173 01:07:49,800 --> 01:07:52,170 What do you have on your list? I've been talking a lot a couple 1174 01:07:52,170 --> 01:07:55,470 of things. I don't know why. Okay, so my 1175 01:07:55,980 --> 01:07:58,170 interesting when Adam and I are talking, we're like, oh my god, 1176 01:07:58,170 --> 01:08:00,180 I gotta put that on my list. I gotta put that on my list. 1177 01:08:00,420 --> 01:08:03,450 It's more like a threat. It's more like, I'm gonna put that on 1178 01:08:03,450 --> 01:08:09,150 my. So here's one that was from the category. I'm gonna put that 1179 01:08:09,180 --> 01:08:13,080 on my. Let's hear it. growing older. Oh, 1180 01:08:13,440 --> 01:08:15,120 oh, yeah, 1181 01:08:15,150 --> 01:08:21,120 I think it's important to talk about because you, you women, 1182 01:08:21,180 --> 01:08:23,310 perhaps in general, generalizing 1183 01:08:24,300 --> 01:08:27,030 it very, you're not a woman. And this is reminding you. 1184 01:08:27,150 --> 01:08:33,540 I know. But I've lived with women I live with you. You seem 1185 01:08:33,540 --> 01:08:36,750 very upset. As you get older about your body. 1186 01:08:37,590 --> 01:08:43,200 Very upset. I wouldn't, I wouldn't wish you can see his 1187 01:08:43,200 --> 01:08:43,890 face. 1188 01:08:45,270 --> 01:08:51,060 It's a topic that comes up. It's like, I don't like growing old. 1189 01:08:51,060 --> 01:08:55,140 I don't like what happens. I don't like losing muscle tone. 1190 01:08:55,170 --> 01:08:58,350 You know, this kind of stuff. And I think a lot a lot of 1191 01:08:58,350 --> 01:08:59,070 people deal with 1192 01:08:59,070 --> 01:09:02,220 this. Well, I didn't say I don't like I said it's interesting. 1193 01:09:02,220 --> 01:09:06,150 What happens to your body as you begin to age? It's just 1194 01:09:06,180 --> 01:09:10,950 interesting to see it. Because this year, I'm going to turn 60 1195 01:09:10,980 --> 01:09:12,480 in July. And 1196 01:09:12,510 --> 01:09:15,450 do you feel I do over 30 1197 01:09:16,109 --> 01:09:19,439 people a day over? I would say 40 But it's it. I mean, when you 1198 01:09:19,439 --> 01:09:23,429 think about that number, it's like, oh, my, it's it's just 1199 01:09:23,429 --> 01:09:28,679 mind boggling that I'm going to be that old in July. And so it's 1200 01:09:28,709 --> 01:09:32,429 interesting to see a lot of things are happening where it's 1201 01:09:32,429 --> 01:09:35,789 interesting to see just how your body changes how your skin 1202 01:09:35,789 --> 01:09:39,509 changes, but also at the same time how accept how much more 1203 01:09:39,509 --> 01:09:44,729 accepting you become, and I feel that more with become more 1204 01:09:44,729 --> 01:09:49,169 accepting of just, you know, I'd much rather be alive and and I 1205 01:09:49,169 --> 01:09:54,539 have all these years of wisdom and memories and experiences and 1206 01:09:55,649 --> 01:09:59,309 just so many more wonderful things and thinking about that 1207 01:09:59,309 --> 01:09:59,939 number 1208 01:10:00,599 --> 01:10:08,849 I would say what I'm noticing is that women generalizing, feel 1209 01:10:08,849 --> 01:10:14,729 bad about growing older from just because how they look like, 1210 01:10:14,789 --> 01:10:17,429 I don't like this. I don't like that. And like that this is 1211 01:10:17,429 --> 01:10:22,139 happening. I've got all these different things and men have 1212 01:10:22,139 --> 01:10:23,939 that too, I think a lesser degree. 1213 01:10:24,270 --> 01:10:28,350 Well, because I think a lot of men as they age get much more 1214 01:10:28,350 --> 01:10:30,150 handsome, but who determines 1215 01:10:30,150 --> 01:10:35,580 that? I don't I think I'm uglier than that. Oh, you're hot. Okay, 1216 01:10:35,580 --> 01:10:40,020 so are you this is my point. This is exactly my point. I see. 1217 01:10:40,050 --> 01:10:43,500 Because I'm confronted continuously with younger Adam 1218 01:10:43,530 --> 01:10:46,440 all the time, every day, someone posts on Oh, 1219 01:10:46,440 --> 01:10:48,930 yeah. Like all the people are commenting about how short your 1220 01:10:48,930 --> 01:10:51,810 hair is, like, well, that's a whole nother conversation, 1221 01:10:51,900 --> 01:10:56,700 the conversation but, and I look at it. And I want to say, Oh, my 1222 01:10:56,700 --> 01:11:00,630 God, I haven't changed at all, but I have. And then and for me, 1223 01:11:00,660 --> 01:11:03,870 I don't know how it is with you. But I look at myself in in 1224 01:11:03,870 --> 01:11:09,510 pictures today. I see how much older I am. I really see my dad 1225 01:11:09,510 --> 01:11:13,470 and I fucking hate that. Oh, it's not that I hate my dad. But 1226 01:11:13,470 --> 01:11:17,100 it's like, oh, fuck, cuz you know how you identify this 1227 01:11:17,100 --> 01:11:20,940 things I really don't like about him. And even though he's not 1228 01:11:20,940 --> 01:11:25,710 with us anymore, like, I don't want you know, it's like, how 1229 01:11:25,710 --> 01:11:28,590 many times people have said to me you just I can't father. 1230 01:11:29,040 --> 01:11:32,640 Hmm. Okay, so But getting back to women. 1231 01:11:33,120 --> 01:11:40,530 But my point is that men and women have it. Um, but I think 1232 01:11:40,530 --> 01:11:47,550 women are have a have a disadvantage, because society 1233 01:11:47,550 --> 01:11:53,550 tells you society is, is with all kinds of shapes. You're not 1234 01:11:53,700 --> 01:11:58,410 You're not beautiful. And eight by the way. This is the 1235 01:11:58,410 --> 01:12:01,890 conversation we have almost every day. You're so beautiful, 1236 01:12:01,890 --> 01:12:04,380 I say. And she says I'm so glad your mind 1237 01:12:09,270 --> 01:12:11,910 yes, and if you're right, I think we're 1238 01:12:12,330 --> 01:12:15,030 blind. clumping. Damn, 1239 01:12:15,030 --> 01:12:16,530 I'm glad your eyesight going. 1240 01:12:16,920 --> 01:12:20,340 I'm near sighted and use a good girl, like close to you. And 1241 01:12:20,760 --> 01:12:23,520 I think you're right. I think we're bombarded by society 1242 01:12:23,520 --> 01:12:27,660 messages, you know, from mainstream media from Instagram. 1243 01:12:27,660 --> 01:12:32,010 And yes, I do. I am getting to a point though, where I am. I am 1244 01:12:32,010 --> 01:12:38,250 very. I'm embracing the whole aging thing. I'm embracing it. 1245 01:12:38,520 --> 01:12:42,900 And I'm I feel good. I can still work out I feel I can move my 1246 01:12:42,900 --> 01:12:47,550 body I can stay healthy. It's taken a while though. It's hard. 1247 01:12:47,550 --> 01:12:50,640 It's a hard thing to accept it really, it really is a hard 1248 01:12:50,640 --> 01:12:52,500 thing to accept. But I'm 1249 01:12:52,530 --> 01:12:58,830 why. And maybe that's not for you personally. But isn't 1250 01:12:58,830 --> 01:13:03,900 society in general a little messed up about this? That. And 1251 01:13:03,900 --> 01:13:07,590 believe me, I see. I look at course I'm looking at older 1252 01:13:07,590 --> 01:13:11,250 people. I'm looking at dawn, I'm looking at Meg I'm looking at my 1253 01:13:11,250 --> 01:13:14,910 own parents, everything I'm looking at, like, as long as my 1254 01:13:14,910 --> 01:13:18,750 brain still fucking works. I'll be so happy. I don't really 1255 01:13:18,750 --> 01:13:19,380 don't care. 1256 01:13:19,410 --> 01:13:23,040 And I'm I'm getting to that point, I really am getting to 1257 01:13:23,040 --> 01:13:26,550 the point of accepting it. And my comment to you earlier today, 1258 01:13:26,550 --> 01:13:29,580 or was it yesterday was that it's interesting how much our 1259 01:13:29,580 --> 01:13:33,360 bodies change as we age. It's just interesting. And when 1260 01:13:33,360 --> 01:13:37,470 you're in your youth, you don't you don't accept it. Welcome it, 1261 01:13:37,470 --> 01:13:41,730 embrace it. You're always criticizing it. And you don't 1262 01:13:41,820 --> 01:13:46,890 even know what's ahead of you as you age, but I am. I am getting 1263 01:13:46,890 --> 01:13:50,190 to the point where I am. I mean, even even saying that I'm going 1264 01:13:50,190 --> 01:13:55,080 to be 60 in July. That's a huge thing for me. Um, 1265 01:13:55,860 --> 01:13:59,070 you think about that in terms of yours mortality, like, what do 1266 01:13:59,070 --> 01:14:00,090 you have left? No, 1267 01:14:00,150 --> 01:14:03,900 I No, not at all. I don't think about that. And more than 1268 01:14:03,900 --> 01:14:06,660 anything now. It's like, I just want to keep moving my body. I 1269 01:14:06,660 --> 01:14:09,210 just want to keep moving it. I just want to stay healthy. And I 1270 01:14:09,210 --> 01:14:11,940 want to keep moving it. But yeah, I think I think that it's 1271 01:14:11,940 --> 01:14:14,040 a huge, huge issue. 1272 01:14:14,760 --> 01:14:18,870 The board really triggered me. We were watching when we were 1273 01:14:18,870 --> 01:14:22,350 watching and just like that the Sex in the City reboot, which 1274 01:14:22,350 --> 01:14:29,070 everyone hates except me. Some, I don't think was that or no, 1275 01:14:29,070 --> 01:14:33,120 no, it must have been a previous at one point. Samantha has an 1276 01:14:33,150 --> 01:14:34,320 older boyfriend. 1277 01:14:34,710 --> 01:14:35,850 Samantha wasn't in there. 1278 01:14:35,880 --> 01:14:40,170 I know. I know. That's why I'm saying I'm re resetting the 1279 01:14:40,200 --> 01:14:43,080 wherever this was in one of the somewhere Samantha had 1280 01:14:43,080 --> 01:14:45,900 an old Oh yes. That was in Sex in the City and he got up to go 1281 01:14:45,900 --> 01:14:47,340 to the bathroom and she looks 1282 01:14:47,340 --> 01:14:48,480 at his ad but 1283 01:14:49,680 --> 01:14:52,950 can I tell you that has traumatized me because I'm not 1284 01:14:52,950 --> 01:14:55,770 looking. Oh my god, I have that fucking ass from six in the 1285 01:14:55,770 --> 01:15:00,750 city. I'm that guy with I'm the old guy with the droopy Yes. 1286 01:15:02,909 --> 01:15:03,959 Kill baby. 1287 01:15:04,049 --> 01:15:06,899 Can I tell you? I'm not kidding. That's da CC, 1288 01:15:06,900 --> 01:15:10,320 you have a two. Yes, two. So this is part of my point. Thank 1289 01:15:10,320 --> 01:15:11,700 God we found each other is that the 1290 01:15:12,840 --> 01:15:18,330 men also have this. Yeah, we do. We do. I don't have what most of 1291 01:15:18,360 --> 01:15:24,270 my peers have like barrel, or barrel guts. That's not me. Oh, 1292 01:15:24,300 --> 01:15:27,270 most of my peers have that. Yeah, yeah. And they're not 1293 01:15:27,270 --> 01:15:29,730 happy about it either. Yeah. But as I 1294 01:15:29,790 --> 01:15:30,720 as I turn, it's 1295 01:15:30,720 --> 01:15:32,580 good to just be able to talk about it. 1296 01:15:32,610 --> 01:15:37,530 Yeah, I agree. As I turn this milestone, birthday milestone, 1297 01:15:37,800 --> 01:15:39,900 I have to go to 711 to give you a biggest 1298 01:15:41,100 --> 01:15:44,250 because my birthday is July love 711. So we're getting a fleet 1299 01:15:44,250 --> 01:15:48,480 free Slurpee, but no, I'm just I'm grateful that we're healthy. 1300 01:15:48,510 --> 01:15:53,760 We're happy. We're, uh, we're deeply in love. We're grateful. 1301 01:15:53,790 --> 01:15:58,800 We're building our faith. I'm just embracing it all. Fuck the 1302 01:15:58,800 --> 01:15:59,550 number that's 1303 01:16:00,120 --> 01:16:03,510 on the show title. FUCKTON Oh, 1304 01:16:03,540 --> 01:16:07,650 there you go. Yep, yep. What you got on here? What else you got? 1305 01:16:07,680 --> 01:16:08,460 I got a couple. 1306 01:16:08,550 --> 01:16:12,360 Go ahead. Good. Run through your list, baby. Well, I have 1307 01:16:12,360 --> 01:16:15,660 lost interest. Let's turn to TV shows. lost interest in 1308 01:16:15,660 --> 01:16:21,900 billions. I can't even stand the cadence. I can't I don't know if 1309 01:16:21,900 --> 01:16:24,780 anybody's watching billions. But you know x is gone. So now it's 1310 01:16:24,810 --> 01:16:28,800 Mike Prince. I don't even like his voice. So I promptly fall 1311 01:16:28,800 --> 01:16:32,430 asleep. But Adam did say Oh, can you watch two episodes last 1312 01:16:32,430 --> 01:16:35,460 night? And he said look if there's not sex in the next 1313 01:16:35,460 --> 01:16:39,900 billions if there's no sex I'm I'm done watching it. Did you 1314 01:16:39,930 --> 01:16:42,900 were there sex in the last two episodes that you watched last 1315 01:16:42,900 --> 01:16:43,290 night? 1316 01:16:45,450 --> 01:16:51,450 No. filinvest do like 1317 01:16:51,450 --> 01:16:55,710 it. I think Prince and Wendy are going to do some well it's all 1318 01:16:55,710 --> 01:16:58,860 said but it's possible that windy may be go go back to chuck 1319 01:16:58,860 --> 01:17:02,190 and do some fucking leather shit with Yes. 1320 01:17:02,519 --> 01:17:05,279 Big that was season four of season 1321 01:17:05,280 --> 01:17:09,270 one. Season One they brought they reeled me in with the with 1322 01:17:09,270 --> 01:17:12,240 the leather shit and season one, episode one and I've been 1323 01:17:12,240 --> 01:17:23,160 waiting ever since. Yes. But I like the storyline because it's 1324 01:17:23,160 --> 01:17:27,600 about the corrupt nature of the Olympics and the elites in the 1325 01:17:27,810 --> 01:17:31,380 end how cities really work with, you know, the transit, the 1326 01:17:31,380 --> 01:17:34,920 transit unions and the transportation unions and the 1327 01:17:34,920 --> 01:17:38,340 mayor and the governor. And there's there's a lot of real 1328 01:17:38,340 --> 01:17:42,210 truth in there. And you are sleeping anyways, what is your 1329 01:17:42,210 --> 01:17:51,720 fucking problem? I'm gonna watch billions. And I love you for it. 1330 01:17:51,720 --> 01:17:51,900 But 1331 01:17:52,110 --> 01:17:55,290 I'm like, What time is it? And he's like, 1030 I'm like, wow, 1332 01:17:55,440 --> 01:18:01,590 you're like a plug. You wrote a song. Would you want the rest of 1333 01:18:01,590 --> 01:18:02,190 this line? 1334 01:18:03,030 --> 01:18:05,460 Yeah, of course. What else? What else have 1335 01:18:05,459 --> 01:18:13,559 we? I binge watched inventing Anna Massey, Yana Albay del v. I 1336 01:18:13,559 --> 01:18:17,729 think I'm saying her name, who is basically a Russian German, 1337 01:18:17,789 --> 01:18:22,169 German Eris basically swindles. A lot of people in New York. 1338 01:18:22,260 --> 01:18:23,820 She's true story. 1339 01:18:24,210 --> 01:18:26,640 Yes, it is a true story. And I've started following her on 1340 01:18:26,640 --> 01:18:30,600 Instagram. Oh, there you go. And then SNL even did a skit about 1341 01:18:30,600 --> 01:18:34,170 it. But she just basically swindled people as she as she 1342 01:18:34,170 --> 01:18:39,480 was young, like 2425 Good for her. She had this vision of 1343 01:18:39,480 --> 01:18:42,390 creating this foundation that kind of incorporated culture and 1344 01:18:42,390 --> 01:18:48,060 art and she got all of these these people to kind of buy into 1345 01:18:48,060 --> 01:18:49,650 her program to get her final 1346 01:18:49,650 --> 01:18:52,260 shades of Theranos Oh, yeah, 1347 01:18:52,290 --> 01:18:55,230 we haven't watched we watch that but a board has that story 1348 01:18:55,230 --> 01:18:59,760 but I that's exactly how old dudes get all horny for some hot 1349 01:18:59,760 --> 01:19:02,820 chick who's got an investment? Oh, ha. Let's do this. Yeah, 1350 01:19:02,820 --> 01:19:03,360 because she 1351 01:19:03,360 --> 01:19:06,660 had didn't have a leg to stand on. And she just lied her way 1352 01:19:06,660 --> 01:19:09,450 through everything. Excellent. It was an interesting show. I 1353 01:19:09,450 --> 01:19:12,330 liked it. I liked it. And of course we watched together. What 1354 01:19:12,330 --> 01:19:16,140 do we watch together? Well, we've been watching Well, I've 1355 01:19:16,140 --> 01:19:21,810 been with Tommy Pam and Tommy I'm still invested in it because 1356 01:19:21,810 --> 01:19:23,580 I think she's I feel sorry for her 1357 01:19:23,610 --> 01:19:28,260 it was but it's great acting love everything about it. I just 1358 01:19:28,440 --> 01:19:31,380 lost it's like another episode just get to it. 1359 01:19:31,410 --> 01:19:34,560 Yeah, yeah, I like it. I'm gonna I'm gonna say. 1360 01:19:35,430 --> 01:19:39,180 I mean, all we really watches Everybody Loves Raymond. I love 1361 01:19:39,180 --> 01:19:44,010 everybody loves our go to channel 121. 1362 01:19:44,040 --> 01:19:47,040 We hate we have to watch Tucker Carlson because Adam needs it 1363 01:19:47,040 --> 01:19:49,860 for his jobs. We have to watch him and I'm just outraged during 1364 01:19:49,860 --> 01:19:50,730 the whole while also 1365 01:19:50,730 --> 01:19:53,760 I like to watch Tucker to see what if he can replicate our 1366 01:19:53,760 --> 01:19:56,640 show. Exactly. Yes. Yes. All the clips we 1367 01:19:56,730 --> 01:20:01,230 seriously I think he pulls a lot of clips. Find out producers 1368 01:20:01,230 --> 01:20:01,560 that are. 1369 01:20:02,639 --> 01:20:04,319 That's true. I'm proud of that. Yeah. 1370 01:20:05,040 --> 01:20:07,470 But no, I mean, we've been watching the marvelous Mrs 1371 01:20:07,470 --> 01:20:09,030 Maisel. And 1372 01:20:10,410 --> 01:20:12,180 yeah, we watch one 1373 01:20:12,180 --> 01:20:16,560 episode of SpaceForce but nothing like stands out about 1374 01:20:16,560 --> 01:20:21,240 the Uber. The Uber guy. What's his name? Yeah. Yeah, that guy 1375 01:20:21,330 --> 01:20:21,750 anyway. 1376 01:20:21,809 --> 01:20:27,149 Yeah. Okay, yeah, watch this. It's kind of fifth. It's kind of 1377 01:20:27,149 --> 01:20:29,819 thin on really good stuff. Do you feel that we're watching 1378 01:20:29,819 --> 01:20:32,399 anything? Really? Oh, I got I got a note about this. Let me 1379 01:20:32,399 --> 01:20:36,689 see what I get from somebody here. This is Danielle. Or 1380 01:20:36,689 --> 01:20:40,139 Daniel. Sorry, Montana. Adam and Tina been enjoying curry in the 1381 01:20:40,139 --> 01:20:42,659 keeper since the beginning and no agenda for a few years now 1382 01:20:42,659 --> 01:20:45,029 these movie recommendations might be more no agenda ish but 1383 01:20:45,029 --> 01:20:49,709 a quite interesting entertaining black box is a recent French 1384 01:20:49,709 --> 01:20:52,499 movie follows a young investigator on we're not afraid 1385 01:20:52,499 --> 01:20:53,189 of foreign movies. 1386 01:20:53,190 --> 01:20:53,700 No not 1387 01:20:53,700 --> 01:20:54,810 at all. We'd like the 1388 01:20:55,740 --> 01:20:59,310 watch movies with the captions now. So oh, we have to wait 1389 01:20:59,340 --> 01:21:02,160 because they sound like they got marbles in their mouth. It's 1390 01:21:02,160 --> 01:21:04,980 because they all miss the sound what's going on with the sound? 1391 01:21:05,820 --> 01:21:11,130 All of these streamers have they have to choose something so 1392 01:21:11,130 --> 01:21:15,360 they've chosen to pretty much mix on Dolby 5.1 1393 01:21:16,380 --> 01:21:18,450 Which layman what does that 1394 01:21:18,480 --> 01:21:21,510 mean? Unless you have the right speaker setup, you may be 1395 01:21:21,510 --> 01:21:24,150 missing some of the center channel which is literally where 1396 01:21:24,150 --> 01:21:26,460 the speech comes through. They're mixing it like movie 1397 01:21:26,460 --> 01:21:31,620 style. And I understand why they have to make choices but it 1398 01:21:31,620 --> 01:21:35,130 makes in the whole world uses captions. 1399 01:21:35,880 --> 01:21:39,330 Yeah, I remember my daughter she used to watch everything with 1400 01:21:39,330 --> 01:21:40,530 captions were like why? 1401 01:21:41,790 --> 01:21:45,780 It was just because it added added bonus that young kids are 1402 01:21:45,780 --> 01:21:48,990 distracted and doing 15 Other things at the same time. 1403 01:21:49,500 --> 01:21:52,440 Somebody has a British accent Forget it. I can't I have no 1404 01:21:52,440 --> 01:21:53,070 problem with I 1405 01:21:53,070 --> 01:21:56,130 can get the British x I can get most accents but I can literally 1406 01:21:56,130 --> 01:21:58,800 sometimes cannot hear literary sometimes 1407 01:21:59,040 --> 01:22:04,260 get your hearing aids too. So bionic ears? I do. Adam can hear 1408 01:22:04,290 --> 01:22:04,680 I do. 1409 01:22:05,010 --> 01:22:10,110 I do. So happy with my hearing aids. If you're a man and you're 1410 01:22:10,170 --> 01:22:12,810 and you're finding yourself this is a big problem for men. I'll 1411 01:22:12,810 --> 01:22:17,100 say this. Men get isolated in their own world when they don't. 1412 01:22:17,400 --> 01:22:21,570 When they're the stigma on getting hearing aids. Yes, huge 1413 01:22:21,570 --> 01:22:22,110 stigma 1414 01:22:22,110 --> 01:22:24,480 and I have to tell you when we lived in the apartment, you're 1415 01:22:24,480 --> 01:22:28,110 ruining my hearing because the TV was up like how many 1416 01:22:28,110 --> 01:22:30,900 dog biscuits a lot of DBS Yeah, 1417 01:22:30,930 --> 01:22:34,440 I was like dude, you're like you're my brain is last 1418 01:22:34,440 --> 01:22:38,010 was living over this. You'd be like, like shut Trinity. She's 1419 01:22:38,010 --> 01:22:41,520 in the next room a Trinity you know? But it was really thank 1420 01:22:41,520 --> 01:22:46,260 God I noticed that you that I was saying Excuse me What? 1421 01:22:46,410 --> 01:22:51,840 What the the the point where it really impacted me is you were 1422 01:22:51,840 --> 01:22:54,270 listening to something on your headphones and you're like 1423 01:22:54,360 --> 01:22:56,820 listen to this and I put the headphones on 1424 01:22:56,820 --> 01:23:00,660 your head exploded. Oh, they've hurt my ears. I 1425 01:23:00,660 --> 01:23:02,520 think you actually ruined my hearing at that. 1426 01:23:02,580 --> 01:23:08,250 I don't think so I just want to say anyway man. Yeah, because 1427 01:23:08,250 --> 01:23:11,250 this is a big I know this now because I've studied is a big 1428 01:23:11,250 --> 01:23:15,240 problem for men. They have great hearing aids you don't see them 1429 01:23:15,240 --> 01:23:19,350 people have no idea of hearing aids in there. They don't see 1430 01:23:19,350 --> 01:23:22,410 it. It's been a life changer for you, for sure. Huge 1431 01:23:22,440 --> 01:23:28,680 life changer. Is is you have to go to an audiologist if you find 1432 01:23:28,680 --> 01:23:31,590 yourself saying sorry darling. What? Excuse me? What ha ha Can 1433 01:23:31,590 --> 01:23:36,900 you repeat that? Yeah, because what the next step is either 1434 01:23:36,930 --> 01:23:39,840 you're not going to ask for a repetition you might I didn't 1435 01:23:39,840 --> 01:23:42,090 hear it whatever. That's when the fucking 1436 01:23:42,120 --> 01:23:45,540 it was kinda it was kind of good. I didn't have hearing aids 1437 01:23:45,540 --> 01:23:48,480 because I was like any bodily functions you hear 1438 01:23:51,690 --> 01:23:57,570 are you embarrassed by that? embarrassed by bodies? Because 1439 01:23:57,570 --> 01:24:06,870 I'll have you know, I hear you I love you so much. You can take a 1440 01:24:06,870 --> 01:24:12,630 dump on my head this is another thing women of the world please 1441 01:24:13,230 --> 01:24:14,700 are okay with it really we 1442 01:24:14,880 --> 01:24:17,550 find a man that loves you for just you. 1443 01:24:17,580 --> 01:24:23,430 Here's my here's my theory that when you women when when men are 1444 01:24:23,430 --> 01:24:28,950 not looking awesome. Go around the room like a balloon. 1445 01:24:30,690 --> 01:24:35,460 We've gotten so comfortable now. It's not quite like that. We've 1446 01:24:35,460 --> 01:24:38,190 gotten so comfortable now that we're like we don't care what we 1447 01:24:38,190 --> 01:24:39,930 say to each other is really good. 1448 01:24:39,960 --> 01:24:43,560 But we don't do that in front of each other. No, of course. We 1449 01:24:43,560 --> 01:24:46,350 have respect, but I'm just saying it's like It's okay baby. 1450 01:24:46,680 --> 01:24:47,550 Let loose. 1451 01:24:50,250 --> 01:24:54,420 Thanks, Adam. brought it up. 1452 01:24:56,010 --> 01:24:58,620 Really there's something you have an issue with it. You're 1453 01:24:58,680 --> 01:25:01,740 You're awesome. I love you. given anything else in your 1454 01:25:01,740 --> 01:25:04,920 list, I have one other thing. Go ahead. We're gonna take golf 1455 01:25:04,920 --> 01:25:07,560 lessons. Apparently what we 1456 01:25:07,559 --> 01:25:10,829 just talked about at lunch today is on the list as as done but 1457 01:25:10,829 --> 01:25:11,729 yeah, we're gonna 1458 01:25:11,730 --> 01:25:18,060 do it. We're gonna I took golf lessons back in 1993 I was 1459 01:25:18,060 --> 01:25:19,380 actually pretty decent. 1460 01:25:19,440 --> 01:25:20,370 I was pretty good. 1461 01:25:20,669 --> 01:25:21,899 I have my own golf clubs. 1462 01:25:22,740 --> 01:25:26,340 Yes, my parents were gonna kick your ass. Probably both my 1463 01:25:26,340 --> 01:25:29,670 parents were avid golfers my sister Willow is a very avid 1464 01:25:29,670 --> 01:25:34,290 golfer. I did play at the Amsterdam Golf Links golf link 1465 01:25:34,320 --> 01:25:34,650 Didn't 1466 01:25:34,650 --> 01:25:37,320 she have the highest score ever it recorded in history? 1467 01:25:37,410 --> 01:25:41,370 Well, I'll get to that in a moment. So when I was young like 1468 01:25:42,390 --> 01:25:45,600 1213 My parents were here to come to the golf club and you 1469 01:25:45,600 --> 01:25:49,890 know that's okay. I can hit a ball but we were talking at 1470 01:25:49,890 --> 01:25:52,740 lunch then like you know vehicle is on the golf course and next 1471 01:25:52,740 --> 01:25:55,890 time I go up to Dick's places you probably like let's go to 1472 01:25:55,890 --> 01:25:59,130 help I gotta get let me maybe I should get into golf it's a very 1473 01:25:59,130 --> 01:26:05,790 Texas thing. Texas yes cool as dudes golf really Texas slim 1474 01:26:05,940 --> 01:26:06,990 you can wear white pants 1475 01:26:07,410 --> 01:26:12,270 No Oh again when I have no agenda shop make some golf 1476 01:26:12,300 --> 01:26:16,710 outfits for us you kidding me when it's gonna be great. And I 1477 01:26:16,710 --> 01:26:19,110 was thinking about like this that's actually pretty good 1478 01:26:19,110 --> 01:26:23,250 exercise you know we there's there's a million got Texas is a 1479 01:26:23,250 --> 01:26:24,510 Gulf state people don't 1480 01:26:25,050 --> 01:26:27,210 really realize that. 1481 01:26:27,390 --> 01:26:31,650 UT has their own official golf course. Is that typical? 1482 01:26:32,610 --> 01:26:39,060 Typical, but Texas slim real. I mean, the real Texas dudes play 1483 01:26:39,060 --> 01:26:41,850 golf. It's a thing. I didn't realize it. But when I was 1484 01:26:41,850 --> 01:26:45,540 talking him about this, we grew up playing golf in addition to 1485 01:26:45,540 --> 01:26:51,180 everything else. And so we're talking about that at lunch. And 1486 01:26:51,180 --> 01:26:55,080 I guess we should do that. I'm looking forward to Yeah, we went 1487 01:26:55,080 --> 01:26:59,550 to lunch the reason why I don't golf. Why I've had problems with 1488 01:26:59,550 --> 01:27:07,050 it is because in 2006 there was a big off site for all the 1489 01:27:07,050 --> 01:27:11,310 Kleiner Perkins invested companies, big venture capital 1490 01:27:11,310 --> 01:27:17,880 company firm in Silicon Valley. And we raised $50 million from 1491 01:27:17,880 --> 01:27:24,000 them they get none of it back. And so they brought us took us 1492 01:27:24,000 --> 01:27:31,410 all to Pebble Beach. Non Wow unknown and our golf first Al 1493 01:27:31,410 --> 01:27:36,540 Gore presented his Inconvenient Truth movie which no one has 1494 01:27:36,540 --> 01:27:42,000 seen yet so I've been through some shit I don't want and then 1495 01:27:42,030 --> 01:27:46,320 it was like Okay, now we have the whole Pebble Beach and Ray 1496 01:27:46,320 --> 01:27:50,100 Lane who was was one of the top partners like you're coming with 1497 01:27:50,100 --> 01:27:54,810 me here's your he got me shoes. Like Ray I can't golf doesn't 1498 01:27:54,810 --> 01:27:59,490 matter you're doing it and I'm like shipping the fucking course 1499 01:27:59,490 --> 01:28:04,530 in this grass flying. There's like boom eight strokes a whole 1500 01:28:04,920 --> 01:28:08,130 is horrible but and I'm just like kind of hobbling along 1501 01:28:08,130 --> 01:28:11,100 driving the cart more than anything. And then that evening 1502 01:28:11,100 --> 01:28:14,490 they do like we have a dinner and they have the awards and 1503 01:28:14,490 --> 01:28:17,880 there's some fucking asshole I don't know who that is. I did 1504 01:28:17,880 --> 01:28:20,730 awards are the best on the course was this guy and that guy 1505 01:28:20,730 --> 01:28:25,620 we have a special award for Adam curry everybody for most strokes 1506 01:28:25,620 --> 01:28:27,060 on this course ever. 1507 01:28:28,860 --> 01:28:30,360 How many was it Do you know? 1508 01:28:30,660 --> 01:28:37,410 It was like 500 million stroke but it was it was they really 1509 01:28:37,410 --> 01:28:40,830 fucked with my head on that like you know what Fuck you guys Fuck 1510 01:28:40,830 --> 01:28:45,090 all of you. Oh yeah language their baby. Yeah, it's like they 1511 01:28:45,090 --> 01:28:47,400 embarrassed me publicly by doing that. 1512 01:28:47,430 --> 01:28:49,830 Oh, well you know what we're gonna change that we're gonna 1513 01:28:49,830 --> 01:28:52,650 get out there we're gonna take lessons we're gonna have fun and 1514 01:28:52,650 --> 01:28:54,240 I'm probably gonna kick your ass but it's 1515 01:28:55,170 --> 01:28:59,250 it's okay to be kicked by Oh girls as it's not cool. A bunch 1516 01:28:59,250 --> 01:29:03,060 of Silicon Valley a holes to be making fun of me that's that's 1517 01:29:03,060 --> 01:29:04,140 not cool. No. 1518 01:29:04,620 --> 01:29:07,200 Look at what you how you how you emerge. 1519 01:29:07,620 --> 01:29:10,170 You're Oh, I can't wait to go back and see them there you go. 1520 01:29:10,170 --> 01:29:17,430 Yes. Tina Marie. Yes babe. I love you so much. I love what 1521 01:29:17,430 --> 01:29:19,950 you do this podcast will be again in like two weeks for 1522 01:29:19,950 --> 01:29:23,610 sure. I will be here for sure wine in hand. 1523 01:29:25,140 --> 01:29:27,630 I can't wait to Can I have some of your meatballs now? 1524 01:29:27,780 --> 01:29:30,000 You can have your balls Yes, you can Emma ball 1525 01:29:30,030 --> 01:29:33,090 everybody remember to support this show if you want it to 1526 01:29:33,090 --> 01:29:36,630 continue by going to new podcast apps comm that's where you can 1527 01:29:36,630 --> 01:29:40,770 boost us or go to Korea keeper.com You can 1528 01:29:44,400 --> 01:29:59,940 find all that you need. Karianna keeper. Karianna keeper