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Jan. 19, 2023

30: "The Talent"


30: "The Talent"

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Curry & The Keeper

Curry & The Keeper - January 18th 2023 Episode 30 - "The Talent"


Tina is sick

Chicken Coop

Vertical vegetable garden

K&C Trip with Phoebe

No mRNA!

Annemieke and Chris

The Wine!

Progressive Dinner


I am The Storm - Janice Dean

Podfather Sign

Buying Bitcoin on Fountain and Podverse (also Breez)

Spirited Movie

Living up in a down world Podcast


Loving my Study Bible

Sonos DJ

Ate my Gummies

Teeth update


Meat Mafia

Ann and Wheldon coming through




Last Modified 01/18/2023 21:04:13 by Freedom Controller  
1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:07,110 And she can keep in mind everything's fine. Got all that 2 00:00:07,110 --> 00:00:10,020 you need to keep 3 00:00:15,240 --> 00:00:23,220 during the kickoff for January 18 2023 Episode Number 30 The 4 00:00:23,220 --> 00:00:24,900 low my queen 5 00:00:24,930 --> 00:00:25,920 Hello my love. 6 00:00:26,130 --> 00:00:30,330 Oh I'm looking at you I'm looking at you thinking you are 7 00:00:30,330 --> 00:00:34,230 such a trooper. I am hanging in there and doing the show 8 00:00:34,260 --> 00:00:38,760 I am still sick considering the income on the tail end but it is 9 00:00:38,760 --> 00:00:40,830 just lingering like a mofo 10 00:00:41,130 --> 00:00:43,620 considering Jimmy and and that were really sick. I think I 11 00:00:43,620 --> 00:00:44,790 think you should be able to always 12 00:00:44,790 --> 00:00:48,480 the super spreader event and New Year's Day we reduced it to 13 00:00:48,480 --> 00:00:48,930 that. 14 00:00:49,260 --> 00:00:51,750 So tell me how do you feel? What exactly happened? Where are we 15 00:00:51,750 --> 00:00:52,620 at what's going on? 16 00:00:52,650 --> 00:00:56,190 Well, man, or remember two weeks ago, I was like, Oh my gosh, I'm 17 00:00:56,190 --> 00:01:00,540 not sure that I feel great. We did the show. Thursday spent all 18 00:01:00,540 --> 00:01:04,830 day with my friend my girlfriend the net and I was fine. And then 19 00:01:04,830 --> 00:01:07,050 Friday night 20 00:01:07,080 --> 00:01:08,460 this is two weeks ago. 21 00:01:08,490 --> 00:01:12,810 Two weeks. It's gonna be two weeks. Friday night. I was 22 00:01:12,810 --> 00:01:15,930 starting to feel kind of weird. And then Saturday night it 23 00:01:15,930 --> 00:01:19,290 kicked in and Sunday night I was down for the count. 24 00:01:19,320 --> 00:01:21,450 Yeah, and I had a fever. 25 00:01:21,479 --> 00:01:25,979 Yeah. And I it was mainly sinus it was mainly sinus and so of 26 00:01:25,979 --> 00:01:28,889 course I had to stop 75 Hard which 27 00:01:29,370 --> 00:01:33,300 very sad I'm very sad for you and you and unfortunately you 28 00:01:33,300 --> 00:01:38,760 really didn't actually stop UK like with half with half a body 29 00:01:38,760 --> 00:01:41,490 you still dragged yourself to go outside walk 30 00:01:41,520 --> 00:01:46,110 I know and I I kept my diet on point. I haven't had alcohol I 31 00:01:46,110 --> 00:01:51,270 really haven't. I haven't had I haven't had sugar. So for I'm 32 00:01:51,270 --> 00:01:54,060 doing a modified 75 soft I guess 33 00:01:55,890 --> 00:01:59,880 I've soft and only 30 days. Yeah. Which is actually only 14 34 00:01:59,880 --> 00:02:01,830 days. Yes, exactly. So 35 00:02:01,830 --> 00:02:06,630 I so I haven't I haven't thrown it all away but I'm bummed I had 36 00:02:06,660 --> 00:02:09,240 there is no way I could do to 45 minute 37 00:02:09,240 --> 00:02:11,250 workout What are you going to do are you going to extend it 38 00:02:11,250 --> 00:02:11,640 beyond the 39 00:02:11,640 --> 00:02:15,870 30 days now I'm going to finish on the 31st and then I'm going 40 00:02:15,870 --> 00:02:18,450 to take a break and I'm going to I'm going to watch I'm just 41 00:02:18,450 --> 00:02:22,800 going to I'm going to use some of the skills that I learned and 42 00:02:22,800 --> 00:02:25,590 just incorporate them like I love the way that I eat I'm not 43 00:02:25,590 --> 00:02:29,100 going to change that I'm gonna continue to work out I'm gonna 44 00:02:29,130 --> 00:02:32,490 do sounds so different you know that? I do. Yeah, you sound kind 45 00:02:32,490 --> 00:02:35,520 of like nasally it's a little nasally in 46 00:02:37,080 --> 00:02:38,160 podcasting voices 47 00:02:39,990 --> 00:02:44,040 was a little bit just a little was that charm that I can bring 48 00:02:44,040 --> 00:02:47,610 it back better you better otherwise to show us rooms man 49 00:02:47,610 --> 00:02:49,500 your pressure by the way. Cheers, darling. 50 00:02:50,280 --> 00:02:58,170 I'm drinking. Here we go Ray Ray both Roy net bought this for me 51 00:02:58,170 --> 00:02:58,680 for Christmas. 52 00:02:59,820 --> 00:03:02,520 It's Dutch tea. Dutch tea. At least that's how I know what the 53 00:03:02,520 --> 00:03:03,150 Robles 54 00:03:04,470 --> 00:03:07,020 chai tea. Chai it says Chai 55 00:03:07,080 --> 00:03:12,270 with its marketing flavor. It's like organic. Grass fed. 56 00:03:13,200 --> 00:03:14,100 What are you drinking? Thank 57 00:03:14,100 --> 00:03:18,540 you for asking. Yes. What I have right I am still on the RLA 58 00:03:19,110 --> 00:03:23,430 seeing as I'm still drinking alone, but just in case just in 59 00:03:23,430 --> 00:03:28,680 case I run out. I have a shot there. This is a bottle we 60 00:03:28,680 --> 00:03:32,790 received from Chris and Anamika last night talking about hanging 61 00:03:32,790 --> 00:03:38,400 out with him. It is a Bordeaux superior calm double door. Van 62 00:03:38,400 --> 00:03:43,950 Van 20/29 American man the man and it's a Kirkland that means 63 00:03:43,950 --> 00:03:48,510 from Costco $7 And I gotta tell you that Chris I'm gonna make 64 00:03:48,510 --> 00:03:51,360 his husband this guy knows his wine. 65 00:03:51,390 --> 00:03:53,850 Yes. He knows a lot of things. 66 00:03:54,120 --> 00:03:58,980 I have to I have to break he he made me get this app. My phone's 67 00:03:58,980 --> 00:04:02,760 off. Goodness I have to turn the phone on because it's kind of 68 00:04:02,820 --> 00:04:05,190 loser if I don't at least mentioned which wine it was 69 00:04:05,190 --> 00:04:08,310 because he bought this wine Wow Sure. He and I drank 70 00:04:09,660 --> 00:04:13,260 I know because Anamika and I mean Anamika has gone full full 71 00:04:13,260 --> 00:04:15,210 force 75 hard I'm doing modified 72 00:04:15,720 --> 00:04:17,010 bad for you because 73 00:04:17,460 --> 00:04:21,540 I know you kept rubbing it in my face. This is so good. This is 74 00:04:21,540 --> 00:04:24,030 so good. Here snippet snippet No, 75 00:04:24,030 --> 00:04:29,250 it does not how it went down at all. You said Can I smell it? I 76 00:04:29,250 --> 00:04:34,860 said smell the glove. The glove. Okay name the movie name the 77 00:04:34,860 --> 00:04:35,160 movie. 78 00:04:35,190 --> 00:04:36,120 I have no idea 79 00:04:36,150 --> 00:04:39,270 Spinal Tap baby. Oh smell the glove. That was their album. 80 00:04:41,430 --> 00:04:44,250 I just want to apologize in advance to before you continue 81 00:04:44,250 --> 00:04:47,160 with the wine. I will be coughing through the show. I 82 00:04:47,160 --> 00:04:51,690 apologize. But as Adam said The show must go on so well that 83 00:04:51,810 --> 00:04:54,210 that makes that makes you so human. You know it's beautiful. 84 00:04:54,240 --> 00:04:57,330 Ya know if I really didn't think I could do it. I wouldn't do so 85 00:04:57,330 --> 00:04:57,720 he made 86 00:04:57,720 --> 00:05:00,930 me get the VIN vino app actually I know know the guys who are 87 00:05:00,930 --> 00:05:04,230 like that he made me Did he did he make on how am I getting pic 88 00:05:04,230 --> 00:05:06,330 of the day? Wait, what did I have before? I don't want this. 89 00:05:06,390 --> 00:05:09,090 Oh, here it is no. What is all this? Where's my where's my 90 00:05:09,090 --> 00:05:11,820 archive? Ah, 91 00:05:12,210 --> 00:05:13,770 I see you're prepared once no I'm 92 00:05:13,770 --> 00:05:16,680 not prepared at all I had no idea that my wines here we go 93 00:05:16,710 --> 00:05:23,550 here it is. Okay this is the one it was the Robert Craig 94 00:05:28,740 --> 00:05:34,380 I meant it vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 2018 Holy mackerel. 95 00:05:35,220 --> 00:05:39,120 Look at what it cost in the store. 96 bucks. Holy man what 96 00:05:39,120 --> 00:05:42,090 he paid in the restaurant at the bar. Oh my gosh. And I didn't 97 00:05:42,090 --> 00:05:44,190 realize until he said oh yeah, you should take a scan it then 98 00:05:44,190 --> 00:05:46,890 you'll remember it and it's been like 96 blocks. 99 00:05:48,720 --> 00:05:52,050 I don't think we've ever No, one time you spent more than that on 100 00:05:52,050 --> 00:05:52,230 one. 101 00:05:52,230 --> 00:05:54,660 Yeah, it was a lot for this bottle. And he paid for like 102 00:05:54,660 --> 00:05:57,840 boom, right? But eventually, okay, well, thanks. Yeah, well, 103 00:05:58,080 --> 00:06:00,540 so I'm like, This guy knows his wine. It's not that it's not 104 00:06:00,540 --> 00:06:02,790 that expensive means anything. And I think that's his point 105 00:06:02,790 --> 00:06:06,630 with the $7 bottle. Yeah, if I can finish the hours you lay 106 00:06:06,630 --> 00:06:07,380 that I'm going to try it 107 00:06:07,410 --> 00:06:10,500 again. On me because like you can't bring them a $7 bottle of 108 00:06:10,500 --> 00:06:14,460 wine. Yeah. might be one of those secret wines. Because when 109 00:06:14,460 --> 00:06:16,830 she told me when they landed in Texas, she goes yeah, we went to 110 00:06:16,830 --> 00:06:19,500 Costco, Mike. Why? For the hotdogs? 111 00:06:22,680 --> 00:06:27,540 Because for sure, for sure. So we got a lot of things to catch 112 00:06:27,540 --> 00:06:30,960 up on. First of all, we I'm very happy that you kind of took it 113 00:06:30,960 --> 00:06:33,600 easy yesterday because we had a trip planned for today going 114 00:06:33,600 --> 00:06:37,740 into Yes. Outskirts of Austin. Yes. Not Austin. Proper. The 115 00:06:37,740 --> 00:06:43,710 outskirts of Austin. Yeah. But by the airport to go see Cole 116 00:06:43,740 --> 00:06:45,480 our rancher? KNC Yes. 117 00:06:45,510 --> 00:06:48,000 There's something to be said about shaking your ranchers 118 00:06:48,000 --> 00:06:48,510 hand. 119 00:06:48,810 --> 00:06:52,500 Yeah, and this is so old school. You know, it's like where we got 120 00:06:52,500 --> 00:06:55,620 to go get to provisions? Yes, we put our order in. Oh, 121 00:06:55,710 --> 00:06:59,460 my gosh, we have we came home with the gold. And I said that 122 00:06:59,460 --> 00:07:02,760 Reeboks I was saying to my friend Renee. I said this is 123 00:07:02,760 --> 00:07:06,450 better than getting diamonds. Don't get any ideas. 124 00:07:06,480 --> 00:07:09,840 But it was you know, it has this old me. Yeah, we don't. Instead 125 00:07:09,840 --> 00:07:13,500 of you know, two horses clippity clop. From Fredericksburg in the 126 00:07:13,500 --> 00:07:17,280 covered wagon into into Austin. We have about 400 Horses under 127 00:07:17,280 --> 00:07:21,180 the hood. We blow our way and not not three days, but in you 128 00:07:21,180 --> 00:07:23,340 know, two hours, hour and a half 129 00:07:23,340 --> 00:07:27,150 or to drive to Austin. Yeah, that was not 130 00:07:27,150 --> 00:07:29,790 the point. We want to just really yeah, go see Cole. So 131 00:07:29,790 --> 00:07:34,140 he's doing we took Phoebe with us, which was hilarious. 132 00:07:34,290 --> 00:07:38,370 Yes, yes. Let's talk about all that training. So Adam, I said 133 00:07:38,370 --> 00:07:40,590 to Adam, I go, Are you going to put her her e 134 00:07:40,590 --> 00:07:45,570 collar? We were already on our way. When I when I asked you I'd 135 00:07:45,570 --> 00:07:46,590 forgot to put 136 00:07:46,590 --> 00:07:50,160 her Where does she have an E collar? Also known as a shock 137 00:07:50,160 --> 00:07:53,940 collar? No, no, she doesn't need it. She doesn't need it. She 138 00:07:53,940 --> 00:07:57,570 comes to me when I call her so of course the dog gets out and 139 00:07:57,570 --> 00:08:03,360 so we close the gate behind us. And she's you know, having a 140 00:08:03,360 --> 00:08:07,020 great time and she's just been around and she's loving it 141 00:08:07,020 --> 00:08:09,120 because she has freedom and then all of a sudden she slipped 142 00:08:09,120 --> 00:08:13,080 through like a like a foot opening through the fence. And 143 00:08:13,080 --> 00:08:16,830 so Adam has to go chase her and I hear Phoebe come see me come 144 00:08:17,670 --> 00:08:21,720 see the baby come and she is ignoring you. She looked at 145 00:08:21,720 --> 00:08:25,290 me didn't even look at me give a crap I ran. I grabbed his head 146 00:08:25,290 --> 00:08:27,390 when I say come you come like, 147 00:08:27,810 --> 00:08:32,700 like, I don't care who you are. So guess what? shock collars 148 00:08:32,700 --> 00:08:33,570 come back out. 149 00:08:33,600 --> 00:08:38,160 Carla shot Carla Gunny. Where's my big baller shot? Caller we 150 00:08:38,160 --> 00:08:39,780 should use that for her. But she 151 00:08:39,780 --> 00:08:42,510 loves being with us. She loves driving in the car. 152 00:08:45,060 --> 00:08:48,090 Blade got a call. Okay, got it. 153 00:08:49,380 --> 00:08:53,280 Anyway, so But overall, though, her training has always been 154 00:08:53,370 --> 00:08:56,070 it's really paid off. Like when we tell her to go to her place. 155 00:08:56,070 --> 00:08:59,820 She goes to her place. You know, she's like a toddler. She like a 156 00:08:59,820 --> 00:09:03,480 toddler. She you know, she talks back. But for the most part, she 157 00:09:03,480 --> 00:09:06,720 reluctantly stays on her place that has worked really well. He 158 00:09:06,720 --> 00:09:07,020 Well, 159 00:09:07,200 --> 00:09:09,360 that was worth the price of admission. Right? And when we're 160 00:09:09,360 --> 00:09:09,900 walking 161 00:09:09,900 --> 00:09:13,950 her and you tell her to come she she'll start to increase her 162 00:09:13,950 --> 00:09:17,370 trot. Because usually she's dragging as the dog drags as she 163 00:09:17,370 --> 00:09:17,610 just. 164 00:09:18,090 --> 00:09:22,500 She's just slowest dog ever knows what. 109 pounds. Yeah, 165 00:09:22,590 --> 00:09:27,630 she's a horse. Yeah, so but but no, she had a great time. I 166 00:09:27,630 --> 00:09:31,920 think she enjoyed she did. So we get home. And so we're unpacking 167 00:09:31,920 --> 00:09:34,200 stuff. We're putting stuff in the freezer. And then Adam went 168 00:09:34,200 --> 00:09:36,390 out to get more stuff in the car. She jumps back in the car. 169 00:09:36,540 --> 00:09:39,840 She's like, going in and we're going somewhere. 170 00:09:40,410 --> 00:09:44,220 Crazy. Cute. No, she's doing really well. 171 00:09:44,310 --> 00:09:47,370 Now, we hadn't talked about the progressive dinner. No, no, 172 00:09:47,370 --> 00:09:50,190 because that was that was that was the big test. Yeah. And that 173 00:09:50,190 --> 00:09:52,080 was two days after our last show. 174 00:09:52,110 --> 00:09:55,860 Yes. We had eight people in our house. And how did she do? She 175 00:09:55,860 --> 00:10:00,120 did really really well. But I was nervous because one of Our 176 00:10:00,120 --> 00:10:02,040 guests who, 177 00:10:02,430 --> 00:10:04,680 yes, just call him out, let's just call them out. Yes. 178 00:10:04,680 --> 00:10:08,610 And he was on the floor with her. And I, I'm nervous because 179 00:10:08,610 --> 00:10:11,490 she's so predictable and he's an attorney and I'm thinking, the 180 00:10:11,490 --> 00:10:15,600 worst man, she's gonna bite him and we're gonna get sued. Hi, 181 00:10:16,140 --> 00:10:18,450 this is gonna happen. So 182 00:10:18,480 --> 00:10:22,410 he was he's a real Texas boys that he you know, he totally 183 00:10:22,410 --> 00:10:24,750 understood this. I know I you can look at me all you want. I 184 00:10:24,750 --> 00:10:27,780 didn't tell him to do it. But this is what he does. Well, I 185 00:10:27,780 --> 00:10:30,120 liked this dog. And he started laying down on the ground and 186 00:10:30,120 --> 00:10:31,860 assumed whatever I just 187 00:10:31,890 --> 00:10:36,660 yet on a black, black velvet jacket. But here's the thing, 188 00:10:36,720 --> 00:10:39,090 and I'm going to be really explicit with people who come 189 00:10:39,090 --> 00:10:42,240 into our house and what they can and cannot do. And I say to 190 00:10:42,240 --> 00:10:45,450 people, they don't listen to me. And I'm just trying to protect 191 00:10:45,450 --> 00:10:46,290 the dog. 192 00:10:46,530 --> 00:10:51,420 So we after, like, 45 minutes or whatever. She was pretty calm. 193 00:10:51,420 --> 00:10:54,090 She was she was bored. That's okay, everybody, we're gonna 194 00:10:54,090 --> 00:10:57,210 have you come over and say, Hi. We break her. She comes over and 195 00:10:57,210 --> 00:11:00,300 she's perfect. You know, but you actually said, Please don't put 196 00:11:00,300 --> 00:11:03,570 your hand above fourth palm down where she can't see and right 197 00:11:03,570 --> 00:11:06,300 away everyone does that. I think we need to have them sign an 198 00:11:06,360 --> 00:11:07,440 electronic waiver. 199 00:11:07,650 --> 00:11:11,040 Yeah, or everybody. Can I get your attention? Please, 200 00:11:11,100 --> 00:11:12,270 everybody look at me. 201 00:11:12,390 --> 00:11:15,780 It's not gonna make any difference people because people 202 00:11:15,780 --> 00:11:17,670 look at her and go, Oh, she's so 203 00:11:17,970 --> 00:11:21,570 she's got the cutest face. But it makes me nervous because I 204 00:11:21,570 --> 00:11:23,310 know she's still unpredictable. But when 205 00:11:23,310 --> 00:11:24,330 you're nervous and 206 00:11:24,750 --> 00:11:28,290 Spanish, yeah. But she She did really, really, really well. But 207 00:11:28,290 --> 00:11:32,580 she started panting and I'm like she's stressed. She's stressed. 208 00:11:33,450 --> 00:11:34,950 But we met some new friends. 209 00:11:35,040 --> 00:11:38,340 Yeah. Great. So we finally got to hang out with Andrea. 210 00:11:38,520 --> 00:11:41,910 Andrea and her husband, David. They like a lot. Yes. They 211 00:11:41,910 --> 00:11:45,450 actually hosted the entree, the salad entree. We had several 212 00:11:45,450 --> 00:11:47,910 people drop out because they were at the 213 00:11:48,930 --> 00:11:51,270 event. Yeah. What was the Supers? Because I wasn't there. 214 00:11:51,300 --> 00:11:54,990 That was New Year's Day. Open House. Yeah, that was see I had 215 00:11:54,990 --> 00:11:55,080 to 216 00:11:55,080 --> 00:11:58,920 work. Yeah. Got saved. You did. So for some reason. It didn't 217 00:11:58,920 --> 00:12:02,220 pass on to me. Of course. I wasn't allowed to kiss you for 218 00:12:02,790 --> 00:12:03,720 two weeks. 219 00:12:03,870 --> 00:12:06,240 Well, at least 10 days. Yeah. Oh, no, it was 220 00:12:06,240 --> 00:12:08,640 more than that. Well, no, I know. Well, 221 00:12:08,640 --> 00:12:12,810 no, I counted. Oh, yeah. So don't tell me. Sorry. Finally. I 222 00:12:12,810 --> 00:12:14,430 could kiss you on your forehead like, 223 00:12:14,939 --> 00:12:22,439 I'm like, yes. But um, yeah, so we'd get sick. So no, you didn't 224 00:12:22,439 --> 00:12:24,749 and that's what kind of makes me mad. 225 00:12:24,780 --> 00:12:27,870 Yes. Why you want me to get you want me to get sick because 226 00:12:27,900 --> 00:12:34,050 I am the supplement queen. I work out. I eat. I don't drink. 227 00:12:34,080 --> 00:12:37,440 I haven't eaten sugar. And my body betrayed me and I got sick. 228 00:12:37,440 --> 00:12:41,580 And here's you drinking wine, eat Mallanna cookies. I saw him 229 00:12:41,580 --> 00:12:44,610 in the cabinet. I saw 230 00:12:45,150 --> 00:12:46,800 only that's the only 231 00:12:46,830 --> 00:12:48,270 the only bioengineer 232 00:12:49,590 --> 00:12:52,410 includes bio engineered ingredient. That's the only 233 00:12:52,410 --> 00:12:57,030 treat I've had in two weeks. And it was one pack of Milanos 234 00:12:57,030 --> 00:13:01,140 anyway, I've had nothing else. And I can't really eat anything. 235 00:13:01,200 --> 00:13:04,530 You know, don't eat snacks in between. Because if anything I 236 00:13:04,530 --> 00:13:07,140 eat I have to then go clean my teeth for half an hour. 237 00:13:07,140 --> 00:13:10,500 I know. It's But anyway, let's get back to the progressive back 238 00:13:10,500 --> 00:13:10,590 to 239 00:13:10,590 --> 00:13:12,660 you before we get to your show. 240 00:13:12,690 --> 00:13:16,890 Yes. It's so hard to manage the talent, isn't it? Oh, there's a 241 00:13:16,890 --> 00:13:19,830 word he told me. Yeah. Oh my gosh, managing the 242 00:13:19,830 --> 00:13:22,590 talent and the talent is the biggest challenge I have on this 243 00:13:22,590 --> 00:13:23,520 show. Exactly. 244 00:13:24,060 --> 00:13:27,120 But anyway, so we met we met Carrie and I don't remember her 245 00:13:27,120 --> 00:13:31,980 husband's name but Carrie ended up listening to no agenda. Yeah, 246 00:13:31,980 --> 00:13:37,500 right. But Carrie carries carry carry carry I carry right on me. 247 00:13:37,500 --> 00:13:39,900 I'm like, I want to go shooting with you. I want to go shooting 248 00:13:39,900 --> 00:13:40,140 with you. 249 00:13:40,140 --> 00:13:41,760 Have you talked to her? You should do that. I've 250 00:13:41,760 --> 00:13:42,540 texted with her. 251 00:13:43,110 --> 00:13:48,750 You told me I just I'm sorry. I almost forgot. Yeah. Okay, so 252 00:13:48,750 --> 00:13:52,050 here's the thing with you because the main thing is the 253 00:13:52,050 --> 00:13:55,170 coughing and it makes you very tired and you're not when you're 254 00:13:55,170 --> 00:13:58,080 sleeping you're not coughing so it's just your throat is getting 255 00:13:58,080 --> 00:14:01,650 irritated and your your cough once your cough again, it just 256 00:14:01,650 --> 00:14:06,030 keeps on going. And a week ago I said I'm gonna go get your lemon 257 00:14:06,120 --> 00:14:09,570 and we'll get you some honey and every single time you can put 258 00:14:09,570 --> 00:14:12,810 some reason why you didn't want me to make it for you. What is 259 00:14:12,810 --> 00:14:13,590 that about? 260 00:14:13,650 --> 00:14:15,870 A well because it was at night you know? No, 261 00:14:15,870 --> 00:14:17,490 it was like during TV 262 00:14:17,520 --> 00:14:22,230 It was no no it's not my favorite. Like a no but I mean 263 00:14:22,230 --> 00:14:26,580 you won't really work does lemon and honey What in water really 264 00:14:26,580 --> 00:14:27,060 works? 265 00:14:27,090 --> 00:14:29,970 You know, cough suppressant some there's some pharmaceutical 266 00:14:29,970 --> 00:14:33,030 crap, there's no way I would take that. I know I know. So 267 00:14:33,030 --> 00:14:35,400 that's why I'm trying to get you do some lemon a little bit of 268 00:14:35,400 --> 00:14:37,950 honey just just to make you more comfortable. So here's the thing 269 00:14:37,950 --> 00:14:43,050 you just got to make the pee it's gonna make you pee all 270 00:14:43,050 --> 00:14:45,000 night. Well, what would you rather do cough Where do you 271 00:14:45,000 --> 00:14:45,540 want to pee? 272 00:14:47,400 --> 00:14:48,600 At the same time, 273 00:14:48,900 --> 00:14:54,180 coughing in the piano PS drive to open up about my problems 274 00:14:54,180 --> 00:14:57,810 now. I love you for talking about why you're such a 275 00:14:57,810 --> 00:14:58,500 beautiful woman 276 00:14:59,640 --> 00:15:02,460 but Um, I don't know what it is. I just don't I don't want to be 277 00:15:02,850 --> 00:15:05,340 middle of the night going to the bathroom though. 278 00:15:05,340 --> 00:15:10,800 I know. I know. I know. You'll probably bump into me with my 279 00:15:11,400 --> 00:15:13,590 constipation and gas pains. Like 280 00:15:13,620 --> 00:15:15,150 I thought that was a salt. 281 00:15:15,930 --> 00:15:21,660 Yeah, it's you know the last go in the studio though. You might 282 00:15:21,660 --> 00:15:24,900 want to just up put the dog in here. Just put a sign 283 00:15:24,900 --> 00:15:26,640 on the door. Keep out 284 00:15:26,700 --> 00:15:27,660 the time sign. 285 00:15:28,680 --> 00:15:30,150 Oh, yes, yes. 286 00:15:30,210 --> 00:15:33,780 You may have already seen it. But my my big Christmas gift 287 00:15:33,810 --> 00:15:34,530 arrived. 288 00:15:34,560 --> 00:15:37,500 And did you didn't have any idea. I had no 289 00:15:37,500 --> 00:15:40,500 idea what it was. Yeah. Even when I saw like Etch A Sketch, 290 00:15:40,530 --> 00:15:42,720 what would you give me an extra sketch for whatever 291 00:15:42,720 --> 00:15:45,180 because it said sketching at whatever it was. 292 00:15:45,599 --> 00:15:48,989 And it is if you haven't seen it is a beautiful dribble, put it 293 00:15:48,989 --> 00:15:53,279 in, in the chapters as as a chapter image if you're using 294 00:15:53,279 --> 00:15:56,159 one of those beautiful podcasting 2.0 apps, we prefer a 295 00:15:56,159 --> 00:16:02,429 fountain. Yes. It's a pod father neon, it is so incredibly cool. 296 00:16:02,429 --> 00:16:04,529 You can dim it, which is I didn't know you could do that 297 00:16:04,529 --> 00:16:07,619 with neon. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you can dim it and 298 00:16:07,650 --> 00:16:09,960 it looks it's so good. If they did 299 00:16:11,550 --> 00:16:14,010 that you threatened them with lawsuits and told them they were 300 00:16:14,010 --> 00:16:15,810 fraudulent and horrible people. 301 00:16:16,229 --> 00:16:19,319 Well, here's the thing. So they refunded my money where we 302 00:16:19,319 --> 00:16:21,959 talked about this last show, and I felt kind of bad about them. 303 00:16:21,959 --> 00:16:24,329 Like I'm not looking for anything free. So you sent him a 304 00:16:24,329 --> 00:16:26,249 check. And so I sent them a check. I paid for it. 305 00:16:26,249 --> 00:16:28,889 Absolutely. And said we are really, really pleased. Thank 306 00:16:28,889 --> 00:16:32,009 you so much. I know that didn't come when I wanted it to come. I 307 00:16:32,009 --> 00:16:34,589 was disappointed. But I'm thank you for rectifying it with a 308 00:16:34,589 --> 00:16:37,889 beautiful product. I get another email. They're sending another 309 00:16:37,889 --> 00:16:38,429 one. 310 00:16:38,609 --> 00:16:42,179 So I do shortcoming. Yes, I got the UPS 311 00:16:42,300 --> 00:16:43,260 tracking number. 312 00:16:43,319 --> 00:16:45,689 Well, they can't get it makes no sense to give it and something 313 00:16:45,689 --> 00:16:46,829 went wrong with their system. 314 00:16:47,010 --> 00:16:49,590 Exactly. And so they made two signs. 315 00:16:49,620 --> 00:16:52,380 So let's give it away as a premium as a promotion for the 316 00:16:52,380 --> 00:16:55,140 show. Oh, how about that? Yeah. Whoever 317 00:16:55,140 --> 00:16:57,060 donates the high the most that's 318 00:16:58,050 --> 00:16:59,670 we got to do a little better than that. 319 00:17:01,230 --> 00:17:03,600 Whoever sends us five cases of why? 320 00:17:03,630 --> 00:17:06,360 Oh, no. I like the SATs idea. We'll get to that later. We'll 321 00:17:06,360 --> 00:17:08,580 get to that later. I'm so happy with it. 322 00:17:08,609 --> 00:17:12,899 I know. It's a perfect addition to your studio. I nailed it. I 323 00:17:12,899 --> 00:17:17,279 wonder for shrinking nailed. Yeah, I know you did. You're not 324 00:17:17,279 --> 00:17:18,929 an easy person to buy for either. 325 00:17:19,800 --> 00:17:22,980 I think I get a little need anything. I don't want anything. 326 00:17:22,980 --> 00:17:25,170 I'm I'm perfectly happy with my life. I get 327 00:17:25,170 --> 00:17:28,650 assistance from God on these things that he just presented. 328 00:17:29,580 --> 00:17:33,450 presented that one presented to me. Yeah, he knows me. So well. 329 00:17:33,450 --> 00:17:33,720 Yeah. 330 00:17:34,710 --> 00:17:37,890 So yeah. So after the progressive dinner, which was 331 00:17:39,180 --> 00:17:42,960 the sixth we went on January 6, Sunday, I didn't even go to 332 00:17:42,960 --> 00:17:46,320 church. I was like, There's no way I could go to church. When I 333 00:17:46,320 --> 00:17:49,470 went to bed Saturday night saying to you, I'm going, I'm 334 00:17:49,470 --> 00:17:52,830 going to church, because Max Lucado was there. Yeah, I'm 335 00:17:52,830 --> 00:17:56,400 going and he's a he's a really big Christian author. And he was 336 00:17:56,430 --> 00:18:02,430 he was guest he's doing the guest. Sermon. And I Saturday 337 00:18:02,430 --> 00:18:03,840 night and I'm going I'm going I 338 00:18:03,870 --> 00:18:05,850 think a lot of people were disappointed that you weren't 339 00:18:05,850 --> 00:18:08,310 there because I know that Julie was there when 340 00:18:09,330 --> 00:18:10,860 Ben drove in from Austin 341 00:18:10,890 --> 00:18:14,700 Glen, the from the periodontist office. He was there. He's like, 342 00:18:14,700 --> 00:18:17,400 where are you guys? I'm working. Where's Tina? 343 00:18:19,980 --> 00:18:23,070 watched it. So I'm watching it online. And I'm singing by 344 00:18:23,070 --> 00:18:26,340 myself in the living room. I was working with the worship with 345 00:18:26,340 --> 00:18:29,490 the worship team. So yeah, that was kind of a bummer. But yeah, 346 00:18:29,490 --> 00:18:32,490 that was that was the day that I thought there's no way I could 347 00:18:32,490 --> 00:18:36,150 do 75 hard. No way. I don't care how much mental toughness you 348 00:18:36,150 --> 00:18:38,430 have. When your head feels like a fishbowl 349 00:18:38,520 --> 00:18:42,240 version no way kept saying don't do this. Don't you hurting 350 00:18:42,240 --> 00:18:42,720 yourself and 351 00:18:42,720 --> 00:18:47,010 I slept on the couch that night because I didn't want I did not 352 00:18:47,010 --> 00:18:50,070 want you to get sick. I slept on the couch. And you were not 353 00:18:50,070 --> 00:18:53,160 happy about that? No. And then when I finally did come to bed, 354 00:18:53,160 --> 00:18:56,370 I built the Wall of China in between. You woke up you're like 355 00:18:57,000 --> 00:18:58,980 you built a wall of China. 356 00:18:59,940 --> 00:19:01,380 Remember that? Yes. I 357 00:19:01,380 --> 00:19:06,480 remember it. I remember it so well. But anyway, not just the 358 00:19:07,260 --> 00:19:11,640 not just the neon but I so love my study Bible. 359 00:19:12,000 --> 00:19:15,690 Oh, yeah, I know. I know. You're having a really good time. Yeah, 360 00:19:15,690 --> 00:19:15,990 man. 361 00:19:15,990 --> 00:19:18,690 It's fantastic. You know, I'll read like a devotional like, Oh, 362 00:19:18,690 --> 00:19:24,030 what is this? What is this? One John something or other I read 363 00:19:24,030 --> 00:19:27,480 that. And then you read it and then they have this really cool 364 00:19:27,480 --> 00:19:29,760 interpretation of it. That's what I really like reading. So 365 00:19:29,790 --> 00:19:31,290 you know, and I've also just been started with the New 366 00:19:31,290 --> 00:19:33,570 Testament just going through Matthew from beginning to end. 367 00:19:33,840 --> 00:19:38,340 Just keep on going all the way through. I know that you you've 368 00:19:38,340 --> 00:19:41,550 tried to pitch me the Bible, recapping do what you want to 369 00:19:41,550 --> 00:19:43,620 do. That's no, no. I'm just saying 370 00:19:43,620 --> 00:19:45,780 I tried that. And I was like, you know, I just want to read 371 00:19:45,780 --> 00:19:48,930 through it or just yeah, having a good time. So I'm starting 372 00:19:48,930 --> 00:19:51,840 here. I'm gonna go for read through the book. I like 373 00:19:52,410 --> 00:19:56,340 we're, Julian are doing the Old Testament. So we just finished 374 00:19:56,340 --> 00:20:00,750 job, which I always just Yeah, aye. Aye. Aye. really liked I 375 00:20:00,750 --> 00:20:03,150 really liked it the book of Job I did. Now we're back into 376 00:20:03,150 --> 00:20:07,260 Genesis and I just learned about Sodom and Gomorrah. I just 377 00:20:07,260 --> 00:20:10,110 learned about that. And I was like, whoa, whoa, and then also 378 00:20:10,110 --> 00:20:14,670 about Lot's wife turning to salt. Like that was so I you 379 00:20:14,670 --> 00:20:19,260 hear the interesting thing for me is I've heard all like, but I 380 00:20:19,260 --> 00:20:24,750 never really understood the big picture. And so nice to see that 381 00:20:24,750 --> 00:20:28,350 I've been exposed to this didn't really learn it, but for some 382 00:20:28,350 --> 00:20:30,390 reason it stuck with me. Oh, now I'm learning 383 00:20:30,450 --> 00:20:34,440 but it's all kinds of stuff like, for the root of all evil 384 00:20:34,440 --> 00:20:35,820 is a love of money. 385 00:20:37,110 --> 00:20:41,190 Yeah, you're asking me today so what Scripture it doesn't talk 386 00:20:41,190 --> 00:20:47,250 about where money? I don't know this idea. People read the Bible 387 00:20:47,250 --> 00:20:50,070 10 times and get this stuff down. i There's no 388 00:20:50,070 --> 00:20:52,500 way it was Titus or something that was reading and can't 389 00:20:52,500 --> 00:20:53,070 remember. 390 00:20:53,130 --> 00:20:54,840 I have no idea. But I'm glad that 391 00:20:55,560 --> 00:20:59,400 I love reading all these names that I recognize from.com 392 00:20:59,400 --> 00:21:02,790 companies and people are taking so many names out of out of 393 00:21:02,790 --> 00:21:08,760 scripture out of the Bible. What does that buddy? Podcasting 2.0 394 00:21:08,790 --> 00:21:10,200 wallet called, buddy? 395 00:21:10,230 --> 00:21:12,600 Yeah, like in your name, Adam. 396 00:21:12,990 --> 00:21:17,220 I know. But you know. Okay. I guess. 397 00:21:17,970 --> 00:21:21,360 So. So I'm glad you enjoy that. I'm glad. That's 398 00:21:22,080 --> 00:21:25,530 love. And I got the companion app to go with it. Yeah. Yeah. 399 00:21:25,650 --> 00:21:27,600 It really is kind of cool to have both of them. 400 00:21:27,660 --> 00:21:29,820 And that's what we do. First thing in the morning before we 401 00:21:30,390 --> 00:21:33,510 dive into anything, we're in the Word. We're in the word of the 402 00:21:33,510 --> 00:21:34,380 Lord. Oh, man. 403 00:21:35,010 --> 00:21:37,830 I guess me so ready for all the crap that I'm about to dive 404 00:21:37,830 --> 00:21:39,540 into? It's fantastic. 405 00:21:40,890 --> 00:21:43,320 Speaking of Bible, which leads me to bridge Church, which leads 406 00:21:43,320 --> 00:21:45,870 me to pastor Jimmy and Annette and leads me to their new 407 00:21:45,900 --> 00:21:46,920 podcasts. 408 00:21:46,950 --> 00:21:51,180 I gotta say that coming out of like, they've never done 409 00:21:51,180 --> 00:21:53,760 anything different before. Yeah, just doing it. Oh, no, we'll 410 00:21:53,760 --> 00:21:56,520 just do the show. Or watch us hold my hold my beer. Let me do 411 00:21:56,520 --> 00:21:57,330 a podcast. I 412 00:21:57,330 --> 00:22:00,990 know. It's so good. I really the first one too. I really, really 413 00:22:00,990 --> 00:22:05,670 enjoyed it. It's so real. And I like how they just tie faith 414 00:22:05,670 --> 00:22:08,820 into everyday life. And the second one, he talked about 415 00:22:08,820 --> 00:22:11,820 leaky buckets to like, because we've talked about leaky buckets 416 00:22:11,820 --> 00:22:15,750 a lot on the show. But it was interesting, because and I want 417 00:22:15,750 --> 00:22:19,440 to ask you this question, too. So I'm the first episode and 418 00:22:19,440 --> 00:22:23,280 that had asked Pastor Jimmy, but when they when she came to 419 00:22:23,280 --> 00:22:28,050 church the first time when they I don't know if that's on a 420 00:22:28,050 --> 00:22:31,140 second, if you're gonna ask me if I know what you were wearing. 421 00:22:32,370 --> 00:22:35,010 This is so come on. On which date? 422 00:22:35,550 --> 00:22:38,310 When were you first met me the first meeting when you first saw 423 00:22:38,310 --> 00:22:39,630 when you first laid your 424 00:22:42,750 --> 00:22:48,300 pants that were above the ankle and you had your scar shoes on? 425 00:22:48,510 --> 00:22:51,390 Nice Guy shoes, golf shoes, and they were very very they were 426 00:22:51,390 --> 00:22:55,830 tapered the pants. And I think you had a blouse or something on 427 00:22:55,830 --> 00:22:57,750 the top. Maybe a sweater but I think a blouse? 428 00:22:58,350 --> 00:23:01,620 Close. Yeah, it was it was a blouse. Yeah, it was a top 429 00:23:01,890 --> 00:23:02,400 scrape. 430 00:23:02,430 --> 00:23:06,000 Well, you were wearing a top I remember Yeah, clothes. I did. I 431 00:23:06,000 --> 00:23:07,950 was kind of trying to look down. So what do I see? 432 00:23:09,630 --> 00:23:12,840 You notice my shoes on the way out? Yeah, but it was it was 433 00:23:12,840 --> 00:23:19,530 interesting because a net. Right, but in an ad ask pastor 434 00:23:19,530 --> 00:23:22,710 Jimmy and he goes, I think you're wearing a poodle skirt. 435 00:23:23,820 --> 00:23:29,370 Poodle Skirt. That was really funny, I think. Sorry. What do 436 00:23:29,370 --> 00:23:30,360 you call the pencil skirt? 437 00:23:30,389 --> 00:23:33,059 Yes. You know, I was wearing a pencil skirt. Little different. 438 00:23:33,149 --> 00:23:33,899 Little different. 439 00:23:33,960 --> 00:23:36,060 I gotta tell you these those guys is to keep it up. They're 440 00:23:36,060 --> 00:23:40,890 gonna get they're gonna get a podcast bill. Oh, they're almost 441 00:23:40,890 --> 00:23:41,550 ready for it. 442 00:23:42,179 --> 00:23:44,909 Well, Jimmy would be faster. Jimmy would be holding the bell, 443 00:23:44,969 --> 00:23:48,959 of course. But I really love the opening music too. And so Jeff 444 00:23:48,959 --> 00:23:51,449 Smith, man, yes, he did a great job. And so I'm listening to 445 00:23:51,449 --> 00:23:54,299 opening music. I'm like, Hey, we should change ours. 446 00:23:54,330 --> 00:23:56,310 No RS is fantastic. No, I 447 00:23:56,310 --> 00:23:58,500 had mentioned that to pastor Jimmy. And he's like, No, you 448 00:23:58,500 --> 00:24:00,780 can't change your opening. So their show 449 00:24:00,780 --> 00:24:03,180 was called living up in a down world. I'll put it in the show 450 00:24:03,180 --> 00:24:06,510 notes. So you can so you can grab it. Yeah, and that 451 00:24:06,510 --> 00:24:08,550 subscribe to a lot of people already listening to it. They 452 00:24:08,550 --> 00:24:13,620 like it. Yes. living up in a down world. It was funny because 453 00:24:13,620 --> 00:24:19,320 I was telling Dave, Dave Jones I'm sorry. On podcasting. 2.0 454 00:24:19,320 --> 00:24:22,710 You know, we do our weekend. Yeah, man. I got pastor Jimmy. I 455 00:24:22,710 --> 00:24:25,560 said, Oh, cool. What are you doing sermons? I said, No, 456 00:24:25,560 --> 00:24:30,150 listen to this. And a roll out the beginning like holy crap out 457 00:24:30,150 --> 00:24:33,510 of the boat. out of the gate is their first show with a Jeff 458 00:24:33,510 --> 00:24:36,660 Smith jingle. Uh huh. Yeah. Yeah. 459 00:24:36,870 --> 00:24:39,330 That's really cool. That is good. Really, really cool. 460 00:24:39,330 --> 00:24:43,440 Really good. Yeah. Ah, okay. Yeah, we had a little chat about 461 00:24:43,440 --> 00:24:47,220 our show. Remember, we were laying in bed and I was saying 462 00:24:47,220 --> 00:24:49,920 how was kind of worried that I'm kind of carrying the show. 463 00:24:50,730 --> 00:24:53,610 Oh, sorry. I'm falling asleep while you were talking. I didn't 464 00:24:53,610 --> 00:24:54,300 I don't remember 465 00:24:54,750 --> 00:24:58,050 that. I come with my whole list and then and you're like baby, 466 00:24:58,050 --> 00:25:00,630 don't worry about it. The show will be fine. Ain't don't worry 467 00:25:00,630 --> 00:25:03,780 about it and I said, I said okay, I'm not I'm not gonna come 468 00:25:03,780 --> 00:25:06,660 with a list at all and then you go no, no, no, no, no, don't 469 00:25:06,660 --> 00:25:07,380 do that. Don't 470 00:25:07,380 --> 00:25:11,580 do that. What I said was just just talk just write down 471 00:25:11,580 --> 00:25:13,980 whatever you want to talk about. I'm there for you. I can back 472 00:25:13,980 --> 00:25:16,740 you up on any topic whatsoever. I have about 20 things on my 473 00:25:16,740 --> 00:25:17,010 list 474 00:25:17,040 --> 00:25:19,620 and then you complain about the talent pool I know but 475 00:25:19,620 --> 00:25:22,890 you're unmanageable. You're completely unmanageable. Oh, 476 00:25:22,890 --> 00:25:27,510 she's sick. Buck up, girl. Come on, get on the mic. Spitting 477 00:25:27,510 --> 00:25:28,830 that stick. Let's go. 478 00:25:31,440 --> 00:25:33,870 Here we're gonna make you laugh. No, Mr. Coffin. 479 00:25:35,040 --> 00:25:37,770 Let's see a couple of things. Oh, yeah. What do you have in 480 00:25:37,770 --> 00:25:39,960 your I do have a couple of things. I want to I want to get 481 00:25:39,960 --> 00:25:43,650 my own personal update. Okay, about my teeth. Okay, because 482 00:25:43,650 --> 00:25:45,120 here's the only because, you know, Dvorak doesn't want to 483 00:25:45,120 --> 00:25:49,470 hear about he finds it disgusting. Yes. So I had them 484 00:25:49,470 --> 00:25:54,870 adjusted. Because you were listening. On the on the the th 485 00:25:54,870 --> 00:25:58,740 is Thursday, Third Thursday so much. Yeah, but not Anatole. 486 00:25:58,770 --> 00:26:02,490 Five. Five is good. But the six is a little bit of sibilance in 487 00:26:02,490 --> 00:26:05,490 the six. And what's kind of cool with with Zack with Doc 488 00:26:05,490 --> 00:26:09,660 Hollywood. I said, Hey, man, I gotta go on Rogen. I got my own 489 00:26:09,660 --> 00:26:12,570 show. I got curry in the keeper. I can't be slipping all over the 490 00:26:12,570 --> 00:26:16,140 place. It got drew coming out of my mouth. Come on by. We'll fix 491 00:26:16,140 --> 00:26:20,250 it. And he actually it was pretty cool. You know? He's an 492 00:26:20,250 --> 00:26:22,320 artist. You went in there with Bonner? No, 493 00:26:22,320 --> 00:26:24,570 but what did he say? He's like, I need you to come at one 494 00:26:24,570 --> 00:26:25,020 o'clock. 495 00:26:25,170 --> 00:26:31,230 No, no. First you said you had a meeting for 10am Tuesday or 496 00:26:31,230 --> 00:26:31,560 Monday? 497 00:26:32,040 --> 00:26:32,850 He wants you to come in. 498 00:26:34,050 --> 00:26:39,090 Can you make it eight? I said 8am You hate me? He said no to 499 00:26:39,090 --> 00:26:42,000 either eight or one. I just want to have time Okay, so one 500 00:26:42,000 --> 00:26:44,790 o'clock if you don't mind says you're my latest masterpiece. 501 00:26:44,790 --> 00:26:45,300 Yes. 502 00:26:46,320 --> 00:26:50,010 Oh, I walk in and they all love me. 503 00:26:53,250 --> 00:26:54,450 picture for me. 504 00:26:54,540 --> 00:26:57,000 They don't even they don't even take my blood pressure anymore. 505 00:26:59,010 --> 00:27:03,840 Food TV, but he was was really he was really adding little bits 506 00:27:03,840 --> 00:27:06,720 of bonding material in it because if you've seen it here 507 00:27:06,720 --> 00:27:08,070 you can see this. Oh, yeah. Oh, 508 00:27:08,550 --> 00:27:11,160 yeah, it's gonna be a bitch to get that off. 509 00:27:11,190 --> 00:27:14,520 Oh, so we were going to try and take the top bridge off and she 510 00:27:14,520 --> 00:27:20,520 starts getting in there with with like a wrench. No, there's 511 00:27:20,520 --> 00:27:22,620 no Novocaine or anything with your 512 00:27:22,620 --> 00:27:24,480 pain. tolerations like, 513 00:27:25,170 --> 00:27:28,950 you can see it's in there pretty tight. So yes, it's in there 514 00:27:28,950 --> 00:27:32,610 pretty tight. So I think I can do it without taking it off. So 515 00:27:32,610 --> 00:27:35,700 good. Because this thing is on man. Let's because it's just 516 00:27:35,700 --> 00:27:37,080 attached to my to canines. 517 00:27:37,110 --> 00:27:39,450 Gosh, I hope that you're going to be knocked out when they 518 00:27:39,510 --> 00:27:41,580 finally rent that thing off. So 519 00:27:41,580 --> 00:27:46,470 this is the other things so I went to Maverick to Mitch, you 520 00:27:46,470 --> 00:27:50,250 know, the butcher, the boys flying the flying Butcher. And 521 00:27:50,280 --> 00:27:53,640 and he's like, Yeah, that's really good. But a couple of 522 00:27:53,640 --> 00:27:57,450 things. I said, No, no, it's good. He says because the low on 523 00:27:57,450 --> 00:28:03,090 the lower the lower jaw the membrane is exposed, which is 524 00:28:03,090 --> 00:28:06,120 very normal that that happens. We may have to remove the 525 00:28:06,120 --> 00:28:08,190 membrane and a couple of weeks you're going to take it out. 526 00:28:08,310 --> 00:28:12,000 Yeah, I probably am. And things like this and that says how long 527 00:28:12,000 --> 00:28:14,460 is it going to take me because I want to go on vacation. I want 528 00:28:14,460 --> 00:28:19,350 to take my wife places. Today I think is six months. Six months. 529 00:28:19,710 --> 00:28:21,240 Yeah, it's gonna be a year before it's 530 00:28:22,470 --> 00:28:26,910 all done. Yeah. And it's okay, but it's literally like you have 531 00:28:29,190 --> 00:28:32,550 like a sports mouthguard in your mouth all the time. And it's 532 00:28:32,550 --> 00:28:35,040 okay because I can function with it fine. You know, I can kiss 533 00:28:35,040 --> 00:28:37,860 you. Yeah. Did you noticed anything different when I kiss 534 00:28:37,860 --> 00:28:38,070 you? 535 00:28:39,000 --> 00:28:40,650 No, no, she was 536 00:28:40,650 --> 00:28:45,930 fine. But but when I eat a home man i 537 00:28:46,170 --> 00:28:49,500 Oh, it's just a mess in there. It's you know when we were at 538 00:28:49,500 --> 00:28:51,840 the progressive dinner and you were eating the salad 539 00:28:53,610 --> 00:28:56,520 coming underneath my bridge and I didn't want to stick my 540 00:28:56,520 --> 00:29:00,870 fingers in my mouth right everyone at the table but I'm 541 00:29:00,870 --> 00:29:01,770 trying to like don't 542 00:29:01,770 --> 00:29:03,240 smile too much baby some green 543 00:29:04,260 --> 00:29:07,350 slip this green thing underneath like between my gum and my 544 00:29:07,350 --> 00:29:08,400 brain. The lesson 545 00:29:08,400 --> 00:29:10,980 learned now is we have to bring like a cleaning kit with us 546 00:29:10,980 --> 00:29:12,330 whenever we're yeah carry 547 00:29:12,330 --> 00:29:13,140 with me. Yeah, 548 00:29:13,140 --> 00:29:14,460 the same issue last night. I 549 00:29:14,490 --> 00:29:16,800 didn't have my cleaning kit but yeah, 550 00:29:17,880 --> 00:29:18,840 I know. 551 00:29:19,980 --> 00:29:24,270 It's okay because this this challenge is here for for for 552 00:29:24,270 --> 00:29:26,820 the best. There's a reason for this challenge. So it's all 553 00:29:26,820 --> 00:29:31,260 gonna be good. It's all gonna be good. Well, you know in my 554 00:29:32,160 --> 00:29:36,240 allergies are gone. Yes, I definitely hear better. Not as 555 00:29:36,240 --> 00:29:40,290 good as you think. Okay, when you laugh at me or 556 00:29:40,620 --> 00:29:44,250 I know I laugh at all your disabilities. Your mouth. No 557 00:29:44,250 --> 00:29:46,050 Give Tourette's your ears. 558 00:29:46,080 --> 00:29:49,980 Yeah, my ears. What's wrong with my on my hearing? There are two 559 00:29:49,980 --> 00:29:50,430 big, 560 00:29:51,720 --> 00:29:52,530 big ears. 561 00:29:52,560 --> 00:29:55,320 So this is the worst when someone has a hearing 562 00:29:55,320 --> 00:30:00,810 disability, which is what we call it. I'm an invalid And you 563 00:30:00,810 --> 00:30:05,100 say, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you and the person goes, I said 564 00:30:09,090 --> 00:30:10,530 do not 565 00:30:10,560 --> 00:30:14,010 do is if you see me crying, that's when you've done Oh, once 566 00:30:14,010 --> 00:30:18,630 again. Then someone will speak and you're that makes you're not 567 00:30:18,630 --> 00:30:18,840 even 568 00:30:18,840 --> 00:30:20,010 aware. I'm not even. 569 00:30:20,220 --> 00:30:23,670 It makes me feel really old like, like my grandmother 570 00:30:23,700 --> 00:30:25,560 because of course everyone had to do with my grandmother 571 00:30:25,560 --> 00:30:27,780 because that's where I get this from. Anyway, doesn't matter. 572 00:30:27,810 --> 00:30:30,990 It's better. It is better. It's not great, but it is better. It 573 00:30:30,990 --> 00:30:32,430 is better so I'm very happy about 574 00:30:32,459 --> 00:30:36,809 Well, the thing that I am amazed at is your pain tolerance. Thank 575 00:30:36,809 --> 00:30:37,619 you. Yes, 576 00:30:37,679 --> 00:30:40,649 I don't even the dentists are amazing. 577 00:30:40,680 --> 00:30:44,100 I am I'm shocked I thought for sure you would be curled up in a 578 00:30:44,100 --> 00:30:47,700 fetal position and you you are a trooper I don't know 579 00:30:47,700 --> 00:30:51,150 what it is. But it's really until you said well you know I 580 00:30:51,150 --> 00:30:53,250 could numb you up now just do it, man. Just Just do it. But I 581 00:30:53,250 --> 00:30:55,620 was gonna take 30 seconds do it. Do it do it is 582 00:30:57,030 --> 00:31:01,950 oh my gosh, no. Heck, no, no way. 583 00:31:02,610 --> 00:31:06,180 What am I gonna do? I'm gonna have to wait for 20 minutes to 584 00:31:06,180 --> 00:31:08,580 get numbed up and everything is what do you have to 585 00:31:08,610 --> 00:31:11,460 and you say numb for a long time because they have to use so much 586 00:31:11,460 --> 00:31:12,660 of it. Yeah, 587 00:31:12,690 --> 00:31:14,490 I have to shoot enough for an outlet. Another 588 00:31:14,490 --> 00:31:21,060 really huge, huge, huge, huge thing is you barely you know, 589 00:31:21,060 --> 00:31:21,180 I'm 590 00:31:21,180 --> 00:31:23,220 a smoker and you barely vape 591 00:31:23,879 --> 00:31:26,309 I mean, you do your regular vape and you're not doing your weed 592 00:31:26,309 --> 00:31:28,979 vape like hardly at all. Yeah, 593 00:31:29,010 --> 00:31:31,590 I know. It's and you know what, I have a lot more time on my 594 00:31:31,590 --> 00:31:32,010 hands. 595 00:31:32,070 --> 00:31:36,480 I know you get so much done. You are getting so much done. I have 596 00:31:36,480 --> 00:31:36,630 this 597 00:31:36,630 --> 00:31:39,630 system. This this new system, which is an open source package, 598 00:31:39,630 --> 00:31:43,560 I'll just tell you, it's called Trillium with one L t r i l 599 00:31:44,010 --> 00:31:50,160 trilly iu m and setting up is half the fun for me, you know, 600 00:31:50,160 --> 00:31:53,160 setting all the shortcuts and the categories. It's like this 601 00:31:53,160 --> 00:31:55,980 huge outliner that has everything in there and I can 602 00:31:55,980 --> 00:31:59,280 search stuff really quickly. And I've got my shopping list and my 603 00:31:59,310 --> 00:32:03,270 show preps and my To Do lists and it works the way I want it 604 00:32:03,270 --> 00:32:06,660 to because I can be able to manage it. And since I've heard 605 00:32:06,660 --> 00:32:11,340 that and I'm not going out on the porch to smoke. Yeah, I'm 606 00:32:11,340 --> 00:32:13,500 doing all this I'm like well, I might as well just go ahead and 607 00:32:13,500 --> 00:32:15,240 get this thing off. I know my list is 608 00:32:15,240 --> 00:32:17,010 crazy. It's crazy. 609 00:32:18,660 --> 00:32:23,100 I know people are so creative. And then on top of it you have 610 00:32:23,100 --> 00:32:26,310 two new friends between Maverick and Hollywood your dentist and 611 00:32:26,310 --> 00:32:27,900 your periodontist Absolutely 612 00:32:27,900 --> 00:32:33,120 yeah and and Maverick and I were going flying I know I'm flying 613 00:32:33,120 --> 00:32:36,090 everywhere and I've gotten my flying back and I've been 614 00:32:36,090 --> 00:32:40,890 landing the my touch and goes with the Cirrus Yes. Yeah, just 615 00:32:40,890 --> 00:32:43,590 like this thing flies so it almost lends itself so 616 00:32:43,590 --> 00:32:46,770 we're Unbeliev we're trying to arrange the Nashville meet up 617 00:32:46,770 --> 00:32:50,550 with Sir Patrick COBOL and we're waiting on dates from him it's 618 00:32:50,550 --> 00:32:53,130 not going to be valentine's day it's going to be after hopefully 619 00:32:53,130 --> 00:32:55,950 maybe just a week after so but you're gonna fly us out there 620 00:32:55,950 --> 00:33:00,420 with an instructor Yes, I go how many seats is this plane for 621 00:33:00,420 --> 00:33:05,160 four but it has a parachute. He said he thinks okay 622 00:33:06,420 --> 00:33:10,140 I guess if my numbers up it's up. So numbers can I wear a 623 00:33:10,140 --> 00:33:11,040 parachute too? 624 00:33:11,070 --> 00:33:13,380 You don't need one the whole plane just floats down to the 625 00:33:13,380 --> 00:33:13,740 earth. 626 00:33:13,800 --> 00:33:17,310 Okay, now we're going over water we're not going over water up 627 00:33:17,310 --> 00:33:19,560 just by luck with land and water night drowned flying 628 00:33:19,560 --> 00:33:23,700 from here to Nashville. But it's it'll take us about four hours 629 00:33:23,700 --> 00:33:24,720 and 20 minutes. 630 00:33:25,380 --> 00:33:28,050 Oh, wait, it was two, two and a half hours 631 00:33:28,500 --> 00:33:30,840 ago. I told you that was the wrong amount of time. 632 00:33:31,080 --> 00:33:33,990 Four hours and 20 minutes. Yeah. Wow. 633 00:33:34,260 --> 00:33:36,210 Well, the alternative is a whole day. 634 00:33:36,780 --> 00:33:39,000 Yeah. Okay. I'm getting 635 00:33:39,450 --> 00:33:43,470 it's seriously it's less than driving to Dallas. 636 00:33:43,740 --> 00:33:47,790 Yeah Um Yeah, well, but the same but if you if you were to 637 00:33:47,790 --> 00:33:51,990 fly to Nashville from either San Antonio or Austin it was AQ 638 00:33:52,020 --> 00:33:53,520 six or seven hours 639 00:33:55,050 --> 00:33:59,430 within and stress and now you could sit there you got your own 640 00:33:59,430 --> 00:34:02,640 drink. You gotta do whatever you want. You couldn't you got noise 641 00:34:02,640 --> 00:34:03,660 cancelling headset 642 00:34:03,690 --> 00:34:07,110 has Wi Fi and Mike Okay, said had Wi Fi he's 643 00:34:07,110 --> 00:34:10,830 got no Wi Fi. No Sirius XM. It doesn't have Wi Fi Yeah. Oh 644 00:34:10,830 --> 00:34:12,990 man. Kind of jalopies. 645 00:34:15,990 --> 00:34:23,370 These $800,000 planes jalopy. Goodness. Anyway, 646 00:34:23,370 --> 00:34:24,180 that'll be fun. 647 00:34:24,240 --> 00:34:27,090 I'm very excited about it. Because I see in our future that 648 00:34:27,120 --> 00:34:30,900 you know, once I have all the training and I feel comfortable 649 00:34:30,900 --> 00:34:34,470 with this aircraft, you know, we just might just the two of us 650 00:34:34,470 --> 00:34:37,740 just go turn around go. So where do you want to go? Yeah, it's 651 00:34:37,740 --> 00:34:40,500 five minutes to our airport here. Where do you want to go? 652 00:34:40,500 --> 00:34:41,430 Just go somewhere? 653 00:34:41,580 --> 00:34:44,580 Yeah, well, when you go with Maverick down to Corpus Christi, 654 00:34:44,580 --> 00:34:47,130 he's coming to pick you up at the airport here right now and 655 00:34:47,130 --> 00:34:47,910 you're flying down. 656 00:34:47,939 --> 00:34:51,749 Yeah, we're gonna visit one of the no agenda listeners. He's a 657 00:34:51,809 --> 00:34:57,479 commander and he's gonna let us fly on the Navy. Boys Navy 658 00:34:57,479 --> 00:35:00,539 simulator. We're gonna land on the on the aircraft. carrier 659 00:35:00,570 --> 00:35:01,050 Yeah 660 00:35:02,879 --> 00:35:03,869 that's nice you're 661 00:35:03,870 --> 00:35:06,750 living the life dude you are living the life we were talking 662 00:35:06,750 --> 00:35:09,240 about this earlier no we were talking about Steven Crowder and 663 00:35:09,240 --> 00:35:13,680 his you know how he's all upset about whatever his contracts I'm 664 00:35:13,680 --> 00:35:19,380 just like, man it's not worth it I love my life I love doing our 665 00:35:19,380 --> 00:35:23,760 shows our little studio here at home. Very happy going to pick 666 00:35:23,760 --> 00:35:28,770 up our beef no stress. I don't whine to advertisers don't have 667 00:35:28,770 --> 00:35:31,890 to do what else meetings. Yeah, no one can tell me what to do. 668 00:35:31,890 --> 00:35:34,170 We just do whatever we want to do. I love it. I mean, how could 669 00:35:34,200 --> 00:35:36,930 could it be a more perfect life for a boy like 670 00:35:36,930 --> 00:35:41,100 me? We're very, very blessed. Yeah, we are very, very blessed. 671 00:35:41,100 --> 00:35:41,310 So 672 00:35:41,310 --> 00:35:42,810 do you have anything on your list? Because so far I'm 673 00:35:42,810 --> 00:35:45,150 carrying the show. You are not carrying this during the show 674 00:35:45,150 --> 00:35:49,590 like a mofo baby. Well, did we talk about the movie Spirited? I 675 00:35:49,590 --> 00:35:51,180 have it on my list for some reason. 676 00:35:51,480 --> 00:35:52,620 Did we watch them? 677 00:35:52,770 --> 00:35:56,910 Yeah, wasn't that the singing dancing Christmas movie? Did we 678 00:35:56,910 --> 00:35:57,600 talk about that? 679 00:35:57,630 --> 00:35:58,890 That was a long time ago. 680 00:35:58,919 --> 00:36:02,219 It was still on my list then. Well, I thought I'd taken it 681 00:36:02,219 --> 00:36:02,579 off. 682 00:36:02,610 --> 00:36:07,230 No, I want I have a few things on my list. If people didn't 683 00:36:07,230 --> 00:36:11,820 know Adam is in Janice Dean's new poll. Yeah, I am the storm. 684 00:36:11,820 --> 00:36:14,250 So have you brought? Yes. And you read it? Did you read? I 685 00:36:14,250 --> 00:36:17,670 have not read it yet. Now. I'm Janice Dean is a meteorologist 686 00:36:17,670 --> 00:36:20,850 on Fox and Friends in the morning. She's an absolutely 687 00:36:20,850 --> 00:36:25,140 lovely, lovely person. And we had an opportunity to meet her 688 00:36:25,140 --> 00:36:29,280 last April. Actually, she heard you on Megyn Kelly show. She 689 00:36:29,280 --> 00:36:32,220 called me. Yes. And she she wanted to talk to you about 690 00:36:32,220 --> 00:36:34,860 being featured in her book and want you to talk a little bit 691 00:36:34,860 --> 00:36:36,000 about what the book is about. 692 00:36:36,629 --> 00:36:40,649 It's called I Am the storm. And it's these. Now she she wrote 693 00:36:40,649 --> 00:36:44,549 this during a hard period for her where her her in laws had 694 00:36:44,549 --> 00:36:46,769 basically been killed by the governor of New York, 695 00:36:47,880 --> 00:36:50,370 because they were put back in nursing homes with COVID. Right. 696 00:36:51,000 --> 00:36:51,600 And 697 00:36:51,630 --> 00:36:55,560 I think she was very close to them, I'm not quite sure. And 698 00:36:55,560 --> 00:36:59,280 she she has her own struggles with health struggles, I think. 699 00:36:59,730 --> 00:37:04,260 And this is a David Goliath type book. And a lot of it is like a 700 00:37:04,260 --> 00:37:09,420 mother whose daughter died from a heroin overdose. You know, 701 00:37:09,420 --> 00:37:13,950 people overcame incredible odds. And she was looking for someone 702 00:37:13,950 --> 00:37:17,940 who had a light hearted story. But has still you know, I had my 703 00:37:17,970 --> 00:37:22,230 in my MTV lawsuit and all the all these other things. And as 704 00:37:22,230 --> 00:37:24,150 we were just talking, I think how many, we must have talked 705 00:37:24,150 --> 00:37:28,350 for four or five hours together, we work several times for an 706 00:37:28,350 --> 00:37:33,000 hour or longer. And we became I think, really, really close. 707 00:37:33,510 --> 00:37:36,480 Just because she opened up a little bit about her life. And 708 00:37:36,660 --> 00:37:39,120 we kind of have the same background entertainment, you 709 00:37:39,120 --> 00:37:43,110 know, type newsy type stuff. And she was, we've seen her with her 710 00:37:43,110 --> 00:37:45,510 hair back in the 80s. We know what she looked like, 711 00:37:45,540 --> 00:37:51,390 yeah, she looked like me. Like that. Although she's younger 712 00:37:51,390 --> 00:37:51,510 than 713 00:37:52,020 --> 00:37:56,640 it was and so I was just just telling my stories, but mainly 714 00:37:56,640 --> 00:38:00,420 about, it turned into more of like, you can just be a nice 715 00:38:00,420 --> 00:38:02,790 person. Yeah. Be a douchebag. Right. 716 00:38:03,569 --> 00:38:08,519 So she when Lisa Marie Presley died, right, right. I'm just 717 00:38:08,549 --> 00:38:09,569 unbelievable. Because 718 00:38:09,600 --> 00:38:13,890 Because part of the part of the story was at MTV, they instead 719 00:38:13,890 --> 00:38:17,580 of just asking me for mtv.com to have it back after they said to 720 00:38:17,580 --> 00:38:19,980 me they weren't interested in go ahead, do whatever you want. 721 00:38:20,160 --> 00:38:25,260 They sued me over it. Yeah. And, conversely, Lisa Marie had to 722 00:38:25,260 --> 00:38:28,380 call because I'd elvis.com along with a couple others like 723 00:38:28,380 --> 00:38:34,440 curry.com and claim bumping.com To be honest, I don't know why. 724 00:38:34,890 --> 00:38:37,410 I don't really do it. I know that was the one other thing I 725 00:38:37,410 --> 00:38:37,830 had. 726 00:38:38,129 --> 00:38:39,929 He still have that one. How can I 727 00:38:39,930 --> 00:38:43,410 ever get rid of that? Oh, my diaries.com which is a good one. 728 00:38:43,440 --> 00:38:48,150 Oh, maybe worth money one day diaries dot probably not. And 729 00:38:48,630 --> 00:38:54,150 she called us Overstock com, because at least 730 00:38:54,150 --> 00:38:56,610 the Maria was, uh, Priscilla knows Lisa Marie. Okay, 731 00:38:56,730 --> 00:38:59,520 cuz she has she owned all those rights. So she was in charge. 732 00:38:59,910 --> 00:39:01,800 And she was my age. Maybe it was a child, but 733 00:39:02,340 --> 00:39:09,000 she was 53, a little younger. And I said, sure. You just gave 734 00:39:09,000 --> 00:39:09,450 it to her. 735 00:39:10,050 --> 00:39:14,190 Of course. I can't claim anything to Elvis, and she asked 736 00:39:14,190 --> 00:39:21,360 for it. And I guess she put that in the book. That contrast 737 00:39:21,360 --> 00:39:25,170 between corporate MTV suing me and Lisa Marie, even though she 738 00:39:25,170 --> 00:39:27,750 was gonna make tons of money with elvis.com. But you know, 739 00:39:27,780 --> 00:39:30,990 whatever. She asked for it. She was just a nice person. Yeah. 740 00:39:31,380 --> 00:39:34,080 And so she wrote it. She featured in the book. And then 741 00:39:34,110 --> 00:39:35,070 what she did is she 742 00:39:35,400 --> 00:39:37,590 released bricks. Yes, yeah. She took a picture of the 743 00:39:37,590 --> 00:39:41,340 page. And she highlighted what Adam had done. And that was so 744 00:39:41,340 --> 00:39:43,350 sweet. And that was kind of the first time we were like, Oh, my 745 00:39:43,350 --> 00:39:46,050 gosh, the book is out. And then the next day to write an email 746 00:39:46,170 --> 00:39:48,990 inscribed, nice inscribed, yeah. 747 00:39:49,920 --> 00:39:50,970 Yeah, so that was really 748 00:39:50,970 --> 00:39:53,940 cool. Take a look. That's probably actually a fun book to 749 00:39:53,940 --> 00:39:56,700 read. Yeah, very easy book to read. Yeah, read my bit. I 750 00:39:56,700 --> 00:40:00,630 haven't read read the rest, but it's good. Yeah. She's a fun 751 00:40:00,630 --> 00:40:00,990 rider 752 00:40:00,990 --> 00:40:05,520 to Mr. Slip, baby. I gotta manage the talent. 753 00:40:05,610 --> 00:40:08,250 I'm 58. Manager. Do you believe that 754 00:40:08,250 --> 00:40:10,050 shit? Oh, police? 755 00:40:10,080 --> 00:40:14,370 No, I mean seriously, I think about it like, do you feel 15? 756 00:40:14,370 --> 00:40:14,580 Yeah, 757 00:40:14,610 --> 00:40:15,390 are you sometimes? 758 00:40:17,670 --> 00:40:22,680 You are. No one had to repeat it. Okay, that was all you it 759 00:40:22,680 --> 00:40:23,910 was not necessary. 760 00:40:24,600 --> 00:40:26,280 All right. What do you have on your list? 761 00:40:28,500 --> 00:40:30,660 We have booked a vacation. 762 00:40:30,720 --> 00:40:34,980 Oh, yes, we did that this week. Yep. We have to tell you though. 763 00:40:35,580 --> 00:40:38,490 I'm a little tainted by Aruba. Because if you if people 764 00:40:38,490 --> 00:40:40,080 remember correctly, we booked this 765 00:40:40,110 --> 00:40:43,620 trip to vacation in two years. No, we went 766 00:40:43,620 --> 00:40:46,410 to that we went to Fort Lauderdale, which was not great 767 00:40:46,410 --> 00:40:50,370 failure. And so when we booked to Aruba and I had planned every 768 00:40:50,370 --> 00:40:54,000 everything was scheduled down to our dinner reservations. And we 769 00:40:54,000 --> 00:40:57,780 had to cancel everything because in the clinic, because American 770 00:40:57,780 --> 00:41:01,290 Airlines canceled our flight not once, not twice, but three times 771 00:41:01,320 --> 00:41:01,890 so 772 00:41:02,130 --> 00:41:04,800 well. So what does Adam do? Because I'm the one that's 773 00:41:04,800 --> 00:41:08,880 traumatized. Yes. And I just don't know anyone with a jet 774 00:41:08,880 --> 00:41:12,630 yet. That could take us down. But I'm in aviation, so you 775 00:41:12,630 --> 00:41:15,780 never know what'll happen. Yes. There's a direct flight from 776 00:41:15,780 --> 00:41:19,170 Austin to Montego Bay on Saturdays. It goes down comes 777 00:41:19,170 --> 00:41:22,680 back. That's it. It's three and a half hours is phenomenal. 778 00:41:22,680 --> 00:41:25,890 Because that's really how if you go any other day, any other way, 779 00:41:25,890 --> 00:41:29,820 it's six to eight to nine hours to get there with a stop in 780 00:41:30,450 --> 00:41:34,920 Atlanta or Miami or Houston or whatever. Like no that unlike 781 00:41:34,920 --> 00:41:38,550 you can't reach that anymore. And it's just it's not worth it 782 00:41:38,550 --> 00:41:41,520 to me. It really isn't. So we're going to we can't we can't 783 00:41:41,520 --> 00:41:44,730 afford a private jet. But we're going to Jamaica to make a man 784 00:41:44,730 --> 00:41:49,110 it's a it's a regional jet. Yeah. So it's American Airlines. 785 00:41:49,110 --> 00:41:51,570 You know, two on one side, one on the other. 786 00:41:51,600 --> 00:41:54,180 We're leaving two months from today. I'm so excited 787 00:41:54,180 --> 00:41:56,790 on March 18. We is it occurring? The keeper week? 788 00:41:56,820 --> 00:41:58,050 No, it's off week. 789 00:41:58,290 --> 00:42:00,420 off week. Yeah. So we'll have lots to talk about before and 790 00:42:00,420 --> 00:42:03,450 after. Yeah, yeah, we'll show off our tan when we come back. 791 00:42:03,450 --> 00:42:03,750 So of 792 00:42:03,750 --> 00:42:08,250 course I already booked dinner reservations, arranged for the 793 00:42:08,250 --> 00:42:12,150 car service arranged, right seven years. Yeah. arranged for 794 00:42:12,180 --> 00:42:16,260 I'm just going to do one spa treatment. So we got to plan why 795 00:42:16,260 --> 00:42:19,680 it's because of our credit card points. Yeah. Love that. Yeah. 796 00:42:19,680 --> 00:42:22,980 Gotta get the all the flights paid for PowerPoint. Very 797 00:42:22,980 --> 00:42:26,460 excited. Very excited. Yeah. So that'll be fun. That'll be a lot 798 00:42:26,460 --> 00:42:30,450 of fun. So yeah, so it's going to be 75 Soft until March 18. 799 00:42:30,960 --> 00:42:31,530 Sorry. 800 00:42:33,570 --> 00:42:38,190 Then, let me see. We have the meat mafia. 801 00:42:38,640 --> 00:42:43,260 Yes. On Monday we have we have Breton, Harry and Charles from 802 00:42:43,590 --> 00:42:47,040 Pharaoh life. They're all coming on Monday, Lord, help us Lord 803 00:42:47,040 --> 00:42:52,620 help us along with Julianne and Mark and making Tri Tip I'm 804 00:42:52,620 --> 00:42:52,980 gonna make 805 00:42:53,160 --> 00:42:55,170 it's gonna be fun because they're really professional 806 00:42:55,170 --> 00:42:58,470 hunters. And he you know, these are all they're gonna be guys. 807 00:42:58,470 --> 00:43:01,410 Yeah, they're gonna really be scrutinizing my meat. Couldn't 808 00:43:01,410 --> 00:43:02,580 be like, meat. 809 00:43:03,180 --> 00:43:05,340 Wheat. No, we got some good meat. We got a lot of good meat. 810 00:43:05,340 --> 00:43:09,390 So that'd be fun. It's I love being in this this. This area. 811 00:43:09,420 --> 00:43:12,960 People drive through. We got an and Weldon coming through 812 00:43:12,960 --> 00:43:17,520 tomorrow. Yes. They're from Holy cow farms in Lubbock. And 813 00:43:17,520 --> 00:43:20,580 they're bringing some breakfast sausage coming through. 814 00:43:20,580 --> 00:43:23,610 And then Paul, I think is it Lester's coming on Saturday to 815 00:43:23,610 --> 00:43:24,660 bring us eggs? 816 00:43:24,840 --> 00:43:28,680 Speaking of eggs? Yes. So I've been trying to talk Adam into 817 00:43:28,680 --> 00:43:29,790 getting a chicken coop. 818 00:43:30,810 --> 00:43:33,960 I'm like, I'm fine with a chicken coop. No chickens in 819 00:43:33,960 --> 00:43:34,110 there. 820 00:43:34,920 --> 00:43:38,940 Okay, I really want to chickens because eggs are It's ridiculous 821 00:43:38,940 --> 00:43:40,050 how much eggs are 822 00:43:40,110 --> 00:43:44,070 Okay, so first of all, if you're trying to save money, I have a 823 00:43:44,070 --> 00:43:47,820 couple of suggestions. Egg is not one of them. Okay, eggs. 824 00:43:48,390 --> 00:43:52,230 They used to pay $3 Now it's $8 I feel very bad about it. But if 825 00:43:52,380 --> 00:43:55,290 that's your that's not why you want to do we have an idyllic 826 00:43:56,040 --> 00:44:00,540 vision, a Little House on the Prairie idea of oh, I'm gonna go 827 00:44:00,540 --> 00:44:05,520 out in the morning with my little basket. Hi, hi. How are 828 00:44:05,520 --> 00:44:09,810 you doing? We're in reality, the hens are pissed off. They don't 829 00:44:09,810 --> 00:44:12,660 want you scooting around there but they don't want to get off 830 00:44:12,660 --> 00:44:17,220 the nest. You'll need about three because we'd six eggs a 831 00:44:17,220 --> 00:44:21,120 day between the two of us so you'd probably need three it's a 832 00:44:21,120 --> 00:44:23,490 mess. You got to clean out the thing. There's going to be all 833 00:44:23,490 --> 00:44:26,760 kinds of predators raccoons, snakes, weasels, all kinds of 834 00:44:26,760 --> 00:44:29,130 stuff is going to try to eat them they will be eaten. At 835 00:44:29,130 --> 00:44:31,470 which point I'm my morning will be ruined because I have to go 836 00:44:31,470 --> 00:44:37,380 get a dead chicken carcass. Well, more work than you think. 837 00:44:37,410 --> 00:44:37,890 I've had 838 00:44:37,890 --> 00:44:41,310 chicken Jones has chickens is a lot of work for Dave. 839 00:44:41,970 --> 00:44:49,260 Dave has children. He has his children at home. Go clean? Did 840 00:44:49,260 --> 00:44:52,290 the Cooper move it or whatever? Do you actually have to clean 841 00:44:52,290 --> 00:44:59,190 it? Do you think? I don't I know nothing about 842 00:44:59,220 --> 00:45:01,860 chickens chickens. Have you ever heard of chicken shed? Yes. Have 843 00:45:01,860 --> 00:45:05,850 you ever seen a lot of it get a coop. Oh, but you know you could 844 00:45:05,850 --> 00:45:08,310 have them on the ground but then they'd have to be outside our 845 00:45:08,310 --> 00:45:12,390 fence where they're very vulnerable right? Come along and 846 00:45:12,390 --> 00:45:15,690 tip over this whole thing. And just like and 847 00:45:15,690 --> 00:45:17,370 eat the chickens of course 848 00:45:17,400 --> 00:45:21,780 raccoons will eat live chickens. Yes, pickles like garbage. 849 00:45:22,170 --> 00:45:29,760 Okay, let me check I'm gonna use the AI Okay, okay do raccoons 850 00:45:31,020 --> 00:45:37,770 chickens Okay. Computer says here's well here's 15 tips to 851 00:45:37,770 --> 00:45:41,610 protect your chickens from a raccoon attack. Fact a raccoon 852 00:45:41,610 --> 00:45:43,620 control an entire flock in minutes 853 00:45:46,770 --> 00:45:49,680 well, I guess I mean when I reflect back on our vegetable 854 00:45:49,680 --> 00:45:54,240 garden last year, which was a bit we had retarded broccoli 855 00:45:54,450 --> 00:45:55,950 this year 856 00:45:58,230 --> 00:46:01,050 Oh my second I think I have something for you here yeah 857 00:46:08,610 --> 00:46:13,560 all right baby chickens 858 00:46:13,620 --> 00:46:17,790 man I knew is a lot of work it really you know we don't have a 859 00:46:17,790 --> 00:46:21,420 fence enough we don't have a fenced in yard we have roam Dave 860 00:46:21,420 --> 00:46:21,600 has 861 00:46:21,600 --> 00:46:24,480 a fenced in yard and I don't think he is right he's in the 862 00:46:24,480 --> 00:46:27,570 middle of Birmingham Alabama. You know, there's there's not a 863 00:46:27,570 --> 00:46:31,590 lot of raccoons running around or snakes. Yeah, but out here. 864 00:46:31,650 --> 00:46:35,040 I'm very concerned. Ya know, if you want to properly want to 865 00:46:35,040 --> 00:46:38,940 have a big coop, but it's actual work. Yeah, I can just pick up 866 00:46:38,940 --> 00:46:41,520 and leave and go to Jamaica. Someone's got to take care of 867 00:46:41,520 --> 00:46:43,980 the chickens. The chickens bad enough. Okay. 868 00:46:43,980 --> 00:46:45,780 gets to me take care of that. Why we're trying 869 00:46:45,780 --> 00:46:49,500 to get your sister to live near us but know that no, you failed 870 00:46:49,500 --> 00:46:56,430 at least the move these things and our dog will take vacation 871 00:46:56,430 --> 00:46:59,190 from time to time. Yeah, if you can find someone else to take 872 00:46:59,190 --> 00:46:59,490 over. You're 873 00:46:59,820 --> 00:47:04,080 okay. Okay, so I will switch my focus. No chickens. We gotta we 874 00:47:04,080 --> 00:47:07,050 gotta master the vegetable garden. Okay, gotta figure this 875 00:47:07,080 --> 00:47:10,080 out. Like to figure that out. We got to do that. Like I said, we 876 00:47:10,080 --> 00:47:13,440 had retarded broccoli. We had peppers that just use 877 00:47:13,680 --> 00:47:18,000 our word twice. Shame on you. We had vague them won't like that. 878 00:47:18,630 --> 00:47:22,680 We had peppers that just never really fluffed out. 879 00:47:22,890 --> 00:47:26,370 But it was a proper use of the word retarded. Yeah, literally 880 00:47:26,370 --> 00:47:27,960 did not. It was it was backward. 881 00:47:27,960 --> 00:47:29,010 It was weird. 882 00:47:29,040 --> 00:47:31,530 It looked like broccolini actually, well, half a 883 00:47:31,530 --> 00:47:34,050 broccolini I didn't look good. 884 00:47:34,350 --> 00:47:37,140 Alright, so we'll master the vegetable. I want to look into 885 00:47:37,140 --> 00:47:40,650 those vertical vegetable gardens. Oh, this could be you 886 00:47:40,650 --> 00:47:43,050 know, the vertical ones? Yeah. Yeah. 887 00:47:43,080 --> 00:47:46,500 Although, you know, Kathy and Jerry from the vape shop, they 888 00:47:46,500 --> 00:47:48,840 swear by a keyhole garden. They say that's fine. What you want 889 00:47:48,840 --> 00:47:52,470 to do out here was your compost. Again, we could compost that and 890 00:47:52,470 --> 00:47:55,260 we could use our own we have to drone shit we have 891 00:47:55,260 --> 00:47:57,600 to get in there. You have to enclose it though, right? 892 00:47:57,600 --> 00:48:00,420 Because you have the same predators you have raccoons will 893 00:48:00,420 --> 00:48:01,140 come up with but the 894 00:48:01,140 --> 00:48:05,100 whole point is, it's like if you saw it right the keyhole garden 895 00:48:05,100 --> 00:48:08,220 so it's like a volcano and you put the compost in the top which 896 00:48:08,220 --> 00:48:11,760 you can also cover up and it kind of goes into the the inside 897 00:48:11,760 --> 00:48:14,970 of the of the earth and it just flows down. It comes from the 898 00:48:14,970 --> 00:48:19,140 inside. What we should do a study of it. Okay. 899 00:48:19,379 --> 00:48:20,819 Can you compost anything? 900 00:48:21,660 --> 00:48:27,060 Yeah, you got like dead bodies? No, not bones. You don't want to 901 00:48:27,060 --> 00:48:28,380 put bones in there though. 902 00:48:28,410 --> 00:48:32,220 You just can't post fed like plants. Vegetables crap. Yeah. 903 00:48:32,280 --> 00:48:35,370 Like, I know peelings and stuff like Yeah, but you can't compost 904 00:48:35,370 --> 00:48:39,420 like leftover meat. Yes, sure. You can can of course so I know. 905 00:48:39,420 --> 00:48:41,070 You can't compost plastic. I 906 00:48:41,070 --> 00:48:43,800 know that talking about bones. I mean, well, you don't let that 907 00:48:43,800 --> 00:48:48,300 like human bone. Or any of you go down. Can you throw 908 00:48:48,300 --> 00:48:49,140 birds in there? 909 00:48:50,460 --> 00:48:53,760 dead bird. Yeah, yeah, but the bones will still be there. But 910 00:48:53,760 --> 00:48:54,120 towards the 911 00:48:54,120 --> 00:48:56,400 eternity all the birds that are flying around, or how's that? 912 00:48:56,400 --> 00:48:57,960 I'm gonna pull up my gun and shoot. 913 00:48:57,990 --> 00:49:01,470 You have such a big mouth and boy, no way. Are you going to 914 00:49:01,470 --> 00:49:02,850 shoot any birds? No. 915 00:49:03,150 --> 00:49:07,470 I don't want them flying around. Like I don't like birds. No, no, 916 00:49:07,470 --> 00:49:11,610 I got a text. I got to check by one. It was flying over my head 917 00:49:11,610 --> 00:49:12,870 and was picking my head 918 00:49:12,900 --> 00:49:15,390 when you were holed up to like 30 years ago? 919 00:49:15,420 --> 00:49:18,360 No, it was when I lived in Florida and I was walking and I 920 00:49:18,390 --> 00:49:21,780 walked underneath the nest and the things food down. I'd run 921 00:49:22,140 --> 00:49:26,160 and hide on somebody's porch and the thing taunted me. So I don't 922 00:49:26,160 --> 00:49:26,730 like birds. 923 00:49:26,760 --> 00:49:29,850 Well, maybe you did something to burden like I was 924 00:49:29,880 --> 00:49:34,980 I walked by its nest that's so anyway. Anyway. Alright, so 925 00:49:35,010 --> 00:49:41,610 well. Okay, so I'll put it out. Forget the chicken coop. And 926 00:49:41,610 --> 00:49:42,720 we'll focus on the vegetable. I 927 00:49:42,720 --> 00:49:45,030 mean, unless someone else has a great idea or can convince you 928 00:49:45,030 --> 00:49:48,150 otherwise. I've had chickens. I had a guy who took care of the 929 00:49:48,150 --> 00:49:53,160 chickens. That's okay. But even then, when the weasel gets in, 930 00:49:53,190 --> 00:49:58,620 it's a rampage is or the dog one time also decided to grab 931 00:49:58,620 --> 00:50:02,370 because the chickens also fly Oh, if you let them out they 932 00:50:02,370 --> 00:50:05,460 will fly up into a tree. Really? Yeah. 933 00:50:05,850 --> 00:50:07,470 Can you click their wings? Know? 934 00:50:08,400 --> 00:50:11,550 What kind of animal animal hater Are you? 935 00:50:11,790 --> 00:50:16,170 I don't know. I know nothing about Shanna. Shanna has she's 936 00:50:16,170 --> 00:50:18,780 in our 75 Hard group. She has a lot of chickens. And she said 937 00:50:18,780 --> 00:50:21,780 that they were trying to buy more laying hens and you can't 938 00:50:21,780 --> 00:50:24,300 even find the laying hens anymore. That's interesting. 939 00:50:24,630 --> 00:50:28,800 Why? Yeah, yeah. Why would you like a bountiful of eggs every 940 00:50:28,800 --> 00:50:29,550 day to 941 00:50:29,610 --> 00:50:33,600 she has to sell on though. She sold a farm where she? I 942 00:50:33,600 --> 00:50:36,810 don't know. I don't know. I'm not sure. Yeah. 943 00:50:38,100 --> 00:50:40,410 Yeah. What else you have? 944 00:50:42,720 --> 00:50:45,870 Um, come, I'm coming to the end. I've been talking a lot. I've 945 00:50:45,870 --> 00:50:48,330 been carrying the show I had been carrying. 946 00:50:49,200 --> 00:50:53,520 Let me go back a couple of feet. Now it's time to hear from 947 00:50:53,520 --> 00:50:59,940 Nicole some good getting ready for Jamaica man. We got to hear 948 00:50:59,940 --> 00:51:05,910 from those folks. Because now value for value is what we're 949 00:51:05,910 --> 00:51:12,210 all about. Now it's time to hear from the coach. And those of you 950 00:51:12,210 --> 00:51:15,300 who are supporting the show are complete cork soakers we'd love 951 00:51:15,300 --> 00:51:20,910 you and good news, we have a way for you to get bitcoin right in 952 00:51:20,910 --> 00:51:24,420 your fountain. Very excited about this. It's the new version 953 00:51:24,720 --> 00:51:28,110 of fountain you can get it on iOS, you can get it from both 954 00:51:28,110 --> 00:51:33,450 the app stores for Android or Apple. And you can top up your 955 00:51:33,450 --> 00:51:37,050 wallet and you can use a card the only thing will ask you for 956 00:51:37,050 --> 00:51:39,780 is your social security number when asked for pictures and 957 00:51:39,780 --> 00:51:44,340 driver's licenses and all this stuff. And it really works. And 958 00:51:44,430 --> 00:51:47,730 if you're confused you see something called Moon pay don't 959 00:51:47,730 --> 00:51:50,280 worry it's totally okay those are the guys who are connected 960 00:51:50,280 --> 00:51:53,790 to to get the Bitcoin into your fountain wallet and you can send 961 00:51:53,790 --> 00:51:57,720 that to us Yeah, so there's no excuse anymore. Yeah. Thank you. 962 00:51:57,990 --> 00:52:03,510 We love it. I just feel young again I'm thinking like it's so 963 00:52:03,510 --> 00:52:06,750 such a privilege just be able to do any show we want talk about 964 00:52:06,750 --> 00:52:11,760 whatever we want not have to worry about advertisers. Of 965 00:52:11,760 --> 00:52:15,240 course his vow of poverty but still it is a lot of fun to do 966 00:52:15,240 --> 00:52:18,480 are becoming alcoholics because of all the wine for yourself. 967 00:52:18,480 --> 00:52:21,120 Hey, are you are you are 968 00:52:23,040 --> 00:52:30,930 well, there's a there's Jake? Oh, with 100,002 Satoshis he 969 00:52:30,930 --> 00:52:34,380 said now he had some problems. Oh, he did. He said since my 970 00:52:34,380 --> 00:52:36,780 other two booths from this episode had an error on the 971 00:52:36,780 --> 00:52:39,540 Korean keeper wallet. I figured I'd try again that we did indeed 972 00:52:39,540 --> 00:52:42,810 have a problem. So thank you very much for sending and and 973 00:52:42,810 --> 00:52:46,920 plus I simply had to donate more than Brian. Love you know home 974 00:52:46,920 --> 00:52:51,270 O'Brien. He says Keep up the great work Adam and Tina. Very 975 00:52:51,270 --> 00:52:51,660 nice. 976 00:52:51,779 --> 00:52:57,959 Okay. Jake is doing a plant detox. And he's he's making all 977 00:52:57,959 --> 00:53:02,129 these smoothie drinks out of out of plants. bountiful amounts of 978 00:53:02,129 --> 00:53:06,089 plants. Yes. So he has dropped I think 14 pounds in like two 979 00:53:06,089 --> 00:53:06,539 weeks. 980 00:53:06,569 --> 00:53:08,009 Holy crap. Yeah, he's 981 00:53:08,010 --> 00:53:10,710 really cleansing his whole system. I'm like, I would be 982 00:53:10,710 --> 00:53:12,240 starving all the time. But 983 00:53:12,240 --> 00:53:17,880 like from Phoebe goes and eats grass. Yes. When she puked out 984 00:53:17,880 --> 00:53:18,450 in the studio, 985 00:53:19,259 --> 00:53:22,469 yes, I would be starving. But anyway, 986 00:53:22,500 --> 00:53:27,120 we have Sir Alex Knight of the White Mountains with 33,333. And 987 00:53:27,120 --> 00:53:30,330 thank you very much. Sir Alex in the morning. Thank you for your 988 00:53:30,330 --> 00:53:33,210 courage. Very happy to hear your dental progress. Adam and your 989 00:53:33,210 --> 00:53:36,630 fitness progress. Tina? Oh, that's all she says. And he's no 990 00:53:36,630 --> 00:53:39,870 pointer at no agenda. social.com which you are on from time to 991 00:53:39,870 --> 00:53:45,360 time? Yes. Comic Strip blogger. 33,015 Satoshis. Tina, your 992 00:53:45,360 --> 00:53:49,440 podcasting prowess continues to provide proof to the cork soaker 993 00:53:49,440 --> 00:53:53,370 crew that your personal producer our pod father is indeed the 994 00:53:53,370 --> 00:53:58,320 luckiest man. We're thrilled to send you this stack of stats and 995 00:53:58,320 --> 00:54:03,900 request that you gently be reminded of AI dot o ai, which 996 00:54:03,900 --> 00:54:07,200 provides a recipe for remaining informed about artificial 997 00:54:07,200 --> 00:54:11,820 intelligence written by doodler CSB. Ready read by rock and 998 00:54:11,820 --> 00:54:17,190 roller G W. f f Austin was gruff. Yo see LSB Thank you see 999 00:54:17,190 --> 00:54:23,910 Dubs. 10101. Have you considered a recipe segment? Oh, I'm Oh, 1000 00:54:24,390 --> 00:54:26,100 and you are the recipe mice? Yes. 1001 00:54:26,100 --> 00:54:26,850 Yeah, 1002 00:54:27,150 --> 00:54:32,760 that's not a bad idea. Oh, yeah. He says I just bought a quarter 1003 00:54:32,760 --> 00:54:36,570 cow for my local rancher way to go so yes, and have a lot of 1004 00:54:36,570 --> 00:54:39,210 ground beef to eat. Yes. No matter where you buy it from. 1005 00:54:39,210 --> 00:54:40,410 They're always gonna throw in a lot of 1006 00:54:40,530 --> 00:54:44,100 oh my gosh, I have the best recipe for this. I use ground 1007 00:54:44,100 --> 00:54:48,690 beef. On our show notes that my recipe though but it is so good. 1008 00:54:48,690 --> 00:54:52,500 Which one is it sounds very steak. Oh my gosh, it's so good. 1009 00:54:52,530 --> 00:54:55,710 Real good. Yeah. Okay, okay. Do you think you can 1010 00:54:55,770 --> 00:54:58,800 make an app for Teresa when she comes in? is delicious to have 1011 00:54:58,800 --> 00:54:59,250 to remind 1012 00:54:59,250 --> 00:55:03,060 you of this are you No I remember Sure yeah. Oh, I forgot 1013 00:55:03,060 --> 00:55:04,350 to the art for today's show. I 1014 00:55:04,350 --> 00:55:05,760 know I've been sick man. 1015 00:55:06,060 --> 00:55:09,510 Excuses with an excuse ready with an excuse. He says I 1016 00:55:09,510 --> 00:55:12,060 started doing the breakfast patties with poultry seasoning 1017 00:55:12,060 --> 00:55:15,300 fennel and pepper. Oh, so it tastes like a breakfast sausage. 1018 00:55:15,330 --> 00:55:19,500 Oh poultry seasoning Ultra seasoning fennel and pepper so 1019 00:55:19,500 --> 00:55:23,730 that it tastes like a breakfast sauce. Idea. What are you doing? 1020 00:55:23,730 --> 00:55:24,630 He says I want 1021 00:55:24,630 --> 00:55:27,900 to know what what poultry seasoning now I know I know what 1022 00:55:27,900 --> 00:55:31,380 poultry seasoning is but I wanted to know which one which 1023 00:55:31,380 --> 00:55:34,470 brand No, I want to know the measurements like how much do 1024 00:55:34,470 --> 00:55:36,840 you just just do by taste? 1025 00:55:37,500 --> 00:55:39,090 You're not like that you need to have 1026 00:55:39,390 --> 00:55:43,950 I am I am Oh, II that way. I need to have exactly I measure 1027 00:55:43,950 --> 00:55:48,060 it like the exact because I don't want to mess it up. 1028 00:55:48,090 --> 00:55:54,450 I know baby I know. You're great. Let's see Mr. Robot is 1029 00:55:54,450 --> 00:55:56,970 Happy New Years years to work during the keeper podcast to 1030 00:55:56,970 --> 00:55:59,820 provide real value for value with your conversations about 1031 00:55:59,820 --> 00:56:04,080 life and opportunities. Thank you hashtag cork soakers United 1032 00:56:04,110 --> 00:56:05,520 cork soakers United 1033 00:56:06,210 --> 00:56:12,840 Isma imsma Ismar 7500 using Casta Matic just says boo. Oh, 1034 00:56:12,840 --> 00:56:23,760 snow storm advisor. That's Matt 7050. All my SATs since I 1035 00:56:23,760 --> 00:56:27,420 started using fountain app last year. Please Do count me. I'm 1036 00:56:27,420 --> 00:56:32,760 looking forward to the next. You then D canted. Excellent 1037 00:56:33,660 --> 00:56:34,860 nice thank you. 1038 00:56:34,890 --> 00:56:38,100 I'll head over to the updated version of of your app and buy 1039 00:56:38,100 --> 00:56:41,010 some more stats and send them to us. Yeah, makes sure that works. 1040 00:56:41,610 --> 00:56:46,290 Hey citizen 60 969 using pod verse which also now pod verse 1041 00:56:46,320 --> 00:56:51,360 also enables you to buy Satoshis right in their wallet wishes 1042 00:56:51,360 --> 00:56:54,720 they use the lb Wallet. So this is all makes it's coming 1043 00:56:54,720 --> 00:56:57,300 together, man. It's coming together. I'm so happy about 1044 00:56:57,300 --> 00:57:02,220 this. He says boosts in the Key of Life. Ah, let's see one other 1045 00:57:02,220 --> 00:57:06,330 last. Yeah. Jean Everett 3333. Thank you Jean trail chicken 1046 00:57:06,330 --> 00:57:12,240 3333 says boost boost boost boost and we have sir Ajay Vikon 1047 00:57:12,270 --> 00:57:18,480 of Idaho. Here's a quad threes 3333 So I can hear Dame Jennifer 1048 00:57:18,480 --> 00:57:22,830 sexy, sultry voice. Love you too mean it No homo. He wants to be 1049 00:57:22,830 --> 00:57:25,380 decamped. Oh, yes, you 1050 00:57:25,440 --> 00:57:26,670 then D can't say 1051 00:57:26,670 --> 00:57:31,140 why do you Qantas sir. Sir Michael 2023. Love the show 1052 00:57:31,140 --> 00:57:33,570 following your journeys and finding God in your own ways. 1053 00:57:33,570 --> 00:57:38,910 Happy New Year. Happy New Year to you. Thank you. Who's this? 1054 00:57:39,840 --> 00:57:42,840 Who's yours mark and Maria's first crypto boost to our 1055 00:57:42,840 --> 00:57:49,560 favorite Oh line therapy couples podcast 123 14 So glad you found 1056 00:57:49,560 --> 00:57:52,530 a pretty good compatible producer for your show. He's 1057 00:57:52,530 --> 00:57:55,320 pretty good and we're heading there in Indianapolis right 1058 00:57:55,350 --> 00:57:57,900 Thank you baby you're pretty good. You're pretty good. I 1059 00:57:57,900 --> 00:57:59,880 mean, I did have open interviews and 1060 00:57:59,910 --> 00:58:01,950 did the bamboo affordable your yes 1061 00:58:01,950 --> 00:58:07,380 your for long for manage me the talent but there isn't see them 1062 00:58:07,380 --> 00:58:10,650 right. No, I don't know if they're coming to the Chicago 1063 00:58:10,650 --> 00:58:11,340 the keeper meter. 1064 00:58:11,370 --> 00:58:12,150 I thought they were coming. 1065 00:58:13,560 --> 00:58:14,670 Yeah, we gotta talk about that. 1066 00:58:14,910 --> 00:58:18,000 Go ahead. No, look about talking about it right now. We're almost 1067 00:58:18,000 --> 00:58:18,510 at the end. Yeah. 1068 00:58:18,540 --> 00:58:23,550 Okay. My friend Kate. Who lives in Chicago is has organized the 1069 00:58:23,850 --> 00:58:26,670 the first the first keeper meetup which is actually 1070 00:58:26,670 --> 00:58:28,200 probably a bunch of no agenda people 1071 00:58:28,710 --> 00:58:34,200 know the excusing there's no excuse me. They even scheduled 1072 00:58:34,260 --> 00:58:38,190 the Korean keepers shows right after no agenda. Oh, do they? We 1073 00:58:38,190 --> 00:58:39,600 have the live show. Oh, yeah. Oh, 1074 00:58:39,600 --> 00:58:42,960 he's open up the seven please. opening a bottle of wine. We're 1075 00:58:42,960 --> 00:58:43,170 kind 1076 00:58:43,170 --> 00:58:48,060 of interested. Oh, even the 10 feels cheap. Oh, well. $7 1077 00:58:48,840 --> 00:58:51,930 ambitious gonna be good. Anyway, so Kate has arranged it and I 1078 00:58:51,930 --> 00:58:56,610 think there's 15 People coming now. 15 Yeah. Crap. Yeah. So 1079 00:58:56,610 --> 00:58:59,460 we're doing a happy hour. Got to do happier so I gotta pace 1080 00:58:59,460 --> 00:59:03,360 myself or else I'm just gonna be a lush. I can't be drinking too 1081 00:59:03,360 --> 00:59:05,520 much because I'm drinking again. 1082 00:59:05,610 --> 00:59:09,240 It knows your sister gonna be there? Yes. Lisa's gonna be 1083 00:59:09,240 --> 00:59:12,030 there. Oh, no, Lisa won't take any shit from anybody. You got 1084 00:59:12,030 --> 00:59:13,770 bodyguard? Yes. Was my friend 1085 00:59:13,770 --> 00:59:16,920 Teresa's coming to Christina Henry's coming. 1086 00:59:16,950 --> 00:59:19,170 Oh my goodness. She got the whole gang. Yeah, that's gonna 1087 00:59:19,170 --> 00:59:22,050 be cool. How about a Tim as you can see, 1088 00:59:22,080 --> 00:59:25,290 I am gonna see Tim, but I'm gonna see him for lunch. Okay, 1089 00:59:25,320 --> 00:59:28,770 yeah, I got a lot going on. I'm gonna drag my mom to church too. 1090 00:59:28,770 --> 00:59:29,700 I think really? 1091 00:59:30,570 --> 00:59:33,060 Because you kind of go on to see your mom too. Yeah, that's the 1092 00:59:33,060 --> 00:59:35,400 whole purpose of the trip but I'm really looking forward to 1093 00:59:35,400 --> 00:59:36,420 being in Chicago. 1094 00:59:36,480 --> 00:59:39,750 Can I ask you Did you just decide just I want to go see my 1095 00:59:39,750 --> 00:59:40,110 mom. 1096 00:59:40,140 --> 00:59:45,420 Yeah, cuz I haven't seen her for oh my gosh, it's got to be fear. 1097 00:59:45,420 --> 00:59:52,650 No. No. 15 months it's been 15 months. That's really sweet. So 1098 00:59:52,650 --> 00:59:56,310 yeah, so the first the I guess it's not I don't know if it's 1099 00:59:56,310 --> 00:59:59,970 the keeper meetup, but it's they have a private room at 1100 01:00:00,000 --> 01:00:02,670 Restaurant a steakhouse. How's it smelling? You're gonna let it 1101 01:00:02,670 --> 01:00:03,090 open up 1102 01:00:03,090 --> 01:00:06,150 a little. Yeah, you want to smell just to smell and I'm 1103 01:00:06,150 --> 01:00:09,240 gonna let open up a little bit more. Again, let's jump to the 1104 01:00:09,240 --> 01:00:13,620 Kirkland $7 Bordeaux Bordeaux superior a convent a Bordeaux 1105 01:00:13,620 --> 01:00:20,310 Villa Kirkland cologne. I said the archer Lee I like to indulge 1106 01:00:20,310 --> 01:00:26,280 in a kook loan a current law. And Vin van Klong. me try it. 1107 01:00:26,850 --> 01:00:29,400 Okay. Okay. It is a Bordeaux so it's kind of heavy 1108 01:00:34,800 --> 01:00:38,430 it's a pretty good it's really good. Darn you gotta tell to 1109 01:00:38,430 --> 01:00:39,720 vorak Oh, he'll 1110 01:00:39,720 --> 01:00:43,620 love that. He loves He loves He loves Gordo's. That is yours. 1111 01:00:43,620 --> 01:00:43,860 That 1112 01:00:44,370 --> 01:00:47,730 is funny. Well, they also bought us another bottle of mine of 1113 01:00:47,730 --> 01:00:49,050 which I promptly put away 1114 01:00:49,080 --> 01:00:52,290 Yeah, cuz you know, I'd be drinking everything. This is 1115 01:00:52,290 --> 01:00:59,220 quite good. Wow. Seven Bucks. If I you know. We were in Austin. 1116 01:00:59,220 --> 01:01:00,420 We should have gotten a case. 1117 01:01:00,450 --> 01:01:03,300 I know. Oh, I didn't even think of it. I didn't think of it 1118 01:01:03,300 --> 01:01:06,690 either. Yeah, goodness. Okay. Give bottles to all our friends. 1119 01:01:06,990 --> 01:01:09,210 No, I'm drinking this. This is now the new house. 1120 01:01:10,109 --> 01:01:14,279 So anyway, yes. Keep our meetup is on February. Hold on. I 1121 01:01:14,669 --> 01:01:18,239 details is this? Is this on? No agenda. meetups.com. I 1122 01:01:18,629 --> 01:01:21,779 think February 3, Friday, February 3. If anybody's 1123 01:01:21,779 --> 01:01:25,559 interested. Just send me an email at Tina currie.com. And 1124 01:01:25,559 --> 01:01:27,239 then I will connect you with Kate. 1125 01:01:29,010 --> 01:01:33,930 Let me see if it's no agenda meetups. Let me see. Such a good 1126 01:01:33,930 --> 01:01:39,960 site. Find a meet up. What's the what's the dates in February, 1127 01:01:39,960 --> 01:01:43,500 right? Yes. And what day February February 3. 1128 01:01:44,370 --> 01:01:48,270 And now it's not on there. Yeah. Brian is coming and he's trying 1129 01:01:48,270 --> 01:01:51,300 to talk to him Jennifer and to coming to Oh goodness. I would. 1130 01:01:51,540 --> 01:01:54,150 I would love to Celebes fantastic. Love to see. 1131 01:01:55,230 --> 01:02:00,330 Then we have a boost here. 1000 SATs from a someone who hasn't 1132 01:02:00,330 --> 01:02:03,030 changed her name yet. It's a user number but it says super 1133 01:02:03,030 --> 01:02:07,860 Jose. Hello podcast. Happy New Year boost. Super has Ella super 1134 01:02:08,250 --> 01:02:09,030 Dutch. 1135 01:02:09,180 --> 01:02:09,750 Yes. 1136 01:02:10,110 --> 01:02:13,290 That was kind of nice. By the way, I want to say the last 1137 01:02:13,290 --> 01:02:17,520 night when we had we had dinner and Bernie was on a Miko and 1138 01:02:17,520 --> 01:02:18,690 Chris and her husband Chris. Yeah. 1139 01:02:18,690 --> 01:02:20,550 So we've talked about them on the show before 1140 01:02:21,600 --> 01:02:24,990 they actually came to the Charleston meetup back and she 1141 01:02:24,990 --> 01:02:28,560 had connected on Instagram. And so we were messaging back and 1142 01:02:28,560 --> 01:02:30,210 forth. And 1143 01:02:30,779 --> 01:02:33,929 she crushes you know that man on the stage. She's before 1144 01:02:33,930 --> 01:02:38,250 the show. And she's actually I've met so many amazing new 1145 01:02:38,250 --> 01:02:41,040 friends through Korean the keeper. It was really 1146 01:02:41,040 --> 01:02:46,170 nice to speak with her. A little more time just chat with her 1147 01:02:46,170 --> 01:02:49,410 because we have oh yes, it'll be younger than me. But we have the 1148 01:02:49,410 --> 01:02:53,730 same kind of upbringing. She also escaped Holland away. It 1149 01:02:53,730 --> 01:02:56,580 was really funny to just talk through a couple of a couple of 1150 01:02:56,580 --> 01:02:59,940 those things. Yeah, minor. It's a lovely time. It was good. 1151 01:02:59,970 --> 01:03:03,540 They're lovely. Lovely. So are you through the list yet? 1152 01:03:03,570 --> 01:03:07,230 Almost. 1000 SATs from radio tube Phoebe might benefit from 1153 01:03:07,230 --> 01:03:09,480 hemp treats when fireworks are going on. 1154 01:03:09,540 --> 01:03:12,840 I got I got several suggestions. Yes. Also 1155 01:03:12,840 --> 01:03:18,450 the Some dogs are comforted by the thunder shirts. Yeah. Well, 1156 01:03:18,450 --> 01:03:22,590 I got all kinds of hem treats for her. By the way. Yeah. 1157 01:03:22,770 --> 01:03:28,740 Speaking of cuz I just remember I still have the THC. gummies in 1158 01:03:28,890 --> 01:03:37,080 in the fridge. Yeah. You ate my gummy. Brian has sent me a bag 1159 01:03:37,080 --> 01:03:40,080 of dicks, which was pretty funny. Actually. It's a bag of 1160 01:03:40,710 --> 01:03:44,640 gummies. And like, I like a nice gummy from time. It's just open 1161 01:03:44,640 --> 01:03:48,030 up ahead. Now it's a little difficult with my man with my 1162 01:03:48,030 --> 01:03:51,810 test scenario. So I'll have like one. I'm kind of like a cat 1163 01:03:51,810 --> 01:03:55,710 that's eating chewing gum, you know, cut, and it tastes good. 1164 01:03:56,040 --> 01:03:57,210 And they came home and I 1165 01:03:57,240 --> 01:03:59,460 know you'd were doing the show on Sunday. 1166 01:03:59,490 --> 01:04:03,840 I've literally had three gummies and you ate the whole there 1167 01:04:03,840 --> 01:04:07,890 wasn't that many there was maybe it was like a crack at it. 15 1168 01:04:07,890 --> 01:04:13,320 Paul ship was a full bag minus three minus three. 1169 01:04:13,649 --> 01:04:17,879 Well, I had a weak moment because I was sick. And I missed 1170 01:04:18,629 --> 01:04:21,659 my penis. And I was Dick and I 1171 01:04:21,660 --> 01:04:26,280 was and I opened the cabinet and I'm like, I'm just going to try 1172 01:04:26,280 --> 01:04:27,990 a few of these. So I took 1173 01:04:30,960 --> 01:04:36,720 these ridiculous shaped gummy one for the taste. I had a 1174 01:04:36,720 --> 01:04:40,410 few and I was like wow, these are pretty fresh. These are 1175 01:04:40,410 --> 01:04:44,760 good. I went got some more. I'm like wow, he won't miss them. 1176 01:04:44,760 --> 01:04:46,050 I'll just finish them off. 1177 01:04:46,920 --> 01:04:52,890 Thanks to donkey for the rebel boost and sec. Sec. Hi, the 1178 01:04:52,890 --> 01:04:59,040 horse and then look who shows up here. Pastor Jimmy oh so loving 1179 01:04:59,040 --> 01:05:02,070 appreciate you both It's a joy doing life with curry in the 1180 01:05:02,070 --> 01:05:04,260 keeper. Ah yeah. 1181 01:05:04,710 --> 01:05:08,340 Look at look at how far he's come along hey baby look at that 1182 01:05:08,370 --> 01:05:12,240 he's already promoting fountain now on a show that is like doing 1183 01:05:12,240 --> 01:05:16,560 booths and ribbon replying in the app that it really is so 1184 01:05:16,560 --> 01:05:17,130 happy so I 1185 01:05:17,130 --> 01:05:19,590 donated sets his show he probably turn it around as 1186 01:05:19,590 --> 01:05:22,620 donated and right back to us. So yeah, keep your stats. 1187 01:05:22,950 --> 01:05:27,000 Yes, stack stack yourself. Yes. Thank you. Thank you all so very 1188 01:05:27,000 --> 01:05:30,540 much, Karina. keeper.com. Let me just double check for one 1189 01:05:30,540 --> 01:05:34,620 second. Have you noticed that beautiful website? Kirinda. 1190 01:05:34,620 --> 01:05:35,430 keeper.com. 1191 01:05:35,460 --> 01:05:37,050 Yeah, who did that? Yeah, pretty 1192 01:05:37,050 --> 01:05:39,390 cool, right? Yeah, the back office did it. You could work 1193 01:05:39,390 --> 01:05:41,700 hard at anytime you want the back office, you're interested 1194 01:05:41,700 --> 01:05:41,790 in? 1195 01:05:42,420 --> 01:05:46,620 What needs to be done. Maybe we should put a picture up, 1196 01:05:46,680 --> 01:05:48,990 you could put a host page, you know, there's a whole bunch of 1197 01:05:48,990 --> 01:05:53,520 stuff that you could do. Let me just see if we got anything on 1198 01:05:53,520 --> 01:05:59,430 the tally coin? Because it could happen. Oh, no, this was that 1199 01:05:59,430 --> 01:06:03,540 was the third of January. So you can also send us its own curry 1200 01:06:03,540 --> 01:06:06,240 in the keeper.com. You can send this Bitcoin on chain. But 1201 01:06:06,240 --> 01:06:11,700 please, I implore you get the fountain app, or the pod verse 1202 01:06:11,700 --> 01:06:15,690 app, or the breeze app. You can buy bitcoin and every single one 1203 01:06:15,690 --> 01:06:18,720 of them. If you had purchased Bitcoin and sent it to us two 1204 01:06:18,720 --> 01:06:22,710 weeks ago, it would be worth 30% more. How come you didn't do it 1205 01:06:22,710 --> 01:06:23,070 then? 1206 01:06:23,310 --> 01:06:27,930 Yeah. Yeah, thanks, people. No, we appreciate we appreciate the 1207 01:06:27,930 --> 01:06:31,590 privacy thing I have a few people to think to Yes. So and 1208 01:06:31,590 --> 01:06:31,710 our 1209 01:06:31,710 --> 01:06:39,270 Pio box is 1849. Fredericksburg, Texas. 786-247-8624. 1210 01:06:39,300 --> 01:06:44,100 Okay, so we received a bunch of Christmas cards. Oh, 1211 01:06:44,100 --> 01:06:47,550 wow. And I feel stupid that we haven't sent out any cards. 1212 01:06:47,640 --> 01:06:50,370 We're going to do that. Next year. How do we turn this on 1213 01:06:50,370 --> 01:06:53,370 baby? Looks like we're gonna do that next year. So I saved them 1214 01:06:53,370 --> 01:06:55,890 all. So people who sent us Christmas cards. You're gonna 1215 01:06:55,890 --> 01:07:01,170 get one next year. Oh, my light went out. That's okay. I'll use 1216 01:07:01,170 --> 01:07:05,610 this. You okay? Yes. So we got a couple things in the mail that I 1217 01:07:05,610 --> 01:07:10,650 wanted to say. So we got all those chocolates. Who did we get 1218 01:07:11,250 --> 01:07:11,610 from? 1219 01:07:12,060 --> 01:07:16,800 You wrote it all down. Well, then we got to these are artists 1220 01:07:16,800 --> 01:07:22,560 in handmade chocolates. He is in fact the ambassador of chocolate 1221 01:07:22,560 --> 01:07:23,190 I believe. 1222 01:07:23,220 --> 01:07:26,970 Oh my gosh, I can't find it. I don't know. Oh, here it is. It 1223 01:07:26,970 --> 01:07:33,810 is xrpd doing this in the dark because my producer here. Okay. 1224 01:07:34,260 --> 01:07:41,130 I'm Justin Frank. My gosh, I can't meet that. Parker Polgar 1225 01:07:41,160 --> 01:07:46,650 Polgar pol Jr. So he sent us some yes cacao chocolates, all 1226 01:07:46,650 --> 01:07:50,970 different kinds of which Adam Graham and I did eat the gummy 1227 01:07:50,970 --> 01:07:53,700 bear the gummy. I am not even gonna say what they were the 1228 01:07:53,700 --> 01:08:00,660 gummies and Rene goes, you ate all those gummies how many 1229 01:08:00,660 --> 01:08:02,550 milligrams of THC was that? 1230 01:08:06,660 --> 01:08:09,330 No, no, that's the other guns that are in the fridge. 1231 01:08:09,359 --> 01:08:13,169 Yes. Yes. So he sent us all different kinds of bars like the 1232 01:08:13,169 --> 01:08:17,699 endurance bar man, the brain power bar that won the bliss out 1233 01:08:17,699 --> 01:08:18,509 one you did bliss. 1234 01:08:19,500 --> 01:08:21,420 bliss out and I did the brain power 1235 01:08:21,450 --> 01:08:25,980 and the source field. Yes. Thank you. Thank you so much. That was 1236 01:08:25,980 --> 01:08:32,910 so kind of a special package. Yes. And then we got a letter 1237 01:08:32,910 --> 01:08:39,150 from Lacey. And she was saying how she enjoys listening to 1238 01:08:39,150 --> 01:08:41,820 Korean keeper and hearing about her journey rediscovering your 1239 01:08:41,820 --> 01:08:45,300 Christian faith. She said she came across no agenda about 1240 01:08:45,300 --> 01:08:48,870 three, three years ago and that she's excited to find people 1241 01:08:49,440 --> 01:08:52,650 talking about the globalist plan and she the actions of 1242 01:08:52,650 --> 01:08:57,990 government. But she asked a question, so I wanted to 1243 01:08:57,989 --> 01:08:59,489 answer a question question. 1244 01:08:59,700 --> 01:09:03,750 She said do you think Korean keeper podcast is therapeutic 1245 01:09:03,750 --> 01:09:05,010 for your relationship? 1246 01:09:09,360 --> 01:09:17,340 Do you want me to answer for yes. I think that we talk all 1247 01:09:17,340 --> 01:09:23,220 the time but all kinds of stuff. So it's kind of in a way yeah, 1248 01:09:23,220 --> 01:09:27,300 I'm I'm not sure exactly how but I think we talk a lot so it's no 1249 01:09:27,300 --> 01:09:31,410 different really from us talking. Also face you may 1250 01:09:31,620 --> 01:09:33,990 move this line. I feel like I'm under interrogation 1251 01:09:33,990 --> 01:09:37,740 you are. Where were you last night? On the couch again? Was 1252 01:09:37,740 --> 01:09:43,890 that where you were eating my gummies I think all Podcasts can 1253 01:09:43,890 --> 01:09:48,900 be therapeutic. So in a way yes, I think it is. Is it necessary? 1254 01:09:48,900 --> 01:09:53,370 No. But I really like it. I'm proud of our relationship. I'm 1255 01:09:53,370 --> 01:09:56,940 proud of sharing it. I'm proud of sharing our our journey that 1256 01:09:56,940 --> 01:10:02,700 we're on right now. So I guess I have to say Yes. I'm not sure if 1257 01:10:04,440 --> 01:10:06,990 I would miss it if we didn't do it. Yeah, sure. Yeah. How about 1258 01:10:06,990 --> 01:10:07,260 you? 1259 01:10:07,290 --> 01:10:11,280 I think that, yes, I think I guess therapeutic isn't the 1260 01:10:11,280 --> 01:10:16,110 first word that comes to my mind. It's more of it's more of 1261 01:10:16,110 --> 01:10:19,140 a bonding. Like it's another thing that we've bonded 1262 01:10:19,140 --> 01:10:20,310 together. That's a good 1263 01:10:20,310 --> 01:10:23,700 way of putting it. It's like rock climbing together. 1264 01:10:23,730 --> 01:10:26,400 We had, what you would never do. No, but 1265 01:10:27,450 --> 01:10:29,370 I'll do a podcast and you can wake me up in the middle of the 1266 01:10:29,370 --> 01:10:31,020 night for a podcast, rock climbing knots. 1267 01:10:31,200 --> 01:10:35,400 But we've had so many things that we've connected on so many. 1268 01:10:35,610 --> 01:10:39,210 And this is another one. That's that's really strengthened. God, 1269 01:10:39,210 --> 01:10:39,270 I 1270 01:10:39,270 --> 01:10:40,380 love you. So I know. 1271 01:10:41,099 --> 01:10:43,199 I got this. I'm a Communications girl. 1272 01:10:43,860 --> 01:10:46,920 No, I just I just looking at you. And you're still sleeping. 1273 01:10:47,340 --> 01:10:47,850 But yeah, I 1274 01:10:47,850 --> 01:10:51,240 think that it has, has has really strengthened our 1275 01:10:51,240 --> 01:10:56,550 partnership even more. And the thing that that I love more than 1276 01:10:56,550 --> 01:11:00,180 anything is when we laugh together. Yeah. And we laugh a 1277 01:11:00,180 --> 01:11:03,690 lot. And this is just another avenue that we can share 1278 01:11:03,720 --> 01:11:06,030 a day without laughter as a date. And I lived as far as I'm 1279 01:11:06,030 --> 01:11:06,600 concerned. 1280 01:11:06,660 --> 01:11:07,650 Yeah. Really? 1281 01:11:07,680 --> 01:11:11,280 Did you come up with that? No, but But I remembered it from a 1282 01:11:11,280 --> 01:11:12,750 long time ago. Yeah. 1283 01:11:12,780 --> 01:11:15,630 So and so when people say, Well, you should talk about this, this 1284 01:11:15,660 --> 01:11:18,630 this in the show? And I'm like, No, really, our show is about 1285 01:11:18,630 --> 01:11:21,210 levity and laughter because we really need that right now. 1286 01:11:21,840 --> 01:11:25,350 Being a version of Lucien and Ricky, I like sharing. 1287 01:11:27,930 --> 01:11:29,400 It doesn't reveal us. And 1288 01:11:29,400 --> 01:11:32,850 I mean, I've really like sharing our stories. And I think we've 1289 01:11:32,850 --> 01:11:35,280 gotten really tremendous feedback. And I think so much 1290 01:11:35,280 --> 01:11:39,270 that we inspired others like Pastor Jimmy and Annette to do a 1291 01:11:39,270 --> 01:11:42,120 podcast together. And I love that I love that 1292 01:11:42,150 --> 01:11:46,440 our faith journey is that has been that has been amazing to 1293 01:11:46,440 --> 01:11:50,910 see the feedback from that. Oh, it's been fantastic. Yes. 1294 01:11:50,940 --> 01:11:51,870 Fantastic. 1295 01:11:51,900 --> 01:11:55,320 Yeah. And it has Yeah, it's been it's been a 1296 01:11:55,680 --> 01:11:58,110 and here's one of the one of the things we picked up from from 1297 01:11:58,110 --> 01:12:01,650 Pastor Jimmy. The first thing we say to each other in the morning 1298 01:12:01,650 --> 01:12:03,960 is good morning. Holy Spirit's 1299 01:12:04,050 --> 01:12:05,370 that's the first thing and then we say 1300 01:12:05,970 --> 01:12:08,190 good morning. I love you Mike Green How are you doing? 1301 01:12:08,790 --> 01:12:10,110 Like coffee coffee. 1302 01:12:10,560 --> 01:12:13,590 I'm already have it ready for her us? Yes, ladies. I'm no 1303 01:12:13,590 --> 01:12:14,850 longer available. Sorry. 1304 01:12:14,880 --> 01:12:17,610 Yes. I love it. Yes. Hello. 1305 01:12:18,810 --> 01:12:20,130 No longer available. 1306 01:12:20,580 --> 01:12:22,710 It's been about 17 years missed 1307 01:12:22,710 --> 01:12:26,460 out they missed out it almost only there's been done tenders. 1308 01:12:29,070 --> 01:12:32,160 And then there was one more letter. Yes. You had such a 1309 01:12:33,690 --> 01:12:34,500 good experience. 1310 01:12:34,530 --> 01:12:38,490 It was not a good I myself never had to go on dating my 1311 01:12:38,490 --> 01:12:42,090 daughter. I didn't have to my daughter put me on there. Oh, 1312 01:12:42,090 --> 01:12:43,830 she twisted your arm She used me. 1313 01:12:44,850 --> 01:12:48,420 I pose for me. Let me take some pictures and I would love to 1314 01:12:48,420 --> 01:12:51,690 senior profile What did say podcaster extraordinaire and 1315 01:12:51,690 --> 01:12:58,620 pilot speechless What did it say? 1316 01:12:58,679 --> 01:13:02,729 I don't remember I really don't remember a handbook. Just 1317 01:13:03,780 --> 01:13:05,100 remember the player handbook. 1318 01:13:05,430 --> 01:13:07,800 All I know is I got you no problem. 1319 01:13:09,150 --> 01:13:12,750 You know I do my reconnaissance on you. You know that leap of 1320 01:13:12,750 --> 01:13:14,400 faith. I was like what is this 1321 01:13:14,400 --> 01:13:18,390 guy all about? Certainly not. Definitely. But I like flags 1322 01:13:18,390 --> 01:13:19,440 everywhere. I would like to 1323 01:13:19,440 --> 01:13:22,950 say I did not have to go on any dating apps I'm just saying 1324 01:13:23,970 --> 01:13:26,730 I didn't have to my daughter forced me to do it and it was a 1325 01:13:26,730 --> 01:13:31,620 disaster. Yeah, look people they put height in there for a reason 1326 01:13:31,650 --> 01:13:31,920 if 1327 01:13:32,670 --> 01:13:35,190 this woman gets five or with every every time you 1328 01:13:35,880 --> 01:13:40,260 put nine which had its advantages, but not what I was 1329 01:13:40,260 --> 01:13:42,540 looking for. Hey 1330 01:13:46,440 --> 01:13:51,060 I just wanted to mention a letter that we got from Sir Greg 1331 01:13:51,060 --> 01:13:54,630 Stoddard and Sir Greg back again, sir Greg was the one who 1332 01:13:54,630 --> 01:14:00,180 shared the story about the dog that nipped the UPS driver and 1333 01:14:00,210 --> 01:14:04,410 it was it is a bummer of the story are not even going to get 1334 01:14:04,440 --> 01:14:07,440 we appreciate what he said. We appreciate what he's and I just 1335 01:14:07,440 --> 01:14:11,790 wanted to acknowledge Greg sir Greg, that thank you for sharing 1336 01:14:11,790 --> 01:14:15,090 that and that was appreciated. So when the attorney was on the 1337 01:14:15,090 --> 01:14:19,080 floor with Phoebe that the your letter came to mind, 1338 01:14:19,860 --> 01:14:23,700 David, the attorney will draft a waiver that people can sign 1339 01:14:23,820 --> 01:14:27,180 Thank you. Thank you. Will you feel better if we do that? 1340 01:14:27,180 --> 01:14:29,790 We have a waiver. No, I'm gonna what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna 1341 01:14:29,790 --> 01:14:32,310 call I'm gonna get everybody's attention. I have my little 1342 01:14:32,310 --> 01:14:36,330 speech ready what they can and can't do with the dog. You watch 1343 01:14:36,390 --> 01:14:37,590 what's gonna happen on Monday. 1344 01:14:38,190 --> 01:14:41,730 You watch what's happening. Oh, it's the boys. Boys people over 1345 01:14:41,730 --> 01:14:44,280 for dinner. We're gonna sue them you kidding you're just gonna 1346 01:14:44,280 --> 01:14:48,480 see those guys for fun? Yeah, cuz you look delicious. Charles 1347 01:14:48,510 --> 01:14:52,770 knows all about insurance. Be careful. Yeah. So I hope he 1348 01:14:52,770 --> 01:14:53,760 comes with product. 1349 01:14:54,090 --> 01:14:56,970 Oh, he's he's come in with he's coming out. Yes, yeah, yeah, 1350 01:14:56,970 --> 01:14:58,260 he's come with gift a pharaoh 1351 01:14:58,260 --> 01:15:02,190 dot life ladies and And gentlemen, I use it every day. 1352 01:15:02,550 --> 01:15:07,530 So um, yeah. So Ana mica and I were talking about her hiking 1353 01:15:07,530 --> 01:15:09,270 trip in Utah. 1354 01:15:09,420 --> 01:15:09,990 When is this 1355 01:15:09,990 --> 01:15:12,780 happening happening in October? October? Yeah. So I don't have 1356 01:15:12,780 --> 01:15:16,170 to worry about it for a while. No, no, no. And so yes, she's 1357 01:15:16,170 --> 01:15:19,890 coming along with a few other women. I think we have seven in 1358 01:15:19,890 --> 01:15:24,180 our that I know. Yes. My friend Tiffany, and she knows gonna go 1359 01:15:24,180 --> 01:15:27,630 to Oh, nice. So and Ana mica me. 1360 01:15:28,800 --> 01:15:31,650 All my favorite girls are going Roseanne and Stephanie 1361 01:15:31,650 --> 01:15:34,620 and they're both in the 75 heart group. Inga was going to come 1362 01:15:34,620 --> 01:15:38,220 but she's got a little blessing coming soon. She's pregnant. 1363 01:15:38,250 --> 01:15:39,480 That's right. Yeah. It was 1364 01:15:39,480 --> 01:15:43,830 because of the baby karma. Karma. And her daughter is going 1365 01:15:43,830 --> 01:15:45,270 to be called Adam, John. 1366 01:15:45,300 --> 01:15:48,240 No, no, no. Oh, is that what she said? 1367 01:15:48,240 --> 01:15:55,170 She wrote a note. There will be no be Jhansi JHS I Jhansi. Adam, 1368 01:15:55,890 --> 01:15:59,910 and then whatever. Oh, okay. Yeah, we'll see. Dude, we should 1369 01:15:59,910 --> 01:16:01,740 have been in Geneva right now. You realize that? 1370 01:16:01,740 --> 01:16:04,770 Yes, we should be. Yeah, we're supposed to be in Switzerland 1371 01:16:04,770 --> 01:16:06,660 for Tiffany's birthday. She's celebrating. 1372 01:16:06,690 --> 01:16:09,450 But I'm glad. I can just imagine, right. My teacher. 1373 01:16:09,480 --> 01:16:11,070 Something happens to my teeth and will be 1374 01:16:11,880 --> 01:16:13,560 fixed yesterday. So literally, 1375 01:16:14,250 --> 01:16:15,270 literally. Yeah. 1376 01:16:16,110 --> 01:16:20,610 So anyway, we're doing this trip. And on the back end of it. 1377 01:16:20,610 --> 01:16:24,840 When we get back. We go back to I think we take us back to Las 1378 01:16:24,840 --> 01:16:28,200 Vegas. We're spending a couple days in Vegas. So Anamika has 1379 01:16:28,200 --> 01:16:31,860 secured a timeshare that sleeps like eight or 10 people. So 1380 01:16:31,860 --> 01:16:34,830 she's opening it up to the whole group. So yeah, we're gonna 1381 01:16:34,830 --> 01:16:38,550 spend a couple days in Vegas. I know. And what's so cool is 1382 01:16:38,580 --> 01:16:41,700 Renee. She said to me, she said I'm not I haven't done this 1383 01:16:41,700 --> 01:16:44,880 before. I haven't done like a girl. I'm like, Oh man, Renee is 1384 01:16:44,880 --> 01:16:46,350 in Florida. Renee is in Florida. Like, 1385 01:16:46,380 --> 01:16:48,930 oh, girl. I 1386 01:16:48,930 --> 01:16:50,790 don't know. I don't think so. I'm like, we're hooking you up 1387 01:16:50,790 --> 01:16:52,830 and then we're gonna have to do this annually now. 1388 01:16:53,070 --> 01:16:56,970 She's me. What is this confidence about? What are you 1389 01:16:56,970 --> 01:16:57,630 gonna do? 1390 01:16:58,589 --> 01:17:02,999 You're making me cough. But are we going to do in Vegas? Yeah, 1391 01:17:03,659 --> 01:17:06,329 we're gonna take shower soon as we get back to the hotel. 1392 01:17:07,680 --> 01:17:12,210 No, really? What is the whole point? We're 1393 01:17:12,210 --> 01:17:15,720 gonna be? We're gonna be out in the in the, in the mountains in 1394 01:17:15,720 --> 01:17:17,130 the canyon scrim. 1395 01:17:17,490 --> 01:17:19,680 What's happening in Vegas? What's the deal? I'm gonna have 1396 01:17:19,680 --> 01:17:22,950 to pick up on it. Gotta have eyes on you. Okay, make sure 1397 01:17:22,950 --> 01:17:26,610 everyone thinks that Okay, getting in trouble. People. If 1398 01:17:26,610 --> 01:17:28,650 you see some guy kind of shadowy, that's going to be one 1399 01:17:28,650 --> 01:17:31,770 of my guys. Look, I'm just gonna protect you make sure we 1400 01:17:32,130 --> 01:17:35,310 get it out. Because it's Monday. We'll be there full day Monday. 1401 01:17:35,370 --> 01:17:39,180 There's not a lot of shows on maybe dueling piano bars. Always 1402 01:17:39,180 --> 01:17:42,120 a lot of fun. That's fun. Yeah, we'll figure it out. You want 1403 01:17:42,120 --> 01:17:44,280 to get into a hit club or something? Because you don't 1404 01:17:44,280 --> 01:17:47,070 have you know who has all the contacts in Vegas? David Foley. 1405 01:17:47,130 --> 01:17:49,860 Oh, he does. Grand Duke David Foley. He's got a lot of he's 1406 01:17:49,860 --> 01:17:53,220 got a lot of he knows a lot of cool stuff in Vegas. He might he 1407 01:17:53,220 --> 01:17:54,720 might call some fun ideas. 1408 01:17:55,110 --> 01:17:58,260 But yeah, so but anyway, that's so sweet of her that she booked 1409 01:17:58,260 --> 01:17:59,490 the timeshare on the back end 1410 01:17:59,490 --> 01:18:03,750 is fantastic. I like her a lot. Oh, lovely. Lovely. Yeah, 1411 01:18:03,780 --> 01:18:06,960 they're interesting. Interesting. Couple. Yeah. Yeah. 1412 01:18:07,320 --> 01:18:10,320 So she was an exchange student. Yes. 1413 01:18:10,350 --> 01:18:11,670 I know. When she met her husband. He 1414 01:18:11,670 --> 01:18:14,010 scooped her up. Good work. 1415 01:18:14,040 --> 01:18:16,380 Yes. Good work. I only have one student. 1416 01:18:16,920 --> 01:18:18,390 One of the things on my list. How about 1417 01:18:18,690 --> 01:18:28,230 let me see I have 1234567 No, no, I got nothing. Oh. Except 1418 01:18:28,230 --> 01:18:31,230 that I'm going on Rogen on the 24 Yes, you are and what are you 1419 01:18:31,230 --> 01:18:35,310 wearing? I thought you already determined that for me. Oh, you 1420 01:18:35,340 --> 01:18:35,820 know, you 1421 01:18:35,820 --> 01:18:37,260 determined that you're gonna wear your 1422 01:18:37,290 --> 01:18:40,830 pullover. My new pullover which one the gray one or the or the 1423 01:18:40,830 --> 01:18:42,000 dark with the blue one. Well, that's 1424 01:18:42,000 --> 01:18:45,390 green. That's not great but close. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, 1425 01:18:45,420 --> 01:18:47,760 the green one and you're bringing him a big old tomahawk. 1426 01:18:48,120 --> 01:18:49,320 Big tomahawk. Yeah, 1427 01:18:49,470 --> 01:18:50,250 that'll be good. 1428 01:18:51,660 --> 01:18:54,420 It's always it's always fun to hook up with Yeah, it'd be weird 1429 01:18:54,420 --> 01:19:01,620 because I look it up. We call it Okay. Back in the day. It didn't 1430 01:19:01,620 --> 01:19:06,240 mean what it meant today. Yeah. No, that's not my type. Doesn't 1431 01:19:06,240 --> 01:19:08,700 matter that will be good about that. 1432 01:19:08,820 --> 01:19:09,930 No, I wanted to just quick 1433 01:19:10,259 --> 01:19:13,589 mode to show you know, yeah. Oh, Karan keeper. You should know of 1434 01:19:13,589 --> 01:19:14,219 course of course. 1435 01:19:14,220 --> 01:19:15,630 I'm going to play an excerpt. 1436 01:19:16,110 --> 01:19:18,720 I don't think so. play an excerpt for this show. 1437 01:19:19,920 --> 01:19:22,140 The talent you got to showcase Talent is 1438 01:19:22,140 --> 01:19:25,500 not a promotion for me. This is a joke. I'm supposed to be 1439 01:19:25,500 --> 01:19:26,190 interesting 1440 01:19:26,190 --> 01:19:28,530 and it shows not interesting. 1441 01:19:29,040 --> 01:19:32,040 That's not what I'm saying. I'm going on to be interesting and 1442 01:19:32,040 --> 01:19:35,700 say interesting things okay, that's what he's listening to 1443 01:19:35,850 --> 01:19:39,300 would never never played no agenda podcast on the show. 1444 01:19:39,330 --> 01:19:43,200 Okay, have we know maybe I should get that website updated. 1445 01:19:43,200 --> 01:19:45,960 So in case they pull it up, like where can we find this great 1446 01:19:45,960 --> 01:19:49,590 show Adam? Good luck with that. Um, no, I wanted to give you an 1447 01:19:49,590 --> 01:19:51,060 update on the love connection. 1448 01:19:54,330 --> 01:19:56,520 Okay, did we succeed no 1449 01:19:56,520 --> 01:19:57,990 connection. There was no love 1450 01:19:57,990 --> 01:20:01,440 connection, but they don't Explain who we're talking about. 1451 01:20:01,470 --> 01:20:03,630 Well, Alison and landscaper, Tommy. 1452 01:20:04,470 --> 01:20:08,970 So Alison, the teacher, the teacher and Tommy's a 1453 01:20:09,090 --> 01:20:12,900 landscaper. And I'm not gonna say much about it because I'm, 1454 01:20:12,900 --> 01:20:17,700 you know, cognizant of her privacy, but she guess what 1455 01:20:17,700 --> 01:20:23,850 happened? No. No, she just said that they were they'll just be 1456 01:20:23,850 --> 01:20:27,480 friends. And she's going to move into his building, so maybe 1457 01:20:27,480 --> 01:20:30,660 they'll just be friends. So, no, no spark. 1458 01:20:30,690 --> 01:20:36,510 I think there's a round to come around to coming somehow. I 1459 01:20:36,510 --> 01:20:38,490 don't know. You're the one that you're 1460 01:20:38,490 --> 01:20:41,220 like, No, this is not gonna work. I 1461 01:20:41,250 --> 01:20:47,250 need more than one. Meeting with Tom. Well, he's a good guy. 1462 01:20:47,430 --> 01:20:51,060 So I'm hanging up my hat as a matchmaker, but I'm so I can 1463 01:20:51,060 --> 01:20:52,770 still write resumes. So 1464 01:20:56,400 --> 01:21:00,420 we still have a landscaper and we still have a friend. Yeah. 1465 01:21:00,540 --> 01:21:01,530 And Tom is also 1466 01:21:01,530 --> 01:21:04,440 a friend. Yeah. And then the last thing I have that I wanted 1467 01:21:04,440 --> 01:21:07,710 to talk about about something that we just enjoyed doing and I 1468 01:21:07,710 --> 01:21:11,070 think we have done this. I don't know if we started doing this 1469 01:21:11,070 --> 01:21:15,510 when we were dating. Don't tell me but it's something that we 1470 01:21:15,540 --> 01:21:18,480 really have a lot of fun doing together. 1471 01:21:20,880 --> 01:21:24,690 I need a little more than that. We everything we do is fun 1472 01:21:24,690 --> 01:21:25,290 together. We've 1473 01:21:25,290 --> 01:21:26,760 done it with my sisters 1474 01:21:32,310 --> 01:21:33,120 we did it again 1475 01:21:33,120 --> 01:21:35,940 recently. Yes, we just did it the other day. 1476 01:21:36,180 --> 01:21:37,920 I feel like a dance. 1477 01:21:38,040 --> 01:21:44,820 Yeah, we play DJ with the Sonos. I love doing that. 1478 01:21:45,780 --> 01:21:50,280 I wish we could find the year we have the royalty the rights paid 1479 01:21:50,280 --> 01:21:52,770 for because it will be so much fun to do. Yes, we do. We do 1480 01:21:52,770 --> 01:21:56,070 that from time to time we do. We turn on the Sonos and we just 1481 01:21:56,070 --> 01:21:56,670 like okay, and 1482 01:21:56,670 --> 01:21:58,080 we take turns selecting you. 1483 01:21:58,559 --> 01:22:03,539 Would you kick it off with oh, you started it? I can't remember 1484 01:22:03,539 --> 01:22:08,519 was it DJ back and forth and we add to the Play next play next? 1485 01:22:09,059 --> 01:22:12,839 Yeah, so we DJ we held to a song then I'll do song and then we 1486 01:22:12,839 --> 01:22:17,579 had kind of a theme. And then my sister's one of my sisters came 1487 01:22:17,579 --> 01:22:20,399 they would do it and then all of a sudden Adam would play this 1488 01:22:20,670 --> 01:22:26,460 obscure Dutch song and we'd all look at each other like to kill 1489 01:22:26,490 --> 01:22:28,410 it when you don't even know the song and you're 1490 01:22:32,130 --> 01:22:34,230 gonna come over and play the game. The only one 1491 01:22:34,230 --> 01:22:38,430 singing or like everybody's like, Oh, man. Oh, 1492 01:22:38,430 --> 01:22:42,930 no. So it doesn't always have to be an American. I'm trying to 1493 01:22:42,930 --> 01:22:47,820 see can we do we have the we don't have the quote here. We 1494 01:22:47,820 --> 01:22:50,460 have the first time we kicked out our house. 1495 01:22:50,670 --> 01:22:54,420 Cherish cool in the gang. That was a good one. No more drama, 1496 01:22:54,420 --> 01:22:58,290 Mary J Blige against all odds Phil Collins Bad Girls, Donna 1497 01:22:58,290 --> 01:23:01,620 Summer. That's all I had. That's all. It didn't save the rest for 1498 01:23:01,620 --> 01:23:02,310 some reason. 1499 01:23:03,240 --> 01:23:07,530 But inevitably, Adam is queuing up his next song and what do you 1500 01:23:07,530 --> 01:23:08,160 do Adam? 1501 01:23:08,220 --> 01:23:11,370 I accidentally hit it and it starts you stopped my song. 1502 01:23:12,090 --> 01:23:17,100 DJ, what kind of DJ Are you? Oh, but anyway, isn't it a lot of 1503 01:23:17,100 --> 01:23:17,760 fun that we 1504 01:23:18,390 --> 01:23:24,690 use this used to 45 on the turntable, just this digital 1505 01:23:24,690 --> 01:23:26,310 stuff is not my style, baby. 1506 01:23:26,820 --> 01:23:27,720 Yeah, anyway, 1507 01:23:27,750 --> 01:23:32,160 give me a technique. 1201 What? That's a turntable. 1508 01:23:32,190 --> 01:23:36,030 Oh, yeah. Yeah, so that's our big thing. And we do desks on 1509 01:23:36,030 --> 01:23:37,410 with DJ and it's a lot of fun. 1510 01:23:37,560 --> 01:23:39,960 Next time we'll we'll say the playlist. Yes. 1511 01:23:40,080 --> 01:23:41,160 The say the playlist. 1512 01:23:42,270 --> 01:23:46,590 Alison will be very mad. Oh, where are we 120 for longest 1513 01:23:47,070 --> 01:23:49,860 ever because I coughed. I've just coughed halfway through the 1514 01:23:49,860 --> 01:23:51,720 show. And I'm really sorry. Everybody was because 1515 01:23:51,720 --> 01:23:56,790 you ate the bag of gummy. Tina Marie. Yes. I love you so much. 1516 01:23:56,790 --> 01:23:56,880 I 1517 01:23:56,880 --> 01:24:00,090 love you too. Thank you for putting up with me. You know, 1518 01:24:00,780 --> 01:24:06,180 your product is what I do. We'll see you in two weeks everybody 1519 01:24:06,210 --> 01:24:07,620 remember to boost us