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Jan. 4, 2024

70: "Dog Smack"


70: "Dog Smack"

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Curry & The Keeper

Curry & The Keeper - January 3d 2024 Episode 70 - "Dog Smack"

Art by: Craig Weinberg




Executive Producers: Melody Fugazzotto

Associate Executive Producer: SirVesa of Playa Del Carmen (And Backside of Pike's Peak)

Salmon Yay's: Pastor Jimmy & Dame Annette



Champagne and Caviar

Ember mugs

Approaching 2024

Finishing the Bible

NY's eve and Day

Phoebe Freak Out

Tina's God SHot

Song - Bryan Duncan - I See You

Questiion of The Week

Tasting Room Goodies

Cedar Fever

The Wine


Bridge Church Fredericksburg Texas

3 Apps with purchase built in - MoonPay


PO Box 1849 - Fredericksburg Texas 78624

Last Modified 01/03/2024 20:01:14 by Freedom Controller  

00:19 - Happy New Year!🍾

01:03 - The wine 🍷

04:09 - Champagne and caviar

08:34 - The hill country

10:33 - Christmas is gone 🌲

12:42 - Family

13:51 - Ember heated coffee mugs

16:43 - NYE 💥

17:32 - Fake European?

20:45 - Hugging protocol

21:58 - Looking forward

25:48 - Daylight before blue light - finishing the Bible

27:08 - In the beginning…

29:18 - Scriptures

31:10 - NYE

34:30 - Phoebe Trauma

39:19 - Secret chocolate eater

42:54 - Secret tin radio 📻

44:54 - Getting recognized

46:38 - Tina's God Shot

50:49 - Episode 69 feedback

53:09 - Music - Bryan Duncan - I See You

55:47 - Cork soakers

56:16 - Newsletter

56:50 - V4V

57:40 - New Podcast Apps

58:21 - V4V

01:09:21 - Cedar fever 🤒

01:09:48 - Coming up

01:10:58 - Question of the week?

01:18:53 - See you next week! Happy New Year!

1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,940 Unknown: And she can keep in mind everything's fine. 2 00:00:06,090 --> 00:00:10,020 You got all that you need to keep 3 00:00:14,639 --> 00:00:18,599 the key burger in the kitchen for January 3 2024 Episode 4 00:00:18,599 --> 00:00:19,349 number 70 5 00:00:22,620 --> 00:00:26,730 Adam Curry: Hello, my New Years queen. 6 00:00:27,960 --> 00:00:30,600 Tina Curry: Hello my love Hello Donna. You know what I just 7 00:00:30,600 --> 00:00:33,630 realized? I did not realize why 8 00:00:35,580 --> 00:00:36,780 Adam Curry: I finished my show hands. 9 00:00:36,900 --> 00:00:40,320 Tina Curry: Oh, well that too. But how? In the song it says 10 00:00:40,350 --> 00:00:44,610 everything's fine. Yeah, you know the word like it's the F 11 00:00:44,610 --> 00:00:45,330 word. Jeff 12 00:00:45,330 --> 00:00:48,000 Adam Curry: Smith knows exactly what to do. Yeah, yeah, 13 00:00:48,030 --> 00:00:51,840 everything's fine. He didn't quite do the emphasis right. 14 00:00:52,260 --> 00:00:57,960 Everything's fine. Korea McKay prior. Cheers me darling. Hey, 15 00:00:57,990 --> 00:00:59,010 special wine today. 16 00:00:59,010 --> 00:01:01,830 Tina Curry: I'm very Look at this. It's in here. 17 00:01:02,520 --> 00:01:03,210 Adam Curry: We're gonna 18 00:01:03,210 --> 00:01:07,770 Tina Curry: break the glass. Over your console. 19 00:01:08,070 --> 00:01:09,900 Adam Curry: Let's try this out. Here we go. Oh, I forgot the 20 00:01:09,900 --> 00:01:12,870 bottle. Oh, my goodness. Oh, I have a picture. 21 00:01:13,680 --> 00:01:15,120 Tina Curry: Oh my goodness. 22 00:01:16,500 --> 00:01:24,210 Adam Curry: Whoa, that is smooth. This is a figlia Wow. 23 00:01:24,480 --> 00:01:24,840 Unknown: From 24 00:01:24,840 --> 00:01:29,100 Adam Curry: 2019 which I'd never heard of before. It's from Walla 25 00:01:29,100 --> 00:01:32,820 Walla Walla Walla, Washington, Walla Walla, Washington, and was 26 00:01:32,820 --> 00:01:38,190 a gift from Ellen and Jesse. I know Wow, is this stuff good I 27 00:01:38,190 --> 00:01:38,700 wonder how 28 00:01:38,700 --> 00:01:40,740 Tina Curry: she selected this one. She you know she has a 29 00:01:40,740 --> 00:01:43,920 friend who is a wine distributor. Smell that bouquet. 30 00:01:43,950 --> 00:01:44,850 Oh my goodness. 31 00:01:45,750 --> 00:01:49,590 Adam Curry: No, smell my finger. Just I'm sorry 32 00:01:56,580 --> 00:01:59,190 Tina Curry: we don't have what the what the? 33 00:01:59,730 --> 00:02:02,100 Adam Curry: There was bizarre. There was nothing. Oh, there was 34 00:02:02,100 --> 00:02:05,430 no there was nothing on the bottle. I just said 2019 Walla 35 00:02:05,430 --> 00:02:10,410 Walla Washington has beautiful. Wow, I think it's fixed. I think 36 00:02:10,590 --> 00:02:15,090 there's fixed input fix and wind do they literally has no inks on 37 00:02:15,090 --> 00:02:15,570 the label? 38 00:02:15,600 --> 00:02:18,720 Tina Curry: I know. I didn't know maybe they were well, what 39 00:02:18,720 --> 00:02:22,440 do I know? Let me know. Alright, I don't know what you're 40 00:02:22,440 --> 00:02:23,250 smelling 41 00:02:23,250 --> 00:02:25,950 Adam Curry: notes of what is that? Fig? Yes, that's what it 42 00:02:25,950 --> 00:02:26,850 is. All 43 00:02:26,850 --> 00:02:35,190 Tina Curry: notes of paper. No, I have no idea. I'm not gonna 44 00:02:35,190 --> 00:02:37,050 reuse multi again. I already said that. 45 00:02:37,530 --> 00:02:40,470 Adam Curry: I like new stuff. Oh, this is wow. That I told 46 00:02:40,470 --> 00:02:43,920 you. When I poured it. It looks and smells a bit like great. And 47 00:02:43,920 --> 00:02:48,420 yeah, she says I really like Welch's grape juice look to it. 48 00:02:49,740 --> 00:02:53,370 Tina Curry: It's bold. It is a bold wine is very good. Highly 49 00:02:53,370 --> 00:02:55,920 recommended. Thank you, Ellen. And Jessica is very, very 50 00:02:55,920 --> 00:02:58,590 comforting. Ellen being my stepdaughter. Yes. Ellen being 51 00:02:58,590 --> 00:03:01,740 your stepdaughter? Yes. And I found out that Jessie's mom 52 00:03:01,740 --> 00:03:04,950 listens to the show because she messaged me on Instagram, which 53 00:03:04,950 --> 00:03:10,020 was cool. I remember Ellen telling me that long time ago 54 00:03:10,230 --> 00:03:14,310 that she listened and then she reached out on Instagram. And it 55 00:03:14,310 --> 00:03:17,910 was it really really warms my heart. Special Connie, Connie. 56 00:03:18,600 --> 00:03:23,430 Yes. Yeah. So thank you for the oh my gosh, I am full of bread 57 00:03:23,430 --> 00:03:27,570 and cheese. I'm not kidding. You opened me up. I got bread and 58 00:03:27,570 --> 00:03:28,080 cheese. 59 00:03:28,590 --> 00:03:31,350 Adam Curry: Some bubbles like a blur for me. All the things that 60 00:03:31,350 --> 00:03:33,990 happened between the last show on this show. I know weird 61 00:03:34,080 --> 00:03:36,690 because we had done Christmas obviously because we are last 62 00:03:36,690 --> 00:03:39,330 year. The 27th Yeah, it was last Monday 63 00:03:39,330 --> 00:03:42,720 Tina Curry: and I know where we're heading into New Year's 64 00:03:42,750 --> 00:03:46,290 before we went to New Year's we went to six twists. We decided 65 00:03:46,290 --> 00:03:47,490 to go on Friday afternoon. 66 00:03:47,490 --> 00:03:49,440 Adam Curry: We had a date. We had a Friday afternoon day. Yes, 67 00:03:49,440 --> 00:03:51,480 you me Yes. That was very nice. We decided 68 00:03:51,480 --> 00:03:52,710 Tina Curry: to go to six twists. 69 00:03:52,740 --> 00:03:54,900 Adam Curry: And we know I'm six twist because people may not 70 00:03:54,900 --> 00:03:55,680 remember this 71 00:03:55,680 --> 00:04:00,000 Tina Curry: is a new champagne bar. I don't want a bar. It's 72 00:04:00,480 --> 00:04:06,630 much more elegant than like a bistro. Champagne. You know they 73 00:04:06,630 --> 00:04:10,440 have they have a flights of champagne. They have memberships 74 00:04:10,440 --> 00:04:13,230 where you have your own lockers where you can keep your 75 00:04:13,230 --> 00:04:14,580 champagne. Everyone 76 00:04:14,580 --> 00:04:17,400 Adam Curry: knows we don't have any lockers with champagne and 77 00:04:17,430 --> 00:04:18,090 no we don't 78 00:04:18,119 --> 00:04:19,169 Tina Curry: we drink our champagne. 79 00:04:21,180 --> 00:04:24,240 Adam Curry: But the flight is cool. And I sit down and explain 80 00:04:24,240 --> 00:04:27,150 everything and Andre explained everything. The second time he's 81 00:04:27,150 --> 00:04:28,740 done it for us was really cool. 82 00:04:29,280 --> 00:04:32,010 Tina Curry: Now the first time we did the flight we hadn't done 83 00:04:32,010 --> 00:04:35,130 the flight before I think I did no no, no, no, we 84 00:04:35,160 --> 00:04:37,680 Adam Curry: we does how good it was. I don't even remember what 85 00:04:37,680 --> 00:04:39,030 it was. It was so interesting. So 86 00:04:39,030 --> 00:04:42,360 Tina Curry: then we ordered 10 of caviar because we love caviar 87 00:04:42,360 --> 00:04:42,810 to 88 00:04:42,840 --> 00:04:45,840 Adam Curry: 10 is like an ounce. Yes already. It's like you know, 89 00:04:45,930 --> 00:04:50,820 that's yeah, that's a splurge here for us. It was a real 90 00:04:51,000 --> 00:04:52,530 dinner day. It was a day it was a day 91 00:04:52,530 --> 00:04:55,170 Tina Curry: it is Andre sitting across from us. We have this big 92 00:04:55,170 --> 00:04:58,020 bowl of potato chips and as he's sitting across from us telling 93 00:04:58,020 --> 00:04:59,430 us about all the wine you're like 94 00:04:59,820 --> 00:05:03,210 Adam Curry: we You embarrassed by me once again? I mean, they 95 00:05:03,210 --> 00:05:06,570 put the potato chips next to the caviar. I'm like, What a good 96 00:05:06,570 --> 00:05:09,600 idea. Because you really, you know, because the caviar salting 97 00:05:09,600 --> 00:05:14,160 had little blinis which is pancakes, little blinis are they 98 00:05:14,160 --> 00:05:19,980 little pancakes? Pancakes? Yeah. Come on. I mean, tell me that 99 00:05:19,980 --> 00:05:22,740 that isn't just this. There's nothing no 100 00:05:22,740 --> 00:05:25,650 Tina Curry: men and what is the what is it sour cream? Sour 101 00:05:25,650 --> 00:05:29,190 cream. It's so good. It's a nice treat. We should 102 00:05:29,190 --> 00:05:31,110 Adam Curry: have brought her up didn't who gave us a spoon? 103 00:05:32,490 --> 00:05:36,750 Ryszard? Right, we shouldn't wish. We have our own spoon. 104 00:05:36,750 --> 00:05:37,140 only have 105 00:05:37,140 --> 00:05:42,360 Tina Curry: one. shard only give us one. No, but yeah, so he was 106 00:05:42,360 --> 00:05:44,340 explaining all the different wines while you were eating the 107 00:05:44,340 --> 00:05:45,360 potato chips. Okay, 108 00:05:45,360 --> 00:05:48,030 Adam Curry: okay, I got it. Look, it's a great idea. Because 109 00:05:48,030 --> 00:05:52,110 the us exactly what you want. You want a little salty? With 110 00:05:52,110 --> 00:05:55,440 the champagne. And of course, the caviar or your snarf it up? 111 00:05:55,440 --> 00:05:57,900 You know, it'll be gone in three seconds, because it's so Yeah, 112 00:05:57,930 --> 00:06:05,580 lovely. Sorry. It's so good. It's fine. Because they only had 113 00:06:05,610 --> 00:06:08,850 half an ounce of what we asked for we cut a comp on the other 114 00:06:08,880 --> 00:06:12,300 another team that was not now I felt like a winner. And 115 00:06:12,300 --> 00:06:14,400 Tina Curry: you know what, those weren't two ounce pours. Those 116 00:06:14,400 --> 00:06:16,710 had to be at least three ounce pours that he was pouring. 117 00:06:17,010 --> 00:06:21,720 Because usually it's a two ounce pour. But we bid on and got the 118 00:06:21,720 --> 00:06:24,510 champagne tasting at the Tanenbaum which we still have to 119 00:06:24,570 --> 00:06:27,330 we have to coordinate coordinate that we're busy in January. We 120 00:06:27,330 --> 00:06:29,580 got plans every weekend in January. 121 00:06:29,640 --> 00:06:32,040 Adam Curry: Thank you for going on that date with me. Oh, it was 122 00:06:32,040 --> 00:06:32,940 a lot of fun. It was 123 00:06:32,940 --> 00:06:35,550 Tina Curry: my idea. Thank you for going on the date with me. 124 00:06:35,580 --> 00:06:36,180 Okay, 125 00:06:36,210 --> 00:06:37,680 Adam Curry: I remember me paying. 126 00:06:41,220 --> 00:06:43,200 Tina Curry: I was like, Hey, how about if we go have a little 127 00:06:43,200 --> 00:06:45,960 champagne on early Friday night and you're like, okay, 128 00:06:45,990 --> 00:06:47,790 Adam Curry: but if you come to Fredericksburg, that is 129 00:06:47,790 --> 00:06:51,870 definitely a place to go before or after dinner. The ambiance is 130 00:06:51,870 --> 00:06:55,830 great. It's lovely. It's all kinds of different prices for 131 00:06:55,830 --> 00:06:56,880 just a glass like 132 00:06:56,880 --> 00:06:59,880 Tina Curry: wine. The honors, Melissa, Bobby and Andre are 133 00:06:59,910 --> 00:07:01,260 just delightful people. 134 00:07:01,290 --> 00:07:03,180 Adam Curry: They're hard workers. Yeah. Oh, a lot of 135 00:07:03,180 --> 00:07:03,630 work. They're 136 00:07:03,630 --> 00:07:05,400 Tina Curry: running, running, running, running. And I was 137 00:07:05,400 --> 00:07:08,160 thinking like it to work there. You really have to, 138 00:07:08,250 --> 00:07:11,280 Adam Curry: you got to know you have to know you're like the 139 00:07:11,280 --> 00:07:16,320 young kid. There was a cool kid talking to a young guy. He 140 00:07:16,320 --> 00:07:19,800 seemed like, you know, lanky tall guy. So you're going places 141 00:07:19,800 --> 00:07:23,370 kid. Yeah. I could tell like if that walked through my door. I 142 00:07:23,370 --> 00:07:24,150 like I'm hiring. 143 00:07:24,150 --> 00:07:26,160 Tina Curry: Yeah, I liked that. He was you know, he was very 144 00:07:26,160 --> 00:07:29,730 personal. personable. Yes. I like that. So, yeah. So that's 145 00:07:29,730 --> 00:07:32,700 what we did Friday. And then Saturday. I 146 00:07:33,810 --> 00:07:35,880 Adam Curry: man, this is good. You know, it is good. 147 00:07:36,120 --> 00:07:37,800 Tina Curry: I'm savoring my four ounces. 148 00:07:38,430 --> 00:07:41,700 Adam Curry: I measured it out. Precisely four ounces. Exactly. 149 00:07:41,700 --> 00:07:43,170 No more, no less. Yes. 150 00:07:43,260 --> 00:07:46,050 Tina Curry: And then Saturday. I got I got at it. Well, there 151 00:07:46,050 --> 00:07:47,970 Adam Curry: was something else. Kind of interesting. As we were 152 00:07:47,970 --> 00:07:51,210 walking out. Melissa introduced though you said usually come 153 00:07:51,210 --> 00:07:53,220 over here. I have to introduce you to some people to 154 00:07:53,220 --> 00:07:56,790 Tina Curry: Robert and his wife, Marissa and their daughter and I 155 00:07:56,790 --> 00:07:58,500 don't remember. And they're building 156 00:07:58,530 --> 00:08:00,810 Adam Curry: a whole resort here. Right outside. Yeah, right. I 157 00:08:00,810 --> 00:08:05,280 started Yeah. Which is under the sixth sense. Sense. It's like 158 00:08:05,280 --> 00:08:09,000 some swanky. I don't know if it's censored sixth sense. Yeah. 159 00:08:09,210 --> 00:08:12,540 Yeah. Fredericksburg man. We'll get we're elevating. Yeah, we're 160 00:08:12,540 --> 00:08:15,690 getting there. Yeah, just wait until I till I get my my my 161 00:08:15,690 --> 00:08:16,080 worship 162 00:08:16,470 --> 00:08:17,730 Tina Curry: here and you become mayor. 163 00:08:19,320 --> 00:08:20,880 Adam Curry: Well, next, everybody's 164 00:08:20,880 --> 00:08:22,110 Tina Curry: saying that you're going to run. I know. 165 00:08:22,860 --> 00:08:24,810 Adam Curry: I gotta talk. Of course. I'm going to go to talk 166 00:08:24,810 --> 00:08:27,120 to care. Well, I have two years. I've two years to be 167 00:08:27,120 --> 00:08:32,700 Tina Curry: here before you know it. Yes, ma'am. Yes. We've been 168 00:08:32,700 --> 00:08:35,070 here two and a half years already. I mean, that was an eye 169 00:08:35,070 --> 00:08:36,060 blink. Remember? 170 00:08:36,270 --> 00:08:38,700 Adam Curry: What happens once I become mayor you know, we're 171 00:08:38,700 --> 00:08:39,810 doing a 172 00:08:39,809 --> 00:08:43,229 Tina Curry: daily pirate podcast doing weather and traffic on the 173 00:08:43,229 --> 00:08:46,349 eighth. And we'll call it Fredericksburg is fine. And then 174 00:08:46,349 --> 00:08:48,809 people are gonna call in like the C span callers and they're 175 00:08:48,809 --> 00:08:54,089 gonna complain. It's gonna happen. It's gonna be fine. 176 00:08:54,089 --> 00:08:55,079 Comma, Fredericksburg. 177 00:08:55,080 --> 00:08:58,620 Adam Curry: Fine, Fred. Fine. Fred and Fred podcast. Yep. 178 00:08:58,620 --> 00:08:59,220 Perfect. 179 00:08:59,340 --> 00:09:02,310 Tina Curry: Yeah. So anyway, it was nice, 180 00:09:02,310 --> 00:09:03,750 Adam Curry: you know? So we're moving our shakers. We're 181 00:09:03,750 --> 00:09:06,480 meeting everybody meeting all the new people coming in, grow 182 00:09:06,480 --> 00:09:09,930 and grow in the seat to want to grow too big. But you know, in 183 00:09:09,930 --> 00:09:13,200 this regard is kind of good. Well, yeah, we need hotel rooms 184 00:09:13,200 --> 00:09:14,070 in place. I think people 185 00:09:14,100 --> 00:09:17,550 Tina Curry: might call just sent me up an article 186 00:09:17,850 --> 00:09:20,190 Adam Curry: are called documentarian and cinema just 187 00:09:20,220 --> 00:09:21,690 Yes. Yeah. Where 188 00:09:21,750 --> 00:09:24,150 Tina Curry: Hill Country was voted the number one place to 189 00:09:24,150 --> 00:09:24,600 visit? 190 00:09:26,250 --> 00:09:28,650 Adam Curry: In all of America's Yes, really? 191 00:09:28,980 --> 00:09:31,350 Tina Curry: I think in America, I don't know in the world. Yes. 192 00:09:31,380 --> 00:09:34,380 Wow. I don't Hill Country is very big. It's not just 193 00:09:34,380 --> 00:09:37,170 Fredericksburg. Hill Country is very big. But there's not a lot 194 00:09:37,170 --> 00:09:38,340 in Johnson City. And 195 00:09:38,910 --> 00:09:41,940 Adam Curry: well, Johnson City has that one tree that was lit 196 00:09:41,940 --> 00:09:42,240 up. 197 00:09:42,300 --> 00:09:44,040 Tina Curry: That was more than one 198 00:09:45,540 --> 00:09:48,390 Adam Curry: little grove of trees. Brian's on 290 Yeah, 199 00:09:48,420 --> 00:09:50,640 we're living in up girl look at us. Look at us in our old age. 200 00:09:50,670 --> 00:09:55,860 Look at us and our ARP period, ARP season of ARP season or 201 00:09:55,860 --> 00:09:59,970 season. Yes. You know, I hear everyone talking about seasons. 202 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:03,420 Yes, this is a see different season of life. Yeah. Where does 203 00:10:03,420 --> 00:10:08,430 it come from? The church thing where did I pick that Bible 204 00:10:08,430 --> 00:10:08,760 thing? 205 00:10:08,790 --> 00:10:12,150 Tina Curry: No, I picked it up from a woman that I follow on 206 00:10:12,150 --> 00:10:14,880 Instagram. Her name name is Angie green and she's always 207 00:10:14,880 --> 00:10:18,150 talking about that's just the season of my life. And it makes 208 00:10:18,150 --> 00:10:21,210 sense because people are in different seasons like people 209 00:10:21,210 --> 00:10:22,200 have little kids. 210 00:10:22,230 --> 00:10:24,600 Adam Curry: I know. But here everyone's saying it now. This 211 00:10:24,600 --> 00:10:26,400 thing in thing okay. No, I 212 00:10:26,400 --> 00:10:31,650 Tina Curry: don't know. I have no idea. But Christmas is 213 00:10:31,650 --> 00:10:33,480 officially gone. Packed up. 214 00:10:33,930 --> 00:10:36,660 Adam Curry: Oh, yeah. It was amazing. You let the tree stand 215 00:10:36,660 --> 00:10:39,630 for I think two whole days. That was quite amazing. Oh, 216 00:10:39,660 --> 00:10:42,060 Tina Curry: after No, it was almost a week. I took it down 217 00:10:42,060 --> 00:10:43,860 and Saturday. Christmas was on Monday. 218 00:10:44,820 --> 00:10:48,870 Adam Curry: Oh, wow. Okay. You weren't even turning the light 219 00:10:48,870 --> 00:10:51,570 on the next day. It's like I had to turn the Christmas tree on. 220 00:10:51,570 --> 00:10:53,820 You're like the things off. There's no doubt in my mind. I'm 221 00:10:53,820 --> 00:10:56,100 just leaving it up there for my husband as well. 222 00:10:56,490 --> 00:11:00,240 Tina Curry: Anybody who knows me knows that. I'm a minimalist and 223 00:11:00,240 --> 00:11:01,770 it was a lot of stuff for me. 224 00:11:02,370 --> 00:11:04,620 Adam Curry: People who live in those glass tree houses they all 225 00:11:04,620 --> 00:11:05,940 had to scurry around like oh 226 00:11:08,340 --> 00:11:11,880 Tina Curry: box with me. Yeah, no, I just like I like clean 227 00:11:11,880 --> 00:11:15,720 lines. I don't like clutter I don't like tchotchke items I 228 00:11:15,720 --> 00:11:19,980 just I just don't it's just not me. So it was so nice but the 229 00:11:19,980 --> 00:11:23,910 house seems so empty after it had like yeah, Christmas 230 00:11:23,910 --> 00:11:28,680 explosion in it so but it was it was lovely. And I love our tree 231 00:11:28,680 --> 00:11:32,550 and I love all of our and I know you do too, but it was great but 232 00:11:32,550 --> 00:11:35,520 it all the way and then I started to purge and I even 233 00:11:35,520 --> 00:11:39,270 organized all your your you haven't walked into the laundry 234 00:11:39,270 --> 00:11:40,890 room yet? I saw 235 00:11:40,890 --> 00:11:43,980 Adam Curry: a pile on the floor. And I was wondering if you purge 236 00:11:43,980 --> 00:11:45,210 some of my T shirts? No, 237 00:11:45,210 --> 00:11:47,970 Tina Curry: I have not gotten to that yet. But I will purge. I 238 00:11:47,970 --> 00:11:50,940 didn't purge anything and organize all your charging 239 00:11:50,940 --> 00:11:51,690 station. Oh, 240 00:11:51,690 --> 00:11:54,660 Adam Curry: no, I did see that. I wanted to say thank you. What 241 00:11:54,660 --> 00:11:57,300 I need is an extension cord so they can all stay plugged in 242 00:11:57,300 --> 00:11:59,190 because now I have to swap stuff out. You 243 00:11:59,190 --> 00:12:01,650 Tina Curry: get an apparatus that you can plug in the can 244 00:12:01,650 --> 00:12:04,680 plug a lot of things in that USB and 245 00:12:04,680 --> 00:12:06,630 Adam Curry: yeah, it's not just USB, unfortunately. No, it's 246 00:12:06,630 --> 00:12:07,500 just an extension. 247 00:12:07,710 --> 00:12:09,510 Tina Curry: A universal one. Yeah. 248 00:12:09,870 --> 00:12:11,220 Adam Curry: Why don't I don't 249 00:12:11,220 --> 00:12:13,110 Tina Curry: know. Why don't you look really good. You have one 250 00:12:13,110 --> 00:12:14,940 in this mystery closet right here? I'm 251 00:12:14,940 --> 00:12:17,340 Adam Curry: sure I do. Don't Don't. Don't touch it. 252 00:12:18,570 --> 00:12:20,280 Tina Curry: I'm afraid if it opens you 253 00:12:20,280 --> 00:12:23,760 Adam Curry: might you might get buried under stuff. That's 254 00:12:23,760 --> 00:12:28,590 exactly my closet. We need to go through there. No, we don't need 255 00:12:28,590 --> 00:12:31,560 to know anything. Yes, we do. Because nothing of the kind 256 00:12:31,590 --> 00:12:33,720 Tina Curry: because if we ever move out of this house, it's 257 00:12:33,720 --> 00:12:35,970 going to be like when we moved into the apartment and they 258 00:12:35,970 --> 00:12:37,680 packed up empty boxes. 259 00:12:37,710 --> 00:12:39,270 Adam Curry: We're not first of all, we're not moving out of 260 00:12:39,270 --> 00:12:41,670 here. Okay. The only people who are going to have to go into 261 00:12:41,670 --> 00:12:44,400 that closet is our kids when we're dead. And there'll be all 262 00:12:44,400 --> 00:12:47,940 my secrets and all fun stuff to discover from grandpa secrets. 263 00:12:47,970 --> 00:12:51,210 Yeah. Oh, yeah. All the cards of yours that I saved. Okay, 264 00:12:51,210 --> 00:12:52,950 Tina Curry: grandpa. Yeah. Hopefully by the end of the 265 00:12:52,950 --> 00:12:54,090 year, you'll be a grandpa. 266 00:12:55,320 --> 00:12:58,050 Adam Curry: I did get a little message from my daughter. Yeah, 267 00:12:58,050 --> 00:13:04,830 who said? Prayer emoji prayer emoji. Pray for a baby this 268 00:13:04,830 --> 00:13:11,880 year. I went whoa. W h u u u u UT. Prayer emoji prayer emoji 269 00:13:11,880 --> 00:13:15,360 fire emoji. heart emoji heart emojis. You 270 00:13:15,360 --> 00:13:17,880 Tina Curry: put a car emoji like you're the first one to win. 271 00:13:18,840 --> 00:13:21,240 Adam Curry: I should have done that. I'm apt to call him now. 272 00:13:21,360 --> 00:13:24,720 Apparently that maybe she made some kind of decision. Like you 273 00:13:24,720 --> 00:13:27,300 know, she will be finishing her study this year. Yeah, her 274 00:13:27,300 --> 00:13:28,860 salary will go up. She gets her 275 00:13:29,160 --> 00:13:32,220 Tina Curry: a little bit of time to. She's still young. She can 276 00:13:32,220 --> 00:13:34,530 Adam Curry: do whatever she wants. But I'm trying not to 277 00:13:34,530 --> 00:13:34,830 push 278 00:13:34,860 --> 00:13:38,220 Tina Curry: that's crazy. threw that out. Yeah, 279 00:13:38,250 --> 00:13:42,240 Adam Curry: I presume it was sincere. Yeah. So that would be 280 00:13:42,240 --> 00:13:43,890 great. I'm ready. Yeah, I 281 00:13:43,890 --> 00:13:47,670 Tina Curry: know. You are also getting kids at this point. So I 282 00:13:47,670 --> 00:13:51,300 wanted to talk about we finally opened up this amazing gift that 283 00:13:51,300 --> 00:13:55,200 Pastor Jimmy and Annette bought us for Christmas. Yes. This is a 284 00:13:55,200 --> 00:14:03,270 game changer. They bought us the Ember coffee mugs, coffee mugs. 285 00:14:03,300 --> 00:14:08,460 So you charge this thing. And then you put your beverage in it 286 00:14:08,460 --> 00:14:11,190 and you can adjust the temperature. I actually download 287 00:14:11,190 --> 00:14:15,150 the app. Yes, you adjust the temperature. And it keeps it 288 00:14:15,150 --> 00:14:17,580 keeps your coffee warm. This is like 289 00:14:17,610 --> 00:14:19,260 Adam Curry: how has it changed your drinking? 290 00:14:20,160 --> 00:14:22,830 Tina Curry: I've slowed down. The reason that I was drinking 291 00:14:22,830 --> 00:14:26,220 my coffee so quickly is because it would get cold and I do not 292 00:14:26,220 --> 00:14:29,460 like lukewarm coffee. Same for me. If you want lukewarm. Go to 293 00:14:29,460 --> 00:14:32,910 Java ranch. That's Stetson. Quorum. Sorry, 294 00:14:32,970 --> 00:14:35,490 Adam Curry: I would always add more of a bigger pot thing I 295 00:14:35,490 --> 00:14:37,050 always add more coughing a little 296 00:14:37,050 --> 00:14:39,750 Tina Curry: bit cold. Lukewarm coffee though. Sometimes I 297 00:14:40,590 --> 00:14:44,040 Adam Curry: don't care. Oh, but now this thing is fantastic. Do 298 00:14:44,040 --> 00:14:48,690 you have your temperature set at 141 The same as you? I'm 145 299 00:14:48,720 --> 00:14:52,560 Notice that I tried to download the app my super off the grid 300 00:14:52,560 --> 00:14:57,690 phone went no, we're not going to do that. Danger Frisco and 301 00:14:57,690 --> 00:15:00,960 freeze phone. Yeah, it wouldn't even lead me Download Yes, thank 302 00:15:00,960 --> 00:15:02,640 you. Yeah, it has your address. 303 00:15:03,150 --> 00:15:04,650 Tina Curry: I can set it at 100 degree. Yeah, 304 00:15:04,650 --> 00:15:07,020 Adam Curry: that'd be so funny. So hilarious. I could make you 305 00:15:07,020 --> 00:15:10,200 sound like Donald Duck. I mean, whatever you want. The choice is 306 00:15:10,200 --> 00:15:12,090 yours. The choice is yours. 307 00:15:13,590 --> 00:15:17,220 Tina Curry: But no I mean I a great gift. It is a fabulous 308 00:15:17,220 --> 00:15:20,760 gift. I highly recommended if you like warm beverage in the 309 00:15:20,760 --> 00:15:23,640 morning. I was thinking about quitting coffee and I'm like 310 00:15:23,640 --> 00:15:25,650 this gift die changed my mind don't 311 00:15:25,650 --> 00:15:27,570 Adam Curry: even understand how you can think that that's like 312 00:15:27,570 --> 00:15:30,150 the essential of life. Why would you even want to do that? What 313 00:15:30,150 --> 00:15:34,860 is left? What is less if you don't have I mean for me coffee. 314 00:15:35,430 --> 00:15:40,890 My Bible? My my Bible? Yeah, but with the coffee. Yes. 315 00:15:41,190 --> 00:15:44,040 Tina Curry: No, I'm gonna love coffee and think 316 00:15:44,040 --> 00:15:45,780 Adam Curry: it wasn't Ephesians look it up. 317 00:15:48,570 --> 00:15:51,000 Tina Curry: So I decided not to I'm going to continue my half 318 00:15:51,000 --> 00:15:55,170 Caf half decaf. But I'm going to probably do three. Three 319 00:15:55,170 --> 00:15:57,840 quarters of one quarter now and then I mean, 320 00:15:57,840 --> 00:15:59,250 Adam Curry: it's caffeine bad for you. 321 00:15:59,370 --> 00:16:01,320 Tina Curry: I just trying to get rid of the stimulants. 322 00:16:01,350 --> 00:16:02,490 Stimulants. 323 00:16:02,580 --> 00:16:05,400 Adam Curry: Oh, I'm trying to double down this year. You 324 00:16:05,400 --> 00:16:08,250 Tina Curry: drink the stuff that Mike and you've got pastor Jimmy 325 00:16:08,250 --> 00:16:12,300 addicted. Oh, black rice. That was so easy. That was incorrect. 326 00:16:12,300 --> 00:16:13,920 He started that on his own and now he 327 00:16:14,370 --> 00:16:18,270 Adam Curry: once I gave him the freedom the freedom fuel blend. 328 00:16:18,270 --> 00:16:20,550 He's like, I love it. Yeah, of course. 329 00:16:20,550 --> 00:16:23,070 Tina Curry: Yeah. Of course drinks his coffee lukewarm now. 330 00:16:23,070 --> 00:16:25,140 That's what a Nancy because a net likes her score. 331 00:16:25,410 --> 00:16:27,330 Adam Curry: You know where he goes out Java ranch. 332 00:16:30,510 --> 00:16:33,810 Tina Curry: Yeah, so that was that was a great great gift 333 00:16:33,840 --> 00:16:38,910 really loved. Yeah. So we so New Year's Eve. We what are we? Oh, 334 00:16:38,910 --> 00:16:40,170 you worked on New Year's Eve? 335 00:16:40,500 --> 00:16:43,470 Adam Curry: Yeah, yeah. Which was okay. You know, it's like, 336 00:16:43,770 --> 00:16:46,590 that's a no agenda tradition. When all the media goes on 337 00:16:46,590 --> 00:16:49,770 vacation. We just continue to work. And people always 338 00:16:49,770 --> 00:16:50,580 appreciate it. Oh, 339 00:16:50,580 --> 00:16:52,650 Tina Curry: before we get into that, though, we went to church 340 00:16:52,650 --> 00:16:59,670 on Sunday. Yeah, and when we go to church, Brandy and Chris were 341 00:16:59,670 --> 00:17:03,330 there. Yes. So we immediately see them and I hug her and she's 342 00:17:03,360 --> 00:17:05,310 a hugger. We're talking about this like, 343 00:17:05,370 --> 00:17:06,600 Adam Curry: I Yeah, good point. 344 00:17:06,629 --> 00:17:10,499 Tina Curry: I love to hug people. I love a hug or two. And 345 00:17:10,499 --> 00:17:14,759 then David and Karen. They're big huggers, too. I cracked my 346 00:17:14,760 --> 00:17:15,630 Adam Curry: ribs. Yes, 347 00:17:15,660 --> 00:17:17,040 Tina Curry: I Yes. Because I 348 00:17:17,100 --> 00:17:19,050 Adam Curry: don't have to Heimlich me brother. I love you 349 00:17:19,050 --> 00:17:19,860 too. Good morning. 350 00:17:20,910 --> 00:17:25,860 Tina Curry: Making sure you're clear. They're clear. But I love 351 00:17:25,890 --> 00:17:29,880 I love their hugs. I do. I love being hugged like that. Well, 352 00:17:29,910 --> 00:17:31,440 you know, I concern to talking about that. 353 00:17:31,680 --> 00:17:34,170 Adam Curry: I come from culture where men actually kiss each 354 00:17:34,170 --> 00:17:38,880 other three times. That's confusing. That's that's slowed 355 00:17:38,880 --> 00:17:41,550 down a bit over the years. But in Europe. Yeah, it was. Hi. 356 00:17:42,480 --> 00:17:44,550 Why? It's tradition. 357 00:17:44,940 --> 00:17:48,510 Tina Curry: I remember when Alessandro and Willow came to 358 00:17:48,510 --> 00:17:50,610 our apartment. Remember when they came? They know 359 00:17:50,610 --> 00:17:52,950 Adam Curry: this? I know when a yes. But I'm not gonna remember 360 00:17:52,950 --> 00:17:55,890 anything specifically. Alessandro 361 00:17:55,890 --> 00:17:58,620 Tina Curry: walked in and he went to kiss me twice. I ended 362 00:17:58,620 --> 00:17:59,100 up kissing him. 363 00:18:01,050 --> 00:18:03,750 Adam Curry: That's right. If you don't know that's very code, by 364 00:18:03,750 --> 00:18:07,230 the way. Oh, oops. Yeah, no, that that's very typical. 365 00:18:07,230 --> 00:18:10,590 Because it'd be one, two, sometimes three. But 366 00:18:10,590 --> 00:18:12,180 Tina Curry: how do you know? How do you know if it's two or 367 00:18:12,180 --> 00:18:16,140 three? How do you know? How do you follow somebody's lead? You? 368 00:18:16,230 --> 00:18:18,900 Adam Curry: It's like dancing. Exactly. We said follow 369 00:18:18,900 --> 00:18:21,480 someone's lead. Are you going to kiss me? kissing them on the 370 00:18:21,480 --> 00:18:23,970 lip? Hello, big boy, you're going to kiss me twice or 371 00:18:23,970 --> 00:18:28,470 thrice? I think is two is more more normal now. But three used 372 00:18:28,470 --> 00:18:31,860 to be the thing and and men would do it when they saw each 373 00:18:31,860 --> 00:18:34,980 other. It's just that's European. You know, there was no 374 00:18:34,980 --> 00:18:39,360 weird scruples about as you know, as it was. I'm sure it 375 00:18:39,360 --> 00:18:43,590 stems from old times, very much like cheers and glasses, which 376 00:18:43,590 --> 00:18:46,290 is, you know, that actually stems from the days of the 377 00:18:46,290 --> 00:18:50,550 nights, I think. And if you were it could have been a rival or if 378 00:18:50,550 --> 00:18:53,700 you were making an agreement or you know, you were drinking over 379 00:18:53,700 --> 00:18:56,550 it, and then you'd pour in each other's glass so that if anyone 380 00:18:56,550 --> 00:18:59,730 was poisoned, you'd both be poison. Oh, I'm sure dates back 381 00:18:59,730 --> 00:19:01,740 to something like that. But that's just European 382 00:19:01,770 --> 00:19:04,950 Tina Curry: and I remember when I first met you, you kiss me 383 00:19:05,040 --> 00:19:09,240 like you would kiss me on the cheek. Like yeah, 384 00:19:09,270 --> 00:19:11,430 Adam Curry: right. Which would you probably thought was weird 385 00:19:11,430 --> 00:19:12,420 and forward? Yeah. 386 00:19:12,450 --> 00:19:16,260 Tina Curry: Well, no, I knew you were like, European. Favorite 387 00:19:16,260 --> 00:19:17,190 European. 388 00:19:20,130 --> 00:19:21,570 Adam Curry: I've never been so salty. 389 00:19:23,700 --> 00:19:26,670 Tina Curry: Just like Elisa's today can add them adopt me and 390 00:19:26,670 --> 00:19:31,050 I can go into country. He's American. 391 00:19:31,770 --> 00:19:33,750 Adam Curry: Not quite how it works at least gonna try 392 00:19:34,380 --> 00:19:36,540 Tina Curry: and your dad would probably not like that. 393 00:19:38,280 --> 00:19:39,780 Adam Curry: No, no, 394 00:19:39,780 --> 00:19:41,730 Tina Curry: but you're Americans. So but I guess you 395 00:19:41,730 --> 00:19:43,050 just picked up the European and 396 00:19:43,050 --> 00:19:45,150 Adam Curry: moved there when I was seven. It was very normal. 397 00:19:45,180 --> 00:19:45,780 But you moved 398 00:19:45,780 --> 00:19:50,760 Tina Curry: out when you were 2324 Go away. Yeah, but they 399 00:19:50,880 --> 00:19:51,360 fake 400 00:19:51,360 --> 00:19:55,140 Adam Curry: and I will say that I find many women in America. If 401 00:19:55,140 --> 00:19:59,160 I because I still kind of, you know, like hi and I want to hug 402 00:19:59,160 --> 00:20:02,700 them and not all Women like that know, though there'll be kind 403 00:20:02,700 --> 00:20:03,030 of, 404 00:20:03,780 --> 00:20:05,340 Tina Curry: oh, there's several people that don't. 405 00:20:06,480 --> 00:20:07,560 Adam Curry: Shoulder Yeah. 406 00:20:08,760 --> 00:20:10,620 Tina Curry: You smell. That's 407 00:20:10,620 --> 00:20:12,600 Adam Curry: not why but I understand. I mean, you know, 408 00:20:12,630 --> 00:20:16,350 but it does take some getting used to for a European man like 409 00:20:16,350 --> 00:20:17,070 myself, so 410 00:20:17,070 --> 00:20:18,900 Tina Curry: please, come on. Thank you. 411 00:20:21,390 --> 00:20:24,330 Adam Curry: Okay, fake Chicago and I know where you're from 412 00:20:24,330 --> 00:20:28,890 Gary. I lived in Chicago. I lived in Europe. I grew up 413 00:20:28,890 --> 00:20:31,290 there. You didn't grow up and you didn't grow up in Chicago? 414 00:20:31,320 --> 00:20:33,030 Tina Curry: I sure did. No, 415 00:20:33,030 --> 00:20:36,210 Adam Curry: you did not. I was born in East Chicago. Yeah. 416 00:20:36,270 --> 00:20:40,320 Known as Northwestern Illinois. Indiana. Oops, almost got it, 417 00:20:40,320 --> 00:20:40,530 right. 418 00:20:42,900 --> 00:20:46,350 Tina Curry: Anyway, so yeah, so Sunday. I 419 00:20:46,350 --> 00:20:48,150 Adam Curry: think we should reinstate it again. I think it's 420 00:20:48,150 --> 00:20:51,180 good. I think people should hug and touch cheek. 421 00:20:52,290 --> 00:20:54,630 Tina Curry: Judging is good. We don't need to touch when 422 00:20:54,630 --> 00:20:56,730 Adam Curry: you hug someone don't you? Don't your cheeks 423 00:20:56,730 --> 00:20:58,050 brush against each other and I 424 00:20:58,050 --> 00:20:59,910 Tina Curry: don't pay attention to by the way, 425 00:21:00,060 --> 00:21:02,970 Adam Curry: what you're supposed to do. Official hugging 426 00:21:02,970 --> 00:21:06,330 protocol, you're supposed to hug with the left side. So your 427 00:21:06,330 --> 00:21:09,930 hearts are opposite each. Oh, I don't do that personally, or 428 00:21:09,930 --> 00:21:13,440 that's what most people I think that's what the Europeans do. It 429 00:21:13,440 --> 00:21:17,190 should be left. So heart to heart. Okay. Just so you know. 430 00:21:17,220 --> 00:21:17,580 Okay. 431 00:21:17,610 --> 00:21:18,540 Tina Curry: Do we hug like that? 432 00:21:20,160 --> 00:21:24,060 Adam Curry: No, I know we hug straight straight straight on. 433 00:21:24,150 --> 00:21:24,510 Oh 434 00:21:30,540 --> 00:21:33,180 and this concludes your masterclass on 435 00:21:33,180 --> 00:21:36,630 Tina Curry: hugging. Yes. No, I just I just remember that like 436 00:21:36,630 --> 00:21:40,800 when when Brandi hugged me, and then I got hugged by Karen and 437 00:21:40,800 --> 00:21:44,430 David. And I was like, I love hugs like that. I do. I 438 00:21:44,430 --> 00:21:45,300 appreciate that. I 439 00:21:45,300 --> 00:21:47,820 Adam Curry: hug pastor Jimmy like that. Yeah, yeah. Come 440 00:21:47,820 --> 00:21:49,680 here, man. Yeah, no, no, 441 00:21:49,710 --> 00:21:52,590 Tina Curry: that's, that's really special. Um, but yes. So 442 00:21:52,590 --> 00:21:58,020 church was his message on Sunday was really was really great. 443 00:21:58,020 --> 00:22:03,150 Because he was basically saying, how do we how do we finish a run 444 00:22:03,150 --> 00:22:05,910 through the 23? Run through the tape? Yeah, run through the 445 00:22:05,910 --> 00:22:10,830 tape. And finish strong. Yeah. Don't look in the rearview 446 00:22:10,830 --> 00:22:14,970 mirror. Look in the windshield. Look forward. And it's so easy 447 00:22:14,970 --> 00:22:16,350 to look back. You know, 448 00:22:16,590 --> 00:22:19,980 Adam Curry: to go I know anyone who looks to the past to like, 449 00:22:19,980 --> 00:22:20,580 do that thing. 450 00:22:20,610 --> 00:22:23,640 Tina Curry: You know what, though? I have changed my thing. 451 00:22:23,670 --> 00:22:27,690 I I think about positive memories. Like I think about 452 00:22:27,960 --> 00:22:31,170 getting married. I know meeting you. Okay, that's true. You 453 00:22:31,170 --> 00:22:34,020 know, sitting out on your balcony in the penitentiary. 454 00:22:34,050 --> 00:22:36,510 Adam Curry: You also like flip through photos. Often you just 455 00:22:36,510 --> 00:22:40,500 go back and look at? Yeah, I do. So why don't you print them out 456 00:22:40,500 --> 00:22:43,200 and put them in a big book? I have an idea. Oh, let's get her 457 00:22:43,200 --> 00:22:43,500 wedding. 458 00:22:45,630 --> 00:22:47,910 Tina Curry: I ordered it six weeks ago. Where is it? 459 00:22:49,410 --> 00:22:50,460 Unknown: Did you call about that? 460 00:22:50,550 --> 00:22:53,910 Tina Curry: I texted my sister. And like, where is it? tow? 461 00:22:53,910 --> 00:22:54,240 Tammy? 462 00:22:54,240 --> 00:22:55,590 Unknown: Tammy word, a word? 463 00:22:55,890 --> 00:22:57,780 Tina Curry: I haven't gotten an email yet when it's going to be 464 00:22:57,780 --> 00:23:00,630 shoved in my column does it say? Anyway? 465 00:23:00,660 --> 00:23:03,540 Adam Curry: All good things take a little extra time. Yes, yes. 466 00:23:03,570 --> 00:23:09,870 Tina Curry: So um I have my notes here, where pastor Jimmy, 467 00:23:09,870 --> 00:23:13,740 he said make heat. So his sermon was a make a conscious decision 468 00:23:13,740 --> 00:23:21,600 to thrive. And he gave examples of how we're going to thrive. 469 00:23:22,470 --> 00:23:24,930 And that God, you know, and I think about that, and how God 470 00:23:24,930 --> 00:23:28,920 has opened so many doors for us and, you know, stop living by 471 00:23:28,920 --> 00:23:31,980 looking in the rearview mirror. And that was so evident on the 472 00:23:31,980 --> 00:23:36,660 last show with Elon and see David and you not not taking any 473 00:23:36,660 --> 00:23:42,750 offenses. And, you know, when I think about my word joy, like 474 00:23:42,750 --> 00:23:46,110 how am I and I think about it every day, how am I applying 475 00:23:46,110 --> 00:23:50,580 that to my life? Some hours are more difficult than others, you 476 00:23:50,580 --> 00:23:55,290 know, but I have to be I have to be centered at and keep focused 477 00:23:55,290 --> 00:23:57,450 on it. And there are going to be days where I'm not going to feel 478 00:23:57,450 --> 00:24:01,830 joyful, but I need to keep going back to it and keep looking 479 00:24:01,830 --> 00:24:07,740 forward. Yes, and your word, encouraged encouraged, 480 00:24:07,770 --> 00:24:10,950 encouraged that maybe you might have to change it though. Well, 481 00:24:10,950 --> 00:24:13,020 Adam Curry: only because pastor Jimmy called me out in the 482 00:24:13,020 --> 00:24:15,900 services like, Adam, your word is encouraged brother, you're 483 00:24:15,900 --> 00:24:17,880 already there. You already doing that. You need a new word for 484 00:24:17,880 --> 00:24:21,420 2020 form like gold said, you need a new word. Yes. You need a 485 00:24:21,420 --> 00:24:27,450 new word like, but but I like this word. Past the past. Jimmy, 486 00:24:27,450 --> 00:24:32,580 can I can I please keep my word? encouraged. I love it. Because I 487 00:24:32,580 --> 00:24:35,760 get to encourage so many people. I know you have the same. Yeah. 488 00:24:35,760 --> 00:24:42,120 So many people email me, email us, but email me. And I mean, I 489 00:24:42,120 --> 00:24:45,810 feel so humbled because people are hearing that people hear the 490 00:24:45,810 --> 00:24:48,930 difference in me Oh, for over the past year, for sure. And I 491 00:24:48,930 --> 00:24:51,420 think that they're like, Hey, how can I get me some of that? 492 00:24:51,510 --> 00:24:55,860 Yeah. And so I'm happy to encourage them. I really am. And 493 00:24:55,860 --> 00:24:57,900 I've gotten really good at forgiving people on social 494 00:24:57,900 --> 00:25:00,270 media. Like I forgive you for saying You 495 00:25:00,270 --> 00:25:03,930 Tina Curry: don't get riled up by that. Really? Um, no, 496 00:25:03,990 --> 00:25:05,850 Adam Curry: I don't. For a second I might, but then I'm 497 00:25:05,850 --> 00:25:07,020 like, No, you address 498 00:25:07,020 --> 00:25:09,540 Tina Curry: it and then you just cannot forgive this person. You 499 00:25:09,540 --> 00:25:13,860 let it go. No. And I think that, you know, the word joy, the Holy 500 00:25:13,860 --> 00:25:17,640 Spirit just keeps bringing that up. And so that's, I have to be 501 00:25:17,640 --> 00:25:20,280 joyful looking forward. And so I'm just going to try and find 502 00:25:20,280 --> 00:25:23,100 the joy in everything. You know, not sleeping at night. 503 00:25:23,250 --> 00:25:25,590 Adam Curry: joyful. It's joyful. Think about it. You woke up You 504 00:25:25,590 --> 00:25:29,940 were still alive. Joy. Yeah. It's 430 But I'm, I'm happy I'm 505 00:25:29,940 --> 00:25:31,920 here. But joy joy 506 00:25:35,370 --> 00:25:36,750 Tina Curry: I didn't get so I am. It's 507 00:25:36,750 --> 00:25:38,100 Adam Curry: been it's been getting a little 508 00:25:38,100 --> 00:25:40,350 Tina Curry: better. Yes, it's getting a little bit better. 509 00:25:40,350 --> 00:25:44,880 Yes. So this morning, I was just I I listened to this one 510 00:25:44,880 --> 00:25:47,670 particular person that I liked very much and she was saying how 511 00:25:50,160 --> 00:25:55,200 daylight before blue light. So she's saying is get out and get 512 00:25:55,200 --> 00:25:58,290 the sun in your eyes before you turn on your computer. So that 513 00:25:58,530 --> 00:26:01,830 so now I finished the Bible where your phone? Oh, yes. Oh, 514 00:26:01,860 --> 00:26:04,950 yes. Or my phone. The only thing I look at from my phone is the 515 00:26:04,950 --> 00:26:07,830 time you finish the whole Bible. Matthew question. 516 00:26:07,830 --> 00:26:09,630 Adam Curry: Yes. Would you recommend this book? Yes. 517 00:26:10,470 --> 00:26:17,490 Absolutely. I'm so amazed. I mean, I started with Genesis. I 518 00:26:17,490 --> 00:26:21,120 like Yeah. January for it was Danforth. Yeah. It's like, I'm 519 00:26:21,120 --> 00:26:25,230 just gonna start the beginning. Yeah. And, of course, I've read 520 00:26:25,260 --> 00:26:27,600 all kinds of Genesis. I never really read it all the way 521 00:26:27,600 --> 00:26:31,440 through. It's like, Whoa, there's a lot going on here. 522 00:26:31,440 --> 00:26:34,470 There's a lot of stuff I hadn't really hadn't really sunk in. 523 00:26:35,340 --> 00:26:38,250 Tina Curry: Oh, yeah. It's so much. And that's what the 524 00:26:38,250 --> 00:26:43,980 interesting thing about reading the New Testament is all the 525 00:26:43,980 --> 00:26:46,950 references back to the Old Testament back Old Testament. 526 00:26:47,010 --> 00:26:51,240 And also yes, it's like in Hebrews lot of references to the 527 00:26:51,240 --> 00:26:54,420 Old Testament. And you know, Mike from Mercy Me, we follow 528 00:26:54,420 --> 00:26:56,220 each other on Instagram, because you know, we're friends. 529 00:26:57,450 --> 00:26:59,760 Adam Curry: Yeah. Ask him, ask him if he'll have his band or 530 00:26:59,760 --> 00:27:04,410 play my city when I'm mayor. Okay. Ask your friend, his phone 531 00:27:04,410 --> 00:27:06,270 number. I know, but he's your friend. I 532 00:27:06,270 --> 00:27:08,970 Tina Curry: just heard that he started the Bible again. I think 533 00:27:08,970 --> 00:27:09,660 for the sixth 534 00:27:09,690 --> 00:27:10,890 Adam Curry: year. Yeah, he does 535 00:27:11,550 --> 00:27:15,720 Tina Curry: it every year. And I'm sure you can get more and 536 00:27:15,720 --> 00:27:18,090 more out of it. I'll have to I'll have to admit, though, 537 00:27:18,090 --> 00:27:23,910 Revelation. Oh, my gosh, the first six chapters, I could get 538 00:27:23,910 --> 00:27:28,350 through six, maybe first eight. After that. My head was fit. It 539 00:27:28,350 --> 00:27:28,680 was kind 540 00:27:28,680 --> 00:27:31,050 Adam Curry: of fun because pastor Jimmy and Damon had came 541 00:27:31,050 --> 00:27:35,400 over New Year's Day for dinner. And, and he came in and I'm like 542 00:27:35,400 --> 00:27:38,820 doing the beef outside on the grill. I said, Hey, hope you 543 00:27:38,820 --> 00:27:43,230 don't mind. But we have a couple Bible questions for you. You had 544 00:27:43,290 --> 00:27:46,200 an I was outside. I know. You're gonna ask him. What did you ask 545 00:27:46,200 --> 00:27:46,950 him specific? 546 00:27:46,980 --> 00:27:49,170 Tina Curry: I just I just I didn't really ask him any 547 00:27:49,170 --> 00:27:51,840 questions. I said, it was really tough for me to get through it. 548 00:27:52,020 --> 00:27:55,830 And he said, Just remember, it's you have to? Yeah. And he said, 549 00:27:55,830 --> 00:27:59,910 You need to look at it through a certain lens. And then I forget 550 00:27:59,910 --> 00:28:04,710 what his exact words were helpful. I will have to go back 551 00:28:04,710 --> 00:28:08,970 and tackle it again. It was it was very different than the 552 00:28:08,970 --> 00:28:14,160 Bible. I mean, then. Anything else that I read? Yeah. Very 553 00:28:14,160 --> 00:28:18,120 different. It is a lot of imagery. So I'd rather just 554 00:28:18,120 --> 00:28:19,140 watch a movie. Well, 555 00:28:19,140 --> 00:28:21,570 Adam Curry: he also said, it's all you need to see it all is 556 00:28:21,570 --> 00:28:23,910 good. And actually, I think he might have said the word joyful 557 00:28:23,910 --> 00:28:28,230 or something. And then my question, I said, No, I've been 558 00:28:28,230 --> 00:28:33,060 reading Genesis. Yes. When people stopped living to be 559 00:28:33,060 --> 00:28:37,440 eight or 900 years old, said the I heard without even skipping a 560 00:28:37,440 --> 00:28:39,960 beat, he says, I think it's when they introduce grains into the 561 00:28:39,960 --> 00:28:40,410 diet, 562 00:28:41,130 --> 00:28:41,550 Tina Curry: grains. 563 00:28:44,010 --> 00:28:47,010 Adam Curry: I don't like people live to be eight 900 years old. 564 00:28:47,550 --> 00:28:51,030 When did that end? Is there a spices cut a little less 565 00:28:51,030 --> 00:28:53,610 throughout throughout the book? And yeah, that seems like 120 566 00:28:53,610 --> 00:28:58,680 seems to be still achievable age. Yeah. Right. Although, man, 567 00:28:59,100 --> 00:29:01,170 Tina Curry: I want to think about what I look like then. Oh, 568 00:29:01,170 --> 00:29:04,320 gosh, you'd probably be about five feet tall. You'd be hunched 569 00:29:04,320 --> 00:29:06,570 over. You'd be you'd be folded over. 570 00:29:06,600 --> 00:29:07,830 Adam Curry: Let me kiss you on the cheek. 571 00:29:09,930 --> 00:29:12,570 Tina Curry: And I'll be like four feet tall. Yeah, we'll be 572 00:29:12,570 --> 00:29:18,180 like strung it up through. Anyway, um, yes. So yeah, so I 573 00:29:18,180 --> 00:29:22,710 finished the Bible. And so what I've done is I do my Thursday 574 00:29:22,710 --> 00:29:27,390 Bible study, and we're reading a particular scripture in 575 00:29:27,390 --> 00:29:32,880 Ephesians. Um, but I started a seven day devotional called seen 576 00:29:32,910 --> 00:29:38,100 chosen sentence from Christine Caine. So you chosen sent and he 577 00:29:38,100 --> 00:29:42,420 sent ya CNT. And so it's basically discovering how Jesus 578 00:29:42,420 --> 00:29:46,710 sees us even when others don't. She says, this is her quote, 579 00:29:46,710 --> 00:29:50,490 God, God wants to wants us to look and see He wants us to see 580 00:29:50,490 --> 00:29:53,280 other people through his perspectives, especially when it 581 00:29:53,280 --> 00:29:56,760 comes to seeing people who cross our paths every day. And this 582 00:29:56,760 --> 00:29:59,400 goes back to my god shot a couple of weeks ago. Remember 583 00:29:59,400 --> 00:30:02,700 how I said You know, watching the person in Nordstrom or the 584 00:30:02,730 --> 00:30:07,410 people walking in front of me. Yeah, yeah. So it's just a seven 585 00:30:07,410 --> 00:30:10,650 day devotional. So because I'm so used to being in the word 586 00:30:10,650 --> 00:30:13,590 every day I feel lost not reading. 587 00:30:13,650 --> 00:30:15,270 Adam Curry: I mean, I was reading the other day you came 588 00:30:15,270 --> 00:30:19,050 in. Are you still? Oh, your life was newer in it? Yeah, that was 589 00:30:19,050 --> 00:30:22,110 Genesis. Although now I've started over the Psalms. Oh, 590 00:30:22,110 --> 00:30:24,720 yeah, I finished Genesis. And I'm like, I want to read all the 591 00:30:24,720 --> 00:30:27,210 Psalms front to back because I like David, I love he didn't 592 00:30:27,210 --> 00:30:30,540 write all of them. No, King David. David's very, very 593 00:30:30,540 --> 00:30:33,000 interesting. Yeah. I mean, there's a lot of stuff in there 594 00:30:33,000 --> 00:30:37,680 that pertains to, actually, to social media. Yeah, you know, to 595 00:30:37,680 --> 00:30:40,380 the world that we live in right today. And I was talking to 596 00:30:40,380 --> 00:30:42,930 pastor Jimmy today on the phone. And he says, you know, 597 00:30:43,470 --> 00:30:47,040 everything goes in cycles. So is just as relevant today as it was 598 00:30:47,040 --> 00:30:52,200 1000s of years ago. Human nature is still exactly the same. Yeah, 599 00:30:52,260 --> 00:30:58,440 we've learned nothing. What? We've learned nothing, but going 600 00:30:58,440 --> 00:30:58,800 back. 601 00:30:59,610 --> 00:31:01,830 Tina Curry: That was Sunday church and then got we had a 602 00:31:01,830 --> 00:31:05,790 David and Andreea over New Year's Eve. Just for some 603 00:31:05,820 --> 00:31:09,180 appetizers. They brought Lobster. Lobster tails. 604 00:31:09,210 --> 00:31:11,460 Adam Curry: Here's the international arms dealer. Oh, 605 00:31:11,460 --> 00:31:11,820 yes. 606 00:31:11,820 --> 00:31:15,060 Tina Curry: Yes. Yes. To they showed me he showed me some of 607 00:31:15,060 --> 00:31:20,430 his arms. He was a salad is playing but yeah, we had a 608 00:31:20,430 --> 00:31:21,930 really nice time. We went through three bottles of 609 00:31:21,930 --> 00:31:25,770 champagne. Whoa, yeah. But you know the thing you can only get 610 00:31:25,770 --> 00:31:26,340 like four 611 00:31:26,340 --> 00:31:30,000 Adam Curry: full glass. Yeah. The thing about David is he is 612 00:31:30,000 --> 00:31:36,600 so into wine. And he he may i because he always sends me a 613 00:31:36,600 --> 00:31:39,960 report. You may he sent me a report which I think I should 614 00:31:39,960 --> 00:31:44,370 share because this is the kind of guy he is he's so into, into 615 00:31:44,370 --> 00:31:47,340 the wine, which is why I don't mind sharing that with him. And 616 00:31:47,340 --> 00:31:54,450 he says here's her prospect for a thank you and Tina so very 617 00:31:54,450 --> 00:31:57,630 much for an absolutely awesome New Year's Eve. We enjoyed the 618 00:31:57,990 --> 00:32:03,750 widow Clicquot. Rosae Oh, memory. So because Veuve 619 00:32:03,750 --> 00:32:09,420 Clicquot is the widow Clicquot? Oh, the Blanc de Blanc, which 620 00:32:09,420 --> 00:32:14,910 were the 60s, baked cheese, other cheeses and the sharp 621 00:32:14,910 --> 00:32:18,480 coterie most importantly, you cook the butter delivery system 622 00:32:18,480 --> 00:32:21,060 perfectly. This was the lobster tail. 623 00:32:21,120 --> 00:32:24,150 Tina Curry: I didn't I just heated it up in the microwave. 624 00:32:24,180 --> 00:32:26,280 Andreea made it? No, 625 00:32:26,550 --> 00:32:29,070 Adam Curry: I put it in the oven. what He taught. Oh, I see. 626 00:32:29,550 --> 00:32:32,040 What were you doing? You didn't do anything with a lobster tail. 627 00:32:32,040 --> 00:32:34,200 Remember how I slaved over 628 00:32:34,200 --> 00:32:37,920 Tina Curry: the heating of it just by butter delivery system. 629 00:32:37,920 --> 00:32:38,100 That's 630 00:32:38,100 --> 00:32:40,140 Adam Curry: the lobster tail. He said he called that the butter. 631 00:32:40,140 --> 00:32:42,870 It's basically a butter delivery system because it was the butter 632 00:32:42,870 --> 00:32:44,640 that really made it and that's that's 633 00:32:44,640 --> 00:32:47,580 Tina Curry: what Andreea did. Oh yeah. Trees and amazing, 634 00:32:47,640 --> 00:32:53,040 amazing. And when I tell her she's like, leveled up, I'm 635 00:32:53,040 --> 00:32:56,400 like, love. She's like, Coco Vaughn 636 00:32:56,400 --> 00:33:00,900 Adam Curry: or I basically burn meat. That's my specialty fire 637 00:33:00,930 --> 00:33:03,840 meeting fire. That's like, leaving some beef. I can do 638 00:33:03,840 --> 00:33:04,050 that. 639 00:33:04,230 --> 00:33:07,740 Tina Curry: I bring lobster tails and like. So that was 640 00:33:07,740 --> 00:33:09,510 really nice. So we stayed on and 641 00:33:09,540 --> 00:33:13,590 Adam Curry: yeah, we kicked them out by 10. Right. Now we watched 642 00:33:13,590 --> 00:33:17,850 a New York. We love it. Yeah, yeah. And I've sat down just 643 00:33:17,850 --> 00:33:23,700 like it's the same format for 40 years, or 35 years is like the 644 00:33:23,700 --> 00:33:27,780 same thing. It's LL Cool. J is still performing today like he 645 00:33:27,780 --> 00:33:31,140 did 40 years ago. He's always he's always there. It's Dick 646 00:33:31,170 --> 00:33:34,260 Clark's New Year's Rockin Eve even though he's been dead for 647 00:33:34,260 --> 00:33:37,800 15 years and Ryan Seacrest hosts that produces it. And it's 648 00:33:37,800 --> 00:33:41,340 always a party in LA, which was taped four weeks ago, or maybe 649 00:33:41,370 --> 00:33:43,890 two months ago in the summer like yay, Happy New Year. 650 00:33:43,890 --> 00:33:48,270 Everyone's like, not really that happy. And you guys see. That's 651 00:33:48,270 --> 00:33:53,400 a fake party. All the LA stuff is always pre taped, always 652 00:33:53,400 --> 00:33:56,760 done. weeks, if not months in advance for every single New 653 00:33:56,760 --> 00:34:02,010 Year's. Oh, I switch over to the secrets. Switch over to CNN. 654 00:34:02,010 --> 00:34:06,540 There's Anderson Cooper and Andy Cole and Andy Cohen getting 655 00:34:06,540 --> 00:34:11,340 drunk. It's like, like they're never going to fix it. They 656 00:34:11,340 --> 00:34:14,610 can't come up with an there's not a single new idea in 657 00:34:14,610 --> 00:34:19,050 mainstream. I mean, unlike this rockin podcast, yes, this is 658 00:34:19,050 --> 00:34:20,190 novel this was to 659 00:34:20,190 --> 00:34:23,190 Tina Curry: grandpa. Thank you. Yeah, yeah, that was a prompt to 660 00:34:23,190 --> 00:34:23,910 me. I got that. 661 00:34:23,909 --> 00:34:26,789 Adam Curry: Really. Thanks for mentioning it. I got it. I 662 00:34:26,789 --> 00:34:27,389 should do another 663 00:34:27,389 --> 00:34:31,019 Tina Curry: but we had we had a little trauma on New Year's Eve. 664 00:34:31,170 --> 00:34:36,960 Adam Curry: Oh poor fi Barella for bubble blue. Bubble is 665 00:34:36,960 --> 00:34:39,930 Tina Curry: now what you call it no Bible. Now she's 666 00:34:41,010 --> 00:34:43,980 Adam Curry: Baba Baba, baba Phebe sir Phoebe, Phoebe Rima 667 00:34:44,130 --> 00:34:48,180 FIBA Reba. Ding dong, mushy, mushy. How many nicknames do you 668 00:34:48,180 --> 00:34:51,660 have for your dog? I'm sure everyone has the and the dog 669 00:34:51,660 --> 00:34:52,320 probably is like. 670 00:34:55,440 --> 00:34:58,140 Tina Curry: Does like does it involve food because I'm hungry 671 00:34:58,140 --> 00:34:58,290 all 672 00:34:58,290 --> 00:35:01,470 Adam Curry: the time. The day before. Really, fireworks went 673 00:35:01,470 --> 00:35:04,500 off outside. She's like, Oh, she does not like gunfire. She 674 00:35:04,500 --> 00:35:04,770 needed 675 00:35:04,770 --> 00:35:07,440 Tina Curry: to literally push her out the door. She would not 676 00:35:07,440 --> 00:35:08,280 go to 677 00:35:08,280 --> 00:35:10,110 Adam Curry: pee and I couldn't even get her to pee, but then 678 00:35:10,740 --> 00:35:17,280 New Year's Eve, so I got her out to at least pee in in the front 679 00:35:17,280 --> 00:35:20,130 yard. I mean, I dragged her out and said, I'm not going back 680 00:35:20,130 --> 00:35:23,220 until you pee. And then she's like, okay, and then some 681 00:35:23,220 --> 00:35:28,680 firecrackers went off. She went. Afraid. Everything was good. We 682 00:35:28,680 --> 00:35:29,340 went to bed 683 00:35:29,370 --> 00:35:31,950 Tina Curry: and then put her in the studio, close the doors 684 00:35:31,950 --> 00:35:33,210 where she always, always 685 00:35:33,210 --> 00:35:35,250 Adam Curry: sleeps. And then midnight, actually, our 686 00:35:35,250 --> 00:35:38,100 neighbors next door they started the kids or I could hear the 687 00:35:38,100 --> 00:35:44,970 kids were happy. Yeah. And then Phoebe gave a little I came in, 688 00:35:45,300 --> 00:35:49,410 she was hyperventilating. And so I lay with her for like 35 689 00:35:49,410 --> 00:35:55,500 minutes I just laid with her and just pat her and said okay she 690 00:35:55,500 --> 00:35:55,860 burped. 691 00:35:57,030 --> 00:36:00,420 Tina Curry: Thanks for that. Commentary, poor, poor while 692 00:36:00,420 --> 00:36:03,510 you're doing that, I feel this fleet fell. So you are starting 693 00:36:03,510 --> 00:36:07,980 Adam Curry: to sawn lugs like Good night. And I was like, but 694 00:36:07,980 --> 00:36:12,000 I lay down with her here in her bed next to her I like cuddled 695 00:36:12,000 --> 00:36:15,510 her I put a heavy blanket are such a good dog dad but I mean 696 00:36:15,510 --> 00:36:19,200 she was really upset it really nothing you did was settled her 697 00:36:19,200 --> 00:36:23,820 down nothing for a moment and that you because, you know 698 00:36:23,820 --> 00:36:27,330 something would pop off again. So finally died down, died all 699 00:36:27,330 --> 00:36:31,470 the way down. And I left the door open and she was calm. I 700 00:36:31,470 --> 00:36:39,330 said okay, if you need anything, call me. Text me. And she was 701 00:36:39,330 --> 00:36:41,220 fine. And then the next morning, but she's still 702 00:36:41,250 --> 00:36:43,890 Tina Curry: but she got an ironclad bladder. We figured 703 00:36:43,890 --> 00:36:45,330 that out. We wasn't 14 704 00:36:45,330 --> 00:36:47,700 Adam Curry: now. Because I'm like Friday night. He's in the 705 00:36:47,700 --> 00:36:48,660 house. She pees in the house. 706 00:36:48,780 --> 00:36:51,300 Tina Curry: It was Saturday night. Yeah, yeah. The ninth 707 00:36:51,300 --> 00:36:53,250 hour. No, she Yeah. And she 708 00:36:53,250 --> 00:36:57,720 Adam Curry: never never never had no never ever. So anyway, 709 00:36:57,720 --> 00:37:01,260 she's good now. Now she's like, you know, out there. Talking 710 00:37:01,260 --> 00:37:06,720 Smack as usual. By right as she walks out the door. I'm just so 711 00:37:06,720 --> 00:37:07,080 you know, I'm 712 00:37:07,080 --> 00:37:09,210 Tina Curry: here. Till I gets mad. 713 00:37:10,620 --> 00:37:12,000 Unknown: Dogs back dogs back. 714 00:37:12,090 --> 00:37:16,920 Tina Curry: Good dogs. But she's, you know, she's looking a 715 00:37:16,920 --> 00:37:17,970 little smelt. 716 00:37:18,210 --> 00:37:20,460 Adam Curry: Man. I can't wait. I can't wait to take it to the 717 00:37:20,460 --> 00:37:22,830 waiting station. I think she's probably about 100 pounds. 718 00:37:22,860 --> 00:37:25,020 Tina Curry: You think she's she's lost another seven pounds? 719 00:37:25,020 --> 00:37:27,690 I think so. She's looking good. She's 720 00:37:27,690 --> 00:37:29,850 Adam Curry: looking good. And she? You saw when she goes 721 00:37:29,850 --> 00:37:32,670 outside? She like she's prancing. Yeah, I think it was 722 00:37:32,670 --> 00:37:34,590 really slowing her down the weight. Well, 723 00:37:34,590 --> 00:37:37,830 Tina Curry: yeah, I mean, if she's, she's lost. If she's 724 00:37:37,830 --> 00:37:43,020 down. 200 pounds. She's lost. 22 per weight. 19. Almost 20% net. 725 00:37:43,020 --> 00:37:49,740 Well, that would be 20 pounds. Up if she was 120 24 pounds. 726 00:37:49,770 --> 00:37:55,530 Well 15% Whatever. 7%. Yeah, no, she's She looks pretty good. 727 00:37:56,790 --> 00:37:58,740 Adam Curry: I can't wait. I can't wait to show her off. 728 00:37:58,830 --> 00:38:02,460 Tina Curry: I know. I gotta get it down to 90. How 729 00:38:02,460 --> 00:38:03,870 Adam Curry: should Well, I mean? 730 00:38:03,900 --> 00:38:05,130 Tina Curry: Yes, yes. 731 00:38:05,160 --> 00:38:07,680 Adam Curry: I'll have the doctor look at her and say is this 732 00:38:07,680 --> 00:38:08,610 okay? Because she 733 00:38:08,610 --> 00:38:11,130 Tina Curry: says she was at when we got her. We fattened her up. 734 00:38:11,130 --> 00:38:12,030 40 pound. What 735 00:38:12,030 --> 00:38:14,910 Adam Curry: did we know? I know. We really didn't know. We know. 736 00:38:14,940 --> 00:38:15,330 We're like, 737 00:38:15,930 --> 00:38:19,110 Tina Curry: excuse me your business deal. You know, down. 738 00:38:19,830 --> 00:38:28,050 Yeah, you. You. I know. I know. You did it too. Not quite as 739 00:38:28,050 --> 00:38:30,780 much as you really? Yeah. It was me who 740 00:38:30,810 --> 00:38:32,640 Adam Curry: made up the whole business deal thing. I never 741 00:38:32,640 --> 00:38:34,860 came up with that. Yeah, 742 00:38:34,890 --> 00:38:37,860 Tina Curry: yeah. All right. You take good care of her. She loves 743 00:38:37,860 --> 00:38:38,730 you very much. 744 00:38:38,850 --> 00:38:40,860 Adam Curry: Like she doesn't have you. Yes. She loves me 745 00:38:40,860 --> 00:38:44,100 comes over to you and her head goes sideways and she bonk and 746 00:38:44,100 --> 00:38:44,700 just laser 747 00:38:44,700 --> 00:38:46,170 Tina Curry: knows how to play it up. 748 00:38:47,580 --> 00:38:50,730 Adam Curry: Okay, mom will pet me into 749 00:38:50,730 --> 00:38:53,160 Tina Curry: think this dog probably lived outside most of 750 00:38:53,160 --> 00:38:54,390 her likely No. 751 00:38:54,390 --> 00:38:56,730 Adam Curry: Definitely lived outside. She was a ranch dog. 752 00:38:56,730 --> 00:39:01,710 She had no idea. Yeah, she's good. Thank you, God. I really 753 00:39:01,710 --> 00:39:04,500 appreciate that. She was a gift. Gift. 754 00:39:04,530 --> 00:39:08,490 Tina Curry: That was definitely a prayer. And so then yes. So 755 00:39:08,490 --> 00:39:12,090 then going to New Year's Day we had pastor Jimmy and Annette 756 00:39:12,090 --> 00:39:15,270 over for dinner and we had an array of beef. We had choices 757 00:39:15,270 --> 00:39:18,960 did of course Jimmy pastor Jimmy goes for the ribeye. So we got a 758 00:39:18,960 --> 00:39:23,220 nice, I think it was almost a pound and a half of ribeye, but 759 00:39:23,220 --> 00:39:27,600 that's all he eats. He eats 14 ounces now more pound and a 760 00:39:27,600 --> 00:39:28,320 half. It's like, 761 00:39:28,860 --> 00:39:31,080 Adam Curry: oh no, no, it's 20 ounces. Yeah, 20 Alice's. 762 00:39:31,320 --> 00:39:33,630 Tina Curry: He just eats beef and butter. 763 00:39:33,840 --> 00:39:36,690 Adam Curry: So Kerrygold butter. No, we had the Amish add the 764 00:39:36,690 --> 00:39:37,080 grass. 765 00:39:37,110 --> 00:39:38,940 Tina Curry: No, that was the grass fed butter that I bought. 766 00:39:39,390 --> 00:39:43,440 And then a net had a fillet champagne flay Where do you get 767 00:39:43,440 --> 00:39:47,430 that? Like I will always have a bottle of champagne. 768 00:39:48,030 --> 00:39:50,940 Adam Curry: I did and I said no, I do have this champagne shut 769 00:39:51,150 --> 00:39:53,460 post you're gonna open it I'll have some well of course that's 770 00:39:53,460 --> 00:39:55,920 I bought it for you. And the passenger was like oh have a 771 00:39:55,920 --> 00:40:00,780 glass Yeah. I'm glad Yeah, yeah. I when people over and I want to 772 00:40:00,780 --> 00:40:02,070 have what they what they want. I 773 00:40:02,070 --> 00:40:04,380 Tina Curry: know I didn't handle though because I was full BREAD 774 00:40:04,380 --> 00:40:07,710 CHEESE and champagne. Let me open and that's what will come 775 00:40:07,710 --> 00:40:08,160 out. I 776 00:40:08,160 --> 00:40:11,010 Adam Curry: was definitely a little fuzzy that I was a little 777 00:40:11,820 --> 00:40:12,240 bottles 778 00:40:12,240 --> 00:40:13,470 Tina Curry: of champagne. Yeah, 779 00:40:13,500 --> 00:40:15,210 Adam Curry: just slow like 780 00:40:15,210 --> 00:40:18,000 Tina Curry: that because I did partake and I have no regrets. 781 00:40:18,150 --> 00:40:22,500 My whole digestive system has changed completely with having 782 00:40:22,500 --> 00:40:24,390 grains and, and alcohol. 783 00:40:24,390 --> 00:40:27,360 Adam Curry: What happened to the Godiva chocolates? I eat them 784 00:40:27,360 --> 00:40:30,450 because what happened was like eight or 10 of them. No, there 785 00:40:30,450 --> 00:40:31,350 was no Godiva. 786 00:40:31,830 --> 00:40:33,840 Unknown: There was like say, 787 00:40:34,650 --> 00:40:39,660 Adam Curry: See sign? Yeah. Okay. I didn't even have one. 788 00:40:39,840 --> 00:40:42,210 And I went on New Year's Day like, oh, I can I could do a 789 00:40:42,210 --> 00:40:45,810 little chocolate right? It's a little. Hey, feels good to have 790 00:40:45,810 --> 00:40:50,850 a chocolate you go. Here's what He even put them on the sugary 791 00:40:50,850 --> 00:40:51,210 board. 792 00:40:51,240 --> 00:40:57,330 Tina Curry: I did. Here's my happen. Okay. happens. So we 793 00:40:57,330 --> 00:41:02,100 went to six twists, you know, and I had four glasses of 794 00:41:02,100 --> 00:41:07,230 tasting. So three ounces each. And I'm feeling no pain. And I 795 00:41:07,230 --> 00:41:09,930 just came home and I'm like, these chocolates are good and 796 00:41:09,930 --> 00:41:11,670 just kept popping in my mouth. And 797 00:41:11,670 --> 00:41:14,280 Adam Curry: that's when I'm supposed to warn you because 798 00:41:14,280 --> 00:41:18,060 when you have alcohol and sugar, that's when you get Bill Gates. 799 00:41:19,020 --> 00:41:26,520 So I started to rock back and forth. But you didn't luckily. 800 00:41:26,730 --> 00:41:30,660 Well, but you're a secret chocolate eater. Your secret 801 00:41:30,660 --> 00:41:34,650 sweet Yeah. Very very sneaky. Yeah, I 802 00:41:34,650 --> 00:41:37,050 Tina Curry: can't have it in that. There's some like a crack 803 00:41:37,050 --> 00:41:40,140 at it. I really can't like I can't have a bag of chocolate 804 00:41:40,140 --> 00:41:41,580 chips because then I just know 805 00:41:41,580 --> 00:41:44,790 Adam Curry: I learned that long ago. Yeah, I can't I don't break 806 00:41:44,820 --> 00:41:47,280 I'm not allowed to bring any anything cool into the house. 807 00:41:47,580 --> 00:41:50,610 And then the other day. I said I'm gonna go on and I'll get 808 00:41:50,610 --> 00:41:53,910 some stuff. I'll get bones for Phoebe. Oh get cookies for free 809 00:41:53,910 --> 00:41:56,760 because she gets one cookie now when she goes to bed like you 810 00:41:56,760 --> 00:42:00,600 know it's like a made of yogurt or something. Whatever. And then 811 00:42:00,600 --> 00:42:03,270 I come home and then you're accusing me of having you bought 812 00:42:03,270 --> 00:42:07,020 cookies. I said for the dog. No, you bought Milan. Oh cookie so 813 00:42:07,020 --> 00:42:10,320 you put the groceries away? Did you not notice that? There were 814 00:42:10,320 --> 00:42:13,980 no cookies? You had it in your mind that I had cookies because 815 00:42:13,980 --> 00:42:14,820 you probably wanted one. 816 00:42:14,850 --> 00:42:18,690 Tina Curry: I know I don't eat the mulatto cookie. Like you 817 00:42:18,690 --> 00:42:23,700 Adam Curry: eat trash. I don't I don't say that garbage. Sorry, 818 00:42:23,700 --> 00:42:27,930 you're right. The literal quote. Was you a garbage carnivora Yes, 819 00:42:27,930 --> 00:42:32,940 I am not a garbage war as a new one. I got a new one garbled for 820 00:42:35,490 --> 00:42:38,070 Tina Curry: you to like your snacks I go you are such an 821 00:42:38,070 --> 00:42:41,250 impulse buyer. Because all of a sudden you come home you're like 822 00:42:41,280 --> 00:42:45,600 I want I saw the cashews. I'm gonna buy the cashews. Cashews 823 00:42:45,600 --> 00:42:47,940 Adam Curry: are not garbage that good, aren't they? Yeah, 824 00:42:47,940 --> 00:42:50,430 Tina Curry: but it's it's so funny. Like, did you seek these 825 00:42:50,430 --> 00:42:57,150 things out? Like no we're we're talking about how you order 826 00:42:57,150 --> 00:43:01,440 things online. We're talking about Kretz we weren't dating. 827 00:43:01,470 --> 00:43:06,480 We're dating then. All of a sudden. A case. A case of 828 00:43:06,480 --> 00:43:08,010 secrets shows up 829 00:43:08,220 --> 00:43:10,380 Adam Curry: but it wasn't for the secrets themselves. It was 830 00:43:10,380 --> 00:43:14,100 for the teens they come in that was my big ham radio. Do It 831 00:43:14,100 --> 00:43:15,060 Yourself phase. 832 00:43:15,090 --> 00:43:18,150 Tina Curry: Oh. Oh, so you just wanted the tins you want the 833 00:43:18,150 --> 00:43:19,230 extra coffee is 834 00:43:19,230 --> 00:43:23,130 Adam Curry: called Secrets secret 10 radio people are 835 00:43:23,130 --> 00:43:27,750 making them and I read somewhere in the ham radio magazine Qs T I 836 00:43:27,750 --> 00:43:30,930 read this nerd that secrets we're not going to make the tins 837 00:43:30,930 --> 00:43:32,880 anymore like I should probably get a whole bunch of them 838 00:43:32,880 --> 00:43:35,400 because I'll have for my friends I'll have to you had 839 00:43:35,400 --> 00:43:37,680 Tina Curry: so many of them that you started putting on people's 840 00:43:37,680 --> 00:43:38,790 Christmas stockings. 841 00:43:40,410 --> 00:43:43,380 Adam Curry: Do you remember that? Yes I do. You did that 842 00:43:43,380 --> 00:43:48,060 only second close second to my oversized Kosher salt boxes. 843 00:43:48,060 --> 00:43:48,360 Yes. 844 00:43:48,360 --> 00:43:50,610 Tina Curry: And then you ordered salt and they were like I don't 845 00:43:50,610 --> 00:43:54,930 know five pounds of kosher salt. And you had so many of those 846 00:43:54,930 --> 00:43:56,730 that you wrap those up and put them under the 847 00:44:03,150 --> 00:44:06,360 Adam Curry: ego kids your stepdad have some salts 848 00:44:07,200 --> 00:44:09,510 Tina Curry: and then your fan you're like I ordered this 849 00:44:09,510 --> 00:44:14,550 little fan fan and I thought it was like I thought it was like 850 00:44:14,550 --> 00:44:18,870 the size of the little webcam like the webcam size 851 00:44:18,870 --> 00:44:22,890 Adam Curry: of a basketball. I know. He was huge. I don't have 852 00:44:22,890 --> 00:44:27,480 the skill like most women do where here's how it goes your 853 00:44:27,480 --> 00:44:32,220 order stuff and honey can you get the QR code and then take it 854 00:44:32,220 --> 00:44:38,370 to the UPS store just people like Hey Adam Tina order 855 00:44:38,370 --> 00:44:45,330 something again here. Hey, UPS Store people how you doing? Hey 856 00:44:45,330 --> 00:44:48,150 Adam, good to see you. Wouldn't Tina not want this time? 857 00:44:48,240 --> 00:44:51,540 Tina Curry: No, that is not true. Okay. Oh, speaking of you 858 00:44:51,540 --> 00:44:52,980 got recognized an HTP 859 00:44:54,090 --> 00:44:56,190 Adam Curry: Oh, yeah, that was nice. Yeah, yeah. 860 00:44:56,220 --> 00:44:59,100 Tina Curry: They were like, Oh, are you Adam curry did he do he 861 00:44:59,100 --> 00:45:01,050 knew you Whoo. You're right away, right? 862 00:45:01,680 --> 00:45:04,320 Adam Curry: I think I was wearing my jacket with my my 863 00:45:04,470 --> 00:45:10,590 Iraq jacket that had the Adam curry in it in. In Arabic. Yeah. 864 00:45:10,740 --> 00:45:13,830 It also has Adam curry. And I didn't really think about that 865 00:45:13,830 --> 00:45:16,530 because I just I just grabbed this my flight jacket. I was 866 00:45:16,530 --> 00:45:19,050 just wearing it. It was cold. And this guy Alex Ross, are you 867 00:45:19,050 --> 00:45:21,600 the pot father Adam curry? And I was kind of surprised because no 868 00:45:21,600 --> 00:45:25,230 one. Really Has anyone ever say anything to me in HEB. Right? 869 00:45:25,500 --> 00:45:30,990 Yeah. Oh, man. I've watched you a million times on Rogen. As I'm 870 00:45:30,990 --> 00:45:33,780 so happy you're here in Texas. Oh, God bless you, brother. God 871 00:45:33,780 --> 00:45:37,950 bless you. Bye. Oh my god bless you, brother. I said Are you are 872 00:45:37,950 --> 00:45:40,470 you getting ready for the apocalypse? Because he had he 873 00:45:40,470 --> 00:45:44,070 was by at Kansas. Like he had he had to get another cart. That's 874 00:45:44,070 --> 00:45:47,400 how much stuff he had. He's really He's always getting ready 875 00:45:47,400 --> 00:45:50,100 for the apocalypse is what he said. But I live in Texas, so 876 00:45:50,100 --> 00:45:52,860 there's nothing to worry about. Okay, gotcha. That was nice. 877 00:45:52,890 --> 00:45:54,330 Yeah, that's funny. I did 878 00:45:55,710 --> 00:45:58,020 Tina Curry: you the pod father, too. That's kind of rare, isn't 879 00:45:58,020 --> 00:45:58,080 it? 880 00:45:58,080 --> 00:46:00,300 Adam Curry: That's because he knows me from Yeah, that's what 881 00:46:00,300 --> 00:46:01,560 Joe Rogan always yes. 882 00:46:01,620 --> 00:46:04,710 Tina Curry: Yeah. Yeah. That's nice, though. It is nice. Yeah. 883 00:46:04,770 --> 00:46:06,480 Adam Curry: It's nice when people are excited now. 884 00:46:06,960 --> 00:46:08,160 Tina Curry: Mayor curry, well, 885 00:46:09,480 --> 00:46:13,110 Adam Curry: MTV guy, although I don't denounce that period of my 886 00:46:13,110 --> 00:46:17,190 life was like, that was 30 years ago. longer line. I'm 887 00:46:17,190 --> 00:46:20,850 Tina Curry: always an eye when people when people meet you in a 888 00:46:20,850 --> 00:46:25,080 group, I'm always the one that says, you know, MTV, granted, it 889 00:46:25,080 --> 00:46:27,900 was important, but it's a speck compared to what Adam has 890 00:46:27,900 --> 00:46:30,870 accomplished. Let me tell you about Blue scramble. 891 00:46:33,990 --> 00:46:39,300 Adam Curry: How about a God shot? I'm feeling about God's 892 00:46:45,210 --> 00:46:47,580 Tina Curry: grace it with the thunder and the light as good as 893 00:46:47,580 --> 00:46:48,420 good thunder. 894 00:46:48,900 --> 00:46:52,260 Adam Curry: It's, what is this the heavens opening? Oh, peeling 895 00:46:52,260 --> 00:46:53,670 back. The veil is being 896 00:46:53,670 --> 00:46:58,470 Tina Curry: ripped? Yes, yes. Okay. So I was in Revelation. 897 00:46:59,460 --> 00:47:05,160 And this scripture came up, it's chapter three, verse 11, and 898 00:47:05,160 --> 00:47:09,720 says, I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one 899 00:47:09,720 --> 00:47:13,620 will take your crown. And I could understand that when it 900 00:47:13,620 --> 00:47:19,710 gets a little heady. Yeah, yes. So basically, what that said to 901 00:47:19,710 --> 00:47:22,860 me was every day I use what I have to live for Christ. And I 902 00:47:22,860 --> 00:47:26,460 know God will commend me. So what I have learned, you know, 903 00:47:26,460 --> 00:47:29,400 the fruit of the Spirit, you know, all those things I have 904 00:47:29,400 --> 00:47:32,700 just with Christ welling inside of me, I've just, you know, 905 00:47:32,700 --> 00:47:36,750 that's, I hold on to that. So I had gotten a message from a 906 00:47:36,750 --> 00:47:42,600 friend. She had contacted me. I don't know, about a month ago 907 00:47:42,600 --> 00:47:45,420 when asked me what Bible I use. And as we know, sir, by His 908 00:47:45,420 --> 00:47:48,480 grace, David Brinker sent me my bible about a year and a half 909 00:47:48,480 --> 00:47:50,910 ago, and I love the Bible. I bought you the same watch Study 910 00:47:50,910 --> 00:47:54,360 Bible. I have the large print, you have the small print. And so 911 00:47:54,360 --> 00:47:57,870 she asked me and so I, I told her what I got. So she ordered 912 00:47:57,870 --> 00:48:05,250 the same thing. And she was so excited to dive in. And she has 913 00:48:05,310 --> 00:48:09,780 a friend of hers who is very religious, and I'm gonna say 914 00:48:09,780 --> 00:48:14,490 religious. And she asked, he's very devout in a certain 915 00:48:14,490 --> 00:48:17,430 religion, and I'm not going to get into which one. And so she 916 00:48:17,430 --> 00:48:20,280 said, you know, as, as I dive into this, I'm ready to start 917 00:48:20,280 --> 00:48:23,100 reading it. And I would love to get your input as I go down this 918 00:48:23,100 --> 00:48:26,940 journey. And he said, Well, what Bible do you use? And so what 919 00:48:26,940 --> 00:48:29,430 Bible did you purchase? And so she sent him a picture. And he, 920 00:48:29,460 --> 00:48:32,430 his response to her was, the Bible that she chose was the 921 00:48:32,430 --> 00:48:38,130 wrong one. It's not the version he uses, and that his religion, 922 00:48:39,180 --> 00:48:44,370 the religion that he practices is Christ only church. And he 923 00:48:44,370 --> 00:48:47,430 referenced her study Bible in a certain way, and went on to say 924 00:48:47,430 --> 00:48:52,080 that the Bible she chose is an emptied out shell of a parody of 925 00:48:52,080 --> 00:48:55,260 Christ. So she was kind of shaken by that. 926 00:48:55,500 --> 00:48:58,950 Adam Curry: Well, of course, if you're just starting out, yes. 927 00:48:58,950 --> 00:48:59,130 And 928 00:48:59,130 --> 00:49:01,380 Tina Curry: she didn't expect his response to be that big. She 929 00:49:01,380 --> 00:49:03,780 was like, Hey, can you walk this journey with me? So she reached 930 00:49:03,780 --> 00:49:08,910 out to Me for guidance. And I was a little taken aback by it 931 00:49:08,910 --> 00:49:14,940 too. But my response to her I said, you know, if I, if I 932 00:49:14,940 --> 00:49:17,640 criticized her friend's thoughts, or his choice of 933 00:49:17,640 --> 00:49:21,420 words, I'm doing exactly what he just did a nice shirt. And I 934 00:49:21,420 --> 00:49:25,350 said, I'm not, I'm not going to do that. And I said, Pray to 935 00:49:25,350 --> 00:49:30,240 God. God will tell you. I said, and you know, and just give them 936 00:49:30,240 --> 00:49:33,600 grace. You know, and the one thing that I said is remember 937 00:49:33,600 --> 00:49:40,560 that he's one of God's children as well. Because and, and my, so 938 00:49:40,560 --> 00:49:47,460 I put this in my god shot to Julie and to Ashley, and I was 939 00:49:47,460 --> 00:49:50,130 telling telling them I said, I told her that if I criticized 940 00:49:50,130 --> 00:49:52,680 her friend's choice of words, I was doing the same thing as him. 941 00:49:52,980 --> 00:49:56,610 I told her to go to God he will answer her and in to me the here 942 00:49:56,640 --> 00:49:59,970 the Holy Spirit guided me to respond to her like that. 943 00:50:00,000 --> 00:50:05,280 because nobody will take my crown. That's how I felt. Good. 944 00:50:05,280 --> 00:50:05,370 I 945 00:50:05,370 --> 00:50:08,910 Adam Curry: like it. Yeah, very good. Oh, yeah. Well, you're 946 00:50:08,910 --> 00:50:11,850 just radiating through the through the internet. I mean, I 947 00:50:11,850 --> 00:50:14,880 have a couple emails, Oh, you do feedback, because 948 00:50:16,230 --> 00:50:19,470 Tina Curry: but let me just, and that's the important thing. So I 949 00:50:19,470 --> 00:50:22,770 want to continue this with my god shots that the scripture 950 00:50:22,770 --> 00:50:26,640 that reaches out that touches my heart. And I know Pastor Jimmy 951 00:50:26,640 --> 00:50:28,710 said, Be careful with scripture that you don't take it out of 952 00:50:28,710 --> 00:50:33,810 context. I know that, but there are things that just parallel 953 00:50:33,810 --> 00:50:38,640 stories or experiences. And when I connect them that way, I it's 954 00:50:38,670 --> 00:50:41,730 easy for me to put it into practice, you know, and 955 00:50:44,370 --> 00:50:46,800 Adam Curry: everything. Yeah, it's amazing. Yeah, it works. 956 00:50:46,830 --> 00:50:47,940 Tina Curry: So yeah. Well, I 957 00:50:47,940 --> 00:50:50,610 Adam Curry: got a lot of feedback from the last show. 958 00:50:50,850 --> 00:50:54,960 Because, you know, I did too. You were emotional. And that was 959 00:50:54,960 --> 00:51:02,430 really good. First of all, it's, it's very rare that you hear 960 00:51:02,460 --> 00:51:06,060 someone being completely authentic in any kind of media. 961 00:51:06,270 --> 00:51:10,860 That's why when people hear it, that they're always it takes 962 00:51:10,860 --> 00:51:16,110 them SSM excuse me set some back like, whoa, that's real. Because 963 00:51:16,410 --> 00:51:19,170 everything you see on television, everything you hear 964 00:51:19,170 --> 00:51:23,910 on the radio, most podcasts are fake. Yeah, it's not authentic. 965 00:51:24,180 --> 00:51:27,690 So when when and we're very authentic. When something like 966 00:51:27,690 --> 00:51:31,320 that happens. It just touches people so deeply said two things 967 00:51:31,320 --> 00:51:36,120 I want to read one from Tom doorsill. This is papa door full 968 00:51:36,450 --> 00:51:42,780 of children. Yes. This year's business. Yes. Adam Tina, 969 00:51:42,780 --> 00:51:46,020 absolutely. Rock Show 69 where their faithfulness to your 970 00:51:46,020 --> 00:51:50,130 family, as I fought tears of joy for God moving so powerfully. 971 00:51:50,310 --> 00:51:54,570 Last thing on my mind was your incredible. Last thing on my 972 00:51:54,570 --> 00:51:57,960 mind was your incredible hospitality to our family. Words 973 00:51:57,960 --> 00:52:00,870 can't describe how encouraging you and Tina are to me and my 974 00:52:00,870 --> 00:52:03,990 wife, who at times get overwhelmed from life. Thank you 975 00:52:03,990 --> 00:52:06,900 for investing in his kingdom in all areas of your new life 976 00:52:06,900 --> 00:52:10,080 journey. And this is the kicker, both of your Orgonite 977 00:52:10,110 --> 00:52:14,220 organizational skills just blows my mind. Thanks, Tom, your 978 00:52:14,220 --> 00:52:17,790 brother in Christ. Where did you get the idea that I have 979 00:52:17,790 --> 00:52:19,560 organizational skills that rivaled 980 00:52:21,030 --> 00:52:23,610 Tina Curry: let me tell you something that I think you 981 00:52:23,610 --> 00:52:28,260 directed somebody. Oh, it was the size of your name versus my 982 00:52:28,260 --> 00:52:30,960 name on the logo and you said I'm gonna send you to the 983 00:52:30,960 --> 00:52:31,860 complaint department. 984 00:52:32,580 --> 00:52:35,910 Adam Curry: And you said to me sounds like you know, the 985 00:52:35,910 --> 00:52:38,910 keepers name should be bigger. It's as curry in the keeper and 986 00:52:39,150 --> 00:52:40,500 really drive on the complaint. 987 00:52:42,510 --> 00:52:44,460 Tina Curry: Not that that that doesn't play into it. 988 00:52:44,490 --> 00:52:48,810 Adam Curry: We got an email from Steve Webb, the original OG God 989 00:52:48,810 --> 00:52:53,640 cast, titled seeing God working in the morning Adam, he says in 990 00:52:53,640 --> 00:52:57,690 the morning should have been in the evening in the evening. On 991 00:52:57,690 --> 00:53:00,600 the latest Korean the keeper Tina mentioned how she saw God 992 00:53:00,600 --> 00:53:03,930 working in how he orchestrated her meeting her old boyfriend. 993 00:53:04,290 --> 00:53:07,950 It made me think of one of Brian Duncan song's called I see you. 994 00:53:08,370 --> 00:53:12,060 I thought you and Tina would enjoy Brian Duncan is this he's 995 00:53:12,060 --> 00:53:16,410 actually pastor Jimmy said that when he heard Brian Duncan back 996 00:53:16,410 --> 00:53:18,870 in the 70s That's one of the reasons why he gave up playing 997 00:53:18,870 --> 00:53:21,330 rock and roll and got into worship music. Would you like to 998 00:53:21,330 --> 00:53:22,230 hear a little bit of it? 999 00:53:22,680 --> 00:53:25,830 Tina Curry: And I think you've talked about Brian Duncan Yeah, 1000 00:53:26,160 --> 00:53:26,640 yeah, he's 1001 00:53:26,640 --> 00:53:27,870 Adam Curry: value for value music. 1002 00:53:28,110 --> 00:53:28,530 Tina Curry: Man. 1003 00:53:29,730 --> 00:53:32,190 Adam Curry: I love you so much right now. So if you're 1004 00:53:32,190 --> 00:53:34,890 streaming SAS or if you want to boost him it will actually go to 1005 00:53:34,890 --> 00:53:37,410 him Oh, that's how value for value works. 1006 00:53:39,540 --> 00:53:42,630 Unknown: watching over me every day 1007 00:53:48,660 --> 00:53:52,890 for me, thank you 1008 00:53:59,070 --> 00:54:06,570 wait for the hook. under a bridge up on the Mount. See you 1009 00:54:06,570 --> 00:54:10,830 when everything like stars and count streams 1010 00:54:10,830 --> 00:54:16,560 and gold or just wrap your arms with me on this road. 1011 00:54:16,590 --> 00:54:23,190 I travel straight and narrow goes up and down. Don't leave a 1012 00:54:23,190 --> 00:54:28,350 place to meet and to turn around. I can make it cuz you're 1013 00:54:28,350 --> 00:54:32,490 waving me. I see the signs of that I'm 1014 00:54:37,020 --> 00:54:39,180 watching Oh, my beautiful 1015 00:54:42,900 --> 00:54:45,300 Adam Curry: I'm sorry, how old is I have no idea. I have no 1016 00:54:45,300 --> 00:54:48,090 idea. But if you're in the fountain app or in the pod verse 1017 00:54:48,090 --> 00:54:51,720 app, and if you aren't What's wrong with you? And also the 1018 00:54:51,720 --> 00:54:54,750 podcast guru. You couldn't go to the chapters tap on it. You can 1019 00:54:54,750 --> 00:54:57,780 add it to your playlists. So you can keep the you can save the 1020 00:54:57,780 --> 00:54:58,410 whole song. 1021 00:54:58,800 --> 00:55:00,330 Tina Curry: That's really sweet. Yeah, 1022 00:55:00,360 --> 00:55:02,760 Adam Curry: they're gonna play him on booster grand ball pretty 1023 00:55:02,760 --> 00:55:04,200 soon again. Yeah, it's not great. 1024 00:55:04,230 --> 00:55:07,140 Tina Curry: I liked that. I like that a lot and one to see if I 1025 00:55:07,140 --> 00:55:19,500 got any emails. I got several messages on. On Instagram. Yeah, 1026 00:55:19,530 --> 00:55:23,220 but I didn't get any emails. But that's sweet. Yeah, no, that was 1027 00:55:23,220 --> 00:55:25,770 that was definitely from the heart. You know? I mean, that 1028 00:55:25,770 --> 00:55:29,580 was me. That's who I am. That's who I am people. 1029 00:55:30,870 --> 00:55:33,300 Adam Curry: You always been that way. But it's nice to see how 1030 00:55:33,300 --> 00:55:38,460 you are that now recognized. But yeah, anything else before we I 1031 00:55:38,460 --> 00:55:41,010 mean, we can thank some cork soakers or let's thank the 1032 00:55:41,010 --> 00:55:43,770 quarks. We have all kinds of stuff. Now 1033 00:55:43,770 --> 00:55:47,220 Unknown: it's time to heat from the cold some 1034 00:55:47,730 --> 00:55:49,770 Adam Curry: question of the week is coming up everybody don't go 1035 00:55:49,770 --> 00:55:50,460 away for that. 1036 00:55:50,880 --> 00:55:51,630 Unknown: We got 1037 00:55:54,870 --> 00:55:55,650 Adam Curry: What did you say? 1038 00:55:58,110 --> 00:56:02,370 Unknown: What did you say? Now it's time to hear from the code. 1039 00:56:02,370 --> 00:56:03,780 So good. Well, we 1040 00:56:03,780 --> 00:56:06,240 Adam Curry: have an executive producer and an Associate 1041 00:56:06,240 --> 00:56:09,150 Executive Producer on today's episode, this is value for 1042 00:56:09,150 --> 00:56:13,200 value. Very simple. The way it works is if you get anything out 1043 00:56:13,200 --> 00:56:15,540 of the pot it actually you need to subscribe to the newsletter 1044 00:56:15,540 --> 00:56:19,110 because it's so well described in every single newsletter. Go 1045 00:56:19,110 --> 00:56:24,720 to Kern the keeper.com. Go to the the about page I think, 1046 00:56:25,080 --> 00:56:28,410 where is it on the website for the newsletter? I can't 1047 00:56:28,410 --> 00:56:30,750 Tina Curry: remember I don't remember. Okay, I got a look at 1048 00:56:31,080 --> 00:56:31,800 the sub stacks 1049 00:56:31,800 --> 00:56:33,450 Adam Curry: and use you can subscribe to it. We have a 1050 00:56:33,450 --> 00:56:36,930 donation page that explains it all in detail as well. You get 1051 00:56:36,930 --> 00:56:39,930 the value. Do with it as you wish if there's any reason you 1052 00:56:39,960 --> 00:56:42,900 you, you want to give some value back you can do with time 1053 00:56:42,900 --> 00:56:46,800 talent, treasure. Thank you again, Craig for making art for 1054 00:56:46,800 --> 00:56:46,890 us. 1055 00:56:47,070 --> 00:56:49,110 Tina Curry: I forgot to send to you. Sorry. That's okay. I got 1056 00:56:49,110 --> 00:56:49,230 it. 1057 00:56:49,740 --> 00:56:50,010 Adam Curry: We 1058 00:56:50,190 --> 00:56:52,500 Tina Curry: called about last week and he was he so 1059 00:56:52,530 --> 00:56:54,450 Adam Curry: you didn't send it to me. You sent me the whole 1060 00:56:54,450 --> 00:56:55,320 email. Oh, I 1061 00:56:55,320 --> 00:56:57,570 Tina Curry: did. Copies you got it. 1062 00:56:58,170 --> 00:57:00,870 Adam Curry: I already decided what? There's only one. It's the 1063 00:57:00,870 --> 00:57:02,790 New Year's with the 23 going to 24 1064 00:57:03,270 --> 00:57:03,960 Tina Curry: No, 1065 00:57:03,990 --> 00:57:10,980 Adam Curry: no. No. Do that again. Oh, I'm sorry. The 1066 00:57:10,980 --> 00:57:13,080 producer overruled the towel. 1067 00:57:13,080 --> 00:57:14,430 Unknown: Oh, okay. 1068 00:57:14,430 --> 00:57:16,140 Adam Curry: We can choose another one. That's fine. We 1069 00:57:16,170 --> 00:57:19,080 haven't published. Let's do another one. Because it will be 1070 00:57:19,080 --> 00:57:22,950 like, Oh, wow, wish it was that one. It's fine. It's fine. You 1071 00:57:22,950 --> 00:57:25,680 don't have to whenever people you know, there's a discussion 1072 00:57:25,680 --> 00:57:31,380 coming up later on. It's fine. So we'd like to thank everybody 1073 00:57:31,380 --> 00:57:36,210 who supported us, you can do it through PayPal. If you're doing 1074 00:57:36,210 --> 00:57:40,260 treasure. What we really love is if you get one of those modern 1075 00:57:40,260 --> 00:57:43,950 podcast apps at podcast Apps icon if you've never done value 1076 00:57:43,950 --> 00:57:46,890 for value, the fountain app is easy to learn because also gives 1077 00:57:46,890 --> 00:57:50,670 you Satoshis when you listen to other podcasts you can send it 1078 00:57:50,670 --> 00:57:52,440 right on you kind of learned the whole system. 1079 00:57:52,470 --> 00:57:57,390 Tina Curry: Well And speaking of fountain fire we were number 1080 00:57:57,390 --> 00:57:58,080 four. 1081 00:57:58,110 --> 00:57:59,130 Adam Curry: Oh, that's right. We are 1082 00:58:00,150 --> 00:58:04,380 Tina Curry: the most supported episodes. Or shoutcast Yeah, 1083 00:58:04,410 --> 00:58:07,410 remember for sure. And that's because of all of our quarks 1084 00:58:07,410 --> 00:58:09,120 ochres that's why we love you so much. So 1085 00:58:09,120 --> 00:58:12,480 Adam Curry: keep it up people Yeah, those lists are good that 1086 00:58:12,480 --> 00:58:17,520 exposes people to us. Yes. Yeah. We got more papers than boosts 1087 00:58:18,240 --> 00:58:23,250 for this. Well, really? Yeah, it was a week it was Christmas week 1088 00:58:23,310 --> 00:58:27,090 Christmas New Years people like carrying the keeper you don't 1089 00:58:27,090 --> 00:58:30,450 check it later. Maybe get a modern podcast that podcast 1090 00:58:30,450 --> 00:58:31,080 apps.com 1091 00:58:31,110 --> 00:58:33,180 Tina Curry: Yeah. Now because we're not on Apple Apple 1092 00:58:33,180 --> 00:58:34,290 podcasts big friend 1093 00:58:34,290 --> 00:58:36,540 Adam Curry: of the show. Big friend of the family. Oh melody 1094 00:58:36,540 --> 00:58:41,070 focus odo I know melody, America's Heartland came in with 1095 00:58:41,070 --> 00:58:48,480 $333 melody you don't have any note though. Oh, I'd love to put 1096 00:58:48,480 --> 00:58:49,080 something in there 1097 00:58:49,080 --> 00:58:52,230 Tina Curry: but she's loved their whole family David and 1098 00:58:52,230 --> 00:58:55,290 Izzy their daughter. We actually went and saw her. We talked 1099 00:58:55,290 --> 00:58:56,760 Unknown: I think Yeah. 1100 00:58:58,860 --> 00:59:02,580 Tina Curry: Their daughter is immensely plays bass sings 1101 00:59:03,090 --> 00:59:06,810 theater now she did. She did Irish dance and competed and 1102 00:59:07,380 --> 00:59:12,030 Melody. Melody is the go to person for Japan to Oh, no. They 1103 00:59:12,030 --> 00:59:16,110 live there. Yes. Yeah. And so I said to her after the new year, 1104 00:59:16,110 --> 00:59:18,390 I'm like, I'd like to get on the phone with you and bend your 1105 00:59:18,390 --> 00:59:19,170 ear. Yeah. 1106 00:59:19,200 --> 00:59:20,190 Adam Curry: Where did they live in Japan? 1107 00:59:20,220 --> 00:59:22,230 Tina Curry: I don't know. I don't know any of the details. 1108 00:59:22,230 --> 00:59:22,320 Well, 1109 00:59:22,320 --> 00:59:25,200 Adam Curry: melody you are executive producer for episode 1110 00:59:25,200 --> 00:59:28,230 number 70. And if you have a note you want to send you can 1111 00:59:28,230 --> 00:59:28,980 always Yeah, 1112 00:59:29,010 --> 00:59:31,080 Tina Curry: I don't have an email or she didn't send me a 1113 00:59:31,080 --> 00:59:32,160 text or anything. Then 1114 00:59:32,160 --> 00:59:39,060 Adam Curry: we got cerveza of Playa Del Carmen. Yeah. And back 1115 00:59:39,060 --> 00:59:42,150 backside of Pikes Peak. Do you want it to be the Canton with 1116 00:59:42,150 --> 00:59:45,330 $75? 1117 00:59:46,290 --> 00:59:46,680 Tina Curry: No, no, 1118 00:59:46,680 --> 00:59:49,440 Adam Curry: I don't have a note that says d can't make can't 1119 00:59:49,440 --> 00:59:54,630 make surveys of Playa Del Carmen and backside of tykes nice. Then 1120 00:59:54,630 --> 00:59:59,790 with 50,000 Satoshis, the one and only pastor who did his solo 1121 00:59:59,790 --> 01:00:02,730 show Oh because he knew that people were emailing us saying 1122 01:00:03,120 --> 01:00:07,110 where's that living up in a downward with Jones yeah they've 1123 01:00:07,110 --> 01:00:10,680 been working on the on the on the new studio and that guy got 1124 01:00:10,680 --> 01:00:14,280 sick she got real sick. Yeah, she was she was no no position 1125 01:00:14,280 --> 01:00:17,850 to do the show. And it's also it's a little busy they're going 1126 01:00:17,850 --> 01:00:20,610 to three services with the church and everything's new 1127 01:00:20,610 --> 01:00:21,300 pastor coming 1128 01:00:21,300 --> 01:00:23,910 Tina Curry: on board Yeah, so and their email their first 1129 01:00:23,910 --> 01:00:26,790 email that he did for them went out yesterday this is for the 1130 01:00:26,790 --> 01:00:31,920 church right got it got over. I think a 50% 50% open 1131 01:00:31,920 --> 01:00:34,410 Adam Curry: rate. Yeah, nice. That's pretty good. What happens 1132 01:00:34,410 --> 01:00:37,170 to all those other people who didn't open it? That while they 1133 01:00:37,170 --> 01:00:39,450 Tina Curry: may not have opened it yet? Oh, so we have to give 1134 01:00:39,450 --> 01:00:43,860 it a couple days. You know, I mean, it's it takes a few days 1135 01:00:43,860 --> 01:00:46,860 for us to get up to around 70% That's what we get on carrying 1136 01:00:46,860 --> 01:00:49,980 the key Yeah. Wow. Consistently. Wow. Fabulous. Because you're a 1137 01:00:49,980 --> 01:00:53,280 genius. It's Friday and I just sit there and I just compose it. 1138 01:00:53,670 --> 01:00:57,000 I don't I suppose off of my list your 1139 01:00:57,660 --> 01:00:57,990 Adam Curry: do 1140 01:00:58,020 --> 01:01:01,050 Tina Curry: I know. My list? And then I have to go back and look 1141 01:01:01,050 --> 01:01:01,170 it 1142 01:01:01,170 --> 01:01:03,300 Adam Curry: is always sorted like this kind of right to new. 1143 01:01:04,260 --> 01:01:07,080 Tina Curry: I know I I complained on I like oh, it's 1144 01:01:07,080 --> 01:01:08,010 Tuesday again. 1145 01:01:11,040 --> 01:01:13,530 Adam Curry: This is what this is usually around 730 in the 1146 01:01:13,530 --> 01:01:18,690 morning. I get to write a newsletter. What are you doing 1147 01:01:18,690 --> 01:01:22,830 today? What's your counter? Oh, nothing. I don't really write a 1148 01:01:22,830 --> 01:01:26,100 newsletter. The laundry? 1149 01:01:26,580 --> 01:01:29,220 Tina Curry: I've been doing laundry all day. I know. I'm 1150 01:01:29,220 --> 01:01:31,200 getting ready for next set of guests. Yeah, 1151 01:01:31,200 --> 01:01:33,480 Adam Curry: I know. I know who you invited. 1152 01:01:33,720 --> 01:01:34,350 Tina Curry: I know. 1153 01:01:35,220 --> 01:01:36,390 Adam Curry: I love him. Anyway, I 1154 01:01:36,390 --> 01:01:37,800 Tina Curry: love that. Pastor Jimmy 1155 01:01:37,800 --> 01:01:41,430 Adam Curry: has a note. Okay, so many nuggets of both truth and 1156 01:01:41,430 --> 01:01:44,850 laughter Damon that and I so enjoyed getting to know Ellen 1157 01:01:44,850 --> 01:01:48,180 and Jesse, two beautiful young people with great futures ahead 1158 01:01:48,180 --> 01:01:51,330 of them. Sharing Christmas with the curries have truly been one 1159 01:01:51,330 --> 01:01:55,320 of our highlights of 2023 we treasure our friendship and look 1160 01:01:55,320 --> 01:01:58,290 forward to the adventures God has for us together let's do 1161 01:01:58,290 --> 01:02:01,290 this KTL D and K Why Bo 1162 01:02:06,810 --> 01:02:09,810 keep the lid down and keep your buckets overflowing and Pastor 1163 01:02:09,810 --> 01:02:13,440 Jimmy and de manette with a heart and bucket overflow emoji 1164 01:02:13,440 --> 01:02:13,770 thank 1165 01:02:13,770 --> 01:02:14,400 Tina Curry: you so 1166 01:02:14,400 --> 01:02:16,080 Adam Curry: much. Then 1167 01:02:16,380 --> 01:02:18,540 Tina Curry: we're revisiting the tasting room. 1168 01:02:19,500 --> 01:02:22,230 Adam Curry: Yes I have everything ready for them. 1169 01:02:22,290 --> 01:02:25,410 Tina Curry: I do Did you add more meats have what I 1170 01:02:25,410 --> 01:02:26,730 Adam Curry: have what we just add so 1171 01:02:26,730 --> 01:02:27,900 Tina Curry: preset on salami. 1172 01:02:30,750 --> 01:02:33,360 Adam Curry: It was a superset and salami was already on there 1173 01:02:33,360 --> 01:02:34,080 wasn't is 1174 01:02:34,290 --> 01:02:37,890 Tina Curry: not on their list but on our standard. Mommy's on 1175 01:02:37,890 --> 01:02:43,410 there is still preset on there. It is now okay. You're 1176 01:02:43,410 --> 01:02:45,120 professional. No, you can do this. 1177 01:02:45,750 --> 01:02:53,550 Adam Curry: Okay, got it. Where was I? Yes. 36,500 Satoshis. 1178 01:02:55,050 --> 01:02:56,400 From Julie loves garden. 1179 01:02:56,430 --> 01:02:58,590 Tina Curry: Oh, Julie. Oh, 1180 01:02:58,620 --> 01:03:06,360 Adam Curry: love people with the longest note. Julie is long. But 1181 01:03:06,360 --> 01:03:11,040 I shall read this because it's beautiful. Okay, Tina. No, we 1182 01:03:11,070 --> 01:03:15,360 did it. We really did it. I just sent you my last green 1183 01:03:15,360 --> 01:03:18,720 checkmark. I think if not for you, I might have gone my whole 1184 01:03:18,720 --> 01:03:21,240 life and not read the book that brings the good news of our 1185 01:03:21,240 --> 01:03:25,170 great rescue. I knew the rescuer before reading the bible cover 1186 01:03:25,170 --> 01:03:28,470 to cover but I know him so much better know now. I know and 1187 01:03:28,470 --> 01:03:31,860 understand God's grand plan from the beginning of time to ransom 1188 01:03:31,860 --> 01:03:35,070 us back to himself. I know without a doubt the Bible is the 1189 01:03:35,070 --> 01:03:39,870 greatest love story ever told. I had tried before and failed. You 1190 01:03:39,870 --> 01:03:44,430 truly are. You truly are the best accountability partner. I 1191 01:03:44,430 --> 01:03:47,550 tried to give up in book in books of Leviticus and Numbers 1192 01:03:47,580 --> 01:03:50,070 and those never ending genealogies and chronicles but 1193 01:03:50,070 --> 01:03:53,520 you kept propelling me forward and I thank you. I'm sending us 1194 01:03:53,520 --> 01:03:59,400 36,500 SATs 100 SATs for every one of our God shots. Oh my god, 1195 01:03:59,910 --> 01:04:03,090 a lot of beautiful swan songs by Bible saints. But I will leave 1196 01:04:03,090 --> 01:04:05,190 you with this one because I think it speaks to the personal 1197 01:04:05,190 --> 01:04:08,190 nature of faith after reading the Bible. I know we have chosen 1198 01:04:08,190 --> 01:04:12,360 Well, Joshua 2415. But if serving the Lord seems 1199 01:04:12,360 --> 01:04:15,660 undesirable to you then choose for yourselves this day whom you 1200 01:04:15,660 --> 01:04:19,170 will serve. But as for me and my household, we will serve the 1201 01:04:19,170 --> 01:04:23,460 Lord. I love you, Julie. Oh my gosh. That makes me cry. Isn't 1202 01:04:23,460 --> 01:04:24,270 that beautiful? 1203 01:04:24,330 --> 01:04:27,780 Tina Curry: I love her someone. Yeah, she's a huge catalyst in 1204 01:04:27,780 --> 01:04:28,740 my faith. Oh, well. 1205 01:04:28,740 --> 01:04:32,040 Adam Curry: She's very important in our in our face. Yes. Yeah, 1206 01:04:32,070 --> 01:04:33,360 for sure. Yeah, sure. 1207 01:04:34,770 --> 01:04:37,410 Tina Curry: It'd be I think, I think about her when she was 1208 01:04:37,410 --> 01:04:40,740 walking up. I was out of town. They came to see you and she's 1209 01:04:40,740 --> 01:04:43,350 like I was practicing when I was gonna say to Adam, but I found 1210 01:04:43,350 --> 01:04:43,800 Jesus. 1211 01:04:43,860 --> 01:04:51,390 Adam Curry: I love Jesus. Would you like me? That's not exactly 1212 01:04:51,390 --> 01:04:54,810 how my story I'm sticking Yeah, okay. No, man, 1213 01:04:54,840 --> 01:04:57,840 Tina Curry: that was really sweet. I love you too. Julie. 1214 01:04:58,020 --> 01:04:58,710 Ashley 1215 01:04:58,710 --> 01:05:00,660 Adam Curry: Right with her monthly I think so. dollars. 1216 01:05:00,660 --> 01:05:01,980 Thank you Ashley birthday I 1217 01:05:01,980 --> 01:05:03,570 Unknown: want to wish her happy birthday. 1218 01:05:04,859 --> 01:05:07,889 Tina Curry: Happy birthday Ashley. I'm so blessed to know 1219 01:05:07,889 --> 01:05:08,279 you. 1220 01:05:09,540 --> 01:05:15,150 Adam Curry: Katie chopper Yes, Katie Chapa with $5.37 as Karina 1221 01:05:15,150 --> 01:05:18,690 keeper I want to be a cork soaker to you are that means you 1222 01:05:18,690 --> 01:05:26,490 get d can do then D canted then we have Ooh a striper boost 7777 1223 01:05:26,490 --> 01:05:31,800 That deserves this. Sir Brian with an I O and he says despite 1224 01:05:31,800 --> 01:05:35,880 what Sir Bobby the case says a striper boost doesn't always 1225 01:05:35,880 --> 01:05:39,420 make the spandex fit better. I found out the hard way last week 1226 01:05:39,420 --> 01:05:42,300 I put on my comfy pants to do some grocery shopping. There's a 1227 01:05:42,300 --> 01:05:45,750 visual. It wasn't until I got into the store but I realized 1228 01:05:45,750 --> 01:05:48,450 the reason my pants fit so tight is because they accidentally put 1229 01:05:48,450 --> 01:05:54,690 on my girlfriend's Lulu lemons I caught a woman checking me out 1230 01:05:54,690 --> 01:05:57,600 so I handed up did the girl thing grab some granola and 1231 01:05:57,600 --> 01:06:00,690 Greek yogurt turned to her and said You're welcome in the 1232 01:06:00,690 --> 01:06:05,670 evening. And happy new year to you Brian. 1233 01:06:07,110 --> 01:06:10,560 Tina Curry: That is a visual I don't need no just saying 1234 01:06:10,680 --> 01:06:16,350 Adam Curry: 3333 from Blue hens. Thank you very much Ivana. Oh, 1235 01:06:16,350 --> 01:06:21,510 she's from the Netherlands. Oh with a 2024 2024 so that's 1236 01:06:21,540 --> 01:06:24,540 probably needs to be to Canton. I'm gonna decanter right away. 1237 01:06:24,600 --> 01:06:30,090 Let's do that. You then de cantate says Happy New Year and 1238 01:06:30,090 --> 01:06:33,330 Haluk of New York Allah hoots Scruton out here in Jaipur 1239 01:06:33,330 --> 01:06:33,870 limber. 1240 01:06:35,010 --> 01:06:36,180 Tina Curry: Such a beautiful language 1241 01:06:36,180 --> 01:06:39,840 Adam Curry: so it's not just so flickers New Era Happy New Year, 1242 01:06:39,870 --> 01:06:43,890 Allah hoots everything good. All things good given to you and 1243 01:06:43,890 --> 01:06:47,310 crutches greeting from Heerlen that's the town is limber 1244 01:06:48,960 --> 01:06:51,690 Tina Curry: the people are listening to us in the donkey 1245 01:06:51,690 --> 01:07:00,720 Adam Curry: Valley vana donkey vulnerable poverty, poverty and 1246 01:07:01,380 --> 01:07:06,750 the sea blue hens again with 1000 and user 17251955. You need 1247 01:07:06,750 --> 01:07:08,820 to change that was 100 Blue hens 1248 01:07:08,850 --> 01:07:11,820 Tina Curry: do they have they given before? I think they need 1249 01:07:12,630 --> 01:07:12,870 blue 1250 01:07:12,870 --> 01:07:15,840 Adam Curry: hens You are hereby decanted absolutely then D 1251 01:07:15,840 --> 01:07:20,790 canted. So now Now do we need to do the proper tasting room for a 1252 01:07:20,790 --> 01:07:26,070 passenger and Damon down? No, I think I got it. Please sit down 1253 01:07:26,100 --> 01:07:28,560 again because I have all the right accoutrements for you 1254 01:07:28,560 --> 01:07:32,070 Pastor Jimmy and de manette we welcome you into the tasting 1255 01:07:32,070 --> 01:07:35,970 room as official seven yeas of curry and the keeper for you we 1256 01:07:35,970 --> 01:07:40,350 have decoy Cabernet brie and berries, Pate and cookery no 1257 01:07:40,500 --> 01:07:46,200 soap receta salami Stilton, John Boehner. Jarlsberg mortadella 1258 01:07:46,200 --> 01:07:50,160 and Manchego Sharifah when cheddar, guanciale and Gouda, 1259 01:07:50,400 --> 01:07:56,730 Keith Blanc de Blanc, a 24 ounce ribeye and a filet mignon 1260 01:07:56,730 --> 01:08:01,170 smothered in Kerrygold butter. That's right. That's what you 1261 01:08:01,170 --> 01:08:05,700 deserve as brand new salmon yeas of vineyard nation here at Curry 1262 01:08:05,700 --> 01:08:09,030 in the keeper please whatever you do keep your coke short and 1263 01:08:09,030 --> 01:08:11,010 your hearts full of love. 1264 01:08:12,210 --> 01:08:17,340 Tina Curry: Well, I have a complaint quote now. Your coke 1265 01:08:17,340 --> 01:08:17,940 sword 1266 01:08:19,830 --> 01:08:23,040 Adam Curry: that's did I say? Your quarks. Is that your coax? 1267 01:08:23,520 --> 01:08:30,810 Coax? Or did I say? That's no that's known as a special 1268 01:08:31,800 --> 01:08:36,840 special. I say your coach. I did not see your coworker. You 1269 01:08:36,840 --> 01:08:40,890 didn't say cork you say coke coke short. Sorry. It's 1270 01:08:40,890 --> 01:08:43,080 Tina Curry: okay. That I couldn't do that. That's pretty 1271 01:08:43,080 --> 01:08:43,530 impressive. 1272 01:08:43,559 --> 01:08:45,779 Adam Curry: Well, I tried to time it out with a ding again. 1273 01:08:46,319 --> 01:08:49,649 I'm waiting Where are their glasses? And they're closers I 1274 01:08:49,649 --> 01:08:51,479 shipping department you have a lot of complaints about 1275 01:08:51,479 --> 01:08:51,929 production. 1276 01:08:53,520 --> 01:08:58,110 Tina Curry: I just messaged my my manufacturer and I haven't 1277 01:08:58,110 --> 01:08:58,410 heard 1278 01:08:58,410 --> 01:09:00,300 Adam Curry: from her yet your Etsy lady 1279 01:09:01,590 --> 01:09:04,530 Tina Curry: there she listened to the show. No, but the thing 1280 01:09:04,530 --> 01:09:08,070 is, is that I she's already been paid. So I like I want my 1281 01:09:08,070 --> 01:09:08,580 glasses. 1282 01:09:08,610 --> 01:09:11,670 Adam Curry: Well my glasses now like Hello. So 1283 01:09:11,880 --> 01:09:14,400 Tina Curry: anyway, ah, you have anything on your list? Oh, 1284 01:09:14,400 --> 01:09:15,420 that's right. You don't have a list. 1285 01:09:15,750 --> 01:09:18,180 Adam Curry: I did have something on the list and oh, we already 1286 01:09:18,180 --> 01:09:22,440 talked about Oh no. Cedar fever is all I had on my knees and a 1287 01:09:22,440 --> 01:09:25,410 lot. It's crazy how much I've been sneezing. I've never 1288 01:09:25,440 --> 01:09:26,460 witnessed this before 1289 01:09:26,610 --> 01:09:30,180 Tina Curry: the cedar coming off the trees like you woke up 1290 01:09:30,180 --> 01:09:34,200 Adam Curry: or like missed almost like a just and what if I 1291 01:09:34,200 --> 01:09:38,370 walked the dog gods? I'm sneezing like that, like 567 1292 01:09:38,370 --> 01:09:41,640 times in a row. It's crazy. Yeah, yeah, that was what I had 1293 01:09:41,640 --> 01:09:44,850 on my list. That's my whole list. And we still made it all 1294 01:09:44,850 --> 01:09:47,640 the way to one hour and nine minutes. Yes, we're not done. 1295 01:09:47,670 --> 01:09:51,480 Tina Curry: But wait, but wait. We have. We are busy this month. 1296 01:09:51,660 --> 01:09:55,710 We have plans every weekend this month. Okay, we're going to 1297 01:09:55,710 --> 01:09:57,630 we're having dinner with the Surgeon General and your 1298 01:09:57,630 --> 01:10:01,980 campaign manager this weekend. Yeah. Next weekend we have 1299 01:10:02,190 --> 01:10:06,030 Catherine and Brian come to stay with us. Yes, the weekend app 1300 01:10:06,030 --> 01:10:06,270 then 1301 01:10:06,270 --> 01:10:09,270 Adam Curry: we're flying to Dallas. I'm flying us to Dallas. 1302 01:10:09,300 --> 01:10:13,920 Tina Curry: I know. We're doing that little together super small 1303 01:10:13,920 --> 01:10:14,550 plane. 1304 01:10:14,580 --> 01:10:16,800 Adam Curry: It's it has cupholders has the parish. I 1305 01:10:16,800 --> 01:10:19,620 won't I won't use any of the parachute. Yeah, I won't do the 1306 01:10:19,620 --> 01:10:22,080 briefing about the parachute if we pass out, and 1307 01:10:22,080 --> 01:10:25,740 Tina Curry: we're flying in the dark, which is not the best. 1308 01:10:25,890 --> 01:10:28,080 Adam Curry: It's beautiful. You're gonna love this because 1309 01:10:28,080 --> 01:10:31,140 it's always super high. How high? Or how high? Do you want 1310 01:10:31,140 --> 01:10:31,410 to go? 1311 01:10:31,800 --> 01:10:35,010 Tina Curry: Know how high I'm not flying the plane? No. 1312 01:10:35,040 --> 01:10:36,300 Adam Curry: What do you want? You want to be low? You want to 1313 01:10:36,300 --> 01:10:39,150 be high? Or do you want to be I probably got about 9000 feet 1314 01:10:39,150 --> 01:10:41,130 Tina Curry: closer to the ground is probably the better? 1315 01:10:41,970 --> 01:10:43,500 Anything? The opposite 1316 01:10:43,500 --> 01:10:46,380 Adam Curry: is true. You want lots of lots of lots of space 1317 01:10:46,380 --> 01:10:48,270 Tina Curry: to drive in the plane there. 1318 01:10:48,300 --> 01:10:50,460 Adam Curry: How about if you just I'm gonna give you a 1319 01:10:50,460 --> 01:10:53,220 coffee, I'm gonna give you some secrets and you just go to sleep 1320 01:10:53,220 --> 01:10:54,180 in the back. Okay. 1321 01:10:59,220 --> 01:11:03,450 Unknown: The question? The question is, Will Adam even 1322 01:11:03,450 --> 01:11:09,090 participate after that insulting and just doesn't even know how 1323 01:11:09,090 --> 01:11:13,560 to answer doesn't have a life go knows it is the question. 1324 01:11:17,370 --> 01:11:19,170 Tina Curry: I didn't share the question with you know, 1325 01:11:19,170 --> 01:11:20,910 Adam Curry: that makes it that much more fun now that I know 1326 01:11:20,910 --> 01:11:23,490 that I'm gonna, you know, I'm getting these questions. Oh, 1327 01:11:23,670 --> 01:11:26,640 Tina Curry: you know what, I want you to do the question next 1328 01:11:26,640 --> 01:11:31,560 week. To be you know, surprised. And that leads right into my 1329 01:11:31,560 --> 01:11:32,310 question. Okay. 1330 01:11:32,340 --> 01:11:33,750 Adam Curry: All right. Here's your question. So 1331 01:11:33,750 --> 01:11:37,560 Tina Curry: what was the best surprise I've ever done for you? 1332 01:11:39,690 --> 01:11:41,130 The best surprise, there's one I 1333 01:11:41,130 --> 01:11:45,930 Adam Curry: can't mention. Oh. And that's, that's that's 1334 01:11:45,930 --> 01:11:50,640 answered my question. Oh, no. Well, that was that. That's the 1335 01:11:50,640 --> 01:11:52,710 first thing that came to mind. Okay. 1336 01:11:53,820 --> 01:11:56,910 Tina Curry: That was a surprise weekend night. Yeah. Yeah. 1337 01:11:56,970 --> 01:12:00,060 Adam Curry: But that was the one you're you go. You go. Okay. I 1338 01:12:00,060 --> 01:12:01,110 have to think so. Actually, 1339 01:12:01,590 --> 01:12:02,610 Tina Curry: I have a couple that 1340 01:12:02,610 --> 01:12:04,080 Adam Curry: I work because I've surprised you with lots of 1341 01:12:04,080 --> 01:12:06,540 stuff. I'm full of surprises. Manuel Manu. Well, 1342 01:12:06,570 --> 01:12:10,740 Tina Curry: of course, topping the list is our engagement. That 1343 01:12:10,740 --> 01:12:15,240 was pretty good. That was off the charts. So I had absolutely 1344 01:12:15,240 --> 01:12:20,790 no idea that you had this big box in your in your pocket. And 1345 01:12:20,790 --> 01:12:22,200 I had no idea. What 1346 01:12:22,200 --> 01:12:24,570 Adam Curry: do you want to tell people about it? Because I mean, 1347 01:12:24,600 --> 01:12:26,880 I think you should. Okay, explain a little bit because not 1348 01:12:26,880 --> 01:12:30,570 everyone knows the masterful, masterful way that I 1349 01:12:30,570 --> 01:12:32,820 Tina Curry: proposed. You're sitting there like, you 1350 01:12:34,440 --> 01:12:37,830 Adam Curry: need to set it up by saying, Yeah, with the with the 1351 01:12:37,830 --> 01:12:38,790 precursor? Yes, 1352 01:12:38,790 --> 01:12:42,240 Tina Curry: I will. Okay, so, Adam and I were dating about 1353 01:12:42,510 --> 01:12:45,570 about three years, we moved in together after two years, and 1354 01:12:45,570 --> 01:12:49,590 about three years in, when we were with friends, you would say 1355 01:12:49,620 --> 01:12:52,890 oh, when I'm gonna when I asked her to marry me when I asked her 1356 01:12:52,890 --> 01:12:57,030 to marry me, and actually that Christmas I thought he was going 1357 01:12:57,030 --> 01:13:02,280 to propose and I got my nails done. And I was waiting. And I 1358 01:13:02,280 --> 01:13:05,250 think I got like a purse or something or wallet. I think 1359 01:13:05,250 --> 01:13:07,080 that I got the Tiffany wallet that year. 1360 01:13:08,820 --> 01:13:10,380 Adam Curry: worst president ever. 1361 01:13:11,820 --> 01:13:14,670 Tina Curry: I'm kidding. I don't remember. So when you kept 1362 01:13:14,670 --> 01:13:17,130 saying that in front of friends, I finally said I, we had a 1363 01:13:17,130 --> 01:13:20,910 discussion. I said, Look, I'm committed to you. I love you. 1364 01:13:21,330 --> 01:13:25,650 I'm committed to you forever. You don't have to marry me. But 1365 01:13:25,650 --> 01:13:28,260 I want you to stop saying that. I said, because you're setting 1366 01:13:28,260 --> 01:13:32,040 up an expectation and you don't have to. I'm committed to you. 1367 01:13:32,070 --> 01:13:35,580 We're committed to each other. And you were like, okay, so you 1368 01:13:35,580 --> 01:13:39,270 stopped. And we traveled to Italy, because it was your 1369 01:13:39,270 --> 01:13:43,440 sister's 25th wedding anniversary party. And then 1370 01:13:43,470 --> 01:13:48,150 after we were in Tuscany, or Tuscany, Brianza. That's 1371 01:13:48,150 --> 01:13:51,690 Tuscany. Yeah, is it? Same thing. And then we drove up to 1372 01:13:51,690 --> 01:13:54,570 Lake Como and we were going to spend some time in Lake Como and 1373 01:13:54,570 --> 01:13:56,460 then we were we were going to 1374 01:13:57,360 --> 01:13:59,970 Adam Curry: like Mario Cuomo, como, como, 1375 01:14:01,080 --> 01:14:07,320 Tina Curry: como. And we were, you're like, Let's go somewhere 1376 01:14:07,320 --> 01:14:09,840 nice for dinner. And I said, Okay, and so we hopped online 1377 01:14:09,840 --> 01:14:11,970 and we're like, Oh, this looks great. And I go, I'll make the 1378 01:14:11,970 --> 01:14:15,330 reservation you're like, Okay, and so I made the reservation 1379 01:14:15,330 --> 01:14:17,700 and I put on my dress like do you think I should go casual 1380 01:14:17,700 --> 01:14:20,370 shoes, dress shoes, you go dressy shoes, and I said, okay, 1381 01:14:20,820 --> 01:14:24,210 and not even knowing and so then you said you had to go to the 1382 01:14:24,210 --> 01:14:27,930 car. I don't know yet to do something. I had no idea and we 1383 01:14:27,930 --> 01:14:31,050 walk into the restaurant. And we're set we have this beautiful 1384 01:14:31,050 --> 01:14:35,310 table overlooking. It was Bellagio, we're in Bellagio 1385 01:14:36,180 --> 01:14:40,020 overlooking the water and your your US usual self? You're 1386 01:14:40,020 --> 01:14:42,870 laughing you're yucking it up with the waiters. And you know 1387 01:14:42,870 --> 01:14:45,750 we were talking about the wine that was made by the prisoners 1388 01:14:45,750 --> 01:14:49,170 and we're laughing in the toilet bowl. Yes. And then they bring 1389 01:14:49,170 --> 01:14:53,400 us our first course. Mine was the shrimp with the heads on it, 1390 01:14:53,400 --> 01:14:59,280 which I did not forgot about. Yeah, and so then I turned to 1391 01:14:59,280 --> 01:15:02,910 look and ice See them bringing a bottle of champagne and two 1392 01:15:02,910 --> 01:15:06,360 glasses. And I think to myself, Oh, these guys must really like 1393 01:15:06,360 --> 01:15:09,480 us because you were just you bantering back and forth. And 1394 01:15:09,480 --> 01:15:12,090 they put the glasses down. And then you put your napkin on the 1395 01:15:12,090 --> 01:15:14,850 table and you got down on one knee. And 1396 01:15:14,880 --> 01:15:16,980 Adam Curry: the orchestra started playing the theme from 1397 01:15:16,980 --> 01:15:20,100 love story. Yeah, that as a video. 1398 01:15:21,300 --> 01:15:23,310 Tina Curry: So it's on my Instagram, you have to go way 1399 01:15:23,310 --> 01:15:26,640 back like four years ago to see it but a little more than four 1400 01:15:26,640 --> 01:15:31,740 years ago, four, four years ago, in five years ago, five 1401 01:15:31,740 --> 01:15:33,300 Adam Curry: years ago, they 1402 01:15:33,300 --> 01:15:37,230 Tina Curry: allowed me to the wall. So yeah, so I was shocked. 1403 01:15:37,260 --> 01:15:40,380 I was shocked. I mean, if you look at my face on that video, I 1404 01:15:40,380 --> 01:15:44,430 was shocked. Shocked. So that was by far one of the best 1405 01:15:44,430 --> 01:15:45,120 surprises. 1406 01:15:46,470 --> 01:15:50,400 Adam Curry: So I have one other one. Okay. I have a wait. So I 1407 01:15:50,400 --> 01:15:55,470 have a way to explain the best surprise. Okay. We went to 1408 01:15:55,470 --> 01:15:59,610 dinner for my birthday. And you gave me a gift. Let's just put 1409 01:15:59,610 --> 01:16:06,690 it this way. The gifts included a key to a hotel room. And I 1410 01:16:06,690 --> 01:16:09,750 mean, that's stuck in my mind. I mean, I'm sure that after the 1411 01:16:09,750 --> 01:16:13,350 show we'll have 50 More things but when was the best surprise 1412 01:16:13,560 --> 01:16:17,520 it was just it was the best surprise it was you had arranged 1413 01:16:17,520 --> 01:16:20,490 everything the hotel the whole every the whole deal. It was 1414 01:16:20,490 --> 01:16:20,910 just a 1415 01:16:20,910 --> 01:16:23,640 Tina Curry: fantastic linen checked in I got duplicates of 1416 01:16:23,640 --> 01:16:25,560 everything. There was champagne 1417 01:16:25,560 --> 01:16:28,710 Adam Curry: in the room. I mean, it was I was so proud of you 1418 01:16:28,710 --> 01:16:32,220 because that was an Adam curry move really? learned from the 1419 01:16:32,220 --> 01:16:35,190 best it was beautiful. Yeah, and that was yeah, 1420 01:16:35,490 --> 01:16:37,020 Tina Curry: that was you know what I thought you were gonna 1421 01:16:37,020 --> 01:16:38,610 say your flagpole. 1422 01:16:39,510 --> 01:16:41,820 Adam Curry: Well, that was best present I was I mean you've 1423 01:16:41,820 --> 01:16:47,580 given me lots of great I nailed the kids presents are always so 1424 01:16:47,580 --> 01:16:50,100 that's not even a surprise like my presence is gonna be great. 1425 01:16:50,130 --> 01:16:50,430 Yeah. 1426 01:16:50,970 --> 01:16:51,510 Unknown: Oh no. 1427 01:16:51,540 --> 01:16:54,660 Adam Curry: The flagpole blew me away. Yeah, that blew me away. 1428 01:16:54,690 --> 01:16:57,570 Yeah, three flagpoles later, we finally have one but it was 1429 01:16:59,190 --> 01:17:02,130 Tina Curry: crazy, because I did not want you it was arriving. I 1430 01:17:02,130 --> 01:17:05,790 was angry because I was had to be at work. And it was. 1431 01:17:06,300 --> 01:17:08,880 Adam Curry: You can't look out the window. Don't look too 1432 01:17:08,880 --> 01:17:10,800 Tina Curry: long. Because as soon as you looked out the 1433 01:17:10,800 --> 01:17:12,240 window, you'd know what it were 1434 01:17:12,240 --> 01:17:13,320 Adam Curry: thought pogo stick. 1435 01:17:14,400 --> 01:17:16,890 Tina Curry: Fishing Rod, 10 foot pogo stick. 1436 01:17:16,950 --> 01:17:20,430 Adam Curry: I don't know if I would have guessed it. But. But 1437 01:17:20,430 --> 01:17:23,640 that was the best present. But surprise that was oh, I mean, 1438 01:17:23,640 --> 01:17:26,370 this bin. I'm sure there's many more that I'll think of but that 1439 01:17:26,370 --> 01:17:28,440 when you said the best. I mean, I have to be honest. That's the 1440 01:17:28,440 --> 01:17:28,800 first thing. 1441 01:17:29,910 --> 01:17:31,980 Tina Curry: You had another one. The other one was we were 1442 01:17:31,980 --> 01:17:36,360 dating. Like, I don't know. Maybe forever a month. Oh, three 1443 01:17:36,360 --> 01:17:39,930 years? No. We're doing like a month and that's when I lived in 1444 01:17:39,930 --> 01:17:44,190 Hogwarts. I used to call my apartment Hogwarts. I had to 1445 01:17:44,190 --> 01:17:45,540 climb up this hill. 1446 01:17:46,950 --> 01:17:48,720 Adam Curry: And for some Coover, Game of Quidditch, 1447 01:17:48,750 --> 01:17:51,300 Tina Curry: and we were dating maybe a month and you sent me 1448 01:17:51,300 --> 01:17:55,050 Sonos speakers, like out of the blue you just sent me and I 1449 01:17:55,050 --> 01:17:59,430 still have the note about like, I needed music in my life. Yeah. 1450 01:17:59,460 --> 01:18:03,840 And get out of the blue. You just sent me the Sonos speakers, 1451 01:18:03,840 --> 01:18:07,740 which was I was blown away. And then you locked me down right 1452 01:18:07,740 --> 01:18:08,820 after that. I 1453 01:18:08,820 --> 01:18:11,370 Adam Curry: thought you're gonna say because this is what I 1454 01:18:11,370 --> 01:18:14,520 thought was a good surprise because I had this one plan. So 1455 01:18:14,610 --> 01:18:19,110 in in the penitentiary, where I lived, you had to that was a 1456 01:18:19,110 --> 01:18:22,440 third one you had to pay for the port was paid for the parking. 1457 01:18:22,440 --> 01:18:23,070 Yes. 1458 01:18:23,340 --> 01:18:26,040 Tina Curry: And then and I've gotten several parking tickets, 1459 01:18:26,100 --> 01:18:26,610 and you were 1460 01:18:26,880 --> 01:18:29,400 Adam Curry: tired of it. You were and you were like, can't 1461 01:18:29,400 --> 01:18:32,490 you buy some tokens or something so I don't have to deal with 1462 01:18:32,490 --> 01:18:35,160 this thing. And I said, Oh, yeah. How about this? No, you 1463 01:18:35,160 --> 01:18:37,740 Tina Curry: said pull and pull and pull on this side. You said 1464 01:18:37,740 --> 01:18:39,030 yeah, no parking garage. Yeah, 1465 01:18:39,060 --> 01:18:41,340 Adam Curry: pull into that. You know, like what you know, and 1466 01:18:41,340 --> 01:18:44,460 you were thinking I had tokens for you. I said look, here's 1467 01:18:44,460 --> 01:18:46,770 your fob and here's your key to the apartment. And then 1468 01:18:46,770 --> 01:18:49,170 Tina Curry: you said can you water my plants while I go to 1469 01:18:49,170 --> 01:18:49,530 Europe 1470 01:18:53,580 --> 01:18:56,220 Adam Curry: and I never had a fight ladies and gentlemen. I 1471 01:18:56,220 --> 01:18:58,890 love you Tina Marie. Love you too baby. See you next week 1472 01:18:58,890 --> 01:18:59,430 everybody. 1473 01:19:21,720 --> 01:19:22,530 Unknown: The keeper