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Jan. 4, 2024

71: "Crayon Water"

71: "Crayon Water"

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Curry & The Keeper

Curry & The Keeper - January 10th 2024 Episode 71 - "Crayon Water"

Art by: Craig Weinberg




Executive Producers:

Associate Executive Producers: Dame Bessie the T is Silent - Paul Webb

Salmon Yay's:




Damage Control

Adam's Workout

The Closet

Wrong Date night

Wedding Madness

Dinner David & Karen

Tom Woods Show

Chess with William

Email from Grand Duke David Foley

Questiion of The Week

Tasting Room Goodies

The Wine


Bridge Church Fredericksburg Texas

3 Apps with purchase built in - MoonPay


PO Box 1849 - Fredericksburg Texas 78624

Last Modified 01/10/2024 20:17:10 by Freedom Controller  

00:01 - Here we go! No wine today!

01:51 - Church-wide fast

04:23 - We we watch

06:35 - What to read?

10:05 - I had a box

10:31 - The doors were open!

11:46 - I have a complaint - damage control!

15:14 - Workouts?

16:57 - You picked the wrong date!

18:43 - She had such a light about her!!

20:44 - Dinner with the campaign manager

24:26 - Trouble feeling it

30:59 - Vow renewal?

35:32 - Phoebe’s journey 😞

36:45 - Grumpy laundry 🧺

40:50 - I vacuumed the vent

42:45 - A dear friend

45:44 - Tina’s God shots

52:58 - Different books 📚

54:12 - I have a chess ♟️ buddy now

56:17 - Adam on Tom Woods?

58:46 - V4V

59:26 - New Podcast Apps

01:00:45 - Cork Soakers

01:10:34 - Newsletter

01:11:18 - Question time

01:18:48 - Wrap - see you next week

1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:06,570 Adam Curry: And she can keep in mind. Everything's fine. You got 2 00:00:06,600 --> 00:00:15,630 all that you need to keep her? Yeah, sure. Yeah, the key burger 3 00:00:15,630 --> 00:00:21,900 in the keeper for January 10 2024 Episode 71 to get it in 4 00:00:24,090 --> 00:00:32,040 Hello. By January queen. I'm sorry. You muted muted Queen 5 00:00:32,040 --> 00:00:35,640 Hello muted queen. I had to do that because when I open it up 6 00:00:35,640 --> 00:00:39,180 and I come in through your mic and say hello my darling. 7 00:00:39,210 --> 00:00:40,590 Tina Curry: Hello my love, shall we? 8 00:00:40,770 --> 00:00:43,050 Adam Curry: Shall we cheers right away. Let's get this out 9 00:00:43,050 --> 00:00:48,030 of the way because for exactly. That sounded horrible. 10 00:00:48,060 --> 00:00:52,350 Tina Curry: We are not drinking wine. It's dry January this dry 11 00:00:52,350 --> 00:00:53,280 January 10. 12 00:00:53,730 --> 00:00:56,100 Adam Curry: Yes, yeah, really is just this week. 13 00:00:57,930 --> 00:00:59,700 Tina Curry: I was why Adam, take it away. 14 00:00:59,790 --> 00:01:02,550 Adam Curry: Well, first of all, I'm very concerned. Oh, I don't 15 00:01:02,550 --> 00:01:05,220 know if I can do the show without wine. Oh, I mean, I'm 16 00:01:05,220 --> 00:01:07,050 always like, Yeah, I'm having a good time. 17 00:01:08,700 --> 00:01:09,690 Tina Curry: Not gonna be funny then. 18 00:01:10,380 --> 00:01:14,160 Adam Curry: Exactly. There's, there's no gonna be a duck. No 19 00:01:14,160 --> 00:01:15,720 joking going on. I've 20 00:01:15,720 --> 00:01:20,070 Tina Curry: done it sober often. So you're, you're already you're 21 00:01:20,070 --> 00:01:20,820 always lit up. 22 00:01:20,820 --> 00:01:24,690 Adam Curry: Excuse me. I'm never lit up but I do kind of miss. 23 00:01:24,690 --> 00:01:26,760 Alright, so give me a break. Do 24 00:01:26,760 --> 00:01:29,010 Tina Curry: you have a glass of wine with dinner? And then you 25 00:01:29,010 --> 00:01:31,860 drink during the show? Yeah. Yeah, but 26 00:01:32,910 --> 00:01:35,430 Adam Curry: dude, I grew up drink. I grew up drinking. I 27 00:01:35,430 --> 00:01:44,580 drink. I'm still drunk. Now, I am drinking chocolate salt. Yes. 28 00:01:45,270 --> 00:01:49,830 Chocolate solid. Yes. And so we shall explain. Yes, taken away 29 00:01:49,830 --> 00:01:54,180 by the church. The British church had a church wide fast 30 00:01:54,240 --> 00:01:57,120 that started on Monday. The eighth start on Monday the ends. 31 00:01:57,120 --> 00:02:00,270 It's only five days. Yes, I can't even I'm saying that. I 32 00:02:00,270 --> 00:02:06,630 can't even talk right and see I told you. And now they had a 33 00:02:06,630 --> 00:02:10,350 whole whole sheet different types of fast you can do a full 34 00:02:10,350 --> 00:02:13,920 on no food fast. You could do the Daniel fast, which I think 35 00:02:13,920 --> 00:02:18,450 is only fruits and vegetables or something. And then you could do 36 00:02:18,690 --> 00:02:22,110 a partial fast. Or you could just fast by giving something 37 00:02:22,110 --> 00:02:25,260 up. That's really basically the idea is giving something up and 38 00:02:25,260 --> 00:02:28,530 devoting more time devoting more time to God to Jesus to the 39 00:02:28,530 --> 00:02:34,590 word. It's just scripture. So I said I would use me I would give 40 00:02:34,590 --> 00:02:36,540 up all food except for dinner. 41 00:02:37,050 --> 00:02:38,190 Tina Curry: I know 42 00:02:38,220 --> 00:02:43,170 Adam Curry: and, and wine. Yeah. And we both are well, there's no 43 00:02:43,170 --> 00:02:45,780 social media at night. I'm trying to stay off my phone 44 00:02:45,780 --> 00:02:49,620 altogether at night. Although I did listen to a podcast. Yes. 45 00:02:50,340 --> 00:02:53,280 And we basically spend our evenings reading our Bibles. 46 00:02:53,280 --> 00:02:56,550 Yeah. And our mornings of course, yes, we do that. Yeah. 47 00:02:57,210 --> 00:03:02,070 And what are you doing? Well, how was your day? dosti 48 00:03:02,100 --> 00:03:06,930 Tina Curry: I started off strong. Well, I am still dealing 49 00:03:06,930 --> 00:03:10,890 with some What was your whole scar first? Originally, I was 50 00:03:10,890 --> 00:03:16,770 going with no coffee. Yeah. No social media. No television. No. 51 00:03:17,220 --> 00:03:23,340 and No joy. Nope. No wide. And the because I'm still dealing 52 00:03:23,340 --> 00:03:27,090 with the whole fatigue issue. The no coffee just sent me 53 00:03:27,090 --> 00:03:28,320 spiraling man. 54 00:03:28,320 --> 00:03:32,010 Adam Curry: You were was that? Was it Monday? No to yesterday, 55 00:03:32,010 --> 00:03:32,070 it 56 00:03:32,070 --> 00:03:34,470 Tina Curry: was really bad. I was volunteering at the church 57 00:03:34,470 --> 00:03:38,790 and I had to come home. So I had to introduce so you so kindly 58 00:03:38,790 --> 00:03:40,710 went and got me a cup of coffee. I 59 00:03:40,710 --> 00:03:43,260 Adam Curry: was like, What can I do for you? How about if I got 60 00:03:43,260 --> 00:03:46,320 you some McDonald's coffee? I know. Like, yes. You want me to 61 00:03:46,320 --> 00:03:47,880 get that now? Yes, like, okay. 62 00:03:48,420 --> 00:03:51,240 Tina Curry: Yeah. So it's not as stringent as yours because I 63 00:03:51,240 --> 00:03:55,800 can't write. I can't mess around with your diet. Take your things 64 00:03:55,800 --> 00:03:59,340 out. So for me to go into fasting mode in any way, shape, 65 00:03:59,340 --> 00:04:03,150 or form, I think would be detrimental to me. So, you know, 66 00:04:03,150 --> 00:04:07,170 in it. It has been? I mean, you know that I'm on social media, 67 00:04:07,260 --> 00:04:09,720 or I'm not on all 68 00:04:13,260 --> 00:04:15,360 Adam Curry: I'm not saying anything. Not all the time. 69 00:04:15,360 --> 00:04:17,700 Unknown: Not all the time. Yes, I do. 70 00:04:20,459 --> 00:04:23,639 Tina Curry: So I do I mean, I find I miss it. And I missed the 71 00:04:23,639 --> 00:04:25,889 television at night because that's how we decompress. We 72 00:04:25,889 --> 00:04:27,749 don't watch a lot of TV. We only 73 00:04:27,750 --> 00:04:30,300 Adam Curry: watch hours. We only watch Frasier and we finish 74 00:04:30,300 --> 00:04:34,110 Frasier on Sunday. By the way, we finished all seasons. And 75 00:04:34,110 --> 00:04:38,070 then it is Hulu I think so it automatically shuttled forward 76 00:04:38,070 --> 00:04:39,300 to cheers. Yes. 77 00:04:39,390 --> 00:04:40,230 Tina Curry: So we're like, 78 00:04:41,280 --> 00:04:43,800 Adam Curry: what should we watch? And I know what I wanted, 79 00:04:43,800 --> 00:04:46,560 but you didn't want to watch it. What I wanted a Little House on 80 00:04:46,560 --> 00:04:49,410 Tina Curry: the Prairie Andreea today it was like you should 81 00:04:49,410 --> 00:04:52,860 watch it it's really really good. Adam brought it up and I 82 00:04:52,860 --> 00:04:53,640 don't know. 83 00:04:55,860 --> 00:04:57,900 Adam Curry: I think by coincidence wasn't this past 84 00:04:57,900 --> 00:05:02,520 year i Excuse me. If I read one of the bow, 85 00:05:04,049 --> 00:05:06,119 Tina Curry: any wine, I knew 86 00:05:06,120 --> 00:05:09,450 Adam Curry: some some I read one of the Laura Ingalls Wilder 87 00:05:09,450 --> 00:05:12,930 books. Yes, I remember. That was this year, wasn't it? I just 88 00:05:12,930 --> 00:05:15,090 kind of got into it. And I read the whole thing is really 89 00:05:15,090 --> 00:05:18,060 interesting. Yeah. And I remember watching little house, 90 00:05:18,090 --> 00:05:24,090 little house. That's that little house. Ah, right. LH. I remember 91 00:05:24,090 --> 00:05:26,640 watching that as a kid, and I really liked it. But you know, 92 00:05:26,640 --> 00:05:29,580 so I can understand. You didn't want it. 93 00:05:29,670 --> 00:05:32,580 Tina Curry: Yeah. Cuz Andrea said, Oh, it's so good. The 94 00:05:32,580 --> 00:05:36,480 Christmas special is so good. She said that she watched all of 95 00:05:36,480 --> 00:05:40,050 the Frazier Christmas specials during the holidays, because we 96 00:05:40,050 --> 00:05:43,080 are watching it. And she said she really enjoyed it. So but 97 00:05:43,080 --> 00:05:46,140 yeah, I said, Yeah, Adam brought that up, and I immediately shot 98 00:05:46,140 --> 00:05:47,400 it down. What 99 00:05:47,400 --> 00:05:49,020 Adam Curry: else do we come up with? We had a couple other 100 00:05:49,020 --> 00:05:51,600 ideas. We started to watch. 101 00:05:53,730 --> 00:05:56,340 Tina Curry: Home Improvement. We're like, No, this is not 102 00:05:56,340 --> 00:06:00,630 funny. No. And immediately cheers. Cheers is funny. It 103 00:06:00,630 --> 00:06:02,490 Adam Curry: got us right away. Yeah. 104 00:06:02,580 --> 00:06:05,160 I don't know that I do you think it'll hold it hold up, because 105 00:06:05,160 --> 00:06:08,400 Frasier the writing was pretty spectacular. We'll see. We'll 106 00:06:08,400 --> 00:06:11,340 see. Anyway, so we're gonna watching that anyway, right now. 107 00:06:11,550 --> 00:06:12,720 We're watching nothing. So 108 00:06:12,720 --> 00:06:17,160 Tina Curry: yes. So we are the third day into the fast. And I 109 00:06:17,160 --> 00:06:19,650 think it's been great. I mean, I've been reading a lot. I'm 110 00:06:19,650 --> 00:06:23,940 done with reading the whole Bible. And so now I'm just, I'm 111 00:06:23,940 --> 00:06:27,120 just waiting for the Holy Spirit to tell me what to read. And so 112 00:06:27,120 --> 00:06:31,770 I guess I could go into this real quickly. So I was looking 113 00:06:31,770 --> 00:06:36,000 for a book. I'm like, What should I read? So so many people 114 00:06:36,000 --> 00:06:38,730 have sent us so many wonderful books, and I open up the 115 00:06:38,730 --> 00:06:42,060 cabinet. And there's just shelves of books. And I 116 00:06:42,060 --> 00:06:46,350 immediately select this book by Joyce Meyer. It's about the book 117 00:06:46,350 --> 00:06:51,780 of James, which is one of my very favorite books. And I turn 118 00:06:51,780 --> 00:06:56,610 to the opening page, and it says tests and trials lead to joy has 119 00:06:56,610 --> 00:07:00,570 been your word. Joy. Yes, it's my 2024 word. I'll talk about a 120 00:07:00,570 --> 00:07:03,720 little bit more later. So um, but yeah, so I've been reading 121 00:07:03,720 --> 00:07:07,290 that book. And then I've been reading I read Galatians today, 122 00:07:07,290 --> 00:07:09,540 which I'll talk about a little bit later. And I just finished 123 00:07:09,540 --> 00:07:13,680 Hebrews yesterday. So I'm just going where the Holy Spirit 124 00:07:13,680 --> 00:07:16,950 leads me to read it. And I'm yeah, it's been pretty cool. 125 00:07:17,340 --> 00:07:19,740 Adam Curry: I've been, my mornings are still kind of the 126 00:07:19,740 --> 00:07:22,800 same. I always, you know, go through a couple different 127 00:07:22,800 --> 00:07:25,800 devotionals. Whatever, gets my interest. I'll read that. And 128 00:07:25,800 --> 00:07:29,070 I'll usually wind up reading not just, you know, as a verse, 129 00:07:29,070 --> 00:07:32,280 obviously, but then I read that, that chapter, and they'll read 130 00:07:32,310 --> 00:07:35,040 several chapters, maybe one before couple after, depending 131 00:07:35,040 --> 00:07:38,970 on how it goes. And of course, Pastor Jimmy always sends 132 00:07:38,970 --> 00:07:42,870 something. So I usually look at those and I'll read that. And 133 00:07:42,870 --> 00:07:45,150 then at night, I've just been reading different Bibles. Yeah. 134 00:07:45,180 --> 00:07:54,990 So I had I think I went through at least 1010 chapters of wasn't 135 00:07:54,990 --> 00:07:59,160 reading. Oh, come on. We're reading Isaiah, Isaiah. Right. 136 00:07:59,700 --> 00:08:04,440 And I read that in the, in the Message Bible, and then I was 137 00:08:04,440 --> 00:08:06,780 like, oh, okay, I want to do something else now. And I 138 00:08:06,780 --> 00:08:09,990 started with the Bible that Roger McGlinn 139 00:08:10,020 --> 00:08:13,290 Tina Curry: Yes. And Camille sent me that New King James, the 140 00:08:13,290 --> 00:08:13,680 New King 141 00:08:13,680 --> 00:08:16,380 Adam Curry: James Version, it's the things called the Spirit 142 00:08:16,380 --> 00:08:20,460 field Bible. I really like it, because it actually has less 143 00:08:20,460 --> 00:08:24,030 words. For some reason. The the Old English is just less words. 144 00:08:24,240 --> 00:08:27,870 And this Bible has a lot of cool. It'll highlight a word and 145 00:08:27,870 --> 00:08:30,900 give you the whole etymology of the word where it comes from the 146 00:08:30,900 --> 00:08:35,520 original cool, I guess, Aramaic, Greek, whatever. You say cool. 147 00:08:35,520 --> 00:08:36,210 Like, no, 148 00:08:36,210 --> 00:08:39,540 Tina Curry: no, I think it's cool. I was, you know, so Joyce 149 00:08:39,540 --> 00:08:44,370 Meyer. I don't know if it's Myers or Meyer. In this book, 150 00:08:44,460 --> 00:08:49,560 she wrote a Bible too. And she calls it The Amplified Bible, 151 00:08:49,590 --> 00:08:54,150 right as I don't like that too much. I don't like it. And that 152 00:08:54,150 --> 00:08:58,050 likes it. I don't like it. It's Yes, it's like unnecessary to 153 00:08:58,050 --> 00:09:02,250 me. So I have to go back to my my Bible and read the Scripture 154 00:09:02,250 --> 00:09:05,580 because I it's it's unnecessary. I understand what it means. 155 00:09:05,880 --> 00:09:08,310 Anyway, but they talk about God shots, right? 156 00:09:08,310 --> 00:09:10,320 Adam Curry: Oh, by the by the time I've eaten because I 157 00:09:10,320 --> 00:09:13,290 finally get to eat or and we've been eating early 530 Wait. 158 00:09:14,700 --> 00:09:18,570 Time. Yes. Big, big time, ARP time, and then we'll go sit on 159 00:09:18,570 --> 00:09:21,510 the couch. And then for the past three nights I've basically 160 00:09:21,510 --> 00:09:22,050 passed out 161 00:09:22,080 --> 00:09:26,400 Tina Curry: yes, you have because you're well, you're 162 00:09:26,400 --> 00:09:29,220 eating like a small animal at dinner. Yes. I'm 163 00:09:29,220 --> 00:09:35,340 Adam Curry: actually eating a small animal. Yes. Yes. My focus 164 00:09:35,340 --> 00:09:38,340 during the day is quite phenomenal. It really is. 165 00:09:38,670 --> 00:09:42,690 Unknown: You cleaned the studio yesterday. I 166 00:09:42,690 --> 00:09:46,170 Adam Curry: did. I cleaned the whole I had a whole process. I 167 00:09:46,170 --> 00:09:50,100 cleaned out the whole side desk there. I moved the computer down 168 00:09:50,100 --> 00:09:54,330 to the floor. I put the lights back in the proper place and I 169 00:09:54,330 --> 00:09:57,150 set up a whole ham radio rig and an antenna I 170 00:09:57,180 --> 00:10:01,260 Tina Curry: know. But what I loved is you took I had a box 171 00:10:01,830 --> 00:10:05,640 for us to go through stuff. Yes, you went and just put more stuff 172 00:10:05,640 --> 00:10:08,130 in it. You put it in the garage. 173 00:10:10,080 --> 00:10:13,500 Adam Curry: We'll look through that later. I know exactly where 174 00:10:13,500 --> 00:10:17,370 this box is. It's all kinds of beautiful stuff. I know it's in 175 00:10:17,370 --> 00:10:17,700 there. 176 00:10:18,330 --> 00:10:22,170 Unknown: It will never be opened by you again. Yeah, well, okay. 177 00:10:22,200 --> 00:10:24,000 Adam Curry: Yes because you're going to you're going to tap 178 00:10:24,000 --> 00:10:27,180 your foot and so what I'm doing but this box is here when we 179 00:10:27,180 --> 00:10:29,220 move out of this house we're never moving. 180 00:10:29,880 --> 00:10:33,210 Unknown: But here was the thing so the closet doors were open 181 00:10:33,210 --> 00:10:33,510 now 182 00:10:33,540 --> 00:10:37,620 Adam Curry: stop. Now stop stop. You said can we can I look in 183 00:10:37,620 --> 00:10:43,290 the closet? I said no. No go I said go away. And you came in 184 00:10:43,290 --> 00:10:46,200 while the doors were open. And then you started to go boy. 185 00:10:47,670 --> 00:10:52,410 Unknown: Look at all these waters yours. Can I take your 186 00:10:52,410 --> 00:10:54,270 picture put in the newsletter? Oh, 187 00:10:54,450 --> 00:10:57,480 Adam Curry: no. This is my cause I have one spot in the house. 188 00:10:57,480 --> 00:11:03,930 That's my h H. h H hellhole. And I love it and I and those wires 189 00:11:03,930 --> 00:11:05,910 are hanging nicely on a hanger. It's a 190 00:11:05,910 --> 00:11:09,480 Tina Curry: wire hanger that yes, Crawford used. Yes. Beat 191 00:11:09,480 --> 00:11:12,930 her daughter. And all these wires are hanging off to one 192 00:11:12,930 --> 00:11:17,010 side. So the hangers is cockeyed. Yes. Like I don't 193 00:11:17,010 --> 00:11:18,660 know, if di wires, but 194 00:11:18,660 --> 00:11:20,910 Adam Curry: they're all neatly organized because they are 195 00:11:23,820 --> 00:11:29,760 Tina Curry: my studio. My studio too. Anyway, I was just like, 196 00:11:30,300 --> 00:11:34,350 wow, wow. And you're just like, go away. Step 197 00:11:34,350 --> 00:11:38,070 Adam Curry: away serve to have their little cubby. Okay, and 198 00:11:38,100 --> 00:11:41,040 look at look at how clean everything is. Come on. Oh, man. 199 00:11:41,130 --> 00:11:41,700 Come on, 200 00:11:41,700 --> 00:11:45,300 Tina Curry: man. Oh, so, you know, I wanted to talk to you 201 00:11:45,300 --> 00:11:46,050 about something. 202 00:11:46,740 --> 00:11:48,930 Adam Curry: If it isn't about the wires in my closet. Um, 203 00:11:48,930 --> 00:11:54,540 Tina Curry: I have another complaint. I I'm having to do 204 00:11:54,540 --> 00:11:56,640 damage control over here. Okay. 205 00:11:58,140 --> 00:11:59,610 Adam Curry: Now she has Kathleen, I'm 206 00:11:59,610 --> 00:12:02,700 Tina Curry: having to do damage control over here. So not only 207 00:12:02,700 --> 00:12:08,250 am I the Commerce Department, shipping and handling up public 208 00:12:08,250 --> 00:12:13,470 relations, PR purchasing and ordering and the complaint 209 00:12:13,470 --> 00:12:16,950 department now I'm crisis communication. Okay, what are 210 00:12:16,950 --> 00:12:21,240 you talking about? Sometimes you say things, and people come back 211 00:12:21,240 --> 00:12:24,930 to me and they're like, Is Adam talking about me? Is he talking 212 00:12:24,930 --> 00:12:31,320 about? So when Julie had a beautiful note, donated 36,500 213 00:12:31,440 --> 00:12:33,420 And he said to her note is really long, but I'm going to 214 00:12:33,420 --> 00:12:36,150 read it. So Julie sends me exactly 215 00:12:36,150 --> 00:12:38,190 Unknown: how I said it. This is really long. 216 00:12:39,030 --> 00:12:41,910 Adam Curry: But I'm gonna read a friend. Okay, you're right. I'm 217 00:12:41,910 --> 00:12:45,540 sorry. I can't believe how close you came to reality. That's 218 00:12:45,540 --> 00:12:46,200 really good. 219 00:12:46,410 --> 00:12:48,450 Tina Curry: So Julie, text me she's like, I'm really sorry 220 00:12:48,450 --> 00:12:53,220 about the long note. It should be shorter. I go. He works for 221 00:12:53,220 --> 00:12:57,030 me. He's gonna read your note. Who was it that 222 00:12:57,030 --> 00:12:58,650 Adam Curry: said that to me? You 223 00:12:58,650 --> 00:13:01,110 Tina Curry: told me that in the podcast the other day that I was 224 00:13:01,110 --> 00:13:02,400 really the star of the show. 225 00:13:02,400 --> 00:13:05,550 Adam Curry: No, no. But who was that? It was I said it to you 226 00:13:05,550 --> 00:13:08,340 know, someone texted that to me or someone emailed me said, by 227 00:13:08,340 --> 00:13:12,870 the way? No. Oh, no. I was having, oh, no, I can't 228 00:13:12,870 --> 00:13:16,200 remember. I came I came home when I told you this. That 229 00:13:16,200 --> 00:13:18,240 someone's at the end of this whole meeting or whatever. 230 00:13:18,240 --> 00:13:24,240 Someone said, Oh, no, it was Gordon Gordon, who I had to Yes. 231 00:13:24,300 --> 00:13:26,490 On Monday you had the conversation with Yeah, so I had 232 00:13:26,490 --> 00:13:28,440 this whole conversation with him. And as we're saying 233 00:13:28,440 --> 00:13:33,480 goodbye. He says, By the way, Tina is the star. Like, thanks. 234 00:13:34,170 --> 00:13:35,520 You really want me to help you with this? 235 00:13:36,930 --> 00:13:39,810 Tina Curry: But okay, so not only Julie. I've heard it from 236 00:13:39,840 --> 00:13:44,100 Peggy. I've heard it from Brandy Peggy's older friends who are 237 00:13:44,100 --> 00:13:46,620 coming out of town. She was is he talking about us? 238 00:13:48,330 --> 00:13:51,480 Adam Curry: What is the what is the common thread? These are all 239 00:13:51,480 --> 00:13:57,510 your chicks. So they're your friends. Oh, by default because 240 00:13:57,510 --> 00:14:00,270 they stay in my house. Your friends, too. They are now 241 00:14:00,270 --> 00:14:00,810 anyway. 242 00:14:00,900 --> 00:14:04,380 Tina Curry: I'm having to do damage control over here. So you 243 00:14:04,380 --> 00:14:06,060 need to kind of lighten up a little bit. 244 00:14:07,350 --> 00:14:11,130 Adam Curry: If you really can't tell me what to do. I am who I 245 00:14:11,130 --> 00:14:16,260 am. And my friends who I guess these three women now are my 246 00:14:16,260 --> 00:14:17,910 friends. They understand me. 247 00:14:18,090 --> 00:14:20,610 Tina Curry: Yes. Because now I've had to do damage control. 248 00:14:20,610 --> 00:14:23,340 Like no, he really didn't mean that. No, no. 249 00:14:24,210 --> 00:14:24,510 Unknown: No. 250 00:14:26,070 --> 00:14:28,530 Adam Curry: I didn't mean it. Doesn't mean that I don't love 251 00:14:28,530 --> 00:14:31,980 her doesn't mean it didn't like the nose. No, that's just what 252 00:14:31,980 --> 00:14:35,790 it is. Yeah. Hey, what was brandy? Oh worried about because 253 00:14:35,820 --> 00:14:39,390 Tina Curry: on one show you said she's your friend. And she goes, 254 00:14:39,690 --> 00:14:44,160 I look at Adams my friend too. I go you know what? He's just 255 00:14:44,160 --> 00:14:45,750 kidding. Where's my hat? That's 256 00:14:45,750 --> 00:14:47,040 Adam Curry: my where's my lunch? Oh, 257 00:14:47,100 --> 00:14:51,000 Tina Curry: that's that's the standard was he was just 258 00:14:51,000 --> 00:14:54,240 kidding. Really? He's kidding. He's really kidding. That's the 259 00:14:54,240 --> 00:14:55,860 standard. Well, it's walking. 260 00:14:56,220 --> 00:14:58,590 Adam Curry: It's weird that you're the star but I guess what 261 00:14:58,590 --> 00:15:04,320 I say carry so much. Wait, I wonder why that is? Sorry. Just 262 00:15:04,320 --> 00:15:05,250 the producer here. 263 00:15:05,460 --> 00:15:06,960 Tina Curry: Hey, I have a question for you. Okay. Can 264 00:15:06,960 --> 00:15:08,850 Adam Curry: I just say something? Yeah, everybody. I'm 265 00:15:08,850 --> 00:15:13,290 sorry in advance for anything that's going to come. Yes. Oh, 266 00:15:14,190 --> 00:15:17,310 Tina Curry: what happened to your workouts? Yeah, it's been 267 00:15:17,310 --> 00:15:21,090 about two months. Yeah. What's going on there? Well, 268 00:15:21,540 --> 00:15:23,730 Adam Curry: well, a lot of things happened. I had COVID, 269 00:15:23,730 --> 00:15:29,460 RSV. Your, you know, whatever I had you right. I gotta get back 270 00:15:29,460 --> 00:15:32,580 into it. And then and now I just don't have the energy. I'm gonna 271 00:15:32,610 --> 00:15:35,730 I'm not eating enough. So I can't lift the weight. What 272 00:15:35,730 --> 00:15:37,950 Tina Curry: did I Oh, please. Um, what did I say to you? I go, 273 00:15:37,950 --> 00:15:39,870 watch. You're not going to eat for five days. You're going to 274 00:15:39,870 --> 00:15:42,150 lose 20 pounds. Just watch. This is probably 275 00:15:44,220 --> 00:15:45,330 Adam Curry: something else horrible. 276 00:15:46,290 --> 00:15:48,180 Tina Curry: Bad and I go hey, you hungry? 277 00:15:49,320 --> 00:15:52,200 Adam Curry: I know you're saboteur. You're the worst. 278 00:15:52,890 --> 00:15:56,070 Unknown: You are really awful. You're really really hard. 279 00:15:56,100 --> 00:16:01,560 Adam Curry: I love you. But you're awful. Yes, I am totally 280 00:16:01,560 --> 00:16:05,700 lacking. But also, what happened? Well, my clothes, my 281 00:16:05,700 --> 00:16:08,640 clothes weren't fitting. And I felt really bad about you having 282 00:16:08,640 --> 00:16:11,370 to buy me new clothes all the time. So I decided to slow down 283 00:16:11,370 --> 00:16:18,660 a bit with my growth. Oh. And Tina comes home today with 20 284 00:16:18,660 --> 00:16:22,770 pounds and 25 pounders and like weights. I bought new dumbbells 285 00:16:23,070 --> 00:16:25,500 to carry these ensure that I can at least list them. 286 00:16:26,640 --> 00:16:29,640 Tina Curry: Maybe I'm taking them into the oven heavy too. I 287 00:16:29,640 --> 00:16:30,720 Adam Curry: was not. 288 00:16:32,610 --> 00:16:33,420 Unknown: Wow. 289 00:16:34,110 --> 00:16:35,070 I'm on a roll tonight. Are 290 00:16:35,070 --> 00:16:38,130 Adam Curry: you are you also apparently in the comedic 291 00:16:38,130 --> 00:16:41,280 writing department? Excellent. 292 00:16:42,630 --> 00:16:44,910 Tina Curry: I'm drinking water with a little bit of Celtic salt 293 00:16:44,910 --> 00:16:52,230 in it. Ah, so we went on a date last Friday Cabernet grill. That 294 00:16:52,230 --> 00:16:54,930 was really it was really nice. And guess what? I'm not the only 295 00:16:54,930 --> 00:16:58,620 one that selects the wrong date to make reservation. So no, this 296 00:16:58,620 --> 00:17:01,590 was taught. Yeah, this is revenge for you constantly. 297 00:17:02,820 --> 00:17:06,270 Adam Curry: Oh, my second Thursday evening that I 298 00:17:06,270 --> 00:17:08,490 suggested. Or you might it's Thursday 299 00:17:08,490 --> 00:17:10,860 Tina Curry: or Wednesday? I don't remember when you suggest 300 00:17:10,890 --> 00:17:11,790 No, it was Thursday. 301 00:17:12,330 --> 00:17:14,250 Adam Curry: Because you said hey, you want to go? I think you 302 00:17:14,250 --> 00:17:16,740 said want to go out to say yeah, let's go tomorrow night. I said 303 00:17:16,740 --> 00:17:21,210 Cabernet grill. You said the same thing. You always say about 304 00:17:21,210 --> 00:17:29,940 Cabernet grow. You can get it at 10. I said yes, I can I tap? And 305 00:17:29,940 --> 00:17:32,490 I said yes I can because every single time I do because I just 306 00:17:32,490 --> 00:17:35,880 go into the thing and clip the clip and was good. Like see. 307 00:17:36,510 --> 00:17:39,300 Tina Curry: I was like you got reservations for Friday night at 308 00:17:39,300 --> 00:17:41,820 six o'clock. Yeah. Thursday 309 00:17:41,820 --> 00:17:46,080 Adam Curry: night. Yeah, online. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. I always 310 00:17:46,140 --> 00:17:47,370 get my way. So 311 00:17:47,610 --> 00:17:50,160 Tina Curry: okay, so we walk into the restaurant. They know, 312 00:17:50,190 --> 00:17:52,590 they know us by now because we've been there so many times. 313 00:17:52,590 --> 00:17:55,950 And they're looking they're like Adam curry. And now 314 00:17:55,980 --> 00:17:58,920 Adam Curry: he says Robert curry like, do you really 315 00:17:59,190 --> 00:18:04,950 Tina Curry: know and they go on January 9. Adam curry I got you 316 00:18:04,980 --> 00:18:08,130 picked the wrong date. So you can never make fun of me again. 317 00:18:08,580 --> 00:18:10,530 Because I didn't hit the confirmation button for a 318 00:18:10,890 --> 00:18:12,090 Adam Curry: little different than not hitting the 319 00:18:12,090 --> 00:18:15,630 confirmation button getting the wrong that I can tell you why. 320 00:18:15,630 --> 00:18:18,210 But I don't want to bore you with please. We're here all 321 00:18:18,210 --> 00:18:21,720 night because they're closed all this week. So I had looked like 322 00:18:21,900 --> 00:18:25,650 that was all last week. And the first one lit up. That was for 323 00:18:25,650 --> 00:18:29,040 the next day and I hit it and you know, I was going to bed. I 324 00:18:29,040 --> 00:18:32,040 was doing it last minute to make sure that my my bride was 325 00:18:32,040 --> 00:18:37,350 satisfied. You know what? They still let us in. They gave us a 326 00:18:37,350 --> 00:18:42,660 beautiful table. And we sat and we were seated by what was her 327 00:18:42,660 --> 00:18:48,390 name? Roush Roush. Yes. I got to talk about her. Yes, yes, 328 00:18:48,390 --> 00:18:49,680 Tina Curry: please do it. She's 329 00:18:49,680 --> 00:18:51,930 Adam Curry: really not. She's young. How old? Do you think she 330 00:18:51,930 --> 00:18:53,280 was early 20s Maybe 331 00:18:53,280 --> 00:18:55,260 Tina Curry: 21 to one interview 332 00:18:55,770 --> 00:19:00,510 Adam Curry: then? And like, Oh, how's it how's your day been? I 333 00:19:00,510 --> 00:19:03,900 can't exactly very quickly, she said, barbers are excited 334 00:19:03,900 --> 00:19:07,230 because I have looks like I've got another another job and I 335 00:19:07,230 --> 00:19:11,310 can supplement this one. So I can take care of my my baby. I'm 336 00:19:11,310 --> 00:19:16,380 a I'm a I'm a single mom. And I'm like what? Like, well, what 337 00:19:16,380 --> 00:19:21,570 do you have? You have a son and he's what to do. And and then 338 00:19:21,570 --> 00:19:26,310 she said something said, yeah, I really I want to get back on my 339 00:19:26,310 --> 00:19:29,370 feet and do everything she does. I want to break the cycle. I 340 00:19:29,370 --> 00:19:32,640 don't want to be kind of where my mom was when she had me. It 341 00:19:32,640 --> 00:19:34,320 was like whole we're blown 342 00:19:34,320 --> 00:19:38,400 Tina Curry: away. And she's such a cute young woman. I mean, just 343 00:19:38,610 --> 00:19:42,480 and she just had such a light about she did. We told her that 344 00:19:42,480 --> 00:19:43,710 we would pray for her. 345 00:19:43,740 --> 00:19:48,420 Adam Curry: Yeah. And yeah, she was grateful for that. And I 346 00:19:48,420 --> 00:19:53,400 just love that because it goes so against the stereo type of I 347 00:19:53,400 --> 00:19:58,410 guess Gen Gen Z. It completely the opposite. Like no, I want to 348 00:19:58,410 --> 00:20:01,830 make something of myself. I want to get This donner, and I was 349 00:20:01,860 --> 00:20:05,280 Yeah, it really it set the mood for our dinner, which was really 350 00:20:05,310 --> 00:20:06,510 it was really, really 351 00:20:06,810 --> 00:20:09,690 Tina Curry: a really lovely night. Yeah, it was lovely. So 352 00:20:10,020 --> 00:20:13,650 could have been a disaster, but disaster diverted and averted, 353 00:20:13,770 --> 00:20:18,240 averted, averted. Yeah, so that was lovely. And it was nice to 354 00:20:18,240 --> 00:20:19,500 hear her story to 355 00:20:19,620 --> 00:20:22,110 Adam Curry: that it was good. It was as always was good food. I 356 00:20:22,110 --> 00:20:24,420 Tina Curry: hope we continue to see her there. We don't know. 357 00:20:24,960 --> 00:20:25,290 You know, 358 00:20:25,320 --> 00:20:28,410 Adam Curry: it's gonna be your second job. So she had an even 359 00:20:28,410 --> 00:20:31,530 better gig at the other place where she was going. Yeah, yeah. 360 00:20:32,250 --> 00:20:35,640 And then, yeah. All right. Well, you're doing the timeline. I'm 361 00:20:35,640 --> 00:20:36,600 afraid to interrupt. 362 00:20:36,630 --> 00:20:40,350 Tina Curry: Oh, no. Do you have something on your mind? Nothing 363 00:20:40,350 --> 00:20:40,860 on your mind. 364 00:20:40,860 --> 00:20:45,960 Adam Curry: I do I have our dinner. Which was Saturday 365 00:20:45,960 --> 00:20:47,310 night, was it? Oh, yeah. 366 00:20:47,340 --> 00:20:49,980 Tina Curry: At the at the the Surgeon General's and your 367 00:20:49,980 --> 00:20:50,970 campaign? My campaign 368 00:20:50,970 --> 00:20:53,790 Adam Curry: manager? Yes. Yes. Who was cranking things up? By 369 00:20:53,790 --> 00:20:57,690 the way? Yes, I know, sent me a text today. I gotta read to you. 370 00:20:58,140 --> 00:21:03,810 Because if you want to do anything here, she make it 371 00:21:03,810 --> 00:21:06,270 happen. She definitely is the person. But here's what she 372 00:21:06,270 --> 00:21:10,500 said. That was really interesting. She said, Yeah, 373 00:21:10,530 --> 00:21:14,580 there's this group of four older men that meet in Stone Ridge on 374 00:21:14,580 --> 00:21:19,110 their porch. Anyone that runs for any position always meets 375 00:21:19,110 --> 00:21:26,220 with them. They call themselves the porch counsel. Oh. So 376 00:21:26,220 --> 00:21:29,670 apparently, she knew that. I don't know. She knows this 377 00:21:29,670 --> 00:21:31,650 stuff. She knows everybody on this 378 00:21:31,650 --> 00:21:33,270 Tina Curry: town. She's gonna get me. And 379 00:21:33,270 --> 00:21:35,040 Adam Curry: I'm telling you, she's introducing to 380 00:21:35,040 --> 00:21:37,320 Tina Curry: her personal trainer and now I'm gonna start training 381 00:21:37,320 --> 00:21:39,510 with him twice a week. Like she knows 382 00:21:39,540 --> 00:21:42,660 Adam Curry: everybody really does. Oh, it's just ya know, 383 00:21:42,690 --> 00:21:46,080 some people have that. Yeah, people have other this is 384 00:21:46,350 --> 00:21:50,970 besides wrangling two, three year old twins. Yeah. She has 385 00:21:50,970 --> 00:21:54,930 this as a talent. She has Yeah, very, very, very organized. To 386 00:21:54,930 --> 00:21:57,870 have a nice I never been to their house was really nice. Oh, 387 00:21:57,870 --> 00:22:00,690 Tina Curry: it's lovely. They made some ribeyes. You and David 388 00:22:00,690 --> 00:22:06,270 like, like made the hollandaise sauce and the asparagus. And the 389 00:22:06,270 --> 00:22:08,760 Karen and I are out there drinking wine by the pool. And 390 00:22:08,760 --> 00:22:11,790 you two are cooking. This is fantastic. 391 00:22:11,820 --> 00:22:14,040 Adam Curry: Well, he was doing hot. And so at a certain point, 392 00:22:14,040 --> 00:22:17,310 he went to go check on the steaks. He's gone for five or 10 393 00:22:17,310 --> 00:22:19,860 minutes. I'm gonna go see what he's doing. And he was inside 394 00:22:19,860 --> 00:22:24,150 and he was doing asparagus and the potatoes, potatoes. And he 395 00:22:24,150 --> 00:22:27,330 has to hollandaise sauce. What are you doing to as well this is 396 00:22:27,330 --> 00:22:30,570 from this and this is from that one? I said taste this one. I 397 00:22:30,570 --> 00:22:34,140 said, had to throw that one out. That's no good. He said I 398 00:22:34,140 --> 00:22:36,750 thought so. How about this one? He was putting more butter and 399 00:22:36,750 --> 00:22:41,010 more more or less. I said, Yeah, you're nailing this one is Yeah. 400 00:22:41,430 --> 00:22:41,640 And 401 00:22:41,670 --> 00:22:42,540 Tina Curry: you know, he 402 00:22:42,540 --> 00:22:44,730 Adam Curry: told us all kinds of medical horror stories. Always 403 00:22:44,730 --> 00:22:45,000 fun. 404 00:22:45,030 --> 00:22:49,380 Tina Curry: Yes. Well, also too for me. When I start drinking 405 00:22:49,380 --> 00:22:52,170 wine. I think I explained this to you. I said the seal is 406 00:22:52,170 --> 00:22:56,190 broken. Once I like start enjoying myself, Mike. I gotta 407 00:22:56,190 --> 00:22:58,800 watch you because like I'm having dessert. Like if I'm 408 00:22:58,800 --> 00:23:01,170 drinking wine. I'm having dessert and I eat a whole little 409 00:23:01,170 --> 00:23:03,870 cheesecake thing. And then these little chocolates in our 410 00:23:03,870 --> 00:23:04,350 kitchen. 411 00:23:05,460 --> 00:23:08,310 Adam Curry: You snuck them to see you eat those cuz I know I 412 00:23:08,310 --> 00:23:10,860 have to watch you because if if you have alcohol, too much 413 00:23:10,860 --> 00:23:17,250 sugar, then you're Bill Gates. Watch Bill Gates rock back and 414 00:23:17,250 --> 00:23:23,370 forth. That's Tina is Bill Gates and you'll be Bill Gates all 415 00:23:23,370 --> 00:23:26,940 night. Yeah, just like Bill Gates. I can't believe I did. 416 00:23:27,480 --> 00:23:28,980 Unknown: I wasn't sick, though. No. 417 00:23:30,390 --> 00:23:32,010 Adam Curry: What do you have two glasses of wine. 418 00:23:32,880 --> 00:23:33,960 Tina Curry: But that's my mindset. 419 00:23:35,880 --> 00:23:38,430 Adam Curry: You were sneaking those chocolates behind my back. 420 00:23:38,430 --> 00:23:40,890 You knew that? I wouldn't. I would have told you that. Yeah, 421 00:23:40,890 --> 00:23:42,450 you gotta watch out too. 422 00:23:42,510 --> 00:23:44,220 Tina Curry: But it was fun. We always have fun with them. 423 00:23:44,220 --> 00:23:47,550 They're such great people. She's gonna get you elected that's for 424 00:23:47,550 --> 00:23:50,340 Adam Curry: sure. And I love that they have twins and we 425 00:23:50,340 --> 00:23:50,670 don't 426 00:23:53,280 --> 00:23:56,850 Unknown: are so cute bow. Oh, her little their little girl she 427 00:23:56,910 --> 00:24:00,030 Tina Curry: she's a good eater. The balloon the little boy he 428 00:24:00,030 --> 00:24:01,890 Yeah, he's like picky. Well, he's 429 00:24:01,890 --> 00:24:03,120 Unknown: picky. It was fun though. Because 430 00:24:03,120 --> 00:24:06,360 he that'll flip. Oh, yeah, eat her out. How's 431 00:24:06,360 --> 00:24:08,970 Adam Curry: that? He was coming over with this. Godzilla was in 432 00:24:08,970 --> 00:24:13,170 his airplanes. And just I was like, Oh, I can do this. I know 433 00:24:13,170 --> 00:24:16,140 limited amounts of time. Yeah, for sure. Send them over here 434 00:24:16,170 --> 00:24:18,510 for sure. Yeah, Phoebe will love them. 435 00:24:20,160 --> 00:24:22,830 Tina Curry: Oh, no, we're not going to do so then. 436 00:24:22,920 --> 00:24:27,960 Adam Curry: Yeah. Then Sunday of course. was the first three 437 00:24:27,990 --> 00:24:31,680 three service Sunday. Yeah. Church, which was first of all 438 00:24:31,710 --> 00:24:36,570 an amazing success. Yeah. 600 people didn't they will come 439 00:24:36,600 --> 00:24:40,830 Yeah. Over 600 People never seen the parking lot that busy. I got 440 00:24:40,830 --> 00:24:44,310 there. It was just Whoa. People coming in go and it was full. 441 00:24:44,340 --> 00:24:46,200 They were the place was full. I was 442 00:24:46,200 --> 00:24:50,130 Unknown: a little grumpy on Sunday. Yeah, just a tad. 443 00:24:50,160 --> 00:24:52,590 Adam Curry: Yeah. I was grumpy but it really started Saturday 444 00:24:52,590 --> 00:24:57,900 night believe me. You're like Namie behalf Did you? I do want 445 00:24:57,900 --> 00:25:01,320 to do the Ashman I want to do it, but I don't I do not try to 446 00:25:01,320 --> 00:25:04,980 want to miss the worship. That's the point. And I knew it. I'm 447 00:25:04,980 --> 00:25:08,520 like, oh, boy, I of course you want to help our sharing because 448 00:25:08,520 --> 00:25:11,460 you've been asked to volunteer because I love our church. And I 449 00:25:11,460 --> 00:25:15,450 know that you love worship and I, because you you go all in on 450 00:25:15,450 --> 00:25:16,020 it. And I'm like, 451 00:25:16,380 --> 00:25:20,190 Tina Curry: I know. And so here I am. So, Tom, who is he is 452 00:25:20,190 --> 00:25:23,580 dedicated to his role, and I appreciate that. And I said, So, 453 00:25:24,000 --> 00:25:27,660 how long do I have to stand back here? You know, so I'm all the 454 00:25:27,660 --> 00:25:31,860 way in the back. Because my role is when people come in late. I 455 00:25:31,860 --> 00:25:32,490 have to help 456 00:25:33,630 --> 00:25:36,540 Adam Curry: people come in. I thought, people come in on top. 457 00:25:38,400 --> 00:25:40,110 Tina Curry: I'm looking at all these people like Can't 458 00:25:40,110 --> 00:25:41,640 Unknown: you get your on time? 459 00:25:44,730 --> 00:25:48,420 Adam Curry: You close the door, say sorry, you're too late. Go 460 00:25:48,420 --> 00:25:50,040 down the hall, the principal's office 461 00:25:50,130 --> 00:25:53,370 Tina Curry: now. So he goes, Oh, you can sit down after the third 462 00:25:53,370 --> 00:25:54,480 song. Oh, 463 00:25:55,800 --> 00:25:57,270 Unknown: no, it's not 464 00:25:57,270 --> 00:25:59,730 Tina Curry: the same. Worshipping all the way in the 465 00:25:59,730 --> 00:26:04,230 back standing up by yourself. So I'm in the floor. I'm watching 466 00:26:04,230 --> 00:26:09,000 the door because there's you and brandy and you're sitting next 467 00:26:09,000 --> 00:26:13,710 to my girlfriend Annette who I usually sit next to an all I can 468 00:26:13,710 --> 00:26:15,510 see are your gargoyle arms 469 00:26:17,700 --> 00:26:21,720 Adam Curry: up to the oil. Okay. You're also from the insult 470 00:26:21,720 --> 00:26:27,660 department, I believe. I was grumpy. So believe me. I mean, 471 00:26:27,660 --> 00:26:31,080 of course. I love seeing brandy and Chris. And Annette says sit 472 00:26:31,080 --> 00:26:34,050 next to me. She said sit next to me. And then as the worship 473 00:26:34,050 --> 00:26:37,020 starts, he says, you can put your arms up it doesn't bother 474 00:26:37,020 --> 00:26:42,570 me. I'm like, pull them out. Hold the baby. Hold the baby 475 00:26:42,570 --> 00:26:46,410 rocking the baby. And okay, so I only put one I didn't put two 476 00:26:46,410 --> 00:26:52,530 arms up. And all the while I feel like laser eyes in the back 477 00:26:52,530 --> 00:26:56,310 of my head. I know you're back there watching me being grumpy. 478 00:26:57,210 --> 00:27:01,770 And so I wasn't I wasn't. It was great to be I wasn't 100% happy 479 00:27:01,770 --> 00:27:04,980 because you weren't next to me. That's Yes. Worse. You were 480 00:27:04,980 --> 00:27:09,090 burning holes in my head with your with your mad eyes. And the 481 00:27:10,350 --> 00:27:13,620 during the third song, you come back to me. And you're like, and 482 00:27:13,620 --> 00:27:19,200 I'm like, Hey, Hi, babe. I know. I know. You said it. And all. 483 00:27:19,440 --> 00:27:23,610 And all during this first and second song All I did Besides 484 00:27:23,610 --> 00:27:27,420 singing along and keeping one eye open. From time to time see 485 00:27:27,420 --> 00:27:32,820 me on the front row. I got to see what's going on. I was 486 00:27:32,850 --> 00:27:37,920 literally praying. Lord Jesus, please. Tina up sleeves, lift 487 00:27:37,920 --> 00:27:42,000 her up. Please. Lift her. She's here. I know. She's She's, she's 488 00:27:42,000 --> 00:27:45,960 mad. She's grumpy. Lift up, Lord. And then it seemed like 489 00:27:45,960 --> 00:27:47,100 the prayer hadn't worked. 490 00:27:49,350 --> 00:27:52,440 Tina Curry: Here's the back. Here's the back like, God, I'm 491 00:27:52,440 --> 00:27:57,330 really sorry. I'm really sorry. I am I'm repenting. I put I 492 00:27:57,330 --> 00:28:01,860 love. I love the worship. And I love being next my husband. I'm 493 00:28:01,860 --> 00:28:03,150 really sorry, but I'm mad. 494 00:28:04,590 --> 00:28:05,310 Adam Curry: Right now. 495 00:28:05,880 --> 00:28:10,830 Tina Curry: I was torn between two worlds. So anyway, yeah, it 496 00:28:10,830 --> 00:28:13,800 did all work. I will fulfill my commitment. But I told him that 497 00:28:13,800 --> 00:28:16,050 I said maybe I'll do maybe once a month, because 498 00:28:16,470 --> 00:28:18,240 Adam Curry: we'll see. Like, if you're there. If you're there 499 00:28:18,240 --> 00:28:21,570 for a second service with a third. Then during the third 500 00:28:21,570 --> 00:28:22,140 service, 501 00:28:22,320 --> 00:28:24,600 Tina Curry: I shrink. I have to stay there through the three 502 00:28:24,600 --> 00:28:27,600 songs if I stay for the next service. Right? 503 00:28:27,600 --> 00:28:30,240 Adam Curry: But then you could do the first one with me that 504 00:28:30,240 --> 00:28:32,970 you that you're at and then because he's not You're not 505 00:28:32,970 --> 00:28:33,870 going to stay for two sir. 506 00:28:34,890 --> 00:28:38,280 Tina Curry: To do it. 10 Which is fine. I 507 00:28:38,310 --> 00:28:40,920 Adam Curry: Vaman I wish I could help but I really got I have to 508 00:28:40,920 --> 00:28:43,530 run because for me it was everything was backward. No, I 509 00:28:43,530 --> 00:28:45,840 Tina Curry: know. So I followed I will follow through on my 510 00:28:45,840 --> 00:28:49,740 commitment now. I know. And it's it's on me because I didn't ask 511 00:28:49,740 --> 00:28:53,550 the question like so what does this entail? Knowing full well, 512 00:28:53,820 --> 00:28:57,930 that the way I mean the way I just get ready for the for 513 00:28:58,050 --> 00:29:01,530 Pastor Jimmy sermon is I love to do the worship. I love 514 00:29:01,530 --> 00:29:05,040 worshipping the God I love being I love being next to you. And it 515 00:29:05,040 --> 00:29:08,160 felt so odd for me to be standing there by myself 516 00:29:08,160 --> 00:29:09,750 watching the door opening like 517 00:29:11,760 --> 00:29:17,010 Unknown: I couldn't even raise my arms, you know? So I was 518 00:29:17,010 --> 00:29:18,120 little I got over it 519 00:29:18,120 --> 00:29:20,580 Adam Curry: though, by the way I got over it. Neither of us is 520 00:29:20,580 --> 00:29:25,170 the one who did three sermons in a row. No, 521 00:29:25,170 --> 00:29:25,800 Tina Curry: that's pastor. 522 00:29:26,280 --> 00:29:30,300 Adam Curry: My, my hat is off to that. Oh, I know. I just imagine 523 00:29:30,300 --> 00:29:33,240 we're doing the show. And then okay, let's do the show again. 524 00:29:33,660 --> 00:29:37,080 Same thing, just the same jokes. Let's make let's make them all 525 00:29:37,080 --> 00:29:40,470 lands. You know, which of course he is always changes. It always 526 00:29:40,470 --> 00:29:45,360 changes for him. Yes. And I and the worship team too. Yeah, no, 527 00:29:45,360 --> 00:29:49,050 they also have to do just, it's amazing what you're doing and 528 00:29:49,050 --> 00:29:53,190 it's amazing. And I don't use that word easily. And 529 00:29:53,190 --> 00:29:58,890 Tina Curry: I love I love how Pastor Jimmy just energize the 530 00:29:58,890 --> 00:30:03,120 whole church to get ready For the for the fast. And he said 531 00:30:03,120 --> 00:30:06,210 that, you know, nothing moves the hands of God than spiritual 532 00:30:06,210 --> 00:30:13,740 hunger and how this we're fasting so that God has more of 533 00:30:13,740 --> 00:30:20,010 us. So he was he was on fire in terms of in terms of getting the 534 00:30:20,010 --> 00:30:22,650 church ready and I really really liked that. It was good. 535 00:30:22,710 --> 00:30:25,890 Adam Curry: I wish sometimes I could hang out and mall more and 536 00:30:25,950 --> 00:30:29,070 you know, hang out because I really have to go. And I want to 537 00:30:29,070 --> 00:30:31,680 go hey, I don't like hey, gotta go, gotta go. 538 00:30:31,770 --> 00:30:35,850 Tina Curry: I know. And I'm very cognizant. I'm like, you gotta 539 00:30:35,850 --> 00:30:37,380 go right? Because 540 00:30:37,380 --> 00:30:39,540 Adam Curry: I love chatting with everybody that's part of church 541 00:30:39,540 --> 00:30:41,850 is part of you hanging out, but it brings 542 00:30:41,850 --> 00:30:44,970 Tina Curry: me a lot of joy, you know, the worship and, and 543 00:30:44,970 --> 00:30:50,130 Pastor Jimmy's sermon. I mean, a lot of joy. So I wasn't, I 544 00:30:50,130 --> 00:30:52,530 wasn't feeling the joy. I was a little grumpy. 545 00:30:52,770 --> 00:30:56,760 Adam Curry: Because the TED just as just a tad. Yeah. So 546 00:30:56,760 --> 00:31:01,320 Tina Curry: we're trying to plan this big. Vow renewal. It's 547 00:31:01,320 --> 00:31:02,400 good. Yeah. No, 548 00:31:03,570 --> 00:31:06,120 Adam Curry: this is not for you to say is for me to say, Okay, 549 00:31:06,150 --> 00:31:10,770 let's just back up for a second. I think this came about we had 550 00:31:11,550 --> 00:31:15,900 Jimmy internet over, after Jimmy and in this case, it was Jimmy 551 00:31:15,900 --> 00:31:19,080 and Annette. Okay. Because we were having dinner, we're 552 00:31:19,080 --> 00:31:22,560 hanging out. And then it came up said no, I'd love to read 553 00:31:22,650 --> 00:31:26,550 whatever was we'd love to renew our vows at the church in front 554 00:31:26,550 --> 00:31:28,890 of God, because when we got we were talking about our wedding 555 00:31:28,890 --> 00:31:31,710 vows, and you know, that we basically had a dog walker, 556 00:31:32,130 --> 00:31:37,440 officiate the ceremony. And, and it was I mean, it was like, it 557 00:31:37,440 --> 00:31:40,260 was great. And we looked at the calendar, it's on a Sunday, so 558 00:31:40,440 --> 00:31:43,560 we could do it in the church. And then somehow, all of a 559 00:31:43,560 --> 00:31:48,720 sudden, there's like little little chapels, and we're having 560 00:31:48,720 --> 00:31:54,870 people over for for champagne and cake. And we people are we 561 00:31:54,870 --> 00:32:00,720 have we have a registry and this is like a guest list. Valet 562 00:32:00,720 --> 00:32:07,380 parking. Alright, stop. Hold on a second. What happened to just 563 00:32:07,380 --> 00:32:11,850 getting renewing our vows in front of God and the church? 564 00:32:11,880 --> 00:32:15,750 Yes. And what happened? Because all of a sudden, you got wrapped 565 00:32:15,750 --> 00:32:18,690 up and you're like, well, it's just gonna be a few friends. I'm 566 00:32:18,690 --> 00:32:21,750 like, Okay, if you invite them, you have to invite all of them. 567 00:32:21,810 --> 00:32:22,140 I know. 568 00:32:22,140 --> 00:32:24,210 Tina Curry: You're like how many we start counting moppy. Like, 569 00:32:24,210 --> 00:32:25,080 that's 30. 570 00:32:26,190 --> 00:32:29,010 Adam Curry: Exactly. And we only had and then and then we need 571 00:32:29,010 --> 00:32:32,100 staff. I said, we need staff to serve. No, we know everyone can 572 00:32:32,100 --> 00:32:36,840 get their own. We'll just have a buffet buffet. What? 573 00:32:38,430 --> 00:32:41,580 Tina Curry: And I know I'm almost feeling it. And by 574 00:32:41,580 --> 00:32:44,640 Adam Curry: the way, you know, we've been shown this beautiful 575 00:32:44,640 --> 00:32:48,660 chapel. Yes. Which is really really pretty. Yeah, that's new 576 00:32:48,660 --> 00:32:53,640 isn't isn't a relatively new. I gotta be honest. I just want to 577 00:32:53,670 --> 00:32:56,340 I would personally I would love to just do this in our church. 578 00:32:56,370 --> 00:33:00,360 Yeah. Yeah. With our pastor, our friends and all our friends can 579 00:33:00,360 --> 00:33:04,230 come. We can have 300 Yes. Everybody's welcome to 580 00:33:04,230 --> 00:33:06,000 Tina Curry: come. Nobody else can come to our house 581 00:33:06,000 --> 00:33:06,720 afterwards. 582 00:33:07,830 --> 00:33:10,770 Adam Curry: Well, I mean, the whole the whole thing if, if you 583 00:33:10,770 --> 00:33:15,360 start then. Yeah, I think I did say Well, what we could have 584 00:33:15,750 --> 00:33:18,780 some some cake and some something. Yeah, like the 585 00:33:18,780 --> 00:33:21,930 church. The church. Yeah. There's plenty of room there. 586 00:33:21,930 --> 00:33:22,380 Yeah, 587 00:33:22,410 --> 00:33:25,020 Tina Curry: yeah. Just something. Okay. I'll scale it 588 00:33:25,020 --> 00:33:28,920 back. No, no, I won't put a new dress. I'll just buy. I'll just 589 00:33:29,130 --> 00:33:31,740 pick out some brand I got in my closet. 590 00:33:31,890 --> 00:33:36,180 Adam Curry: Oh, wait, there was a dress. There was a dress. 591 00:33:36,930 --> 00:33:37,740 What? 592 00:33:38,640 --> 00:33:41,190 Unknown: No, no, I'm kidding. And this is going 593 00:33:41,190 --> 00:33:44,460 Adam Curry: to be your current G's going to be our fourth 594 00:33:44,580 --> 00:33:45,600 wedding insert. 595 00:33:48,030 --> 00:33:49,590 Unknown: Our fourth wedding? Well, we 596 00:33:49,590 --> 00:33:54,870 Adam Curry: both had three. Oh. Only the third one counted. 597 00:33:54,930 --> 00:33:58,620 Yeah. But I mean, no. What do you how do you feel? No, I'm, 598 00:33:58,680 --> 00:34:00,180 Tina Curry: I'm 100%. With you. I think 599 00:34:00,180 --> 00:34:02,940 Adam Curry: that it should be and also I'd love traditional 600 00:34:03,000 --> 00:34:06,330 vows. You know, it's nice reading from from Scripture. 601 00:34:06,360 --> 00:34:08,970 Tina Curry: Yeah. Well, I would tougher. I would associate 602 00:34:08,970 --> 00:34:09,990 pastor Jimmy YEAH. 603 00:34:10,019 --> 00:34:12,539 Adam Curry: We don't have to write our own vows. These vows 604 00:34:12,539 --> 00:34:16,319 exist. This is for me. It's like a baptism of our marriage. Yeah, 605 00:34:16,410 --> 00:34:18,570 Tina Curry: yeah. That's 606 00:34:19,710 --> 00:34:22,320 Adam Curry: what I thought the idea was until all of a sudden 607 00:34:22,320 --> 00:34:23,220 you went a little wacky. 608 00:34:24,750 --> 00:34:27,960 Tina Curry: Because it was like, Oh, we could go to and then I'm 609 00:34:27,960 --> 00:34:32,790 like, I'd be like, $5,000 like, no, no, I didn't even make that 610 00:34:32,790 --> 00:34:35,070 calculation. But thank you, but I don't think we can have 611 00:34:35,250 --> 00:34:40,350 champagne at the church. So just be bubbles are like grape juice. 612 00:34:40,950 --> 00:34:44,700 We can't have alcohol. No, that's fine. Yeah, I don't think 613 00:34:44,970 --> 00:34:49,260 so. Yeah. Okay. So you go out and cake. The whole 614 00:34:49,259 --> 00:34:54,569 Adam Curry: point is, you and I, renewing our vows being 615 00:34:54,569 --> 00:34:59,969 together. One body. Yes, under God. All right. I'll pull it up. 616 00:34:59,999 --> 00:35:06,449 All with liberty and justice for all playing us back stuff now 617 00:35:06,449 --> 00:35:12,569 pull it back. No, not pulling back scrap was pulling back so 618 00:35:13,619 --> 00:35:15,329 just scrap all those plans. 619 00:35:17,039 --> 00:35:20,519 Tina Curry: Okay. Just love excited to get married to you 620 00:35:20,519 --> 00:35:21,869 again. That's it's 621 00:35:21,870 --> 00:35:27,210 Adam Curry: a renewing of vows different, excited. And then 622 00:35:27,210 --> 00:35:32,040 came the disappointing news of the week. Oh, this was this kind 623 00:35:32,040 --> 00:35:32,100 of 624 00:35:32,100 --> 00:35:35,670 Tina Curry: broke my heart. Yes. Because we've been trying so 625 00:35:35,670 --> 00:35:36,750 hard not just trying 626 00:35:36,750 --> 00:35:40,590 Adam Curry: praying. Yeah, we pray every night, every night. 627 00:35:40,620 --> 00:35:44,460 And when we say our prayers, we pray and we thank God for 628 00:35:44,460 --> 00:35:48,810 helping Phoebe on her weight loss journey is only one. 629 00:35:49,950 --> 00:35:53,340 Tina Curry: We were excited for you to take her to the vet. The 630 00:35:53,340 --> 00:35:55,710 weighing station in about a month. Yeah, 631 00:35:55,740 --> 00:35:59,820 Adam Curry: and only one pound and everybody was ah, all the 632 00:36:00,540 --> 00:36:03,930 collective like, Oh, what is what? Because at first it went 633 00:36:03,930 --> 00:36:08,100 to like 102 like, wow, and then they went like What? What? Only 634 00:36:08,100 --> 00:36:11,730 one? Scale is wrong? No, I had her pop on and again, we did it 635 00:36:11,730 --> 00:36:14,010 twice. Oh, no. No, 636 00:36:14,040 --> 00:36:16,800 Tina Curry: the poor thing. She's starving. She's licking a 637 00:36:16,800 --> 00:36:24,030 bowl now. We don't understand because we are not we're not 638 00:36:24,030 --> 00:36:29,280 giving her treats. So she's only lost what? 12 pounds. 119 to one 639 00:36:29,310 --> 00:36:31,680 or 713 13 pounds. Yeah. 640 00:36:32,340 --> 00:36:34,740 Adam Curry: I'd like to see you get down to 100. I know 641 00:36:34,740 --> 00:36:36,420 Tina Curry: as soon as you walked in the door. I was like, 642 00:36:36,420 --> 00:36:37,470 well, well. 643 00:36:40,710 --> 00:36:42,990 Adam Curry: That was that was that was rather sad. 644 00:36:43,080 --> 00:36:47,580 Tina Curry: So um, I have on here laundry loads and loads 645 00:36:47,580 --> 00:36:49,650 make me grumpy. Okay, so 646 00:36:50,040 --> 00:36:53,400 Unknown: let's grumpy this week. Kevin. I really hadn't 647 00:36:53,400 --> 00:36:57,720 Adam Curry: noticed. Oh, that's interesting. Really. Now, you 648 00:36:57,720 --> 00:37:02,310 know that you have two modes? I do you have happy joyous Tina, 649 00:37:02,310 --> 00:37:06,510 the one I married which was apparently semi fake news. 650 00:37:08,760 --> 00:37:13,710 There's every other version. And this is the what I call the fine 651 00:37:13,710 --> 00:37:16,140 version. Is everything. Okay? You feel okay. Yeah, I'm fine. 652 00:37:18,870 --> 00:37:23,010 Danger, danger. And it's and it's mainly just health issues. 653 00:37:23,040 --> 00:37:26,340 I mean, and I understand that. Yeah. Because that just ruins 654 00:37:26,340 --> 00:37:29,370 your day. Yeah, I guess it just ruined your day. But the the 655 00:37:29,370 --> 00:37:31,920 laundry thing. This has been this has been going on since 656 00:37:31,920 --> 00:37:36,090 episode one of this show. Since episode one of this show. I have 657 00:37:36,090 --> 00:37:40,650 explained that I am very happy to help with the laundry. And 658 00:37:40,710 --> 00:37:44,970 and it is all first of all, I only when you're doing the 659 00:37:44,970 --> 00:37:48,600 laundry is when I when I say it, which is and I know I said hey, 660 00:37:48,600 --> 00:37:51,090 can I help? And I know that right? Then that moment you like 661 00:37:51,150 --> 00:37:57,240 you? You can't? You can't. You can't? Oh, this doesn't even 662 00:37:57,240 --> 00:38:01,470 matter. You know, I'm already doing it. And listen, but if I'm 663 00:38:01,470 --> 00:38:04,170 happy to do it, no, you can't wash my clothes. It's not you 664 00:38:04,170 --> 00:38:07,680 don't know how to do it. I said I program entire I invented 665 00:38:07,680 --> 00:38:12,810 podcasting. Please tell me, please tell me that I can 666 00:38:12,870 --> 00:38:17,640 operate the washing machine. And I can do it with with with not 667 00:38:17,640 --> 00:38:20,340 just excellence, but with exuberance. I've 668 00:38:20,340 --> 00:38:22,920 Tina Curry: established so much fear and you and I have to stand 669 00:38:24,000 --> 00:38:24,930 on the dryer can 670 00:38:26,190 --> 00:38:29,100 Adam Curry: even look at the hamper. And so I'm telling you 671 00:38:29,130 --> 00:38:32,730 when you went when you're doing the laundry, I put my dirty 672 00:38:32,730 --> 00:38:37,140 clothes back in the drawer and wait an extra day before I put 673 00:38:37,140 --> 00:38:41,010 in the hamper. Because the worst thing I can imagine is, is you 674 00:38:41,010 --> 00:38:45,000 just you'd put the empty laundry basket back. And then I put 675 00:38:45,000 --> 00:38:48,480 something in. Now I know that you would just be like, Oh, 676 00:38:48,690 --> 00:38:53,220 well. Thanks. You couldn't have done that. This is a joke. By 677 00:38:53,220 --> 00:38:55,530 the way, all of Tina's girlfriends. I'm just messing 678 00:38:55,530 --> 00:38:56,100 around here. 679 00:38:58,320 --> 00:39:01,650 Unknown: And I understand it. Well. Um, I do that the 680 00:39:01,650 --> 00:39:04,470 Tina Curry: reason that it was difficult this last time, it's 681 00:39:04,470 --> 00:39:08,010 because I had to turn over the guestroom. Because Ellen and 682 00:39:08,010 --> 00:39:11,520 Jesse were here. Yeah. So that was five additional loads of 683 00:39:11,520 --> 00:39:16,290 laundry. Yes. On top of our sheets, our towels, and then you 684 00:39:16,290 --> 00:39:17,250 won't let anyone else 685 00:39:17,250 --> 00:39:20,310 Adam Curry: do it. I mean, you could you could just say hey, 686 00:39:20,820 --> 00:39:26,310 here's here's a crazy thought. by love, could you give me a 687 00:39:26,310 --> 00:39:29,760 hand? Could you do the laundry for you? That's all I 688 00:39:29,760 --> 00:39:32,820 Tina Curry: said the next time you can do the upstairs and you 689 00:39:32,820 --> 00:39:38,880 go No thanks. Go no joke, obviously. Then I was carrying 690 00:39:38,880 --> 00:39:42,390 all the laundry and you were I was kicking the laundry. 691 00:39:44,400 --> 00:39:47,550 Adam Curry: I mean, this is like you like and then you walk home. 692 00:39:50,100 --> 00:39:55,890 I'll bring it in. Okay, it's all dented and it's crying like what 693 00:39:55,890 --> 00:39:59,970 did we do to deserve do to deserve this treatment? 694 00:40:01,260 --> 00:40:04,050 Tina Curry: And you did say you go and you know what? You shrunk 695 00:40:04,050 --> 00:40:08,490 all my shirts. You said that to me. Well, you did. shrink your 696 00:40:08,490 --> 00:40:09,090 shirts you 697 00:40:09,120 --> 00:40:12,240 Adam Curry: grew that you definitely shrunk a couple 698 00:40:12,240 --> 00:40:12,900 sweaters. 699 00:40:12,990 --> 00:40:20,400 Tina Curry: Oh one one sweater. Once you grew I did not 700 00:40:20,700 --> 00:40:23,220 Adam Curry: listen. I stopped growing I told you stopped 701 00:40:23,220 --> 00:40:27,870 working out. So the reason that they shrunk is because you Honey 702 00:40:27,870 --> 00:40:29,040 I Shrunk your clothes 703 00:40:29,040 --> 00:40:32,610 Tina Curry: not true not true. I stand by my I stand by You're 704 00:40:32,610 --> 00:40:37,260 Adam Curry: an excellent washer. Thank you my plane always always 705 00:40:37,260 --> 00:40:41,670 thank you and I'm always appreciative Yeah, I do and I do 706 00:40:41,670 --> 00:40:42,840 my honey do list 707 00:40:43,380 --> 00:40:46,440 Tina Curry: Yes you do. Do I had to write remind you a few times 708 00:40:46,530 --> 00:40:50,160 today? Well there was no posted and I know I guess the post it 709 00:40:50,160 --> 00:40:51,120 notes are effective. 710 00:40:52,140 --> 00:40:54,600 Adam Curry: Yes, they get stuff done. But you don't have to 711 00:40:54,600 --> 00:40:56,940 remind me this morning I did it all Yes, you did 712 00:40:58,950 --> 00:41:01,980 Tina Curry: it before we get into my god. Thank you. Oh, 713 00:41:01,980 --> 00:41:02,250 thank 714 00:41:02,250 --> 00:41:06,780 Adam Curry: you. You're welcome. Oh wasn't just for me did for 715 00:41:06,780 --> 00:41:07,890 us. You had two 716 00:41:07,950 --> 00:41:08,670 Unknown: things to 717 00:41:08,670 --> 00:41:10,830 Adam Curry: do. Hey, they were they were challenging. 718 00:41:12,360 --> 00:41:15,450 Tina Curry: print off a form and and clean event. 719 00:41:15,450 --> 00:41:18,030 Adam Curry: Yeah, but I had to take I had to go to the vacuum 720 00:41:18,060 --> 00:41:22,500 vacuum cleaner. Did this all all my own initiative. No one had 721 00:41:22,500 --> 00:41:24,930 asked for the vacuum cleaner. I was like, Oh, I can fix this 722 00:41:24,930 --> 00:41:27,270 with the vacuum cleaner. I was vacuuming the vent in the 723 00:41:27,270 --> 00:41:29,460 shower. Hope you satisfied. 724 00:41:30,720 --> 00:41:32,580 Tina Curry: You know how many times I've done that myself. 725 00:41:32,610 --> 00:41:35,130 Adam Curry: You have not vacuumed that vent. You want to 726 00:41:35,130 --> 00:41:39,330 bet? No. Okay. Because you because you were like can you 727 00:41:39,330 --> 00:41:41,250 take it off? You can't take it? I know. 728 00:41:41,790 --> 00:41:44,670 Tina Curry: Vacuum that thing and I am vertically challenged. 729 00:41:45,180 --> 00:41:46,650 You are tall. I 730 00:41:46,650 --> 00:41:49,200 Adam Curry: had to stand on the steps. I was on my tippy toes. 731 00:41:49,200 --> 00:41:56,070 Are you sure you want to renew your vows? Are you very sure of 732 00:41:56,070 --> 00:42:02,850 a party? But yes, anyway, 733 00:42:02,880 --> 00:42:07,380 Tina Curry: as I was saying something that brought me excuse 734 00:42:07,380 --> 00:42:09,750 Adam Curry: me cashew question. Yes. Is this the chocolate 735 00:42:09,750 --> 00:42:13,140 salted? You only put half in here. Yeah, that's why is it 736 00:42:13,140 --> 00:42:17,460 weak is I'm like this is hard water with a bit of taste. Like 737 00:42:17,490 --> 00:42:18,720 where's Oh, 738 00:42:18,750 --> 00:42:22,260 Tina Curry: because it's 16 out or 32? What is that? 24 ounces. 739 00:42:22,260 --> 00:42:22,470 This 740 00:42:22,470 --> 00:42:23,550 Adam Curry: is Joe Rogan cup. 741 00:42:23,580 --> 00:42:25,080 Unknown: Oh yeah. Okay. 742 00:42:26,490 --> 00:42:28,530 Tina Curry: Oh, sorry. You want to go get some more? 743 00:42:28,560 --> 00:42:31,200 Adam Curry: No, no, no, no, I'll just drink the hot water. Crayon 744 00:42:31,200 --> 00:42:34,920 water basically. Crayon taste better. 745 00:42:35,190 --> 00:42:38,010 Unknown: Great show. No. Why crayon water. 746 00:42:38,040 --> 00:42:41,070 Adam Curry: That's a good that's a good show. Yeah, no wine 747 00:42:41,070 --> 00:42:41,400 crayon. 748 00:42:41,610 --> 00:42:44,370 Tina Curry: No, but I wanted to say so I have this dear, dear 749 00:42:44,370 --> 00:42:47,850 friend. I know. She doesn't listen to the show. I met Carla. 750 00:42:47,850 --> 00:42:52,980 When we I was 17. And she was 18. So it's been decades. Do you 751 00:42:52,980 --> 00:42:58,080 know her from Indy? I know from Indiana. Yes. And I only get to 752 00:42:58,080 --> 00:43:00,900 talk to her a couple times a year even though I just I miss 753 00:43:00,900 --> 00:43:04,140 her. And I love her dearly. And we've been through so much 754 00:43:04,140 --> 00:43:08,340 together. She's just been like a rock for me. And in my life in 755 00:43:08,340 --> 00:43:11,550 many, many instances and and she's she was going through a 756 00:43:11,550 --> 00:43:16,740 tough time. And I got the chance to talk to her on Sunday. And I 757 00:43:16,740 --> 00:43:19,950 mean, I knew we're gonna be on the phone for two hours. Yes. 758 00:43:19,980 --> 00:43:24,720 And it was so lovely to talk to her. She said Sunday. It was 759 00:43:24,720 --> 00:43:30,840 Sunday. No, Saturday, Saturday, she was so joyful. I mean, she, 760 00:43:31,530 --> 00:43:34,260 you know, she's she's a Christian. And you know, we were 761 00:43:34,260 --> 00:43:38,040 talking about, you know, where lives aren't, you know, she's 762 00:43:38,040 --> 00:43:40,560 had, she had a rough time. She was married for a very long time 763 00:43:40,560 --> 00:43:45,090 and got a divorce. And it was her her idea for the divorce. 764 00:43:45,090 --> 00:43:47,700 And it's been Yeah, her life is different. Her daughters are 765 00:43:47,700 --> 00:43:53,790 grown. And she's going to be a grandma in iTunes. Yeah, first 766 00:43:53,790 --> 00:43:57,270 granddaughter coming. And so she's really happy about that. 767 00:43:57,270 --> 00:44:00,180 But she had made a comment to me. She said, You know, I never 768 00:44:00,180 --> 00:44:02,610 really thought my life would be where it is right now. And I 769 00:44:02,610 --> 00:44:07,320 said, look at all the blessings you have. I know. You have four 770 00:44:07,320 --> 00:44:08,400 beautiful children, but 771 00:44:08,400 --> 00:44:09,930 Adam Curry: you're saying that is a negative? Yes. 772 00:44:09,960 --> 00:44:11,940 Tina Curry: I said you have four beautiful children. You have a 773 00:44:11,940 --> 00:44:14,790 granddaughter come and give two weddings that are coming up. 774 00:44:14,790 --> 00:44:20,280 Right? I go how I can look at all your blessings. And then I 775 00:44:20,280 --> 00:44:25,560 read her Psalm 139 Verse 16. The magic Yeah, magic. Yeah, like 776 00:44:25,560 --> 00:44:28,170 and look, like I said, this was all written before you were 777 00:44:28,170 --> 00:44:31,290 born, but stand back and look at what God has given you. But it 778 00:44:31,290 --> 00:44:36,450 was so lovely to talk to her and hear her joy because I've heard 779 00:44:36,450 --> 00:44:39,180 so much of her sadness. For 780 00:44:39,660 --> 00:44:42,930 Adam Curry: several years. I can recall some calls. Yes. 781 00:44:42,960 --> 00:44:45,570 Tina Curry: And so, so her daughter's getting married next 782 00:44:45,570 --> 00:44:47,550 year and let's we're gonna have to go to that wedding. 783 00:44:47,580 --> 00:44:50,280 Adam Curry: Well, here's a question I have. Yeah. Why 784 00:44:50,280 --> 00:44:54,330 didn't you listen to the show? I don't know. That's an outrage. 785 00:44:54,390 --> 00:44:57,240 Yeah, I mean, she wants me to come to her daughter's wedding. 786 00:44:57,270 --> 00:44:58,620 Yeah, doesn't listen to the show. I 787 00:44:58,620 --> 00:45:00,360 Tina Curry: don't think she knows louder. 788 00:45:00,480 --> 00:45:02,610 Adam Curry: What are we gonna? This is your best friend from 789 00:45:02,640 --> 00:45:05,100 from school? Didn't you didn't tell her about the show? 790 00:45:05,370 --> 00:45:08,280 Tina Curry: You know what we talked about so much. I mean, 791 00:45:08,280 --> 00:45:11,340 because we talk about our kids. That's true. You know, I just 792 00:45:11,340 --> 00:45:12,270 didn't, you 793 00:45:12,270 --> 00:45:14,700 Unknown: might want to let her know maybe it'll send her quote. 794 00:45:16,470 --> 00:45:18,060 Adam Curry: Just so you know, you know, there's an opportunity 795 00:45:18,060 --> 00:45:20,730 to become a salmon. Yeah, get yourself a couple sippy cups. 796 00:45:20,760 --> 00:45:24,930 Tina Curry: But there you go. And you know, and that that was 797 00:45:24,930 --> 00:45:28,740 joy for me. That was joy. Yes. And so I'm caught that word is 798 00:45:28,740 --> 00:45:30,630 constantly in the forefront of my mind. 799 00:45:30,660 --> 00:45:33,210 Adam Curry: It's shown up at least five times, not by 800 00:45:33,210 --> 00:45:37,350 coincidence obviously just pops up and there's the word joy. And 801 00:45:37,350 --> 00:45:39,750 I see the same thing with encouraged by the way. Yeah, the 802 00:45:39,750 --> 00:45:41,730 same thing. That's my word for this year. 803 00:45:41,760 --> 00:45:45,420 Tina Curry: So I have my god shots are definitely tied to 804 00:45:45,510 --> 00:45:45,960 joy. 805 00:45:46,080 --> 00:45:58,920 Adam Curry: Would you like to do what is God's love to que nos 806 00:45:59,460 --> 00:46:00,450 sound effects? 807 00:46:02,280 --> 00:46:04,470 Tina Curry: Well, I alluded to this earlier, I talked about it 808 00:46:04,470 --> 00:46:07,680 earlier, not alluded to it, but about the book that I chose from 809 00:46:07,920 --> 00:46:13,620 Joyce Meyer, Meyer Meyers. James, about James and how I 810 00:46:13,650 --> 00:46:17,910 turned the page. And when I opened the book, in the very 811 00:46:17,910 --> 00:46:22,350 first page that tests and trials lead to joy. Yes. And that 812 00:46:22,350 --> 00:46:26,940 stopped me and I'm like, Okay, it's my I gotcha, I see what 813 00:46:26,940 --> 00:46:30,270 you're doing there. And so I started reading this, and I know 814 00:46:30,270 --> 00:46:33,690 that this is the surgeon Surgeon General's favorite verse too. 815 00:46:33,690 --> 00:46:36,900 But the one thing I've been struggling to, you know, I've 816 00:46:36,900 --> 00:46:39,870 been struggling with this, this fatigue, which I think is 817 00:46:39,870 --> 00:46:43,320 definitely tied to my thyroid and where we're getting answers, 818 00:46:43,320 --> 00:46:46,650 which I'm really happy about and trying to get it rebalanced. And 819 00:46:47,790 --> 00:46:53,610 so I turn and I start reading this book and the first, the 820 00:46:53,610 --> 00:46:58,440 second verse, and James one is considered nothing but joy, my 821 00:46:58,440 --> 00:47:01,590 brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into various trials, 822 00:47:01,800 --> 00:47:05,070 because you know that the testing of your faith produces 823 00:47:05,100 --> 00:47:09,960 perseverance. And that was just a reminder to me to like, stay 824 00:47:09,960 --> 00:47:11,730 joyful. And that 825 00:47:11,760 --> 00:47:13,650 Adam Curry: was the line right after that, for for 826 00:47:13,650 --> 00:47:16,050 perseverance. I think it continues with persevere. Oh, 827 00:47:16,050 --> 00:47:16,380 yeah, 828 00:47:16,380 --> 00:47:20,130 Tina Curry: I don't I only have it up to that point. But that 829 00:47:20,130 --> 00:47:23,370 was a message to me, like just, you know, even though I'm gonna 830 00:47:23,370 --> 00:47:26,490 fall, you know, it's joyful. Even though it's hard. It's 831 00:47:26,490 --> 00:47:28,800 joyful, because I'm going to get out on the other side of it. Do 832 00:47:28,800 --> 00:47:29,790 you have the remainder, 833 00:47:29,820 --> 00:47:32,160 Adam Curry: but perseverance finish its work so that you may 834 00:47:32,160 --> 00:47:35,580 be mature and complete, not lacking anything? Yeah. 835 00:47:35,820 --> 00:47:39,450 Tina Curry: Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, it was so it was so 836 00:47:39,450 --> 00:47:42,900 interesting how out of all the books on that shelf, I grab that 837 00:47:42,900 --> 00:47:44,340 one and open that page right 838 00:47:44,340 --> 00:47:46,380 Adam Curry: there, right on the inside. It's Meyer, by the way. 839 00:47:46,440 --> 00:47:46,620 Oh, 840 00:47:46,620 --> 00:47:49,890 Tina Curry: Meyer. Thank you. Um, and so it just got just, 841 00:47:50,400 --> 00:47:54,480 it's there. I mean, it's God is always there. You just have to 842 00:47:54,480 --> 00:47:58,320 be still and listen. And oh, yeah. Always. And so then this 843 00:47:58,320 --> 00:48:01,440 morning. I had a really rough day yesterday, as you know, with 844 00:48:01,440 --> 00:48:03,030 the fatigue and so 845 00:48:03,330 --> 00:48:05,490 Adam Curry: saved by the McDonald's coffee and coffee. 846 00:48:05,490 --> 00:48:07,230 Let's Yes, yes. And 847 00:48:07,230 --> 00:48:09,840 Tina Curry: so this morning, I've been going out. I've been 848 00:48:09,840 --> 00:48:13,770 doing my grounding, taking my shoes off. It's 36 degrees 849 00:48:13,770 --> 00:48:16,740 outside putting my bare feet in the ground sunlight before blue 850 00:48:16,740 --> 00:48:20,340 light. Yes. Daylight before daylight before blue light and 851 00:48:20,580 --> 00:48:25,380 facing east. So I watched the sun actually come up. And it's 852 00:48:25,470 --> 00:48:28,620 interesting because I'm standing in the grass and my feet are not 853 00:48:28,620 --> 00:48:32,730 cold, not cold at all. It's the strangest thing. And I start to 854 00:48:32,730 --> 00:48:36,270 pray. You know, and I had a really hard day yesterday 855 00:48:36,270 --> 00:48:39,870 because of the fatigue. And I'm just getting at my wit's end 856 00:48:39,870 --> 00:48:45,120 with it and was lamenting and tears and just sadness about it. 857 00:48:46,380 --> 00:48:52,050 And I heard the Holy Spirit as clear as day. Finally, 858 00:48:52,050 --> 00:48:54,240 Adam Curry: you've been waiting for this. Focus on 859 00:48:54,240 --> 00:48:57,120 Tina Curry: your blessings, your challenges will be resolved. 860 00:48:57,360 --> 00:49:02,490 Focus on your blessings. Wow. And so then I came in, and I was 861 00:49:02,490 --> 00:49:08,640 led to read Galatians. Okay. And so I came out with, of course, 862 00:49:08,730 --> 00:49:12,090 this verse, which is a very popular verse, which is chapter 863 00:49:12,090 --> 00:49:18,390 five, verse 22. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, 864 00:49:18,480 --> 00:49:22,170 forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self 865 00:49:22,170 --> 00:49:26,400 control against such things, there is no law. And so if 866 00:49:26,400 --> 00:49:30,360 there's that word joy again, so that's why God is always there, 867 00:49:30,450 --> 00:49:35,580 you know. And so, that's been in my head all day, focus on your 868 00:49:35,580 --> 00:49:39,030 blessings, focus on the conflicts and the challenges 869 00:49:39,030 --> 00:49:42,120 will resolve itself. Focus on what you have focus on what you 870 00:49:42,120 --> 00:49:45,540 have, not what you don't have. It was as clear as day for me. 871 00:49:45,810 --> 00:49:49,080 And I stood out there watching that sun come up and heard that. 872 00:49:49,290 --> 00:49:52,710 Yeah. Wow. It was very impactful. And I had a really 873 00:49:52,710 --> 00:49:56,040 good day today to Andrea and I went to Costco. 874 00:49:56,160 --> 00:49:59,220 Adam Curry: You came home. You were bitten. Chauncey jolly 875 00:49:59,220 --> 00:50:03,210 happy. I'll see jelly Josie jolly, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, 876 00:50:03,210 --> 00:50:04,410 Charlie's nothing jumps. 877 00:50:05,010 --> 00:50:08,730 Tina Curry: I had energy and I felt good. And I had a lovely 878 00:50:08,730 --> 00:50:10,320 day with Andreea. And 879 00:50:10,980 --> 00:50:13,560 Adam Curry: I'm happy. Yeah, this answered my prayer. 880 00:50:13,590 --> 00:50:15,210 Tina Curry: And she said, Wait, and then Andrea goes, you're 881 00:50:15,210 --> 00:50:18,450 like me, you kind of go and you get what you need. And we get 882 00:50:18,450 --> 00:50:19,680 going. We're out of there. Like 883 00:50:19,680 --> 00:50:23,130 Adam Curry: going for six hours. Where did you go? Do you drink, 884 00:50:23,130 --> 00:50:26,940 just go you got out of all kinds of places. Costco, then 885 00:50:26,940 --> 00:50:29,310 Tina Curry: we went to, we went and had lunch and I went and 886 00:50:29,310 --> 00:50:32,460 bought heavier dumbbells and we are boom, boom, boom, boom, 887 00:50:32,460 --> 00:50:36,240 which went to we went to HEB. And then we went to go see 888 00:50:36,240 --> 00:50:38,370 Jeanne and her sweet little puppy, Emmett. 889 00:50:39,540 --> 00:50:41,250 Unknown: Oh, okay. Yeah, so we were 890 00:50:41,250 --> 00:50:44,250 Tina Curry: Yeah, we were doing a lot and but today was a good 891 00:50:44,250 --> 00:50:48,330 day because I focused on my blessings. 892 00:50:48,360 --> 00:50:50,430 Adam Curry: Yeah, well, isn't there an actual scripture count 893 00:50:50,430 --> 00:50:51,210 your blessings? 894 00:50:52,050 --> 00:50:55,500 Tina Curry: I'm sure there is. Yeah. Yeah, I shouldn't look 895 00:50:55,500 --> 00:50:59,070 that up. I mean, we're always going to have challenges always 896 00:50:59,070 --> 00:51:01,380 we're always there's always going to be something that we're 897 00:51:01,380 --> 00:51:06,030 not happy about. But focus on what you have. What's what's 898 00:51:06,030 --> 00:51:07,200 right there 899 00:51:12,750 --> 00:51:18,270 Adam Curry: Psalm 103 I believe now is I think it's you're 900 00:51:18,270 --> 00:51:20,940 Unknown: not prepared. Well, no, I'm not just 901 00:51:21,150 --> 00:51:23,340 Tina Curry: you're just you're just shooting dark No, no, 902 00:51:23,340 --> 00:51:28,680 Adam Curry: it's because I know what I've How dare you question 903 00:51:28,680 --> 00:51:29,640 this theologian? 904 00:51:32,220 --> 00:51:35,460 Unknown: That's a little far yeah. podcaster do 905 00:51:35,760 --> 00:51:38,040 Adam Curry: give thanks in all circumstances for this the will 906 00:51:38,040 --> 00:51:41,250 of God and I think rejoice always pray without see. I'm 907 00:51:41,250 --> 00:51:46,140 sure that there was a count your blessings. Anyway, my prayer, 908 00:51:46,620 --> 00:51:48,000 and I for some reason, 909 00:51:48,270 --> 00:51:50,910 Tina Curry: you shall come with the gods shot to shouldn't just 910 00:51:50,910 --> 00:51:52,950 be Tina. God shot Okay. 911 00:51:52,980 --> 00:51:56,640 Adam Curry: Well, if I have a jingle, I'll consider it. Oh, I 912 00:51:56,640 --> 00:51:59,460 need to talk to the jingle department. I 913 00:51:59,460 --> 00:52:01,800 Tina Curry: am not the jingle department. But I've learned 914 00:52:01,800 --> 00:52:06,390 Adam Curry: that it's, it seems to work better if I pray for God 915 00:52:06,390 --> 00:52:09,990 to lift people up who are sick. I mean, yeah, cuz Oh, he'll 916 00:52:09,990 --> 00:52:14,880 please heal this person, you know, on earth as it isn't 917 00:52:14,880 --> 00:52:18,930 having perfect body as they'll have. And but when I but when I 918 00:52:18,930 --> 00:52:22,470 saved lift this purse, I've been praying for God to lift you up 919 00:52:22,470 --> 00:52:25,830 literally. Because I've been of course praying for healing. But 920 00:52:25,920 --> 00:52:28,770 the lifting you apart have been doing for the past couple of 921 00:52:28,800 --> 00:52:32,160 days to maybe two weeks. Just like if you can get that because 922 00:52:32,550 --> 00:52:36,240 we were reading the other day. Another thing that I can't 923 00:52:36,240 --> 00:52:39,330 remember, but it was like, probably because lack of food. 924 00:52:39,360 --> 00:52:44,400 It was yes. I'm gonna keel over. It was about the dead if your 925 00:52:44,400 --> 00:52:48,210 spirit is intact, that that really? That that's really 926 00:52:48,240 --> 00:52:51,690 almost everything. Not having your spirit crushed. Yeah. And I 927 00:52:51,690 --> 00:52:55,710 was like, oh, so anyway, for me. That's it. I'd love seeing you 928 00:52:55,710 --> 00:52:58,890 like that. Yeah, I do. Yeah, I got an email from Grand Duke 929 00:52:58,890 --> 00:53:02,730 David Foley I wanted to share. He's lovely. He said, I was 930 00:53:02,730 --> 00:53:05,220 listening to last week show you were mentioning about while 931 00:53:05,220 --> 00:53:07,860 reading a particular book in the Bible. You would sometimes 932 00:53:07,860 --> 00:53:10,770 reference different books. I think I shared this with Adam. 933 00:53:10,770 --> 00:53:14,070 He sent this to you but he copied me. Jordan Peterson is 934 00:53:14,070 --> 00:53:17,010 amazing Bible series brought up the fact that the Bible has get 935 00:53:17,010 --> 00:53:21,900 this 65,000 hyperlinks references between books. And he 936 00:53:21,900 --> 00:53:27,180 has a YouTube link near what you put in the show notes. It was an 937 00:53:27,180 --> 00:53:30,330 I did you look at that. Did you look at that? Yeah. Oh, man. 938 00:53:30,330 --> 00:53:35,550 Really? Yeah. And that's in that spirit field Bible from the 939 00:53:35,550 --> 00:53:38,520 McWhinney. Yeah, they have all these references. It kind of 940 00:53:38,520 --> 00:53:42,750 spelled out even better than our Study Bible. It is amazing. He 941 00:53:42,750 --> 00:53:46,290 really is. The Kafir. Oh, yeah, the cross references are 942 00:53:46,320 --> 00:53:49,740 phenomenal. I just want to keep clicking on the paper by taking 943 00:53:49,740 --> 00:53:50,580 me there. Take me there. 944 00:53:52,500 --> 00:53:58,440 Tina Curry: You know, Andreea is doing a one year Bible plan and 945 00:53:58,470 --> 00:54:02,880 it is arranged like that. It's all goes back for yes, it goes. 946 00:54:03,120 --> 00:54:06,570 A new testament to Old Testament with the connections. Yes. 947 00:54:06,930 --> 00:54:11,130 Adam Curry: So that's pretty clever. gets old. Yeah, I am. I 948 00:54:11,130 --> 00:54:13,680 started playing chess. I have a chest buddy. Now. I know you 949 00:54:13,680 --> 00:54:13,890 guys. 950 00:54:14,940 --> 00:54:17,850 Unknown: But big time, William 951 00:54:17,850 --> 00:54:23,370 Adam Curry: from our church. He he had a horrible car accident 952 00:54:23,370 --> 00:54:26,280 around the same rate we talked about. Yeah, but just to 953 00:54:26,280 --> 00:54:28,860 reiterate, not everyone listens every single episode. This is 954 00:54:28,860 --> 00:54:36,330 what podcasters do. It's called a callback. Whatever they know, 955 00:54:36,330 --> 00:54:40,350 I know I bore you with repetition, but trust me. And 956 00:54:40,380 --> 00:54:43,470 when he was 19, my life and career went a whole other 957 00:54:43,470 --> 00:54:48,030 direction. So and we met at the church and so we met once or 958 00:54:48,030 --> 00:54:52,920 twice say I forget what it was. But somehow chess can watch that 959 00:54:52,920 --> 00:54:57,720 you play in it. Yeah, I play so well. Let's play next Tuesday. 960 00:54:57,720 --> 00:55:00,660 So I walk into into Java ran 961 00:55:00,690 --> 00:55:02,130 Tina Curry: the home of lukewarm coffee, 962 00:55:02,490 --> 00:55:03,900 Unknown: which is just fine. 963 00:55:05,339 --> 00:55:08,579 Adam Curry: said we had one bad experience is the coffee there's 964 00:55:08,579 --> 00:55:09,089 great 965 00:55:09,090 --> 00:55:12,330 Tina Curry: several times the coffee is always like 125 966 00:55:12,330 --> 00:55:13,050 degrees which 967 00:55:13,380 --> 00:55:17,010 Adam Curry: cappuccino is lovely, okay. And, and I see 968 00:55:17,010 --> 00:55:19,800 he's got like a professional carry in case he's got 969 00:55:19,800 --> 00:55:25,740 everything set up and like oh, and then we played for like one 970 00:55:25,740 --> 00:55:30,180 game almost an hour. And I thought I had him and I haven't 971 00:55:30,180 --> 00:55:32,640 played in a while. And he's like, oh, yeah, no, I played 972 00:55:32,640 --> 00:55:36,000 last week and I'm like what you are she'll, so Now 973 00:55:36,180 --> 00:55:37,560 Tina Curry: luckily, he didn't say you want to put a little 974 00:55:37,560 --> 00:55:38,130 money on. 975 00:55:40,470 --> 00:55:45,450 Adam Curry: So, so today I have my revenge. Yes, Tuesday. I 976 00:55:45,960 --> 00:55:47,040 Tina Curry: didn't read up on it 977 00:55:47,070 --> 00:55:50,970 Unknown: too. Like no play. No, no. wipe the floor with them. 978 00:55:50,970 --> 00:55:51,600 No. 979 00:55:52,650 --> 00:55:54,810 Adam Curry: No, he's like, Oh, normally I do Tai Chi on 980 00:55:54,810 --> 00:55:56,310 Tuesdays. So 981 00:55:56,310 --> 00:55:58,380 Tina Curry: really, he's gonna have you gone to Tai Chi? 982 00:55:58,680 --> 00:56:04,200 Adam Curry: I don't think so. Would you rather do Tai Chi? You 983 00:56:04,200 --> 00:56:08,310 have nothing but good things to say about looking awfully 984 00:56:08,310 --> 00:56:12,300 handsome. Oh, yeah. No, flattery will get you not flattery will 985 00:56:12,300 --> 00:56:12,720 get you 986 00:56:12,720 --> 00:56:14,460 Unknown: know. Oh, yes, it will. 987 00:56:15,600 --> 00:56:18,240 Adam Curry: I also did the Tom Woods show. Yes. Yeah, that 988 00:56:18,240 --> 00:56:21,300 means I think it came out today. Oh, did it? I think so. And then 989 00:56:21,300 --> 00:56:24,510 on social media. That was interesting, because he said, I 990 00:56:24,510 --> 00:56:27,510 don't. He almost started the show off with that. He said, 991 00:56:27,990 --> 00:56:31,560 everything's so dark and gloomy, white pillows here. Do you have 992 00:56:31,560 --> 00:56:34,980 something good to look forward to? And I said, Wow, I gotta be 993 00:56:34,980 --> 00:56:38,910 honest with you, man. Like, I witness God this past year. And 994 00:56:39,210 --> 00:56:42,780 I become a Christian. I was baptized and I see nothing but 995 00:56:42,960 --> 00:56:46,980 beautiful things ahead. And you could see Tom was going what? He 996 00:56:46,980 --> 00:56:48,660 said, I have 997 00:56:48,660 --> 00:56:51,330 Tina Curry: all the things that this is not the Christ Padam 998 00:56:51,330 --> 00:56:51,630 Yeah, this 999 00:56:51,630 --> 00:56:54,060 Adam Curry: is not what I expected you to say. And then he 1000 00:56:54,060 --> 00:56:56,760 said he's a too personal for me to ask. You know how that 1001 00:56:56,760 --> 00:56:59,460 happened. Oh, no. Are you kidding me? Sit back. Let me 1002 00:56:59,460 --> 00:57:03,150 give you let me tell you, Tom. I'll post a link to it. Yeah. 1003 00:57:03,180 --> 00:57:04,230 When it comes out. That's 1004 00:57:04,230 --> 00:57:04,980 Unknown: nice. Yeah, we 1005 00:57:04,980 --> 00:57:07,050 Adam Curry: talked about other crazy stuff of course. Yeah. 1006 00:57:07,200 --> 00:57:11,850 Yeah. You could really see that if you could see that he was 1007 00:57:11,850 --> 00:57:13,110 taken aback really? 1008 00:57:13,260 --> 00:57:14,100 Tina Curry: You're nuts them? 1009 00:57:14,490 --> 00:57:15,690 Adam Curry: I hope so. Yeah. 1010 00:57:16,680 --> 00:57:19,860 Tina Curry: God through you punched him. Yeah, sorry. I'm 1011 00:57:20,160 --> 00:57:21,090 Adam Curry: obviously Yeah, 1012 00:57:21,300 --> 00:57:26,580 Tina Curry: I know. I love you know, I love watching my friends 1013 00:57:27,390 --> 00:57:31,980 grow in their faith. I love that they come and they I certain I'm 1014 00:57:31,980 --> 00:57:36,120 such a new Christian. I don't have the answers at all. But I 1015 00:57:36,120 --> 00:57:39,990 love that they're newer than I am. So they're coming to me and 1016 00:57:39,990 --> 00:57:44,040 asking me questions and I love watching brandy and her husband 1017 00:57:44,040 --> 00:57:47,220 Chris. They now go to bridge and she's being baptized on Sunday 1018 00:57:47,220 --> 00:57:54,030 Sunday. Yeah, and I I'm so happy that we're gonna be there. So 1019 00:57:54,030 --> 00:57:57,090 and I said, I will be there to put my hands on you if you want. 1020 00:57:57,090 --> 00:57:57,750 And so 1021 00:57:58,260 --> 00:58:03,990 Adam Curry: I'm continuously surprised by the people who like 1022 00:58:03,990 --> 00:58:07,710 I got an email today from an airline pilot who felt I was 1023 00:58:07,710 --> 00:58:10,410 very wrong about a few things and he's like, this is a 1024 00:58:10,410 --> 00:58:13,890 discredit to the show and blah blah. And just went on I don't 1025 00:58:13,890 --> 00:58:15,990 know how you got this idea you were kind of right on that but 1026 00:58:15,990 --> 00:58:18,840 this is all wrong. And the ends up by saying by the way I saw 1027 00:58:18,840 --> 00:58:22,530 you your testimony on Joe Rogan that was really cool brother God 1028 00:58:22,530 --> 00:58:28,020 bless you were just yelling at me like by the way I love you 1029 00:58:28,020 --> 00:58:32,580 brother. That's what I'm talking about. Right there. 1030 00:58:32,610 --> 00:58:36,120 Tina Curry: Yeah, talking about cool then a couple things. That 1031 00:58:36,120 --> 00:58:36,570 obviously 1032 00:58:36,570 --> 00:58:39,390 Adam Curry: wasn't the point okay, school but yes, thank you. 1033 00:58:39,390 --> 00:58:42,810 Why don't we thanks. Okay. can do that right now? It's time to 1034 00:58:42,810 --> 00:58:50,670 heat from the cold. Hi, yes, disorders of the coke. We got it 1035 00:58:50,670 --> 00:59:03,720 wrong again. But now it's time to hit 71 episodes. He wouldn't 1036 00:59:03,720 --> 00:59:08,340 know. I'm telling you know, wine, lack of wine is the court. 1037 00:59:09,420 --> 00:59:14,730 I don't know what I said. We have a couple of nice checking 1038 00:59:14,730 --> 00:59:17,820 in with us that has value for value. And all that we ask is if 1039 00:59:17,820 --> 00:59:20,970 you get any value from the podcast, you send that back to 1040 00:59:20,970 --> 00:59:23,580 us there's a number of ways you can do it. We love it when you 1041 00:59:23,580 --> 00:59:27,000 use the modern podcast apps, you can get those at podcast 1042 00:59:27,000 --> 00:59:31,080 apps.com There's something called value for value you can 1043 00:59:31,620 --> 00:59:35,370 put in little little bit of money into your into your app 1044 00:59:35,370 --> 00:59:40,320 now it shows up as Satoshis which is a subset of Bitcoin. 1045 00:59:40,740 --> 00:59:45,240 The reason for that is it's you know, actually I've I've decided 1046 00:59:45,240 --> 00:59:47,730 that Bitcoin can make peace profitable. That's a whole 1047 00:59:47,730 --> 00:59:50,520 nother podcast. Yeah, there's something about Bitcoin that is 1048 00:59:50,520 --> 00:59:54,450 very, very special. Has has weird you know, weird 1049 00:59:54,450 --> 00:59:59,040 connotations amongst the traditional money people. But we 1050 00:59:59,040 --> 01:00:01,890 can program it which Great. So that means that you can send, 1051 01:00:02,310 --> 01:00:04,230 you can say, Oh, I love listening to creating the 1052 01:00:04,230 --> 01:00:10,200 keeper. I think the value is $1 per show. And then when the 1053 01:00:10,200 --> 01:00:13,710 minute you hit the play button, it starts sending 1/60 of that 1054 01:00:13,710 --> 01:00:16,920 per hour. So every single minute, it'll send it back to 1055 01:00:16,920 --> 01:00:18,930 us. And what's great about it, you can also send a booster 1056 01:00:18,930 --> 01:00:21,870 gram. So you can tend to note these the ones that we read on 1057 01:00:21,870 --> 01:00:25,920 the show, of course, we also accept Paypal, but it can be 1058 01:00:25,920 --> 01:00:29,130 time and talent. So if you're doing art for us, or just 1059 01:00:29,130 --> 01:00:31,740 sending in a note letting us know if something we can read, 1060 01:00:31,770 --> 01:00:35,220 all of that is fantastic value for value, time, talent or 1061 01:00:35,220 --> 01:00:40,290 treasure. Yes. And we start with Robin Tolbert, who has a 1062 01:00:40,290 --> 01:00:46,290 switcheroo and switcheroo he says I'm donating $52 for a 1063 01:00:46,290 --> 01:00:49,680 birthday associate producer ship Associate Executive Producer 1064 01:00:49,680 --> 01:00:54,510 ship for my sister in law. Dame Bessie the T is silent. Oh, 1065 01:00:54,540 --> 01:00:58,680 that's I guess it's a no agenda thing. Dame Bessie the tea is 1066 01:00:58,680 --> 01:01:01,470 silent who grapes smashed me into listening to Corinne the 1067 01:01:01,470 --> 01:01:05,490 keeper this summer. Dame besties birthday is January 12. Happy 1068 01:01:05,490 --> 01:01:09,330 birthday. And this Midwestern knows it's better to be early 1069 01:01:09,330 --> 01:01:12,330 than late. Right Thank you both for your honesty and your 1070 01:01:12,360 --> 01:01:17,010 optimism. Thank you not met sure we sweet make sure we do the 1071 01:01:17,220 --> 01:01:20,670 dame Bessie the T is silent right away. So I don't mess that 1072 01:01:20,670 --> 01:01:25,830 one up. Okay, this is how we got to do this on the fly. By the 1073 01:01:25,830 --> 01:01:30,900 way, if you reach $500 total. And if you do it through the 1074 01:01:30,900 --> 01:01:34,170 modern podcast apps with Satoshis it's one and a half 1075 01:01:34,170 --> 01:01:38,190 times special promotion. Yep. You become a salmon. Yay. You 1076 01:01:38,190 --> 01:01:41,640 get the official salmon yay. sippy cups and the limited 1077 01:01:41,640 --> 01:01:43,950 coasters. Yeah, how many do we have left? For those limited 1078 01:01:43,950 --> 01:01:44,820 edition coasters? 1079 01:01:44,850 --> 01:01:48,180 Tina Curry: I'd have to count. But we've sent out several. And 1080 01:01:48,510 --> 01:01:51,750 my art glasses are on their way. I had to order some more for 1081 01:01:51,780 --> 01:01:54,420 Pastor Jamie and yeah, they got sidelined. 1082 01:01:56,280 --> 01:01:59,070 Adam Curry: $50 Associate Executive Producer for Paul 1083 01:01:59,070 --> 01:02:01,590 Webb. I don't see you know, either. 1084 01:02:01,620 --> 01:02:05,910 Unknown: I have no note. But he's in the UK. Oh, yes. Yes. 1085 01:02:06,540 --> 01:02:07,230 All right. Yeah. 1086 01:02:08,880 --> 01:02:17,370 Adam Curry: 61,200 SATs from Phil Calvin. He says green 1087 01:02:17,370 --> 01:02:21,360 bubble boost. Oh, the green bubble. Yes. I have the green 1088 01:02:21,360 --> 01:02:24,480 bubble. I'm proud of it. Thank you, sir. Thank you very much. 1089 01:02:25,320 --> 01:02:27,750 Then we have Sarah Hubert. Yes. Do 1090 01:02:27,750 --> 01:02:28,560 Tina Curry: you have her note? I 1091 01:02:28,560 --> 01:02:32,520 Adam Curry: do. Now she had originally sent a British check. 1092 01:02:32,550 --> 01:02:36,120 Yes. Which I took to the bank. And they went yeah, Mr. Curry. 1093 01:02:37,770 --> 01:02:40,170 Along with another check. I forget who it was from? 1094 01:02:40,200 --> 01:02:44,160 Tina Curry: Yes. Tony from Tony. And I emailed her time and heard 1095 01:02:44,160 --> 01:02:45,540 from her. Yes. And 1096 01:02:45,540 --> 01:02:47,460 Adam Curry: she had written on the check curry and the keeper. 1097 01:02:47,460 --> 01:02:50,370 Yeah. And they said, Well, who's the keeper? I said, Don't you 1098 01:02:50,370 --> 01:02:53,340 listen to our show, bro. To Yeah, but it unless it's 1099 01:02:53,340 --> 01:02:56,460 registered here. If it said curry comma, the keeper. We 1100 01:02:56,460 --> 01:02:58,920 probably could have gotten away with it. But it's probably 1101 01:02:58,920 --> 01:03:02,760 better to say Adam and or Tina. Yes, that's fine. Yeah. And 1102 01:03:02,760 --> 01:03:05,580 maybe you could put crane the keeper in the memo field. It 1103 01:03:05,580 --> 01:03:08,820 just I love checks. I think they're fantastic. The way that 1104 01:03:08,820 --> 01:03:12,030 works in America. Everybody takes checks here to most people 1105 01:03:12,030 --> 01:03:15,000 in the world thing. What are you Pete? You might you're writing 1106 01:03:15,000 --> 01:03:17,850 your backwards? What are you still in the stone age? I 1107 01:03:17,850 --> 01:03:19,800 Tina Curry: only get like that in the grocery store. And I'm 1108 01:03:19,800 --> 01:03:21,330 like, Are you kidding me? 1109 01:03:21,360 --> 01:03:24,300 Unknown: You're writing a check. Really? Like 1110 01:03:24,300 --> 01:03:26,940 you really get mad people know? 1111 01:03:27,300 --> 01:03:32,310 Adam Curry: Just you do say it says you gotta start steaming 1112 01:03:32,310 --> 01:03:32,550 up. I 1113 01:03:32,550 --> 01:03:33,600 Tina Curry: questioned like, 1114 01:03:33,630 --> 01:03:35,760 Adam Curry: I mean, I'm so afraid of people like you. 1115 01:03:35,790 --> 01:03:38,520 Tina Curry: I'm like my frozen food is melting over here. I'm 1116 01:03:38,520 --> 01:03:39,690 so afraid of people like 1117 01:03:39,690 --> 01:03:42,210 Adam Curry: you. When I roll up. I stick my card in right away 1118 01:03:42,210 --> 01:03:45,810 because you can do it before everything right away. I always 1119 01:03:45,810 --> 01:03:49,140 round up and stick my card in behind me and I'm mad that I'm 1120 01:03:49,140 --> 01:03:55,230 fumbling with my card. So Sarah said, Please accept my second 1121 01:03:55,560 --> 01:04:00,540 second attempt at my two Timothy four verse three donation. Now 1122 01:04:00,540 --> 01:04:01,440 what was that again? 1123 01:04:01,470 --> 01:04:02,970 Unknown: Two Timothy four or 1124 01:04:04,560 --> 01:04:07,860 Adam Curry: you don't have that handy. I don't look it up. 1125 01:04:07,950 --> 01:04:11,880 Unknown: It was it was I know card but I'll continue reading 1126 01:04:11,880 --> 01:04:12,240 the note. 1127 01:04:12,270 --> 01:04:16,530 Tina Curry: I don't have it. I'm sorry. Go. Go Google. 1128 01:04:17,670 --> 01:04:20,730 Adam Curry: It's amazing. If you do in Google to Timothy four 1129 01:04:20,730 --> 01:04:23,580 verse three. You'd be amazed how quickly it pops up. 1130 01:04:23,790 --> 01:04:25,860 Unknown: Well it up in my Bible. She says I couldn't find 1131 01:04:25,860 --> 01:04:28,230 Adam Curry: anywhere to write an accompanying note. Please don't 1132 01:04:28,230 --> 01:04:30,780 feel you have to read it out. No, we do. Of course we do. 1133 01:04:31,020 --> 01:04:33,720 Thank you for your god shots. I am reading my way through the 1134 01:04:33,720 --> 01:04:36,720 Bible. It's the New International Version. I have a 1135 01:04:36,720 --> 01:04:39,630 way to go before I get to Revelation but it prompted me to 1136 01:04:39,630 --> 01:04:44,040 look up chapter three verse 11. It starts with I am coming soon. 1137 01:04:44,190 --> 01:04:47,430 Funny enough. I recently heard Adam say Jesus Come quick. 1138 01:04:47,520 --> 01:04:51,510 Probably no agenda and responses and crazy news items. Yes, yes, 1139 01:04:51,510 --> 01:04:55,080 you did. I did say those words no sprang to mind whenever I 1140 01:04:55,080 --> 01:04:58,770 hear new levels of cultural craziness. The way you responded 1141 01:04:58,770 --> 01:05:00,960 to your friend about the Bible While she's reading was so 1142 01:05:00,960 --> 01:05:04,440 gracious Tina, learning to pause and not judge is something I'm 1143 01:05:04,440 --> 01:05:07,830 trying to work on along with my word gratitude. That's her word 1144 01:05:07,830 --> 01:05:11,610 for 24 I am very grateful she says for carrying the keeper 1145 01:05:12,090 --> 01:05:14,970 Thank you Sarah. Thank you very much That's so sweet of you to 1146 01:05:14,970 --> 01:05:16,500 resend that so Second 1147 01:05:16,500 --> 01:05:20,550 Tina Curry: Timothy chapter four verse three is for a time is 1148 01:05:20,550 --> 01:05:23,040 coming when people will no longer listen to sound and 1149 01:05:23,040 --> 01:05:26,100 wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desire and will 1150 01:05:26,100 --> 01:05:28,980 look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears 1151 01:05:28,980 --> 01:05:33,120 want to hear. Thanks membership was talking about the UK and she 1152 01:05:33,120 --> 01:05:35,490 was talking about Thank you Sarah that's so sweet. 1153 01:05:35,550 --> 01:05:38,370 Adam Curry: And then I have all this is interesting. I've pastor 1154 01:05:38,370 --> 01:05:47,070 Jimmy 15 33,333 And somehow let me just make sure I didn't lose 1155 01:05:47,070 --> 01:05:53,970 his his note here we go. So many nuggets. Is this the one no, 1156 01:05:53,970 --> 01:05:57,480 that's not the one password Jimmy somehow lost his note. No, 1157 01:05:57,480 --> 01:06:00,810 he has no he has add no boost Graham with his don't. 1158 01:06:02,610 --> 01:06:04,410 Unknown: It's like, he's like, Oh, I've 1159 01:06:04,410 --> 01:06:06,990 Adam Curry: just been boosted him. I got nothing to say. Oh, 1160 01:06:06,990 --> 01:06:08,070 Tina Curry: he has no note. 1161 01:06:08,730 --> 01:06:11,670 Adam Curry: He has no boosted Graham. That's, that's so unlike 1162 01:06:11,670 --> 01:06:12,000 him. 1163 01:06:12,540 --> 01:06:13,620 Tina Curry: He must not like us. And 1164 01:06:14,670 --> 01:06:18,090 Adam Curry: by the way, good news for all you living up in a 1165 01:06:18,090 --> 01:06:22,170 down world fans. They are recording a new show tomorrow on 1166 01:06:22,170 --> 01:06:22,950 Thursday. So 1167 01:06:23,580 --> 01:06:26,460 Tina Curry: I have his message. Oh, you do another great 1168 01:06:26,460 --> 01:06:30,090 episode. Kids. We love you guys. And I'm looking forward to doing 1169 01:06:30,300 --> 01:06:36,360 life and 2024 We get to do this KTL D and K y o k what? Cable? 1170 01:06:39,330 --> 01:06:48,330 Adam Curry: Y Bo Yes. Yeah, well, fountain, they just 1171 01:06:48,330 --> 01:06:51,900 released a new version. And it's really really good. It's very 1172 01:06:51,900 --> 01:06:52,530 fast. So 1173 01:06:52,530 --> 01:06:53,820 Tina Curry: do you couldn't find the message? 1174 01:06:54,180 --> 01:06:56,610 Adam Curry: That must be me. I'll chalk that up to me. Who 1175 01:06:56,610 --> 01:06:59,250 knows what happened there? Thank you Pastor Jimmy. 1176 01:06:59,280 --> 01:07:01,590 Unknown: Thank you Pastor Jimmy again. A new living up 1177 01:07:01,590 --> 01:07:04,260 Adam Curry: in a down world drops as the kids say tomorrow. 1178 01:07:04,350 --> 01:07:09,900 Oh I love 11,111 1179 01:07:09,990 --> 01:07:11,640 Tina Curry: Wait, do you have the 20,000 I'm 1180 01:07:11,640 --> 01:07:13,950 Adam Curry: sorry. You're right. You're right. I do. Oh, 1181 01:07:14,340 --> 01:07:16,320 Tina Curry: I need to be sitting over there. You do okay. 1182 01:07:16,650 --> 01:07:17,400 Cardboard 1183 01:07:17,400 --> 01:07:21,390 Adam Curry: war here. Yeah. 20,000 SATs Tina. Please share 1184 01:07:21,390 --> 01:07:24,810 your tried to brush Oh, I will in the evening and God bless. 1185 01:07:24,810 --> 01:07:27,810 Okay, here it consists of putting some stuff on it and 1186 01:07:27,810 --> 01:07:31,950 then giving it to Adam to cook couscous me it's a little more 1187 01:07:31,950 --> 01:07:35,130 than cooking. I mean, low and slow. You're gonna put all that 1188 01:07:35,130 --> 01:07:39,210 in it and then you need to get your your pan hot. Your iron 1189 01:07:39,210 --> 01:07:43,080 cast skillet and you got to smoke up the house. If the house 1190 01:07:43,080 --> 01:07:45,690 if you can see through the end of the living room. You've done 1191 01:07:45,690 --> 01:07:46,380 something wrong. 1192 01:07:47,040 --> 01:07:48,990 Tina Curry: Email me cnet.com 1193 01:07:50,430 --> 01:07:53,460 Adam Curry: we should we should publish it. All right. Then we 1194 01:07:53,460 --> 01:07:56,970 have 11,111 from Sir Brian with an eye 1195 01:07:57,330 --> 01:08:00,570 Unknown: that he says 7111 1196 01:08:01,350 --> 01:08:01,680 Tina Curry: a row 1197 01:08:01,680 --> 01:08:02,580 Unknown: of sticks. Yes. 1198 01:08:02,820 --> 01:08:05,610 Adam Curry: You asked how many nicknames we have for our pets. 1199 01:08:05,610 --> 01:08:10,620 Well, my dog Chloe only has one nickname. Clint calls her cloaca 1200 01:08:10,830 --> 01:08:14,040 cloaca I'm sorry cloaca that's what 1201 01:08:15,060 --> 01:08:20,760 Unknown: clue as well a cool Cloaker he's got a phonetic that 1202 01:08:21,540 --> 01:08:22,200 Tina Curry: they think 1203 01:08:22,200 --> 01:08:25,440 Adam Curry: that's that's borderline animal abuse. If you 1204 01:08:25,440 --> 01:08:29,880 didn't take public high school biology see you close it with 1205 01:08:29,880 --> 01:08:33,840 chicken has. Oh, feel free to Google the word I won't tell you 1206 01:08:33,840 --> 01:08:36,090 what it means. I've been told more than once that this is a 1207 01:08:36,090 --> 01:08:39,870 family show. But just a little hint. A cloaca as Quinn 1208 01:08:39,870 --> 01:08:42,990 describes it is an anatomical one stop shop for birds, 1209 01:08:43,230 --> 01:08:47,340 chickens. I on the other hand, love my dog in the evening Chloe 1210 01:08:47,370 --> 01:08:49,350 want to go in the car when you go on the current want to treat. 1211 01:08:49,710 --> 01:08:54,480 Chloe Chloe is our dog looking because she she always gets 1212 01:08:54,480 --> 01:08:54,840 excited. 1213 01:08:55,979 --> 01:08:59,129 Tina Curry: Sleeping. And then thank you. Thank you, Brian. Oh, 1214 01:08:59,130 --> 01:09:03,600 Adam Curry: he's not done. 77770. 1215 01:09:03,720 --> 01:09:04,500 Unknown: Really? 1216 01:09:05,040 --> 01:09:06,750 Adam Curry: This is the one from last week. It's 1217 01:09:06,749 --> 01:09:08,609 Tina Curry: January 3. Yes. No, but 1218 01:09:08,610 --> 01:09:13,050 Adam Curry: we did the show on January second. We did the show 1219 01:09:13,050 --> 01:09:14,010 on January 3. 1220 01:09:14,790 --> 01:09:18,510 Tina Curry: Oh my gosh. What is going on over there? No wine, 1221 01:09:18,539 --> 01:09:19,319 Unknown: no food. 1222 01:09:21,990 --> 01:09:24,780 Adam Curry: No wine. Is there anything else on the fountain 1223 01:09:24,780 --> 01:09:28,020 app that you saw because I'm clearly failing anything else? 1224 01:09:30,960 --> 01:09:37,170 Unknown: I have. Well, no, no. No, I've got 5000 set. Oh, no, 1225 01:09:37,200 --> 01:09:37,950 that can't be. 1226 01:09:38,160 --> 01:09:42,180 Tina Curry: I have 5000 sets from cardboard warrior. Yeah. 40 1227 01:09:42,210 --> 01:09:44,130 Note Yeah, Trish 1228 01:09:44,729 --> 01:09:52,199 Adam Curry: 70,000 2000 and voodoo 76. With 1008 Yes, yeah. 1229 01:09:52,319 --> 01:09:58,679 This is your amazing. Yes. And then user 51635890. Yeah, change 1230 01:09:58,679 --> 01:10:01,619 your name. Yes. Five. 100 SATs with a heart. I 1231 01:10:01,620 --> 01:10:03,630 Tina Curry: apologize for Adam he's having a rough go. 1232 01:10:04,890 --> 01:10:06,360 Unknown: He really is. There's something 1233 01:10:06,360 --> 01:10:08,610 Adam Curry: about when I ordered the stuff and I put it in the 1234 01:10:08,610 --> 01:10:13,020 right order somehow it screws up it somehow Brian just keeps 1235 01:10:13,020 --> 01:10:15,510 coming back to what? What 1236 01:10:17,910 --> 01:10:19,500 Unknown: do I need to take that on too? 1237 01:10:19,530 --> 01:10:24,180 No, it's okay. Okay. We can talk about some be doing this in the 1238 01:10:24,180 --> 01:10:24,690 meeting. 1239 01:10:26,010 --> 01:10:27,840 Tina Curry: We're having a meeting after this too. I have 1240 01:10:27,840 --> 01:10:29,790 some I have some things to discuss. I 1241 01:10:29,790 --> 01:10:32,070 Adam Curry: don't think so. I'll be walking the dog 1242 01:10:32,070 --> 01:10:33,240 Tina Curry: Thank you everybody. We 1243 01:10:33,240 --> 01:10:34,980 Adam Curry: appreciate it. Really do go to Korean the 1244 01:10:34,980 --> 01:10:38,280 keeper.com that we have a donate page and there's also the 1245 01:10:38,280 --> 01:10:40,890 newsletter signup is right at the top in the manual check 1246 01:10:40,920 --> 01:10:43,800 check the other and sign up because the newsletters are 1247 01:10:43,800 --> 01:10:45,750 good. Oh, right. Some 1248 01:10:45,780 --> 01:10:47,130 Unknown: the newsletter department. Oh, 1249 01:10:48,210 --> 01:10:51,540 Adam Curry: yeah. And who always is the stupid model to look 1250 01:10:51,540 --> 01:10:55,110 dorky in the picture? That will be me from the model department. 1251 01:10:55,260 --> 01:10:58,620 Unknown: You are totally in it. You're like you want me to look 1252 01:10:58,620 --> 01:11:01,950 like this? Like look sad. Sad puppy Fe 1253 01:11:01,980 --> 01:11:04,500 Adam Curry: I was smiling. You know, don't smile. 1254 01:11:06,840 --> 01:11:09,060 Unknown: Look, you're clearly struggling over there. I 1255 01:11:09,060 --> 01:11:12,930 Adam Curry: know. I don't know what to do with myself. I have 1256 01:11:12,930 --> 01:11:16,410 an idea about the question of the week let's get out of this 1257 01:11:16,410 --> 01:11:24,720 great question. I don't know if I can do this. Right. Everything 1258 01:11:24,720 --> 01:11:31,710 else has gone wrong so far. No. Why no question. I don't even 1259 01:11:31,710 --> 01:11:32,670 want to participate 1260 01:11:40,200 --> 01:11:43,440 Tina Curry: Okay, next week. Yeah. So as you're gonna do a 1261 01:11:44,550 --> 01:11:46,890 Adam Curry: question for the week. Okay. And we'll see how 1262 01:11:46,890 --> 01:11:48,090 easy it is for you to come 1263 01:11:48,090 --> 01:11:51,210 Unknown: up with the answer on the fly. Okay. Um, hey, 1264 01:11:51,240 --> 01:11:53,550 Adam Curry: I'm down. By the way. This really is disgusting. 1265 01:11:53,850 --> 01:11:56,880 This crayon water you gave me You should taste it. Did you 1266 01:11:56,880 --> 01:12:03,540 taste that one? No, of course not. And it was like magenta. 1267 01:12:03,570 --> 01:12:05,100 One of those colors no one wants. 1268 01:12:07,980 --> 01:12:12,030 Tina Curry: Brian, it's light brown is very sorry. I'm sorry. 1269 01:12:12,330 --> 01:12:12,720 It's more 1270 01:12:12,720 --> 01:12:16,290 Adam Curry: like puddle water that you got warmed over puddle 1271 01:12:16,290 --> 01:12:21,120 water. Alright, question of the week. All right, buddy. Share 1272 01:12:21,120 --> 01:12:25,410 Tina Curry: with with the cork. soakers a vineyard nation. One 1273 01:12:25,410 --> 01:12:29,280 of the fondest memories you have with one of your sisters are 1274 01:12:29,280 --> 01:12:30,420 both your sisters. 1275 01:12:32,220 --> 01:12:40,170 Adam Curry: Ha, the fondest memory. Can you go first? Yes. 1276 01:12:40,200 --> 01:12:40,650 Yes. I 1277 01:12:40,650 --> 01:12:42,270 Tina Curry: have a couple. So I have. I 1278 01:12:42,270 --> 01:12:46,200 Unknown: had we have a couple sisters horses I had passed away 1279 01:12:46,200 --> 01:12:52,620 Tina Curry: so I have memories for each of them. In 2014, I had 1280 01:12:52,620 --> 01:12:56,280 just moved to Austin and my sister Tony and Angie flew to 1281 01:12:56,280 --> 01:13:01,590 Austin to celebrate my birthday with me. And we had just a 1282 01:13:01,590 --> 01:13:05,760 blast, a blast. And at one point. Everybody got so tipsy 1283 01:13:05,760 --> 01:13:08,610 that we had a picture of Tony in the parking lot laying flat on 1284 01:13:08,610 --> 01:13:10,440 her face and her dress and her heels. 1285 01:13:10,740 --> 01:13:14,820 Unknown: I've seen this picture every time newsletter every 1286 01:13:14,820 --> 01:13:17,640 Tina Curry: time ever. That night when we would pull it up, 1287 01:13:17,670 --> 01:13:20,130 we would just start cracking up laughing because she was 1288 01:13:20,130 --> 01:13:23,340 hysterical. And then I forced them to walk up the hill on 1289 01:13:23,340 --> 01:13:26,100 South Congress and they because they were hungover and they were 1290 01:13:26,100 --> 01:13:29,760 just they were anyway. That's one of my fondest memories. But 1291 01:13:29,940 --> 01:13:35,550 my probably one of my most favorite memories is when I flew 1292 01:13:35,550 --> 01:13:38,400 to Chicago and surprise my sister Lisa for her 50th 1293 01:13:38,400 --> 01:13:42,330 birthday. Oh, I remember that I was really no idea what it was. 1294 01:13:42,450 --> 01:13:46,980 And so she was in the room and she was putting on her makeup I 1295 01:13:46,980 --> 01:13:52,770 had checked in and then got ready and and the I knock at the 1296 01:13:52,770 --> 01:13:56,370 door and they say to Lisa go go into the door she's like you can 1297 01:13:56,370 --> 01:13:59,910 answer the door I'm getting ready. And so her girlfriend 1298 01:13:59,910 --> 01:14:05,520 opens the door and I walk all the way in and she sees me and 1299 01:14:05,550 --> 01:14:08,880 she's jumping up and down jumping up and down and that to 1300 01:14:08,880 --> 01:14:15,300 me was one of the most coolest memories that I had with her. So 1301 01:14:15,330 --> 01:14:16,200 you welcome Lisa 1302 01:14:19,230 --> 01:14:21,510 Adam Curry: I really enjoyed it when my sisters were at our 1303 01:14:21,510 --> 01:14:23,700 wedding. That was really 1304 01:14:23,910 --> 01:14:27,720 Tina Curry: now when I first met met your sister though this is 1305 01:14:27,720 --> 01:14:34,440 Adam Curry: my okay once you just take over the role of both 1306 01:14:34,440 --> 01:14:35,070 hosts 1307 01:14:36,390 --> 01:14:38,490 Unknown: what this mic me 1308 01:14:40,350 --> 01:14:42,960 Adam Curry: this may sound a little weird, but we were kind 1309 01:14:42,960 --> 01:14:49,140 of estranged my sisters and I really well I moved to America 1310 01:14:49,140 --> 01:14:52,830 and I was on a rocket Korea rocket ship Korea on campus. 1311 01:14:52,920 --> 01:14:56,760 This is before we had you know even texting really almost. That 1312 01:14:56,760 --> 01:15:01,440 was in fact no that wasn't a thing in 87 So you know, there 1313 01:15:01,440 --> 01:15:03,930 was just the contact wasn't very frequent all my fault, of 1314 01:15:03,930 --> 01:15:07,320 course, which that Tiffany of all people just sit there and 1315 01:15:07,320 --> 01:15:11,820 steam her, I'd call on her birthday. But in an odd way when 1316 01:15:11,820 --> 01:15:18,360 my mom passed, and we were all there, as she passed, and my mom 1317 01:15:18,360 --> 01:15:21,810 had left these envelopes to be opened because she was well 1318 01:15:21,810 --> 01:15:26,400 prepared for it. And she left these envelopes for each of us. 1319 01:15:26,910 --> 01:15:31,770 And we opened them all that that night all together, and they 1320 01:15:31,770 --> 01:15:38,580 were hilarious. Oh, really funny things to say. And, and just, I 1321 01:15:38,580 --> 01:15:43,200 think we even had a pizza. My mom's laying next door. And 1322 01:15:43,350 --> 01:15:46,230 yeah, I mean it while we were all very worried. This was long 1323 01:15:46,230 --> 01:15:50,670 time, but she was sick for a very long time. That it was 1324 01:15:50,670 --> 01:15:55,620 somehow and really close. very joyous. Particularly because my 1325 01:15:55,620 --> 01:16:00,000 mom's humor was in the middle of it. And Bob was there to her 1326 01:16:00,000 --> 01:16:03,450 husband. That was a that's a very fun memory. 1327 01:16:03,570 --> 01:16:06,150 Unknown: Oh, in the middle of your grief. 1328 01:16:06,150 --> 01:16:07,050 Tina Curry: You had joy. 1329 01:16:07,080 --> 01:16:11,220 Adam Curry: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we had joy. Oh, that's a sweet joy. 1330 01:16:11,310 --> 01:16:15,840 We had fun. Seasons in the sun. There you go. Hey. 1331 01:16:18,300 --> 01:16:21,210 Tina Curry: I forgot to it. Anything else you want to add? 1332 01:16:21,210 --> 01:16:22,380 Because I have one last note 1333 01:16:22,380 --> 01:16:24,570 Adam Curry: about um, John. Thank you. I know my time 1334 01:16:24,570 --> 01:16:25,050 allotment. 1335 01:16:25,080 --> 01:16:26,160 Tina Curry: Okay. No, 1336 01:16:26,160 --> 01:16:27,330 Unknown: that's really sweet. I 1337 01:16:27,330 --> 01:16:30,660 Tina Curry: love that. I may have to do that. What? 1338 01:16:30,720 --> 01:16:31,440 Unknown: Right letters? 1339 01:16:31,530 --> 01:16:33,840 Adam Curry: Oh, I thought that was the best. And you know, my 1340 01:16:33,840 --> 01:16:38,280 mom was just like, I've paid for my funeral. And everyone gets 1341 01:16:38,280 --> 01:16:41,400 one cup of coffee and it's a plain old coffin. And yeah, burn 1342 01:16:41,400 --> 01:16:46,230 it. And Adam, don't you dare do anything more. Oh, except then 1343 01:16:46,230 --> 01:16:48,900 she said and I want a 1950s rock and roll party. 1344 01:16:49,350 --> 01:16:50,940 Unknown: Oh, did you do that? Oh, yeah. 1345 01:16:50,940 --> 01:16:53,970 Adam Curry: I got hot rods. It was hard to get hot rods in the 1346 01:16:54,630 --> 01:16:58,320 in Holland. But I got hot rods. I had a jukebox. I had, you 1347 01:16:58,320 --> 01:17:00,600 know, Teddy coats. bobby socks. The whole thing. 1348 01:17:01,260 --> 01:17:04,680 Tina Curry: Oh, Adam. I messed up. messed up. Actually. 1349 01:17:04,710 --> 01:17:06,480 Adam Curry: Of course I did. I'm sorry. in advance. 1350 01:17:07,170 --> 01:17:11,520 Unknown: We got the thunder shirt in the mail. card. Oh, you 1351 01:17:11,520 --> 01:17:16,770 have a card who sent it? I can't find it on your side of the 1352 01:17:16,770 --> 01:17:17,760 desk. Well, 1353 01:17:17,790 --> 01:17:18,660 you did. 1354 01:17:19,920 --> 01:17:25,050 Move nothing. Yes. I touched nothing. No, checking in the box 1355 01:17:25,170 --> 01:17:29,640 Adam Curry: in the box. I don't know check somewhere. But what 1356 01:17:29,640 --> 01:17:33,720 it is, I didn't touch it. Give me the box. Show me the box here 1357 01:17:33,840 --> 01:17:34,500 in the box. 1358 01:17:35,400 --> 01:17:39,060 Tina Curry: So we got this thunder shirt for for Phoebe and 1359 01:17:39,060 --> 01:17:40,410 an extra large commended 1360 01:17:40,410 --> 01:17:43,080 Adam Curry: for thunder fireworks separation anxiety, 1361 01:17:43,080 --> 01:17:44,400 travel and vet visits. 1362 01:17:44,430 --> 01:17:47,370 Tina Curry: I had his card because they sent a little card. 1363 01:17:47,520 --> 01:17:52,320 And now I can't find it. I really didn't. Hold on. Hold on. 1364 01:17:52,320 --> 01:17:54,930 Hold on. Well, that stinks. 1365 01:17:54,960 --> 01:17:56,430 Unknown: I'm so sorry. It's 1366 01:17:56,430 --> 01:17:59,040 Tina Curry: an assault. No, it's not. Yeah, you're off your game 1367 01:17:59,040 --> 01:17:59,490 tonight. 1368 01:18:00,180 --> 01:18:03,150 Adam Curry: Not off my game. I'm spot on. I mean, how you've 1369 01:18:03,150 --> 01:18:04,650 laughed throughout the whole show. Oh, 1370 01:18:04,650 --> 01:18:08,430 Tina Curry: man. I'm so I feel so bad. Now. Hold on. Let me 1371 01:18:08,430 --> 01:18:09,930 open it. Maybe it's slipped in here. 1372 01:18:13,050 --> 01:18:14,880 Unknown: This is Oh, no. 1373 01:18:16,440 --> 01:18:19,710 Adam Curry: We'll find it. We'll we'll get an email. It was 1374 01:18:19,710 --> 01:18:20,730 Unknown: so kind. 1375 01:18:21,690 --> 01:18:22,530 Adam Curry: We'll fix it on that. 1376 01:18:23,010 --> 01:18:23,790 Tina Curry: And I'm 1377 01:18:24,660 --> 01:18:28,890 Unknown: sure so. Yes. fits her. Oh, perfect. Okay, 1378 01:18:28,920 --> 01:18:31,230 Tina Curry: I'm so sorry. But thank you. Any 1379 01:18:31,230 --> 01:18:32,430 Adam Curry: other cards you want to read? 1380 01:18:32,610 --> 01:18:36,240 Unknown: No. No. Oh. Okay. 1381 01:18:36,240 --> 01:18:38,310 Adam Curry: Well, you really enjoy the show on a downer. 1382 01:18:39,660 --> 01:18:40,890 Tina Curry: You got anything fun to add? 1383 01:18:40,920 --> 01:18:44,010 Adam Curry: No. I mean, I was I got my dead mom story. And then 1384 01:18:44,010 --> 01:18:46,200 you went into I'm sorry. I don't have the card. What are we going 1385 01:18:46,200 --> 01:18:46,560 to do? 1386 01:18:46,800 --> 01:18:50,700 Unknown: I thought Yeah, it's okay. 1387 01:18:51,120 --> 01:18:53,520 Tina Curry: I think it's in the box. You taped? Oh, it 1388 01:18:53,520 --> 01:18:59,400 Adam Curry: has no garage. Take that back. No, no, no. Oh, I'm 1389 01:18:59,400 --> 01:19:05,220 ready for the meeting. Yes. Okay. I love you Mrs. Curry. 1390 01:19:05,250 --> 01:19:07,320 Tina Curry: I love you too. I'm sorry. It was so hard on you 1391 01:19:07,320 --> 01:19:07,740 tonight. 1392 01:19:09,210 --> 01:19:12,690 Adam Curry: What else is now? See you next week, everybody